22 research outputs found

    SHEER “smart” database: technical note

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    The SHEER database brings together a large amount of data of various types: interdisciplinary site data from seven independent episodes, research data and those for the project results dissemination process. This concerns mainly shale gas exploitation test sites, processing procedures, results of data interpretation and recommendations. The smart SHEER database harmonizes data from different fields (geophysical, geochemical, geological, technological, etc.), creates and provides access to an advanced database of case studies of environmental impact indicators associated with shale gas exploitation and exploration, which previously did not exist. A unique component of the SHEER database comes from the monitoring activity performed during the project in one active shale gas exploration and exploitation site at Wysin, Poland, which started from the pre-operational phase. The SHEER database is capable of the adoption of new data such as results of other Work Packages and has developed an over-arching structure for higher-level integration

    Cytological markers used for identification and transfer of Aegilops spp. chromatin carrying valuable genes into cultivated forms of Triticum

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    There are many reports describing chromosome structure, organization and evolution within goatgrasses (Aegilops spp.). Chromosome banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques are main methods used to identify Aegilops Linnaeus, 1753 chromosomes. These data have essential value considering the close genetic and genomic relationship of goatgrasses with wheat (Triticum aestivum Linnaeus, 1753) and triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack, 1899). A key question is whether those protocols are useful and effective for tracking Aegilops chromosomes or chromosome segments in genetic background of cultivated cereals. This article is a review of scientific reports describing chromosome identification methods, which were applied for development of prebreeding plant material and for transfer of desirable traits into Triticum Linnaeus, 1753 cultivated species. Moreover, this paper is a resume of the most efficient cytomolecular markers, which can be used to follow the introgression of Aegilops chromatin during the breeding process

    5-Deazaalloxazine as photosensitizer of singlet oxygen and potential redox-sensitive agent

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    Flavins are a unique class of compounds that combine the features of singlet oxygen generators and redox-dependent fluorophores. From a broad family of flavin derivatives, deazaalloxazines are significantly underdeveloped from the point of view of photophysical properties. Herein, we report photophysics of 5-deazaalloxazine (1a) in water, acetonitrile, and some other solvents. In particular, triplet excited states of 1ain water and in acetonitrile were investigated using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) transient absorption spectroscopy. The measured triplet lifetimes for 1a were all on the microsecond time scale (approximate to 60 mu s) in deoxygenated solutions. The quantum yield of S-1 -> T-1 intersystem crossing for 1ain water was 0.43 based on T1 energy transfer from 1a to indicaxanthin (5) acting as acceptor and on comparative actinometric measurements using benzophenone (6). 1a was an efficient photosensitizer for singlet oxygen in aerated solutions, with quantum yields of singlet oxygen in methanol of about 0.76, compared to acetonitrile similar to 0.74, dichloromethane similar to 0.64 and 1,2-dichloroethane similar to 0.54. Significantly lower singlet oxygen quantum yields were obtained in water and deuterated water (Phi(Delta)similar to 0.42 and 0.44, respectively). Human red blood cells (RBC) were used as a cell model to study the antioxidant capacity in vitro and cytotoxic activity of 1a. Fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data were analyzed by fluorescence lifetime parameters and distribution for different parts of the emission spectrum. Comparison of multidimensional fluorescent properties of RBC under physiological-like and oxidative-stress conditions in the presence and absence of 1a suggests its dual activity as probe and singlet-oxygen generator and opens up a pathway for using FLIM to analyze complex intracellular behavior of flavin-like compounds. These new data on structure-property relationship contribute to the body of information required for a rational design of flavin-based tools for future biological and biochemical applications.National Science Centre, Poland 2017/27/B/ST4/02494 (OPUS), NCN CEUS-UNISONO 2020/02/Y/ST4/00042, 2018/29/B/ST4/01498 (Opus), POIR.04.04.00-00-441F/17-00, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic 2013/08/T/ST4/00640 (Etiuda), Foundation for Polish Science 21-14200K, Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 POIR.04.02.00-00-C004/19-00, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland DIR/WK/2018/06info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow, Poland

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    The SOLARIS synchrotron located in Krakow, Poland, is a third-generation light source operating at medium electron energy. The first synchrotron light was observed in 2015, and the consequent development of infrastructure lead to the first users’ experiments at soft X-ray energies in 2018. Presently, SOLARIS expands its operation towards hard X-rays with continuous developments of the beamlines and concurrent infrastructure. In the following, we will summarize the SOLARIS synchrotron design, and describe the beamlines and research infrastructure together with the main performance parameters, upgrade, and development plans

    Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of the complexes of the selected metal ions with amide derivatives of aromatic carboxylic acids

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    Wydział ChemiiRozprawa doktorska oparta jest na czterech publikacjach stanowiących spójny tematycznie zbiór artykułów naukowych opublikowanych w międzynarodowych czasopismach naukowych. Otrzymano dziewięć nowych ligandów stanowiących pochodne amidowe kwasów pirydynokarboksylowych o bardzo dużym potencjale koordynacyjno-strukturalnym. Bardzo dobre właściwości kompleksotwórcze otrzymanych pirydynokarboksyamidów zweryfikowano poprzez syntezę kompleksów jonów metali d- i f-elektronowych przy użyciu dwóch metod: syntezy przebiegającej w warunkach podwyższonej temperatury lub w warunkach podwyższonej temperatury i ciśnienia (tzw. synteza solwotermalna). W trakcie prowadzonych działań badawczych zsyntezowano szereg związków kompleksowych o różnorodnych strukturach krystalicznych tj. kompleksy pojedyncze, polimery koordynacyjne, układy trójskładnikowe z łącznikami, kompleksy jonowe oraz układy typu kompleks dimeryczny i sól hybrydowa. Dokonano szczegółowej analizy i charakterystyki spektroskopowej otrzymanych związków, zbadano właściwości kompleksotwórcze nowych ligandów i właściwości luminescencyjne, magnetyczne oraz grzybobójcze wybranych kompleksów.The presented PhD dissertation is based on four publications representing a thematically consistent series of articles published in the international scientific journals. Nine amide derivatives of pyridinecarboxylic acids with large coordination and structural potential were obtained. Very good complexing capabilities of obtained pyridine carboxamides were verified via synthesis of d- and f-electron metal ion complexes with the use of two synthesis methods: synthesis in elevated temperature conditions or synthesis in elevated temperature and pressure conditions (solvothermal synthesis). A series of the coordination compounds with the variety of crystal structures were synthesized, such as single complexes, coordination polymers, ternary complexes with linkers, ionic complexes, dimeric complex and hybrid salt. The detailed analysis and spectroscopic characterization of all obtained compounds were performed. The complexing properties of new ligands and luminescent, magnetic and antifungal properties of selected complexes were studied

    Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of the complexes of the selected metal ions with amide derivatives of aromatic carboxylic acids

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    Wydział ChemiiRozprawa doktorska oparta jest na czterech publikacjach stanowiących spójny tematycznie zbiór artykułów naukowych opublikowanych w międzynarodowych czasopismach naukowych. Otrzymano dziewięć nowych ligandów stanowiących pochodne amidowe kwasów pirydynokarboksylowych o bardzo dużym potencjale koordynacyjno-strukturalnym. Bardzo dobre właściwości kompleksotwórcze otrzymanych pirydynokarboksyamidów zweryfikowano poprzez syntezę kompleksów jonów metali d- i f-elektronowych przy użyciu dwóch metod: syntezy przebiegającej w warunkach podwyższonej temperatury lub w warunkach podwyższonej temperatury i ciśnienia (tzw. synteza solwotermalna). W trakcie prowadzonych działań badawczych zsyntezowano szereg związków kompleksowych o różnorodnych strukturach krystalicznych tj. kompleksy pojedyncze, polimery koordynacyjne, układy trójskładnikowe z łącznikami, kompleksy jonowe oraz układy typu kompleks dimeryczny i sól hybrydowa. Dokonano szczegółowej analizy i charakterystyki spektroskopowej otrzymanych związków, zbadano właściwości kompleksotwórcze nowych ligandów i właściwości luminescencyjne, magnetyczne oraz grzybobójcze wybranych kompleksów.The presented PhD dissertation is based on four publications representing a thematically consistent series of articles published in the international scientific journals. Nine amide derivatives of pyridinecarboxylic acids with large coordination and structural potential were obtained. Very good complexing capabilities of obtained pyridine carboxamides were verified via synthesis of d- and f-electron metal ion complexes with the use of two synthesis methods: synthesis in elevated temperature conditions or synthesis in elevated temperature and pressure conditions (solvothermal synthesis). A series of the coordination compounds with the variety of crystal structures were synthesized, such as single complexes, coordination polymers, ternary complexes with linkers, ionic complexes, dimeric complex and hybrid salt. The detailed analysis and spectroscopic characterization of all obtained compounds were performed. The complexing properties of new ligands and luminescent, magnetic and antifungal properties of selected complexes were studied

    Identification of Powdery Mildew Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici Resistance Genes in Selected Wheat Varieties and Development of Multiplex PCR

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    The aim of the study was to identify the Pm2, Pm3a, Pm4b and Pm6 genes and to develop multiplex PCR reaction conditions to reduce time and limit analysis costs. The following molecular markers were used for gene identification: Xcfd81, Whs350 and Xgwm205 (for Pm2), Pm3a (for Pm3a), STS_241 and Xgwm382 (for Pm4b), NAU/BCDSTS 135-2 (for Pm6). Plant material consisted of 7 popular European wheat varieties from the wheat collection at the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding of the Poznań University of Life Sciences. The field experiment was established in 2017 and 2018 on 10 m2 plots in a randomized complete block design in three replicates in the Dłoń Agricultural Experimental Farm of the Poznań University of Life Sciences (51°41’23.835”N 017°4’1.414”E). The analyses demonstrated that the accumulation of all identified Pm genes was found in the Assosan variety. The accumulation of the Pm2, Pm4b and Pm6 genes was found in Atomic, Bussard, Lear, Sparta, Tonacja and Ulka varieties. The work also involved developing multiplex PCR conditions for Xcfd81 and STS_241 and Xcfd81 and Xgwm382 primer pairs, allowing the simultaneous identification of the Pm2 and Pm4b genes