16 research outputs found

    Madame de Genlis – Educator During Enlightenment and Romance

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    Madame de Genlis (1746–1830) oli ranskalainen pedagogi ja tuottelias kirjailija, joka on jÀÀnyt Suomessa tuntemattomaksi. Vuosisata-ajattelu jĂ€ttÀÀ helposti siirtymĂ€vaiheiden ilmiöt tarkastelujen pimentoon. NĂ€mĂ€ katvealueet ja marginaalit ovat kuitenkin kiintoisia. Genlis omaksui 1700-luvun puolivĂ€lin esivalistuksen aatteita ja ajatuksia ja laati niistĂ€ erityisesti opetuskĂ€yttöön sovelluksia, joiden vaikutukset ilmenivĂ€t vasta viipeellĂ€ 1800-luvulla. LisĂ€ksi katveeseen jÀÀmistĂ€ aiheutti naiseus, hĂ€nen tuotantonsa monialaisuus ja valtatutkimuksen keskittyminen usein vain alan suuriin nimiin ja klassikoihin. Genlisin tekee merkittĂ€vĂ€ksi ja ajankohtaiseksi hĂ€nen uudistava pedagogiikkansa myös tiedeopetuksen alalla. TĂ€ssĂ€ artikkelissa esitellÀÀn hĂ€ntĂ€ pedagogina ja tarkastellaan erityisesti hĂ€nen opetusmenetelmiÀÀn, esimerkkinĂ€ eri ammatteja esittelevĂ€t pienoismallit. Tutkimus pohjautuu Pariisin Conservatoire National des Arts et MĂ©tiers’n (CNAM) arkiston ja sen museon kokoelmiin sekĂ€ Ranskan kansalliskirjaston aineistoihin. This article presents the work and pedagogical ideas of StĂ©phanie FĂ©licitĂ© Ducrest (1746-1830), known as Madame de Genlis, especially to the Finnish audience. She was a French educator, a prolific writer and a talented harpist. Before the Revolution, she worked as the 'governor' of the children of the OrlĂ©ans family. The article focuses on her pedagogical ideas and modern teaching methods: for example, she used magic lantern to teach history and geography, native speakers to teach foreign languages, 1:8 scale models of workshops presenting different trades and professions, and taught her pupils to observe their surroundings. The models were based on picture plates published in Diderot's and d'Alembert's EncyclopĂ©die, although Genlis was a devout Catholic and otherwise contested the perceived atheism of the philosophers. She was well known in Europe in her own time, but her ideas did not reach Finland, and the article reflects upon the reasons for this.Peer reviewe

    Madame de Genlis – valistuksen ja romantiikan pedagogi

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    This article presents the work and pedagogical ideas of StĂ©phanie FĂ©licitĂ© Ducrest (1746–1830), known as Madame de Genlis, especially to the Finnish audience. She was a French educator, a prolific writer and a talented harpist. Before the Revolution, she worked as the ‘governess’ of the children of Louis Philip Joseph (1747–1793), Duke of Chartres. The article focuses on her pedagogical ideas and modern teaching methods: for example, she used the magic lantern to teach history and geography, native speakers to teach foreign languages, 1:8 scale models of workshops presenting different trades and professions, and taught her pupils to observe their surroundings. The models were based on picture plates published in Diderot’s and d’Alembert's EncyclopĂ©die, although Genlis was a devout Catholic and otherwise contested the perceived atheism of the philosophers. She was well known in Europe in her own time, but her ideas did not reach Finland, and the article reflects upon the reasons for this.Madame de Genlis (17461830) oli ranskalainen pedagogi ja tuottelias kirjailija. Genlis omaksui 1700-luvun puolivĂ€lin esivalistuksen aatteita ja ajatuksia ja laati niistĂ€ erityisesti opetuskĂ€yttöön sovelluksia, joiden vaikutukset ilmenivĂ€t vasta viipeellĂ€ 1800-luvulla. Vuosisata-ajattelu jĂ€ttÀÀ helposti siirtymĂ€vaiheiden ilmiöt tarkastelujen pimentoon. Genlisin kohdalla katveeseen jÀÀmistĂ€ aiheutti naiseus, hĂ€nen kirjallisen tuotantonsa monialaisuus ja valtatutkimuksen keskittyminen usein vain alan suuriin nimiin ja klassikoihin. Genlisin tekee kuitenkin merkittĂ€vĂ€ksi ja ajankohtaiseksi hĂ€nen uudistava pedagogiikkansa myös tiedeopetuksen alalla. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tavoitteena on esitellĂ€ hĂ€ntĂ€ pedagogina suomalaiselle lukijakunnalle ja tarkastella erityisesti hĂ€nen opetusmenetelmiÀÀn, esimerkkinĂ€ eri ammatteja esittelevĂ€t pienoismallit. Tutkimuksen pÀÀtulokseksi nousee Genlisin pedagogiikan nojautuminen valistuksen luonnontieteelliseen perustaan ja siitĂ€ laadittuihin kokeellisiin opetussovelluksiin, jotka levisivĂ€t myös kansainvĂ€lisesti hĂ€nen kirjallisen tuotantonsa ja sen kÀÀnnösten vĂ€lityksellĂ€. Tutkimus pohjautuu Pariisin Conservatoire National des Arts et MĂ©tiersn (CNAM) arkiston ja sen museon kokoelmiin sekĂ€ Ranskan kansalliskirjaston aineistoihin


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    ‱ La variante tamĂąhaq Ajjer provient d’une forme primitive azger (Kel-Azger, lze-gren) attestĂ©e dans les parlers touaregs mĂ©ridionaux. Azger dĂ©signe en berbĂšre nord et en touareg mĂ©ridional le « bƓuf ». Cet ethnonyme est peut-ĂȘtre Ă  rapprocher du nom de tribu antique Zegrensis.‱ Pays des Kel-Ajjer, territoire situĂ© entre les 21e et 29e degrĂ© de latitude nord et le 6e et le 12e de longitude est, entre l’Ahaggar Ă  l’ouest, la Hamada de Tinghert au nord, le TĂ©nĂ©rĂ© du Tafassasset et le plateau du..

    Active control of a large deformable mirror for future E-ELT

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    International audienceIncreasing dimensions of ground based telescopes and adaptive optics needs for these instruments require wide deformable mirrors with a high number of actuators to compensate the effects of the atmospheric turbulence on the wave fronts. The new dimensions and characteristics of these deformable mirrors lead to the apparition of structural vibrations, which may reduce the rejection band width of the adaptive optics control loop. The aim of this paper is the study of the dynamic behavior of a 1-meter prototype of E-ELT's deformable mirror in order to identify its eigenmodes and to propose some ways to control its vibrations. We first present the first eigenmodes of the structure determined by both finite element analysis and experimental modal analysis. Then we present the frequency response of the prototype to a tilt excitation to estimate the effects of its vibrations on the adaptive optics loop. Finally we suggest a method to control the dynamics of the deformable mirror

    Active control of a large deformable mirror for future E-ELT

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    International audienceIncreasing dimensions of ground based telescopes and adaptive optics needs for these instruments require wide deformable mirrors with a high number of actuators to compensate the effects of the atmospheric turbulence on the wave fronts. The new dimensions and characteristics of these deformable mirrors lead to the apparition of structural vibrations, which may reduce the rejection band width of the adaptive optics control loop. The aim of this paper is the study of the dynamic behavior of a 1-meter prototype of E-ELT's deformable mirror in order to identify its eigenmodes and to propose some ways to control its vibrations. We first present the first eigenmodes of the structure determined by both finite element analysis and experimental modal analysis. Then we present the frequency response of the prototype to a tilt excitation to estimate the effects of its vibrations on the adaptive optics loop. Finally we suggest a method to control the dynamics of the deformable mirror

    Modeling of a large deformable mirror for future E-ELT

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    International audienceIncreasing dimensions of ground based telescopes while implementing Adaptive Optics systems to cancel both structural deformations and atmospheric effects require very large diameters deformable mirrors (DM) and a high number of actuators with large strokes. This has led for the future E-ELT to a 2.5 m diameter DM getting about 8000 actuators. This paper presents a local and a global model of the DM in order to both study its influence function and its dynamical behavior. In the first part, influence function of the mirror is calculated. Results obtained by an analytical way are compared to those obtained numerically. In the second part, modal analysis of the mirror is presented. Results are limited to the first modes. Modal analysis is also only made for the base plate to derive the specific influence of DM's components on the global dynamic behavior. In the last part, optimization methods are used to help designing a 1 m prototype of the DM