9 research outputs found

    Expression of C-terminal deleted p53 isoforms in neuroblastoma

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    The tumor suppressor gene, p53, is rarely mutated in neuroblastomas (NB) at the time of diagnosis, but its dysfunction could result from a nonfunctional conformation or cytoplasmic sequestration of the wild-type p53 protein. However, p53 mutation, when it occurs, is found in NB tumors with drug resistance acquired over the course of chemotherapy. As yet, no study has been devoted to the function of the specific p53 mutants identified in NB cells. This study includes characterization and functional analysis of p53 expressed in eight cell lines: three wild-type cell lines and five cell lines harboring mutations. We identified two transcription-inactive p53 variants truncated in the C-terminus, one of which corresponded to the p53β isoform recently identified in normal tissue by Bourdon et al. [J. C. Bourdon, K. Fernandes, F. Murray-Zmijewski, G. Liu, A. Diot, D. P. Xirodimas, M. K. Saville and D. P. Lane (2005) Genes Dev., 19, 2122–2137]. Our results show, for the first time, that the p53β isoform is the only p53 species to be endogenously expressed in the human NB cell line SK-N-AS, suggesting that the C-terminus truncated p53 isoforms may play an important role in NB tumor development

    p73α isoforms drive opposite transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of MYCN expression in neuroblastoma cells

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    MYCN activation, mainly by gene amplification, is one of the most frequent molecular events in neuroblastoma (NB) oncogenesis, and is associated with increased malignancy and decreased neuronal differentiation propensity. The frequency of concomitant loss of heterozygosity at the 1p36.3 locus, which harbours the p53 anti-oncogene homologue TP73, indicates that MYCN and p73 alterations may cooperate in the pathogenesis of NB. We have previously shown that p73 isoforms are deregulated in NB tumours and that TAp73 co-operates synergistically with p53 for apoptosis of NB cells, whereas ΔNp73 activates the expression of neuronal differentiation genes such as BTG2. Herein, using both ectopic expression and RNA interference-mediated silencing of p73 in MYCN amplified NB cells, we show that p73α isoforms inhibit MYCN expression at both transcript and protein levels, in spite of transactivator effects on MYCN promoter. To explain this paradox, we found that TAp73α exerts negative post-transcriptional effects leading to reduced MYCN mRNA stability. RNA immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that this dominant inhibitory post-transcriptional effect could be due to an interaction between the p73 protein and MYCN mRNA, a hypothesis also raised for the regulation of certain genes by the p53 protein

    Interrelations entre les protéines de la famille p53 et MYCN dans la pathogenèse du neuroblastome

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    LE KREMLIN-B.- PARIS 11-BU Méd (940432101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Inhibitors of trypanosome topoisomerases

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    Interactivité entre p73 et p53 dans les cancers : un modèle, le neuroblastome

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    L’homologie de structure et d’organisation génique existant entre p53 et ses deux homologues, p73 et p63, suggère des fonctions biologiques similaires. Néanmoins des différences notables existent entre les membres de la famille p53. Ainsi, p53 est fréquemment muté dans les cancers humains, contrairement à p73 et p63. De plus, à l’opposé de p53 dont le transcrit majoritaire couvre tous les exons du gène, p73 et p63 codent pour deux types d’isoformes aux effets biologiques opposés : les unes, contenant un domaine de transactivation (TAD), ont des propriétés de protéine suppresseur de tumeur, tandis que les autres, dépourvues de TAD, possèdent des propriétés oncogéniques. Par ailleurs, si p53 répond aux stimulus génotoxiques, ses homologues participent au développement et à la différenciation tissulaires : tissu neuronal pour p73, tissu épithélial pour p63. Mais les trois membres de la famille p53 peuvent coopérer étroitement lors de la réponse cellulaire consécutive à un dommage génotoxique. Les tumeurs neuroblastiques, qui reproduisent les différents stades de différenciation des cellules du système nerveux sympathique, constituent un modèle de choix pour étudier les relations entre p53 et p73, ainsi que la régulation de leur expression