26 research outputs found

    Importance of Bilingual Lawyers in the American Legal System

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    This research thesis project focuses on the benefits of legal professionals being bilingual and my support of utilizing bilingual legal professionals over language translators. This focuses on the communities they support, including their clients, other legal professionals, and all American citizens. There are analyses of language used in English-speaking and Spanish-speaking legal systems, as well as previous bilingual integration attempts. As a pre-law student that speaks both Spanish and Portuguese, I want to know how to advocate for myself as a future attorney and how to advocate for future clients who will need the assistance of a bilingual legal professional. To understand why this is so important, I researched bilingual communities, how Spanish-speaking countries compare to the United States in the legal field, and how bilingualism has been represented in the legal field in history

    Exploración de posibles diferencias en variables relevantes para un envejecimiento saludable en personas mayores con discapacidad intelectual con o sin Síndrome de Down

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    Distintos estudios sobre discapacidad intelectual (por ejemplo Aguado y Alcedo, 2004) muestran que este colectivo ha visto incrementada progresivamente su esperanza de vida. Se presenta así un nuevo reto, prestar apoyo a personas con discapacidad intelectual que además puedan estar afrontando el envejecimiento como una etapa más de su vida, de cara a asegurar una buena calidad de vida. Las personas con discapacidad intelectual que además tiene diagnosticado síndrome de Down muestran un envejecimiento con unas características particulares (véase por ejemplo Rives y Sanuy, 2000) entre las que destacan: un envejecimiento precoz, y mayor probabilidad de aparición de sintomatología relacionada con demencias tipo Alzheimer. El objetivo de este estudio es comparar a personas con discapacidad intelectual y con o sin diagnóstico de síndrome de Down respecto a distintas variables que pueden afectar a un envejecimiento saludable, como el índice de masa corporal, el deterioro cognitivo, presencia de enfermedades físicas, presencia de patología psiquiátrica y realización de actividad física. Se exponen y discuten los resultados observados.Various studies about intellectual disability (eg Aguado and Alcedo , 2004) show that this group has progressively increased the life expectancy. Thus, a new challenge is presented , supporting people with intellectual disabilities who also may face aging as a stage in his life , in order to ensure a good quality of life. People with intellectual disabilities who also have been diagnosed with Down's syndrome show aging with particular characteristics (eg Rives and Sanuy , 2000) among which, premature aging , and a higher probability of symptoms related with Alzheimer-type dementias. The objective of this study is to compare people having Down syndrome with people having another intellectual disabilities over different variables that can affect healthy aging , such as body mass index , cognitive impairment , presence of physical illness, presence of psychiatric disorders and physical activity. Finally, the observed results are exposed and discussed

    Exploración del efecto de la actividad física y su relación con distintas variables relevantes para un envejecimiento saludable en personas mayores con discapacidad intelectual

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    La literatura científica sobre discapacidad intelectual (véase por ejemplo Aguado y Alcedo, 2004) nos indica que este colectivo ha visto incrementada progresivamente su esperanza de vida. Se ha presentado así un nuevo reto, prestar apoyo a aquellas personas con discapacidad intelectual que además puedan estar afrontando el envejecimiento como una etapa más de su vida, de cara a asegurar una buena calidad de vida. Está ampliamente aceptado que la realización de actividad física contribuye de forma notable al mantenimiento general de la salud, así como a un envejecimiento saludable. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido observar la medida en que personas mayores con discapacidad intelectual realizan actividad física en su rutina diaria, y si esto, a su vez, se relaciona con otras variables (por ejemplo, índice de masa corporal, presencia de enfermedades físicas, problemas de conducta) que pueden afectar a un envejecimiento saludable, de cara a establecer programas de intervención para el colectivo de personas que son usuarios de los servicios de nuestro Centro, San Juan de Dios de Valladolid.Scientific literature about intellectual disability (see eg Aguado and Alcedo, 2004) indicates that this group has progressively increased the life expectancy. Thus It has been presented a new cha llenge: supporting people with intellectual disabilities, that may also be facing aging as a stage in his life, in order to ensure a good quality of life. It is widely accepted that the physical activity contributes significantly to the overall maintenance of the health and healthy aging. The aim of this study has been to observe so far older people with intellectual disabilities perform physical activity in their daily routine, and if this is related to other variables (mass index body, presence of physical illness , behavioral problems ) that may affect a healthy aging , in order to establish intervention programs for the group of people who are users of the services of our Center , San Juan de Dios de Valladolid

    Ultrassom doppler no diagnóstico de trombose venosa profunda de membros inferiores

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    Introduction: thrombosis that occurs in the deep venous system is more important than those of the superficial venous system, due to the severity of its complications, which can become fatal.Objective: describe Doppler ultrasound findings in patients with lower limb venous thrombosis.Methods: an observational, descriptive study of series of cases was carried out of patients diagnosed with venous thrombosis of lower limbs, attended in the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service of the Provincial Teaching Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Saturnino Lora Torres de Santiago de Cuba, from January 2015 to June 2017.Results: doppler ultrasound showed safeno-femoral confluent (58.6%). The visualization of thrombus as a direct sign was present at 94.8%, coinciding with equal percentage the presence of venous dilations as an indirect sign.Conclusions: doppler ultrasound showed thrombus visualization and lack of compresibility as more common ultrasound signs; diagnosis made predominantly between 24 and 48 hours resulting in the most affected common femoral vein.Introducción: las trombosis que se producen en el sistema venoso profundo son más importantes que las del sistema venoso superficial, debido a la gravedad de sus complicaciones, que pueden llegar a ser fatales.Objetivo: describir los hallazgos por ecografía Doppler en pacientes portadores de trombosis venosa de miembros inferiores.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de serie de casos, de pacientes con diagnóstico de trombosis venosa de miembros inferiores, atendidos en el Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico Saturnino Lora Torres de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero de 2015 hasta junio de 2017.Resultados: la ecografía Doppler mostró como localización del trombo más frecuente el confluente Safeno-femoral (58,6 %). La visualización del trombo como signo directo, estuvo presente en 94,8 %, coincidiendo con igual porcentaje la presencia de dilataciones venosas como signo indirecto.Conclusiones: la ecografía Doppler evidenció la visualización del trombo y la falta de compresibilidad como signos ecográficos más frecuentes; diagnóstico realizado predominantemente entre las 24 y 48 horas resultando la vena femoral común la más afectada.Introdução: a trombose que ocorre no sistema venoso profundo é mais importante do que as do sistema venoso superficial, devido à gravidade de suas complicações, que podem se tornar fatais.Objetivo: descrever os achados do ultrassom doppler em pacientes com trombose venosa do membro inferior.Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional e descritivo de série de casos de pacientes diagnosticados com trombose venosa de membros inferiores, atendidos no Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital Universitário Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Saturnino Lora Torres de Santiago de Cuba, de janeiro de 2015 a junho de 2017.Resultados: o ultrassom doppler mostrou confluente safeno-femoral (58,6%). A visualização de multidões como sinal direto estava presente em 94,8%, coincidindo com igual percentual a presença de dilatações venosas como sinal indireto.Conclusões: o ultrassom doppler mostrou visualização de trombos e falta de compreensão como sinais de ultrassom mais comuns; diagnóstico feito predominantemente entre 24 e 48 horas resultando na veia femoral comum mais afetada

    Importance of Bilingual Lawyers in the American Legal System

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    This research thesis project focuses on the benefits of legal professionals being bilingual and my support of utilizing bilingual legal professionals over language translators. This focuses on the communities they support, including their clients, other legal professionals, and all American citizens. There are analyses of language used in English-speaking and Spanish-speaking legal systems, as well as previous bilingual integration attempts. As a pre-law student that speaks both Spanish and Portuguese, I want to know how to advocate for myself as a future attorney and how to advocate for future clients who will need the assistance of a bilingual legal professional. To understand why this is so important, I researched bilingual communities, how Spanish-speaking countries compare to the United States in the legal field, and how bilingualism has been represented in the legal field in history

    FW: Product liability requests for Q4 valuation

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    Los policías como detectores del engaño: Investigación en torno al efecto del sesgo del investigador

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    [ES] En esta Tesis se trata la profundización en el estudio del investigator bias effect (que traduciremos como “efecto del sesgo del investigador1”), que ha sido definido por Meissner y Kassin (2002) como la tendencia o sesgo de los policías (“profesionales” de la detección del engaño) a emitir un mayor porcentaje de juicios de mentira2 cuando se enfrentan a una tarea de evaluación de la veracidad. Meissner y Kassin (2002) han planteado que en la raíz de este sesgo se encontrarían tanto el entrenamiento que los policías reciben como la experiencia policial. Es decir, lejos de mejorar la precisión de los juicios de veracidad, el entrenamiento y la experiencia no harían sino aumentar la probabilidad de que una declaración fuera juzgada como falsa. El trabajo realizado en esta Tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de cómo actúan estos dos factores para que se produzca este sesgo.[EN] In this thesis deals with the deeper study of the investigator bias effect (which translates as "investigador1 bias effect), which has been defined by Meissner and Kassin (2002) as the tendency or bias of the police (" professional " detection of deception) to issue a higher percentage of trials mentira2 when faced with a task of assessing veracity. Meissner and Kassin (2002) have argued that at the root of this bias would be found that both the police officers receive training as police experience. That is, far from improving the accuracy of the judgments of veracity, training and experience would only increase the probability that a statement was judged as false. The work in this thesis has focused on studying how these two factors act to produce this bias


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    Hot topics in male infertility: an afterword

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    Management Strategies for POSEIDON Groups 3 and 4

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    In the POSEIDON classification, patients belonging to groups 3 and 4 share the same common feature of a poor ovarian reserve which independently of age renders them at high risk of a poor reproductive outcome. Overall, POSEIDON groups 1-4 constitute approximately 47% of patients attending assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment. With the increasing delay in childbearing, POSEIDON group 4 seems to increase in numbers now in some centers constituting more than 50% of the total POSEIDON population, whereas group 3 patients constitute approximately 10%. Both POSEIDON groups 3 and 4 patients require special attention as regards pre-treatment strategy, ovarian stimulation, adjuvant treatment, and ovulation trigger strategy in order to optimize the probability of having at least one euploid blastocyst for transfer. Although more evidence is needed, recent advances seem to have increased the reproductive outcomes in the poor prognosis patient. The key to success is individualization in all steps of ART treatment. Herein, we review the recent evidence for the management of POSEIDON groups 3 and 4