310 research outputs found

    Kartering terrestrische Natura 2000 habitattypen; Botshol 2009

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    Momenteel worden voor de Nederlandse Natura 2000 gebieden beheerplannen opgesteld. Voor het formuleren van richtlijnen en maatregelen, alsmede om de ontwikkelingen rond de habitattypen en doelsoorten in de toekomst te kunnen evalueren, is het noodzakelijk om de uitgangssituatie ten aanzien van de habitattypen en doelsoorten goed te beschrijven. Ook de terrestrische vegetatie wordt door de grootste eigenaar in het gebied, de Vereniging Natuurmonumenten, met regelmaat beschreven, maar een eerdere analyse leerde dat de hiervoor gebruikte typologie niet eenduidig valt te vertalen naar Natura 2000 habitattypen. Daarom is in juni en juli 2009 een kartering van de terrestrische habitattypen uitgevoerd. De resultaten van deze kartering worden in dit rapport beschreven

    CliCTD: A monolithic HR-CMOS sensor chip for the CLIC silicon tracker

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    The CLIC Tracker Detector (CLICTD) is a monolithic pixelated sensor chip produced in a 180 nm imaging CMOS process built on a high-resistivity epitaxial layer. The chip, designed in the context of the CLIC tracking detector study, comprises a matrix of 16 x 128 elongated pixels, each measuring 300 x 30 μm2^{2}. To ensure prompt charge collection, every elongated pixel is segmented in eight sub-pixels, each containing a collection diode and a separate analog front-end. A simultaneous 8-bit time measurement with 10 ns time bins and 5-bit energy measurement with programmable range is performed in the on-pixel digital logic. The main design aspects as well as the first results from laboratory measurements with the CLICTD chip are presented

    Fungi and lichens recorded during the Cryptogam Symposium on Natural Beech Forests, Slovakia 2011

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    In September 2011, an international team of cryptogam experts visited seven national nature reserves in five mountain areas of Slovakia: Havešová and Stužica in the Poloniny Mts., Vihorlat in the Vihorlatské vrchyMts., Oblík in the Slanské vrchyMts., Dobročský prales and Klenovský Vepor in the Veporské vrchy Mts. and Badínsky prales in the Kremnické vrchy Mts. The reserves were selected to represent examples of the best protected old-growth beech forests in the country. The aim was to study the diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi on fallen beech logs and epiphytic lichens on standing beech trees. In total, 215 fungal species and 128 lichens were recorded on beech wood and bark, and 27 fungi and 26 lichens on additional substrates. The site of the highest conservation value is Stužica with 126 fungi and 79 lichens recorded on beech, of which 12 fungi and 19 lichens are indicators of high nature conservation value. Combined with historical records, a total of 19 non-lichenised fungal indicators are now reported from the site, making it the highest ranked natural beech forest in Europe. The second most important reserve for fungal diversity is Havešová with 121 species, including 14 indicator species recorded on beech wood. For lichens, the second most important reserve is Klenovský Vepor with 69 species including 18 lichen indicators recorded on beech. Nine fungus species are here reported as new to Slovakia: Asterostroma medium, Entoloma hispidulum, E. pseudoparasiticum, Gloeohypochnicium analogum, Hohenbuehelia valesiaca, Hymenochaete ulmicola, Hypocrea parmastoi, Melanomma spiniferum and Scutellinia colensoi. Lichen species Alyxoria ochrocheila is reported as new to Slovakia and Lecanographa amylacea, which was considered extinct in the Slovak Red list, was also recorded. This is the first list of wood-inhabiting fungi and epiphytic lichens of old-growth beech forests in Slovakia, and hence an important contribution to the exploration of biodiversity in Slovakia

    Communities of wood-inhabiting bryophytes and fungi on dead beech logs in Europe - reflecting substrate quality or shaped by climate and forest conditions?

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    Aim: Fungi are drivers of wood decay in forested ecosystem, while bryophytes use dead wood as a platform for their autotrophic lifestyle. We tested the hypothesis that fungal communities on beech logs are mainly structured by substrate quality, while bryophyte communities are structured by climatic gradients. In addition, we tested whether community structure in both organism groups is altered along a gradient from nearly pristine forest to forests heavily affected by management and human disturbance in the past. Location: Europe. Methods: We surveyed 1207 fallen beech logs in 26 of the best-preserved forest stands across six European countries, representing a gradient in overall naturalness of the forest landscape. Recorded species were classified into ecological guilds. Indirect ordination and variation partitioning was used to analyse the relationship between species composition and environmental variables, recorded at log or site level. Results: In total, 10,367 bryophyte and 15,575 fungal records were made, representing 157 and 272 species, respectively. Fungal communities were more clearly structured by substrate quality than were bryophyte communities. In both groups a distinct turnover in species composition was evident along a longitudinal gradient from Central to Western Europe. Fungi specialized in trunk rot and specialized epixylic bryophytes were scarcely represented in Atlantic regions, and partly replaced by species belonging to less specialized guilds. Variables related to climate and forest conditions were confounded along this main geographical gradient in community composition. Main conclusions: We found that bryophyte and fungal communities co-occurring on fallen beech logs in European beech forest reserves differed in their responses to biogeographical drivers and local-scale habitat filters. Both groups responded to major gradients in climate and forest conditions, but the loss of specialist guilds in degraded forest landscapes points to a functionally important effect of forest landscape degradation at the European continental scale. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Combining TCAD and Monte Carlo methods to simulate CMOS pixel sensors with a small collection electrode using the Allpix2^{2} framework

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    Combining electrostatic field simulations with Monte Carlo methods enables realistic modeling of the detector response for novel monolithic silicon detectors with strongly non-linear electric fields. Both the precise field description and the inclusion of Landau fluctuations and production of secondary particles in the sensor are crucial ingredients for the understanding and reproduction of detector characteristics. In this paper, a CMOS pixel sensor with small collection electrode design, implemented in a high-resistivity epitaxial layer, is simulated by integrating a detailed electric field model from finite element TCAD into a Monte Carlo based simulation with the framework. The simulation results are compared to data recorded in test-beam measurements and very good agreement is found for various quantities such as cluster size, spatial resolution and efficiency. Furthermore, the observables are studied as a function of the intra-pixel incidence position to enable a detailed comparison with the detector behavior observed in data. The validation of such simulations is fundamental for modeling the detector response and for predicting the performance of future prototype designs. Moreover, visualization plots extracted from the charge carrier drift model of the framework can aid in understanding the charge propagation behavior in different regions of the sensor

    Design and characterisation of the CLICTD pixelated monolithic sensor chip

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    A novel monolithic pixelated sensor and readout chip, the CLIC Tracker Detector (CLICTD) chip, is presented. The CLICTD chip was designed targeting the requirements of the silicon tracker development for the experiment at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), and has been fabricated in a modified 180 nm CMOS imaging process with charge collection on a high-resistivity p-type epitaxial layer. The chip features a matrix of 16×128 elongated channels, each measuring 300×30 μm2. Each channel contains 8 equidistant collection electrodes and analog readout circuits to ensure prompt signal formation. A simultaneous 8-bit Time-of-Arrival (with 10 ns time bins) and 5-bit Time-over-Threshold measurement is performed on the combined digital output of the 8 sub-pixels in every channel. The chip has been fabricated in two process variants and characterised in laboratory measurements using electrical test pulses and radiation sources. Results show a minimum threshold between 135 and 180 e‾ and a noise of about 14 e‾ RMS. The design aspects and characterisation results of the CLICTD chip are presented

    Stereospecific inhibition of monoamine uptake transporters by meta-hydroxyephedrine isomers

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    Meta-hydroxyephedrine (HED) comprises four stereoisomers consisting of two enantiomeric pairs related to ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. HED is transported into adrenergic neurons and radiolabeled HED has been employed in positron emission tomography (PET) to image adrenergic neurons in vivo. To extend structure-activity analyses of binding sites within monoamine transporters and to determine which stereoisomer displayed the best selectivity for PET imaging applications, we tested the HED compounds for their abilities to inhibit [ 3 H]neurotransmitter uptake into platelets, transfected cells, and chromaffin vesicles. We hypothesized that the HED compounds would be most potent at the norepinephrine transporter (NET) compared to the serotonin or dopamine transporters and that the 1R diastereomers would be more effective than 1S diastereomers. Supporting the hypotheses, all stereoisomers were most potent at the NET and the 1R,2S stereoisomer was the most potent inhibitor overall. However, the 1S,2R isomer may be preferred for PET applications because of better selectivity among the transporters and reduced neuronal recycling.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42456/1/702-109-10-1229_21091229.pd

    Iodine-125 and fluorine-18 labeled aryl-1,4-dialkylpiperazines: Potential radiopharmaceuticals for in vivo study of the dopamine uptake system

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    A series of fluorine-18 and iodine-125 labeled aryl-1,4-dialkylpiperazine analogs, derivatives of GBR 12935, were synthesized as radiotracers for positron emission tomography or single photon emission computerized tomography imaging of the brain based on their affinity for the presynaptic dopamine reuptake system. High specific activity fluorine-18 tracers were prepared by nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions; iodine-125 tracers were prepared by isotopic exchange reactions. In vitro competitive binding studies demonstrated that iodine substitution is tolerated in the 4-position of the phenyl ring of the phenalkylpiperazine group. In vivo regional brain biodistribution studies in mice indicated no selectivity of the radioiodinated ligands for the dopamine reuptake site, with striatum/cerebellum concentration ratios of 1. Similar negative results with the new fluorine-18 derivatives demonstrated that in vivo selectivity for the dopamine reuptake site appears to be critically dependent on the carbon chain length between the piperazine ring and the solitary aromatic ring. These studies suggest that development of new radiopharmaceuticals based on the GBR 12935 structure cannot be based solely on considerations of in vitro binding affinities.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30090/1/0000461.pd

    Haemodynamic efficacy of microaxial left ventricular assist device in cardiogenic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The Impella percutaneous mechanical circulatory support device is designed to augment cardiac output and reduce left ventricular wall stress and aims to improve survival in cases of cardiogenic shock. In this meta-analysis we investigated the haemodynamic effects of the Impella device in a clinical setting. We systematically searched all articles in PubMed/Medline and Embase up to July 2019. The primary outcom