124 research outputs found

    Constitutive changes in pigment concentrations: implications for estimating isoprene emissions using the photochemical reflectance index

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    The photochemical reflectance index (PRI), through its relationship with light use efficiency (LUE) and xanthophyll cycle activity, has recently been shown to hold potential for tracking isoprene emissions from vegetation. However, both PRI and isoprene emissions can also be influenced by changes in carotenoid pigment concentrations. Xanthophyll cycle activity and changes in carotenoid concentrations operate over different timescales but the importance of constitutive changes in pigment concentrations for accurately estimating isoprene emissions using PRI is unknown. To clarify the physiological mechanisms behind the PRI–isoprene relationship, the light environment of potted Salix viminalis (dwarf willow) trees was modified to induce acclimation in photosynthetic rates, phytopigments, isoprene emissions and PRI. Acclimation resulted in differences in pigment concentrations, isoprene emissions and PRI. Constitutive changes in carotenoid concentration were significantly correlated with both isoprene emissions and PRI, suggesting that the relationship between PRI and isoprene emissions is significantly influenced by constitutive pigment changes. Consequently knowledge regarding how isoprene emissions are affected by both longer term changes in total carotenoid concentrations and shorter term dynamic adjustments of LUE is required to facilitate interpretation of PRI for monitoring isoprene emissions

    Uma metodologia de análise da relação entre infraestrutura e incidência de conflitos

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    Diversos estudos procuraram mostrar a ligação entre pobreza e a incidência de conflitos como um ciclo vicioso no qual a pobreza gera conflitos e conflitos geram pobreza. Dessa forma, é imprescindível pensar que, no esforço de análise e prevenção de conflitos, devem ser levadas em ampla consideração as ameaças provenientes dos aspectos estruturais - sociais e econômicos historicamente reproduzidos nos países menos desenvolvidos. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho busca propor uma metodologia quantitativa para avaliar a relação entre investimento em infraestrutura e possibilidade de incidência de conflitos. Para tanto, considerando-se um período de 2001 a 2016, procurou-se estudar empiricamente a relação entre a incidência de conflitos e investimentos em infraestrutura em setores-chave da economia, tais quais energia elétrica, telecomunicações e transportes, em uma região pré-definida, por meio de estimativas com dados de painel. Com isso, obteve-se evidências empíricas indicando que investimentos, no que se conhece como logística pública e privada, podem contribuir para o crescimento do PIB, redução da pobreza e, por consequência, reduzir a incidência de conflitos. Mais especificamente, os resultados econométricos dessa análise revelaram um significante efeito conjunto de investimentos na referida infraestrutura sobre a ocorrência de conflitos. Finalmente, conclui-se a metodologia – e, dessa forma, o objetivo desse artigo – com a demonstração de que as condições estruturais podem representar as raízes dos conflitos em que se envolvem os países que se escolha analisar

    Measurement and characterisation of microplastics in English river catchment waters and sediments - WT15135 [Final report and appendices]

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    The objective of the project was to carry out a pilot study developing sampling and analytical protocols to determine the quantities, loads and types of microplastics (MP), in surface waters and sediments. Approaches to sampling surface waters and sediments would be reviewed and a selected approach tested on catchments agreed in consultation with the Environment Agency. From this, a provisional standard operating procedure (SOP) guideline is presented that may be used for sampling, processing and analysis of microplastics in river waters and sediments. In addition, it was investigated whether sediment samples collected in this manner could be analysed for the presence of vehicle tyre wear, through quantitative analysis of a common additive of tyre rubber, N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N’-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD). This compound has been identified as a Priority 2 substance for freshwaters and groundwaters (high risk, low certainty) under the Environment Agency’s Prioritisation and Early Warning System (PEWS), flagging it for further consideration in sediments as it meets the toxicity criterion according to available ecotoxicity data and is not currently monitored (Environment Agency, 2023). The method is believed to be the first to be published to quantify this chemical marker in sediments using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

    Soil carbon determination for long‐term monitoring revisited using thermo‐gravimetric analysis

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    Soils and the vadose zone are the major terrestrial repository of carbon (C) in the form of soil organic matter (SOM), more resistant black carbon (BC), and inorganic carbonate. Differentiating between these pools is important for assessing vulnerability to degradation and changes in the C cycle affecting soil health and climate regulation. Major monitoring programs from field to continent are now being undertaken to track changes in soil carbon (SC). Inexpensive, robust measures that can differentiate small changes in the C pools in a single measurement are highly desirable for long-term monitoring. In this study, we assess the accuracy and precision of thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) using organic matter standards, clay minerals, and soils from a national data set. We investigate the use of TGA to routinely differentiate between C pools, something no single measurement has yet achieved. Based on the kinetic nature of thermal oxidation of SC combined with the different thermodynamic stabilities of the molecules, we designed a new method to quantify the inorganic and organic SC and further separate the organic biogeochemically active SOM (as loss on ignition, LOI) from the resistant BC in soils. We analyze the TGA spectrums of a national soil monitoring data set (n = 456) and measure total carbon (TC) using thermal oxidation and also demonstrate a TC/LOI relationship of 0.55 for soils ranging from mineral soils to peat for the United Kingdom consistent with previous monitoring campaigns

    Inadequate nutrient intake in Brazilian adolescents

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar o consumo de energia e nutrientes e a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão de micronutrientes entre adolescentes brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Amostra probabilística composta por 6.797 adolescentes (49,7% do sexo feminino) entre dez e 18 anos de idade foi avaliada no Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação, 2008-2009. Os fatores de expansão, a complexidade do desenho da amostra e a correção da variabilidade intrapessoal do consumo foram considerados. A prevalência de inadequação de consumo de micronutrientes foi estimada pela proporção de adolescentes com ingestão abaixo da necessidade média estimada. Para o sódio, estimou-se a prevalência de consumo acima do valor de ingestão máxima tolerável. RESULTADOS: A média de consumo de energia variou de 1.869 kcal, observada nas adolescentes de 10 a 13 anos, a 2.198 kcal, estimada para os adolescentes de 14 a 18 anos. Os carboidratos forneceram 57% da energia total, os lipídios, 27% e as proteínas, 16%. As maiores prevalências de inadequação foram observadas para cálcio (>; 95%), fósforo (entre 54% e 69%) e vitaminas A (entre 66% e 85%), E (100%) e C (entre 27% e 49%). Mais de 70% dos adolescentes apresentaram consumo de sódio superior à ingestão máxima tolerável. CONCLUSÕES: As médias de consumo energético e a distribuição de macronutrientes eram adequadas, mas foram observadas elevadas prevalências de inadequação no consumo de vitaminas e minerais, destacando-se consumo de sódio muito acima do recomendado, consumo de cálcio reduzido e nas adolescentes de 14 a 18 anos foi observada importante inadequação na ingestão de ferro.OBJETIVO: Estimar el consumo de energía y nutrientes y la prevalencia de ingestión inadecuada de micronutrientes entre adolescentes brasileños. MÉTODOS: La muestra probabilística compuesta por 6.797 adolescentes (49,7% del sexo femenino) entre diez y 18 años de edad fue evaluada en la Pesquisa Nacional de Alimentación, 2008-2009. Se consideraron los factores de expansión, la complejidad de diseño de la muestra y la corrección de la variabilidad intra-personal de consumo. La prevalencia de consumo inadecuado de micronutrientes fue estimada por la proporción de adolescentes con ingestión por debajo de la necesidad promedio estimada. Para el sodio, se estimó la prevalencia de consumo por encima del valor de ingestión máxima tolerable. CONCLUSIÓN: Los promedios de consumo energético y la distribución de macronutrientes eran adecuados, sin embargo, se observaron elevadas prevalencias de consumo inadecuado de vitaminas y minerales, destacándose el consumo de sodio muy por encima de lo recomendado, consumo de calcio reducido y en las adolescentes de 14 a 18 años fue observada importante ingestión inadecuada de hierro.OBJECTIVE: To assess energy and nutrient consumption and the prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intake among Brazilian adolescents. METHODS: A random sample composed of 6,797 adolescents (49.7% girls), between 10 and 18 years old, was evaluated in the first National Dietary Survey, part of the Household Budget Survey carried out in 2008-2009. Expansion factors, sample complexity design and correction of intraindividual variability were considered. The prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intake was based on the proportion of adolescents with intake below the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR). The prevalence of intake above the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) was estimated for sodium. RESULTS: The mean energy intake ranged between 1,869 kcal (10 to 13 year old females) and 2,198 kcal (14 to 18 year old males). Of the total energy intake, 57% came from carbohydrates, 27% from lipids and about 16% from proteins. Inadequacies were higher for calcium (>; 95%), phosphorous (54% to 69%) and vitamins A (66% to 85%), E (100%) and C (27% to 49%). More than 70% of adolescents reported sodium intake above the UL. CONCLUSIONS: Mean energy consumption and distribution of macro-nutrients were adequate, but prevalence of inadequate vitamin and mineral intake were high and notable consumption of sodium above the recommended levels, low levels of calcium consumption and, in 14 to 18 year old females, important inadequacies in iron intake were found

    Geohazards in Iberoamerica. The role of the Iberoamerican Geological Surveys and Mining Surveys (ASGMI)

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    RESUMEN Iberoamérica es uno de los territorios del Mundo más expuestos a las catástrofes derivadas de procesos geológicos activos. De los peligros geológicos que acechan el territorio, las inundaciones y avenidas dejan los mayores daños, seguidas de terremotos, movimientos de ladera y erupciones volcánicas. El Grupo de Amenazas Geológicas de la Asociación de Servicios Geológicos y Minería Iberoamericanos (ASGMI) ha compartido un cuestionario entre sus países miembros (10), con la finalidad de recopilar los eventos más dañinos en la última década, conocer sus efectos e impactos socio-económicos, así como analizar las fortalezas y debilidades de los servicios geológicos para generar conocimientos útiles en la toma de decisiones para las diferentes etapas de la gestión del riesgo y el ordenamiento territorial. Todos los países reportan casos dramáticos durante la última década, con miles de fallecidos (> 11.000), graves afecciones a la población y cuantiosos daños económicos valorados en US50billones.Noobstante,semanifiestaunafaltadedatosoficialessobrelosdan~ossocioeconoˊmicosquegeneranlospeligrosgeoloˊgicosencadapaıˊs.Lamayorıˊadelosserviciosgeoloˊgicostieneplanesdecartografıˊatemaˊticasobrelosdiferentespeligrosgeoloˊgicos,aunquesedetectaunanecesidaddecartografıˊasdetalladasdepeligrosidadyvulnerabilidad,quesepuedanincluirenlaplanificacioˊnurbanıˊsticayterritorial.Lamitaddelosserviciosgeoloˊgicosencuestadosnotienecompetenciasoficialesenmateriadevigilancia,controlyseguimientodelosdiferentespeligrosgeoloˊgicos,hechoquedeterminaunadebilidadreflejadaenelnuˊmerodeexpertosenplantillayenunalimitacioˊndesuactividad.Engeneral,losserviciosgeoloˊgicosiberoamericanosdebenincrementarsusesfuerzosparadesarrollarprogramasdetransferenciadelconocimiento,medianteestrategiasdecomunicacioˊneducativaeinformacioˊnpuˊblica,asıˊcomofavoreceryfacilitarelaccesodesusdatossobreestetipodefenoˊmenosrecurrentes,conocimientoqueredundefinalmenteenlareduccioˊndelriesgo.ABSTRACTThegeologicalcontextdeterminesthatIberoamericaisoneoftheterritoriesoftheworldmostexposedtodisastersderivedfromactivegeologicalprocesses.AsfarasthemaingeohazardswhichthreatentheIberoamericancountriesareconcerned,floodsandflashfloodscausethegreatestdamage,followedbyearthquakes,massmovementsandvolcaniceruptions.TheGroupofExpertsinGeohazardsfromtheAssociationofIberoamericanGeologicalandMiningServices(ASGMI)hasdevelopedanenquirybasedandparticipatoryanalysisapproachtofirstlycompilethemostdamagingeventsregisteredduringthepasttenyearsandtheirsocioeconomicimpact.Tenmembercountrieshavereporteddramaticcasesduringthelastdecade,withthousandsoffatalities(>11,000deaths)andseveredamagevalueduptoUS50 billones. No obstante, se manifiesta una falta de datos oficiales sobre los daños socio-económicos que generan los peligros geológicos en cada país. La mayoría de los servicios geológicos tiene planes de cartografía temática sobre los diferentes peligros geológicos, aunque se detecta una necesidad de cartografías detalladas de peligrosidad y vulnerabilidad, que se puedan incluir en la planificación urbanística y territorial. La mitad de los servicios geológicos encuestados no tiene competencias oficiales en materia de vigilancia, control y seguimiento de los diferentes peligros geológicos, hecho que determina una debilidad reflejada en el número de expertos en plantilla y en una limitación de su actividad. En general, los servicios geológicos iberoamericanos deben incrementar sus esfuerzos para desarrollar programas de transferencia del conocimiento, mediante estrategias de comunicación educativa e información pública, así como favorecer y facilitar el acceso de sus datos sobre este tipo de fenómenos recurrentes, conocimiento que redunde finalmente en la reducción del riesgo.ABSTRACT The geological context determines that Iberoamerica is one of the territories of the world most exposed to disasters derived from active geological processes. As far as the main geohazards which threaten the Iberoamerican countries are concerned, floods and flash floods cause the greatest damage, followed by earthquakes, mass movements and volcanic eruptions. The Group of Experts in Geohazards from the Association of Iberoamerican Geological and Mining Services (ASGMI) has developed an enquiry-based and participatory analysis approach to firstly compile the most damaging events registered during the past ten years and their socio-economic impact. Ten member countries have reported dramatic cases during the last decade, with thousands of fatalities (>11,000 deaths) and severe damage valued up to US50 billion. However, there is a lack of official data on the socio-economic damage generated by geohazards in many countries. This questionnaire also tries to identify the strengths and weaknesses of ASGMI to generate useful knowledge in decision-making for the different stages of risk management and territorial planning. Most geological services have thematic mapping plans on the different geohazards; however, a relevant deficiency detected in many countries is the lack of hazard and vulnerability at a detailed resolution for urban and territorial planning. Half of the geological services do not have any official competences in terms of vigilance, control and monitoring of the different geohazards; a fact that determines a smaller number of experts on the staff and less activity in this field. In general, Iberoamerican geological services should increase their efforts to develop outreach programs to strengthen geohazard awareness, educational and communication strategies to provide residents and policy-makers adapted information on the knowledge acquired, as well as favouring and facilitating free and open access to their data.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Glastir Monitoring & Evaluation Programme. First year annual report

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    The Welsh Government has commissioned a comprehensive new ecosystem monitoring and evaluation programme to monitor the effects of Glastir, its new land management scheme, and to monitor progress towards a range of international biodiversity and environmental targets. A random sample of 1 km squares stratified by landcover types will be used both to monitor change at a national level in the wider countryside and to provide a backdrop against which intervention measures are assessed using a second sample of 1 km squares located in areas eligible for enhanced payments for advanced interventions. Modelling in the first year has forecast change based on current understanding, whilst a rolling national monitoring programme based on an ecosystem approach will provide an evidence-base for on-going, adaptive development of the scheme by Welsh Government. To our knowledge, this will constitute the largest and most in-depth ecosystem monitoring and evaluation programme of any member state of the European Union


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    Este estudo parte de uma investigação longitudinal (2019-2022) mais ampla, vinculada ao Grupo Multidisciplinar de Pesquisa em Educação, Psicopedagogia e Psicologia Escolar, UFAM/CNPq, PROCAD/AMAZÔNIA-PPGEUFAM/UFPA/UFMT, Processo CAPES 8881.314288/2019-0, articula-se metodológica e teoricamente com interfaces entre a psicologia escolar, psicologia educacional, pedagogia do ensino superior e educação escolar. Atua no sentido de entender os efeitos de variáveis cognitivas e contextuais sobre o sucesso acadêmico e o bem estar na universidade. A metodologia para coleta de dados é a aplicação de caderno de instrumentos próprios com apoio do Googleodocs, a amostra atual é de n=1112 estudantes de diferentes países (Brasil, México, República Dominicana, Bolívia, Moçambique, Angola, Venezuela, Colômbia, Espanha e Portugal), do sexo masculino e feminino, idade entre 18 e 54 anos e de 51 universidades públicas e privadas que colaboram com a iniciativa. Os dados são analisados com auxílio do Excel e SPSS, de acordo com os interesses dos pesquisadores e objetivos da investigação. Os resultados atuais demonstram a importância da pesquisa sobre os temas abordados pela iniciativa considerando o impacto das variáveis estudadas sobre o rendimento acadêmico e bom estar tanto de estudantes como de docentes e técnicos no ensino superior. Foram identificadas diferenças de países, renda, etnia, gênero e renda. No caso dos docentes e técnicos verificamos evidências da exaustão feminina. Os resultados podem apoiar a administração geral e coordenação educativa e psicopedagógica universitária em sentido amplo, visando a melhoria dos indicadores de sucesso acadêmico e bem estar, por meio da proposição de novas políticas e gestão da educação superior. Palavras-chave: Pesquisa em educação, Ensino superior, Rendimento acadêmico, Bem estar. Políticas de gestão da educação superior. Educação comparada.   IMPACT OF COGNITIVE AND CONTEXTUAL VARIABLES ABOUT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND  WELLBEING IN THE UNIVERSITY. Whato to do? Qhato not to do?   Abstract: This study, part of a further longitudinal investigation (2019-2022), attached to a multidisciplinary group of Educational Research  Scholar Psychotherapy and Psychology, UFAM/CNPq, PROCAD/AMAZONIA-PPGEUFAM/UFPA/UFMT, CAPES process 8881.314288/2019-0, it is articulated methodological and theoretically with interfaces between the scholar and educational psychology, upper and scholar education pedagogy. It acts in the direction of understanding 5he effects og cognitive and contextual variables about the academic achievement and wellness in the university. The methodology to data collection is the application of own instrument cards with the support of Googledocs, the actual sample is quantity of n=1112 students from 51 private and public universities of different countries (Brazil, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Mozambique, Angola, Venezuela, Colombia, Spain and Portugal), from both male and female genders, aging between 18 and 54 years-old. The data were analyzed with the support of software Excel and SPSS, according to the interests of researchers and investigation focus. The actual results show the importance of the research about the themes cited in the initiative considering the impacts of the studied variables over the academic performance and wellness of the students as the teachers and technicians from upper education. There were found differences between countries, income, ethnic and gender. In the cases of the teachers and technicians it was found evidences of female exhaustion. The results could support the general administration, educative and psychopedagogy coordination and in a wide range, looking forward the better successful academic indicators and wellness, through the proposition of new policies and management of upper education. Keywords: Educational Reserch, upper educatión, academic performance, wellness, upper educaciton mangement policies, compared education. &nbsp