274 research outputs found

    Analysis of the ambient conditions in systems of freestall lodging for dairy cows

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    Brazilian climatic conditions are highly unfavorable for European dairy cows breeds due to the difficulties in adapting to thermal comfort, leading to direct losses in milk production. The development of new technologies is needed in order to permit a better expression of the animal's genetic potential. The knowledge of the dairy cows response to adequate environment may improve milk production. However, the misuse of unappropriate solutions of cooling equipment can lead to the increase in production costs. The experiment was carried out at the Paraíso Farm in the municipallity of Santo Antonio do Jardim, SP, where 470 cows in lactation were used distributed in 6 lots, and analyzed in two periods from September to November, 2000 (T1) and September to November, 2001 (T2), without climatization and with climatization, respectively. The objective of this research was to analyze the physical housing environment of dairy cows housed in free-stall system using the thermal comfort indexes (THI) and (WBGT). The obtained results of average THI and WBGT for the group (T2) with climatization was better when compared with the group (T1) without climatization. The conclusion was that both THI and WBGT were better and satisfactory for the group with cooling equipments.No Brasil, em algumas regiões, as condições climáticas são desfavoráveis às raças leiteiras européias, devido às dificuldades de adaptação, fato que afeta diretamente o setor produtivo de leite e, com o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, torna-se imprescindível que o potencial genético seja evidenciado nos animais. Desta forma, o conhecimento das respostas da exposição das vacas em produção ao ambiente adequado, pode ter reflexo na produtividade leiteira. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Paraíso no município de Santo Antônio do Jardim, SP, onde foram utilizadas 470 vacas em lactação distribuídas em 6 lotes e analisadas em dois períodos, que se estenderam de setembro a novembro de 2000 e de setembro a novembro de 2001, um sem climatização e outro com climatização, respectivamente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o ambiente físico de instalações de bovinos de leite em sistema de 'freestall' com base nos índices de conforto térmico (ITU) e (ITGU). Os resultados obtidos de ITU e ITGU médios, para o grupo com climatização, foram melhores quando comparados ao grupo sem climatização, e estiveram dentro das faixas consideradas satisfatórias para estes índices ambientais, concluindo-se que, tanto o ITU quanto o ITGU foram melhores para o grupo com equipamentos de climatização.29930

    A study of the behavioural response of whales to the noise of seismic air guns: design, methods and progress

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    The concern about the effects of the noise of human activities on marine mammals, particularly whales, has led to a substantial amount of research but there is still much that is not understood, particularly in terms of the behavioural responses to noise and the longer term biological consequences of these responses. There are many challenges in conducting experiments that adequately assess behavioural reactions of whales to noise. These include the need to obtain an adequate sample size with the necessary controls and to measure the range of variables likely to affect the observed response. Analysis is also complex. Well designed experiments are complex and logistically difficult, and thus expensive. This paper discusses the challenges involved and how these are being met in a major series of experiments in Australian waters on the response of humpback whales to the noise of seismic airgun arrays. The project is known as BRAHSS (Behavioural Response of Australian Humpback whales to Seismic Surveys) and aims to provide the information that will allow seismic surveys to be conducted efficiently with minimal impact on whales. It also includes a study of the response to ramp-up in sound level which is widely used at the start of operations, but for which there is little information to show that it is effective. BRAHSS also aims to infer the longer term biological significance of the responses from the results and the knowledge of normal behaviour. The results are expected to have relevance to other sources and species

    Effect of air temperature, genetic and period of the day in the frequencies of occurrences and length of time of behavioral expression of broiler breeders

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    Behavioral adjustments may occur fast and with less cost than the physiological adaptations. Considering the social behavior is suggestive that the frequency and the intensity of aggressive interactions, the total social cohesion and the extent of vicious attitudes may be used to evaluate welfare. This research presents an analysis of the interactions between the experimental factors such as temperature, genetic and time of the day in the behavior of female broiler breeders under controlled environment in a climatic chamber in order to enhance the different reaction of the birds facing distinct environmental conditions. The results showed significant differences between the behaviors expressed by the studied genetics presenting the need of monitoring them in real-time in order to predict their welfare in commercial housing, due to the complexity of the environmental variables that interfere in the well being process. The research also concluded that the welfare evaluation of female broiler breeders needs to consider the time of the day during the observation of the behaviors.Ajustes de comportamento podem ocorrer rapidamente e a custo menor do que os ajustes fisiológicos. Considerando o comportamento social, é sugestivo que a freqüência e a intensidade de interações agressivas, o total de coesão social e a extensão de vícios sociais possam ser utilizados para avaliação de bem-estar. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise das interações entre os fatores experimentais, como temperatura, linhagem e período do dia, nos comportamentos de matrizes pesadas alojadas em câmara climática, buscando evidenciar as diferentes reações das aves submetidas a distintas condições ambientais. Os resultados encontrados mostraram diferenças significativas entre os comportamentos expressos pelas diferentes linhagens, reforçando a necessidade do monitoramento em tempo real do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas em alojamentos comerciais, dada a complexidade com que as variáveis ambientais interferem no bem-estar. A pesquisa permitiu concluir também que a avaliação do bem-estar de matrizes pesadas deve considerar o período do dia na observação dos comportamentos.59661

    Evaluation of the noise level in swine housing

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    This research was carried out with in growing and finishing facilities of swine housing with the objective to evaluate and compare the noise level emitted by the animals mainly during feeding and noise level from other sources, and estimate the occupational risk exposition of workers. The evaluation was made using noise level equipment and measurement as indicated in NR-15 norm located at 1.50 m of height, corresponding to the mean height of the worker's ear. Four swine housings were evaluated. The statistical analysis was done using fatorial design and mean test. The results indicated significant differences at 1% probability level among the four housings. The mean noise level was 65 dB(A) and 70 dB(A) for growing and finished housing respectively, within the limits allowed in the NR15 norm (85 dB(A)) for a daily working of 8 h. Considering the peak noise level observed during feeding and other task schedule mainly finishing swine housing ear protection is recommended. There was also a tendency for the noise level to increase as thermal conditions became more unconfortable.Esta pesquisa foi realizada em instalações para suínos nas fases de creche e terminação, com o objetivo de se avaliar e comparar o nível de ruído emitido pelos animais principalmente nos horários de arraçoamento e ruídos provenientes de outras fontes, estimando-se os riscos de exposição ocupacional. A avaliação se deu com auxílio de um medidor de nível de pressão sonora posicionado na altura de 1,50 m, considerada altura média do ouvido humano, conforme preceitua a NR-15. Avaliaram-se quatro instalações, sendo duas para creche e duas para terminação de suínos. A análise estatística foi feita pelo modelo fatorial e teste de médias. Os resultados indicaram diferença significativa a 1% de probabilidade entre as instalações. O ruído médio encontrado foi de 65 dB(A) e de 70 dB(A) nas instalações para creche e terminação, respectivamente, que se enquadrou dentro do limite permitido pela NR-15, que é de 85 db(A) para uma jornada de trabalho de 8 h diárias. Considerando-se o ruído de pico observado nos horários de alimentação e vacinação e, principalmente na fase de terminação, indica-se a necessidade de uso de equipamento de proteção auricular. Notou-se tendência do ruído ser mais intenso em condições de desconforto térmico.43644

    Measurements of the acoustic environment in a pig nursery

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    Nowadays, it is known that not only thermodynamics elements influence swine productivity, but also the interaction with the aerial environment along with the noise level must be taken into account. This research studied the acoustic environment inside a pig nursery housing using average noise level distribution maps as a function of ambient temperature and relative humidity. The structural environment was divided in 2 m² cells. Noise level, air dry bulb temperature and relative humidity were recorded at piglet height in the centre of each cell. The results were mapped and the resulting nursery noise level was found to be 12.49 dB. However, a positive correlation between thermal environment and noise level was not found. From the results, it was possible to estimate the room noise level due to presence of piglets at around 12.49 dB. The resulting noise level found was below the international limit for swine housing and in accordance to national standards for farm workers. The results indicate that the piglets that were recently transferred to that environment vocalized more than the ones already acquainted with the room (10.98 dB), presenting a higher level of noise (12.58 dB).Atualmente, não apenas os elementos do ambiente térmico influenciam a produtividade dos suínos, mas, também, a interação com o ambiente aéreo gerado na instalação, junto com o nível de ruídos. Estudou-se, neste trabalho, o perfil do ambiente acústico dentro de um galpão de creche de suínos usando-se mapas de distribuição da média dos níveis de ruído, em função da temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. O ambiente construído foi dividido em células/quadrantes de 2 m² e medidos, no centro geométrico no nível do leitão, o nível de ruído, a temperatura de bulbo seco e a umidade relativa do ar. Com os resultados mapeados, notou-se que o nível médio de ruído da creche foi de 12,49 dB mas não se encontraram correlações entre o ambiente térmico e o ambiente acústico. Os níveis de ruído obtidos estão abaixo dos valores preconizados internacionalmente para alojamento de suínos e dentro das normas nacionais vigentes para os trabalhadores da granja. Os resultados apontam que os leitões recém transferidos para a creche vocalizaram mais que aqueles que já estavam habituados ao ambiente (10,98 dB), resultando em nível médio de ruído superior (12,58 dB).33934

    Swine Carcass Condemnation in Commercial Slaughterhouses

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    ABSTRACT Objective. The research was conducted to evaluate the main causes of carcass condemnation, as well as the financial loss caused by it, at a commercial slaughterhouse located in Dourados, MS, Brazil. Materials and methods. The data related to carcass condemnation, for the years 2007 to 2009 was obtained from a commercial slaughterhouse, located in the city of Dourados, MS, Brazil, and turned into a percentage of the total number of animals slaughtered during that period. The most frequent causes of carcass condemnation (total or partial) were grouped into classes (pleurisy + pneumonia; enteritis; arthritis; abscesses; fractures/hematomas + contusions + death). The financial loss by the slaughterhouse was estimated using the condemnation data. Results. The total rate of carcass condemnation was low and tended to stability (<0.45%). The most prevalent causes of condemnation during the study period were abscesses and death in the transport, which together accounted for approximately 40% of all condemnation. The condemnation due to health problems tended to decrease or to be stable over the years. However, the condemnations caused by management problems (abscesses, fractures, contusions and death) showed a significant increase. The average loss to the integrative company according to the carcasses condemnation was exceeding U$1,600,000.00 in the years studied. Conclusions. The main causes of carcass condemnation come from management failure. The annual loss by the company can be invested in the training of manpower in order to reduce the rates of carcass condemnation

    Rhodolith Beds Are Major CaCO3 Bio-Factories in the Tropical South West Atlantic

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    Rhodoliths are nodules of non-geniculate coralline algae that occur in shallow waters (<150 m depth) subjected to episodic disturbance. Rhodolith beds stand with kelp beds, seagrass meadows, and coralline algal reefs as one of the world's four largest macrophyte-dominated benthic communities. Geographic distribution of rhodolith beds is discontinuous, with large concentrations off Japan, Australia and the Gulf of California, as well as in the Mediterranean, North Atlantic, eastern Caribbean and Brazil. Although there are major gaps in terms of seabed habitat mapping, the largest rhodolith beds are purported to occur off Brazil, where these communities are recorded across a wide latitudinal range (2°N - 27°S). To quantify their extent, we carried out an inter-reefal seabed habitat survey on the Abrolhos Shelf (16°50′ - 19°45′S) off eastern Brazil, and confirmed the most expansive and contiguous rhodolith bed in the world, covering about 20,900 km2. Distribution, extent, composition and structure of this bed were assessed with side scan sonar, remotely operated vehicles, and SCUBA. The mean rate of CaCO3 production was estimated from in situ growth assays at 1.07 kg m−2 yr−1, with a total production rate of 0.025 Gt yr−1, comparable to those of the world's largest biogenic CaCO3 deposits. These gigantic rhodolith beds, of areal extent equivalent to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, are a critical, yet poorly understood component of the tropical South Atlantic Ocean. Based on the relatively high vulnerability of coralline algae to ocean acidification, these beds are likely to experience a profound restructuring in the coming decades

    A Future for the Dead Sea Basin: Water Culture among Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians

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    The Dead Sea basin plays a major role for regional economic development (industry, tourism and agriculture) in the Middle East. This potential is threatened by the steady disappearance of the Dead Sea. Since around 1930 the water level of the Dead Sea has fallen by about 25 m, about half of this alone in the last 20 years. The Dead Sea is a transboundary resource shared by Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan. The Dead Sea is the terminal point of the Jordan River watershed and as such, it serves as a barometer for the health of the overall system. Its rapid decline reflects the present water management strategies of the riparian and upstream countries. This includes the different water cultures of the three countries. Throughout history, the Dead Sea basin has served as a source of refuge and inspiration for followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Today, the religious significance of the Dead Sea is being overshadowed by its rapid disappearance. This may be explained in part by the water cultures of the three countries that influence water policy in the region. Ideology, together with culture and tradition, such as that of Zionism in Israel, has played a central role in water development in the region. In many cases, this has been at the expense of the environment. Elements pertaining to environmental security and water culture and tradition, whereby a sustainably managed environment provides for social, economic as well as environmental benefits are evident with regards the Dead Sea. The decline for example, undermines its potential as a tourist destination, despite the enormous investment in hotel and resort infrastructures in Israel and in Jordan. The decline also raises ethical issues about the exploitation of water resources by present generations at the expense of this natural heritage to future generations. This paper provides an analysis of a European Union funded project whose aims are to synthesize and assess existing physical and socio-economic data and to assess options for a better future for the Dead Sea. It will identify the patterns of water supply and use in the region, and the factors that control these patterns, including those of water culture. The underlying assumption is that solutions for a more sustainable development than todays scenario will not come from simply providing more water for more development, but from a new land and water management system, indeed ethic, that is sensitive to social, cultural and ecological resources thereby providing security and stability across cultures, economic sectors and nations

    Testing the Nearest Neighbor Model for Canonical RNA Base Pairs: Revision of GU Parameters

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