22 research outputs found

    Nekrasov Functions and Exact Bohr-Sommerfeld Integrals

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    In the case of SU(2), associated by the AGT relation to the 2d Liouville theory, the Seiberg-Witten prepotential is constructed from the Bohr-Sommerfeld periods of 1d sine-Gordon model. If the same construction is literally applied to monodromies of exact wave functions, the prepotential turns into the one-parametric Nekrasov prepotential F(a,\epsilon_1) with the other epsilon parameter vanishing, \epsilon_2=0, and \epsilon_1 playing the role of the Planck constant in the sine-Gordon Shroedinger equation, \hbar=\epsilon_1. This seems to be in accordance with the recent claim in arXiv:0908.4052 and poses a problem of describing the full Nekrasov function as a seemingly straightforward double-parametric quantization of sine-Gordon model. This also provides a new link between the Liouville and sine-Gordon theories.Comment: 10 page

    On soft singularities at three loops and beyond

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    We report on further progress in understanding soft singularities of massless gauge theory scattering amplitudes. Recently, a set of equations was derived based on Sudakov factorization, constraining the soft anomalous dimension matrix of multi-leg scattering amplitudes to any loop order, and relating it to the cusp anomalous dimension. The minimal solution to these equations was shown to be a sum over color dipoles. Here we explore potential contributions to the soft anomalous dimension that go beyond the sum-over-dipoles formula. Such contributions are constrained by factorization and invariance under rescaling of parton momenta to be functions of conformally invariant cross ratios. Therefore, they must correlate the color and kinematic degrees of freedom of at least four hard partons, corresponding to gluon webs that connect four eikonal lines, which first appear at three loops. We analyze potential contributions, combining all available constraints, including Bose symmetry, the expected degree of transcendentality, and the singularity structure in the limit where two hard partons become collinear. We find that if the kinematic dependence is solely through products of logarithms of cross ratios, then at three loops there is a unique function that is consistent with all available constraints. If polylogarithms are allowed to appear as well, then at least two additional structures are consistent with the available constraints.Comment: v2: revised version published in JHEP (minor corrections in Sec. 4; added discussion in Sec. 5.3; refs. added); v3: minor corrections (eqs. 5.11, 5.12 and 5.29); 38 pages, 3 figure

    On the renormalization of multiparton webs

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    We consider the recently developed diagrammatic approach to soft-gluon exponentiation in multiparton scattering amplitudes, where the exponent is written as a sum of webs - closed sets of diagrams whose colour and kinematic parts are entangled via mixing matrices. A complementary approach to exponentiation is based on the multiplicative renormalizability of intersecting Wilson lines, and their subsequent finite anomalous dimension. Relating this framework to that of webs, we derive renormalization constraints expressing all multiple poles of any given web in terms of lower-order webs. We examine these constraints explicitly up to four loops, and find that they are realised through the action of the web mixing matrices in conjunction with the fact that multiple pole terms in each diagram reduce to sums of products of lower-loop integrals. Relevant singularities of multi-eikonal amplitudes up to three loops are calculated in dimensional regularization using an exponential infrared regulator. Finally, we formulate a new conjecture for web mixing matrices, involving a weighted sum over column entries. Our results form an important step in understanding non-Abelian exponentiation in multiparton amplitudes, and pave the way for higher-loop computations of the soft anomalous dimension.Comment: 60 pages, 15 figure

    The matrix model version of AGT conjecture and CIV-DV prepotential

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    Recently exact formulas were provided for partition function of conformal (multi-Penner) beta-ensemble in the Dijkgraaf-Vafa phase, which, if interpreted as Dotsenko-Fateev correlator of screenings and analytically continued in the number of screening insertions, represents generic Virasoro conformal blocks. Actually these formulas describe the lowest terms of the q_a-expansion, where q_a parameterize the shape of the Penner potential, and are exact in the filling numbers N_a. At the same time, the older theory of CIV-DV prepotential, straightforwardly extended to arbitrary beta and to non-polynomial potentials, provides an alternative expansion: in powers of N_a and exact in q_a. We check that the two expansions coincide in the overlapping region, i.e. for the lowest terms of expansions in both q_a and N_a. This coincidence is somewhat non-trivial, since the two methods use different integration contours: integrals in one case are of the B-function (Euler-Selberg) type, while in the other case they are Gaussian integrals.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    General properties of multiparton webs: proofs from combinatorics

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    Recently, the diagrammatic description of soft-gluon exponentiation in scattering amplitudes has been generalized to the multiparton case. It was shown that the exponent of Wilson-line correlators is a sum of webs, where each web is formed through mixing between the kinematic factors and colour factors of a closed set of diagrams which are mutually related by permuting the gluon attachments to the Wilson lines. In this paper we use replica trick methods, as well as results from enumerative combinatorics, to prove that web mixing matrices are always: (a) idempotent, thus acting as projection operators; and (b) have zero sum rows: the elements in each row in these matrices sum up to zero, thus removing components that are symmetric under permutation of gluon attachments. Furthermore, in webs containing both planar and non-planar diagrams we show that the zero sum property holds separately for these two sets. The properties we establish here are completely general and form an important step in elucidating the structure of exponentiation in non-Abelian gauge theories.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Bessel-Weighted Asymmetries in Semi Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    The concept of weighted asymmetries is revisited for semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. We consider the cross section in Fourier space, conjugate to the outgoing hadron's transverse momentum, where convolutions of transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions become simple products. Individual asymmetric terms in the cross section can be projected out by means of a generalized set of weights involving Bessel functions. Advantages of employing these Bessel weights are that they suppress (divergent) contributions from high transverse momentum and that soft factors cancel in (Bessel-) weighted asymmetries. Also, the resulting compact expressions immediately connect to previous work on evolution equations for transverse momentum dependent parton distribution and fragmentation functions and to quantities accessible in lattice QCD. Bessel weighted asymmetries are thus model independent observables that augment the description and our understanding of correlations of spin and momentum in nucleon structure.Comment: Matches published version, JHEP style, 36 pages and 2 figures, minor correction

    From Webs to Polylogarithms

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    We compute a class of diagrams contributing to the multi-leg soft anomalous dimension through three loops, by renormalizing a product of semi-infinite non-lightlike Wilson lines in dimensional regularization. Using non-Abelian exponentiation we directly compute contributions to the exponent in terms of webs. We develop a general strategy to compute webs with multiple gluon exchanges between Wilson lines in configuration space, and explore their analytic structure in terms of αij\alpha_{ij}, the exponential of the Minkowski cusp angle formed between the lines ii and jj. We show that beyond the obvious inversion symmetry αij→1/αij\alpha_{ij}\to 1/\alpha_{ij}, at the level of the symbol the result also admits a crossing symmetry αij→−αij\alpha_{ij}\to -\alpha_{ij}, relating spacelike and timelike kinematics, and hence argue that in this class of webs the symbol alphabet is restricted to αij\alpha_{ij} and 1−αij21-\alpha_{ij}^2. We carry out the calculation up to three gluons connecting four Wilson lines, finding that the contributions to the soft anomalous dimension are remarkably simple: they involve pure functions of uniform weight, which are written as a sum of products of polylogarithms, each depending on a single cusp angle. We conjecture that this type of factorization extends to all multiple-gluon-exchange contributions to the anomalous dimension.Comment: 64 pages, 8 figure

    The Non-Abelian Exponentiation theorem for multiple Wilson lines

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    We study the structure of soft gluon corrections to multi-leg scattering amplitudes in a non-Abelian gauge theory by analysing the corresponding product of semi-infinite Wilson lines. We prove that diagrams exponentiate such that the colour factors in the exponent are fully connected. This completes the generalisation of the non-Abelian exponentiation theorem, previously proven in the case of a Wilson loop, to the case of multiple Wilson lines in arbitrary representations of the colour group. Our proof is based on the replica trick in conjunction with a new formalism where multiple emissions from a Wilson line are described by effective vertices, each having a connected colour factor. The exponent consists of connected graphs made out of these vertices. We show that this readily provides a general colour basis for webs. We further discuss the kinematic combinations that accompany each connected colour factor, and explicitly catalogue all three-loop examples, as necessary for a direct computation of the soft anomalous dimension at this order.Comment: v2 - typos corrected, references added, to appear in JHEP; 57 pages, 21 figures. v3 - correction in Table 2 and Appendix A.2.5; updates references; 57 pages, 21 figure

    Webs in multiparton scattering using the replica trick

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    Soft gluon exponentiation in non-abelian gauge theories can be described in terms of webs. So far this description has been restricted to amplitudes with two hard partons, where webs were defined as the colour-connected subset of diagrams. Here we generalise the concept of webs to the multi-leg case, where the hard interaction involves non-trivial colour flow. Using the replica trick from statistical physics we solve the combinatorial problem of non-abelian exponentiation to all orders. In particular, we derive an algorithm for computing the colour factor associated with any given diagram in the exponent. The emerging result is exponentiation of a sum of webs, where each web is a linear combination of a subset of diagrams that are mutually related by permuting the eikonal gluon attachments to each hard parton. These linear combinations are responsible for partial cancellation of subdivergences, conforming with the renormalization of a multi-leg eikonal vertex. We also discuss the generalisation of exponentiation properties to beyond the eikonal approximatio