30 research outputs found

    Seasonal differences in soil CO2 efflux and carbon storage in Ntwetwe Pan, Makgadikgadi Basin, Botswana

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    The carbon cycle in salt pans is complex and poorly understood. Field-based data are needed to improve regional estimates of C storage and land-atmosphere CO2 fluxes from dryland environments where pans are prevalent. This paper provides a first estimate of C stores and CO2 efflux within the salt pan, grassland and woodland of Ntwetwe Pan in the Makgadikgadi Basin, Botswana. C fluxes and stores associated with cyanobacteria-salt crusts are also determined. Total C stores are approximately an order of magnitude greater than on neighbouring Kalahari Sands at 675±41, 760±94 and 274±15 tonsha-1 to 1m depth in the woodland, grassland and salt pan respectively. Most of the C is found as carbonate, with organic C comprising 4.6-10% of total C. CO2 efflux increased with temperature and also increased for a few hours after flooding of the pan surface. Crusts were a small net contributor to CO2 efflux in the dry season but could be a net CO2 sink in the wet season. The biogeochemistry of the sediment is likely to facilitate rapid conversion of organic C from aquatic organisms, biological crusts and algal mats into inorganic carbonates. Although further work is required to improve estimates of the spatial and temporal distribution of C, our data have demonstrated the substantial C store with the Makgadikgadi environment and the important role of biological crusts in the C cycle

    Stress-testing development pathways under a changing climate: water-energy-food security in the lake Malawi-Shire river system

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    Malawi depends on Lake Malawi outflows into the Shire River for its water, energy and food (WEF) security. We explore future WEF security risks under the combined impacts of climate change and ambitious development pathways for water use expansion. We drive a bespoke water resources model developed with stakeholder inputs, with 29 bias-corrected climate model projections, alongside stakeholder elicited development pathways, and examine impacts on stakeholder-elicited WEF sector performance metrics. Using scenario analysis, we stress-test the system, explore uncertainties, assess trade-offs between satisfying WEF metrics, and explore whether planned regulation of outflows could help satisfy metrics. While uncertainty from potential future rainfall change generates a wide range of outcomes (including no lake outflow and higher frequency of major downstream floods), we find that potential irrigation expansion in the Lake Malawi catchments could enhance the risk of very low lake levels and risk to Shire River hydropower and irrigation infrastructure performance. Improved regulation of lake outflows through the upgraded barrage does offer some risk mitigation, but trade-offs emerge between lake level management and downstream WEF sector requirements. These results highlight the need to balance Malawi's socio-economic development ambitions across sectors and within a lake-river system, alongside enhanced climate resilience. This article is part of the theme issue 'Developing resilient energy systems'

    Evolution of national climate adaptation agendas in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia: the role of national leadership and international donors

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    In this paper, we use an inductive approach and longitudinal analysis to explore political influences on the emergence and evolution of climate change adaptation policy and planning at national level, as well as the institutions within which it is embedded, for three countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia). Data collection involved quantitative and qualitative methods applied over a 6-year period from 2012 to 2017. This included a survey of 103 government staff (20 in Malawi, 29 in Tanzania and 54 in Zambia) and 242 interviews (106 in Malawi, 86 in Tanzania and 50 in Zambia) with a wide range of stakeholders, many of whom were interviewed multiple times over the study period, together with content analysis of relevant policy and programme documents. Whilst the climate adaptation agenda emerged in all three countries around 2007–2009, associated with multilateral funding initiatives, the rate and nature of progress has varied—until roughly 2015 when, for different reasons, momentum slowed. We find differences between the countries in terms of specifics of how they operated, but roles of two factors in common emerge in the evolution of the climate change adaptation agendas: national leadership and allied political priorities, and the role of additional funding provided by donors. These influences lead to changes in the policy and institutional frameworks for addressing climate change, as well as in the emphasis placed on climate change adaptation. By examining the different ways through which ideas, power and resources converge and by learning from the specific configurations in the country examples, we identify opportunities to address existing barriers to action and thus present implications that enable more effective adaptation planning in other countries. We show that more socially just and inclusive national climate adaptation planning requires a critical approach to understanding these configurations of power and politics

    Assessment of physical and hydrological properties of biological soil crusts using X-ray microtomography and modeling

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    Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are formed by aggregates of soil particles and communities of microbial organisms and are common in all drylands. The role of BSCs on infiltration remains uncertain due to the lack of data on their role in affecting soil physical properties such as porosity and structure. Quantitative assessment of these properties is primarily hindered by the fragile nature of the crusts. Here we show how the use of a combination of non-destructive imaging X-ray microtomography (XMT) and Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) enables quantification of key soil physical parameters and the modeling of water flow through BSCs samples from Kalahari Sands, Botswana. We quantify porosity and flow changes as a result of mechanical disturbance of such a fragile cyanobacteria-dominated crust. Results show significant variations in porosity between different types of crusts and how they affect the flow and that disturbance of a cyanobacteria-dominated crust results in the breakdown of larger pore spaces and reduces flow rates through the surface layer. We conclude that the XMT–LBM approach is well suited for study of fragile surface crust samples where physical and hydraulic properties cannot be easily quantified using conventional methods

    Re-balancing climate services to inform climate-resilient planning: a conceptual framework and illustrations from sub-Saharan Africa

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    Making climate-resilient planning and adaptation decisions is, in part, contingent on the use of climate information. Growing attention has been paid to the “usability gap” and the need to make information both useful and useable to decision-makers. Less attention has, however, been paid to the factors that determine whether, once created, useful and useable information is then actually used. In this Perspectives piece, we outline a framework that puts together the pieces necessary to close the “usability gap” – highlighting not only what is required to make information useful and useable, but also what is required to ensure that useful and useable information is actually used. Creating useful information is subject to understanding and being able to deliver metrics that address identified needs in a range of decision-making contexts. Creating useable information is contingent upon having legitimate and credible information that is visualised and communicated in ways that are accessible and understandable. Further use of such information requires supportive institutions, appropriate policy frameworks, capacity of individuals and agency to make decisions. The framework further highlights traditionally under-recognized barriers that prevent effective use of the growing availability of useful and useable climate information in decision-making. Whilst this is not enough in itself to effect information use, we argue that greater focus on these barriers can re-balance the activities promoted through climate services and increase the likelihood of successful use. We illustrate the framework with case examples of co-producing climate information for the tea and water sectors in sub-Saharan Africa

    Climate change adaptation and cross-sectoral policy coherence in southern Africa

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    To be effective, climate change adaptation needs to be mainstreamed across multiple sectors and greater policy coherence is essential. Using the cases of Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia, this paper investigates the extent of coherence in national policies across the water and agriculture sectors and to climate change adaptation goals outlined in national development plans. A two-pronged qualitative approach is applied using Qualitative Document Analysis of relevant policies and plans, combined with expert interviews from non-government actors in each country. Findings show that sector policies have differing degrees of coherence on climate change adaptation, currently being strongest in Zambia and weakest in Tanzania. We also identify that sectoral policies remain more coherent in addressing immediate-term disaster management issues of floods and droughts rather than longer-term strategies for climate adaptation. Coherence between sector and climate policies and strategies is strongest when the latter has been more recently developed. However to date, this has largely been achieved by repackaging of existing sectoral policy statements into climate policies drafted by external consultants to meet international reporting needs and not by the establishment of new connections between national sectoral planning processes. For more effective mainstreaming of climate change adaptation, governments need to actively embrace longer-term cross-sectoral planning through cross-Ministerial structures, such as initiated through Zambia’s Interim Climate Change Secretariat, to foster greater policy coherence and integrated adaptation planning

    Soil fungal abundance and plant functional traits drive fertile island formation in global drylands

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    Dryland vegetation is characterized by discrete plant patches that accumulate and capture soil resources under their canopies. These “fertile islands” are major drivers of dryland ecosystem structure and functioning, yet we lack an integrated understanding of the factors controlling their magnitude and variability at the global scale.EEA BarilocheFil: Ochoa-Hueso, RaĂșl. Universidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid. Department of Ecology; EspañaFil: Eldridge, David J. University of New South Wales. School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences; AustraliaFil: Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel. University of Colorado. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences; Estados Unidos. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y TecnologĂ­a. Departamento de BiologĂ­a y GeologĂ­a, FĂ­sica y QuĂ­mica InorgĂĄnica; EspañaFil: Soliveres, Santiago. University of Bern. Institute of Plant Sciences; SuizaFil: Bowker, Matthew A. Northern Arizona University. School of Forestry; Estados UnidosFil: Gross, NicolĂĄs. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y TecnologĂ­a. Departamento de BiologĂ­a y GeologĂ­a, FĂ­sica y QuĂ­mica InorgĂĄnica; España. Institut Nationale de la Recherche Agronomique; Francia. UniversitĂ© La Rochelle. Centre d’étude biologique de ChizĂ©; FranciaFil: Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Yoann. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y TecnologĂ­a. Departamento de BiologĂ­a y GeologĂ­a, FĂ­sica y QuĂ­mica InorgĂĄnica; EspañaFil: Quero, JosĂ© L. Universidad de CĂłrdoba. Escuela TĂ©cnica Superior de IngenierĂ­a AgronĂłmica y de Montes. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a Forestal: EspañaFil: GarcĂ­a-GĂłmez, Miguel. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y TecnologĂ­a. Departamento de BiologĂ­a y GeologĂ­a, FĂ­sica y QuĂ­mica InorgĂĄnica; EspañaFil: Valencia, Enrique. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y TecnologĂ­a. Departamento de BiologĂ­a y GeologĂ­a, FĂ­sica y QuĂ­mica InorgĂĄnica; EspañaFil: Arredondo, Tulio. Instituto Potosino de InvestigaciĂłn CientĂ­fica y TecnolĂłgica. DivisiĂłn de Ciencias Ambientales; MĂ©xicoFil: Beinticinco, Laura. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Bran, Donaldo Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de TecnologĂ­a Agropecuaria (INTA). EstaciĂłn Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Cea, Alex. Universidad de La Serena. Departamento de BiologĂ­a; ChileFil: Coaguila, Daniel. Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rio Verde; BrasilFil: Dougill, Andrew J. University of Leeds. School of Earth and Environment; Gran BretañaFil: Espinosa, Carlos I. Universidad TĂ©cnica Particular de Loja. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; EcuadorFil: Gaitan, Juan Jose. Instituto Nacional de TecnologĂ­a Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Suelos; ArgentinaFil: Guuroh, Reginald T. University of Cologne. Botanical Institute. Range Ecology and Range Management Group; Alemania. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana; GhanaFil: GuzmĂĄn, Elizabeth. Universidad TĂ©cnica Particular de Loja. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; EcuadorFil: GutiĂ©rrez, Julio R.. Universidad de La Serena. Departamento de BiologĂ­a; Chile. Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA); Chile. Instituto de EcologĂ­a y Biodiversidad; ChileFil: HernĂĄndez, Rosa M. Universidad Experimental SimĂłn RodrĂ­guez. Centro de AgroecologĂ­a Tropical. Laboratorio de BiogeoquĂ­mica; VenezuelaFil: Huber-Sannwald, Elisabeth. Instituto Potosino de InvestigaciĂłn CientĂ­fica y TecnolĂłgica. DivisiĂłn de Ciencias Ambientales; MĂ©xicoFil: Jeffries, Thomas. Western Sydney University. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment; AustraliaFil: LinstĂ€dter, Anja. University of Cologne. Botanical Institute. Range Ecology and Range Management Group; AlemaniaFil: Mau, Rebecca L. Northern Arizona University. Center for Ecosystem Science and Society: Estados UnidosFil: Monerris, Jorge. UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec Ă  MontrĂ©al. Pavillon des Sciences Biologiques. DĂ©partement des Sciences Biologiques; CanadĂĄFil: Prina, Anibal. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Pucheta, Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, FĂ­sicas y Naturales. Departamento de BiologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Stavi, Ilan. Dead Sea and Arava Science Center, IsraelFil: Thomas, Andrew. Aberystwyth University. Department of Geography and Earth Sciences; Gran BretañaFil: Zaady, Eli. Agricultural Research Organization. Gilat Research Center. Natural Resources; IsraelFil: Singh, Brajesh K. Western Sydney University. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment; Australia. Western Sydney University. Global Centre for Land-Based Innovation; AustraliaFil: Maestre, Fernando T. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y TecnologĂ­a. Departamento de BiologĂ­a y GeologĂ­a, FĂ­sica y QuĂ­mica InorgĂĄnica; Españ

    Soil fungal abundance and plant functional traits drive fertile island formation in global drylands

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    International audience1.Dryland vegetation is characterised by discrete plant patches that accumulate and capture soil resources under their canopies. These “fertile islands” are major drivers of dryland ecosystem structure and functioning, yet we lack an integrated understanding of the factors controlling their magnitude and variability at the global scale.2.We conducted a standardized field survey across two hundred and thirty-six drylands from five continents. At each site, we measured the composition, diversity and cover of perennial plants. Fertile island effects were estimated at each site by comparing composite soil samples obtained under the canopy of the dominant plants and in open areas devoid of perennial vegetation. For each sample, we measured fifteen soil variables (functions) associated with carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling and used the Relative Interaction Index to quantify the magnitude of the fertile island effect for each function. In eighty sites, we also measured fungal and bacterial abundance (quantitative PCR) and diversity (Illumina MiSeq).3.The most fertile islands, i.e. those where a higher number of functions were simultaneously enhanced, were found at lower-elevation sites with greater soil pH values and sand content under semiarid climates, particularly at locations where the presence of tall woody species with a low specific leaf area increased fungal abundance beneath plant canopies, the main direct biotic controller of the fertile island effect in the drylands studied. Positive effects of fungal abundance were particularly associated with greater nutrient contents and microbial activity (soil extracellular enzymes) under plant canopies.4.Synthesis. Our results show that the formation of fertile islands in global drylands largely depends on: (i) local climatic, topographic and edaphic characteristics, (ii) the structure and traits of local plant communities and (iii) soil microbial communities. Our study also has broad implications for the management and restoration of dryland ecosystems worldwide, where woody plants are commonly used as nurse plants to enhance the establishment and survival of beneficiary species. Finally, our results suggest that forecasted increases in aridity may enhance the formation of fertile islands in drylands worldwide