103 research outputs found

    Variation in Indicators of Respiratory Functions among Warsaw Adolescents in Relation to Ambient Air Pollution and Smoking

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    This work presents results of studies on secondary school adolescents inhabiting two regions of Warsaw: Śródmieście district (Downtown) and Międzylesie (Wawer district - Vicinity), conducted in 2006. These two districts significantly differ according to air pollution, which is much higher in Downtown than in Vicinity. The sample consists of 219 boys and 225 girls aged 13-16 years. The measurements included body height and weight and 8 respiratory variables of lung function: VC, FEV1, TV, MV, IRV, ERV, Ap, RR. Additionally information about education of parents, number of children in family, number of rooms in a house/apartment, smoking habits of pupils and their parents were provided. Sib-sib size, parents education level and number of rooms in apartment or house were included in a principal component analysis (PCA) to obtain a common factor representing general socio-economic status (SES) for families. First factor scores were used as covariates in the further analysis. The influence of air pollution on respiratory variables was evaluated using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results show that there are significant relations of air pollution to Ap, MV and IRV and smoking habits of individuals on their MV and TV. In the heavier polluted region there are observed longer time of Ap and higher values of IRV. There is an opposite reaction of MV on air pollution and smoking. The MV values are lower in the heavier polluted area but presents greater values in smoking individuals. Also values of TV are greater if individuals smoke comparing with non smokers

    Catalogue with visual morphological classification of 32,616 radio galaxies with optical hosts

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    We present the catalogue of Radio sources associated with Optical Galaxies and having Unresolved or Extended morphologies I (ROGUE I). It was generated by cross-matching galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR 7) as well as radio sources from the First Images of Radio Sky at Twenty Centimetre (FIRST) and the National Radio Astronomical Observatory VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) catalogues. We created the largest handmade catalogue of visually classified radio objects and associated with them optical host galaxies, containing 32,616 galaxies with a FIRST core within 3 arcsec of the optical position. All listed objects possess the good quality SDSS DR 7 spectra with the signal-to-noise ratio >>10 and spectroscopic redshifts up to z=0.6z=0.6. The radio morphology classification was performed by a visual examination of the FIRST and the NVSS contour maps overlaid on a DSS image, while an optical morphology classification was based on the 120 arcsec snapshot images from SDSS DR 7. The majority of radio galaxies in ROGUE I, i.e. \sim 93%, are unresolved (compact or elongated), while the rest of them exhibit extended morphologies, such as Fanaroff-Riley (FR) type I, II, and hybrid, wide-angle tail, narrow-angle tail, head-tail sources, and sources with intermittent or reoriented jet activity, i.e. double-double, X-shaped, and Z-shaped. Most of FR IIs have low radio luminosities, comparable to the luminosities of FR Is. Moreover, due to visual check of all radio maps and optical images, we were able to discover or reclassify a number of radio objects as giant, double-double, X-shaped, and Z-shaped radio galaxies. The presented sample can serve as a database for training automatic methods of identification and classification of optical and radio galaxies.Comment: Proceedings paper under the IAU symposium "Nuclear Activity in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time", eds. M. Povic, P. Marziani, J. Masegosa, H. Netzer, S. H. Negu, and S. B. Tessem

    Constraining jet production scenarios by studies of Narrow-Line-Radio-Galaxies

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    We study a large sample of narrow-line radio galaxies (NLRGs) with extended radio structures. Using 1.4 GHz radio luminosities, L1.4L_{1.4}, narrow optical emission line luminosities, L_{\oiii} and LHαL_{H_{\alpha}}, as well as black hole masses MBHM_{BH} derived from stellar velocity dispersions measured from the optical spectra obtained with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we find that: (i) NLRGs cover about 4 decades of the Eddington ratio, λLbol/LEddLline/MBH\lambda \equiv L_{bol}/L_{Edd} \propto L_{line}/M_{BH}; (ii) L1.4/MBHL_{1.4}/M_{BH} strongly correlates with λ\lambda; (iii) radio-loudness, RL1.4/Lline{\cal R} \equiv L_{1.4}/L_{line}, strongly anti-correlates with λ\lambda. A very broad range of the Eddington ratio indicates that the parent population of NLRGs includes both radio-loud quasars (RLQs) and broad-line radio galaxies (BLRGs). The correlations they obey and their high jet production efficiencies favor a jet production model which involves the so-called 'magnetically choked' accretion scenario. In this model, production of the jet is dominated by the Blandford-Znajek mechanism, and the magnetic fields in the vicinity of the central black hole are confined by the ram pressure of the accretion flow. Since large net magnetic flux accumulated in central regions of the accretion flow required by the model can take place only via geometrically thick accretion, we speculate that the massive, 'cold' accretion events associated with luminous emission-line AGN can be accompanied by an efficient jet production only if preceded by a hot, very sub-Eddington accretion phase.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, published in ApJ, moderate revisions to match the published versio

    Projekt Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) w Polsce

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    Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) Project in PolandSocial and economical consequences of using tobacco products are commonly known. This is an issue of a global scale and requires systematic monitoring. The need of in depth examination of this issue concerns also Poland. In 2008 Polish Ministry of Health joined Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). This survey is conducted under Bloomberg Global Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use. In Poland GATS is being coordinated by World Health Organization. Three institutions were selected to conduct the survey: Maria Sklodowska-Curie Oncology Center (Centrum Onkologii – Instytut im. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie), Pentor Research International and Warsaw Medical University (Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny). GATS survey is national, representative survey of households conducted amongst adult population. Globally standardized protocol is being used to implement the survey in Poland. The protocol has been adapted to the Polish needs and reality.The main aim of the project is to assess the usage of tobacco products and examination of the size of the problem, exposure to the tobacco smoke and perception, attitudes and knowledge regarding tobacco products use as well issues concerning taxes on tobacco products. Information gained during GATS will support tobacco control policy. Experience gained during the survey implementation will, in the future, allow building systematic monitoring system of tobacco use and other health behaviors in our country

    Comparative analysis of solutions used in automated testing

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of tools supporting the production of automated tests for specific test scenarios. Within the framework of the research, the described tools were installed and then their functionalities were described. Using each of the tools, author's automatic tests were written and performed. The tool discussion was examined both in terms of the process of creating the tests and the speed of their execution. In addition, the selected tools were evaluated and subjective evaluations of the comfort of using the tool were taken into account, taking into account aspects such as the ease of installation and configuration of the tool, the need for programming skills, the simplicity of creating tests, additional functionalities and access to documentation. The summary includes the evaluation of the compared applications, and also discusses specific cases for which the tool will work better

    On the diversity of the jet production efficiency in Swift/BAT AGNs

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    We address the very large diversity of the jet production efficiency in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) by using data on low redshift AGNs selected from the Swift/BAT catalog and having black hole (BH) masses larger than 108.5M10^{8.5}\,M_{\odot}. Most of these AGNs accrete at intermediate rates and have bolometric luminosities dominated by mid-IR radiation. Our sample contains 14%14\% radio-loud (RL), 6%6\% radio-intermediate (RI), and 80%80\% radio-quiet (RQ) AGNs. All RL objects are found to have extended radio structures and most of them have classical FR II morphology. Converting their radio loudness to the jet production efficiency, we find that the median of this efficiency is on the order of (ϵd/0.1)%(\epsilon_d/0.1)\%, where ϵd=Lbol/M˙c2\epsilon_d=L_{\rm bol}/\dot{M}c^2 is the radiation efficiency of the accretion disk. Without knowing the contribution of jets to the radio emission in the RQ AGNs, we are only able to estimate their efficiencies using upper limits. Their median is found to be 0.002(ϵd/0.1)%0.002(\epsilon_d/0.1)\%. Our results suggest that some threshold conditions must be satisfied to allow production of strong, relativistic jets in RL AGNs. We discuss several possible scenarios and argue that the production of collimated, relativistic jets must involve the Blandford-Znajek mechanism and can be activated only in those AGNs whose lifetime is longer than the time required to enter the magnetically arrested disk (MAD). Presuming that MAD is required to collimate relativistic jets, we expect that the weak nonrelativistic jets observed in some RQ AGNs are produced by accretion disks rather than by rotating BHs.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. Published in ApJ on 2020 September

    Wiedza nastolatek i ich matek na temat profilaktyki raka szyjki macicy oraz szczepionek przeciwko wirusowi HPV

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    Wprowadzenie: Zakażenie wysokoonkogennymi typami wirusa HPV jest w 70-80% związane z rozwojem raka szyjki macicy. Profilaktyka pierwotna tego rodzaju raka polega na edukacji i szczepieniu dziewcząt w wieku 11-12 lat, przed rozpoczęciem przez nie inicjacji seksualnej (zalecenia PTG). Szczepienie przeciwko wirusowi HPV nie jest jednak obowiązkowe. Celem pracy jest zbadanie wiedzy kobiet i ich córek na temat profilaktyki raka szyjki macicy, w tym: badań cytologicznych, możliwości zakażenia wirusem HPV oraz szczepionek przeciwko wirusowi. Materiał i metody: Grupę badawczą stanowiły uczennice dwóch szkół średnich w Tarnobrzegu i ich matki. Jako metodę badawczą zastosowano autorski kwestionariusz. Wyniki: Otrzymano 105 prawidłowo wypełnionych ankiet od córek i 46 od matek. Matki najczęściej wykonują badanie cytologiczne raz na rok (50%) i prawidłowo określają czas odpowiedni na jego wykonanie (54,3%). Wraz z córkami posiadają wiedzę o badaniu oraz znają związek pomiędzy zakażeniem wirusem HPV a rakiem szyjki macicy. Obie grupy określają się jako zwolenniczki szczepień (matki 60,8%; córki 80%), jednak w grupie matek tylko 8,6% kobiet zaszczepiło swoje córki, natomiast 59% córek chciałoby się zaszczepić. Wnioski: Zarówno matki, jak i córki posiadają wiedzę na temat badania cytologicznego, związku pomiędzy zakażeniem wirusem HPV a rozwojem raka szyjki macicy oraz znają drogę zakażenia wirusem. Natomiast wiedza matek na temat szczepień przeciwko wirusowi HPV jest niewystarczająca - badane kobiety nie znają szczepionek, nie wiedzą kiedy zaszczepić swoje córki i obawiają się skutków ubocznych szczepień.Introduction: Infection with high-oncogenic types of HPV is associated with the development of cervical cancer in 70-80%. Primary prevention of cervical cancer is based on education and vaccination of girls aged 11-12 before sexual initiation (PTG recommendations). HPV vaccination is not obligatory. The aim of the study is to investigate why mothers do not decide to vaccinate their daughters with HPV vaccine. Material and methods: The research group consisted of female students of two secondary schools in Tarnobrzeg and their mothers. An author’s questionnaire was used as a research method. Results: In the study group, both mothers and daughters have knowledge about the cytological examination, the relationship between HPV infection and the development of cervical cancer, women know the way of HPV infection. However, the knowledge of mothers about HPV vaccination is insufficient, the women surveyed do not know the vaccines, they do not know when to vaccinate their daughters and they are afraid of the side effects of vaccination

    The knowledge of teenagers and their mothers about cervical cancer prevention and HPV vaccines

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    Introduction: Infection with highly oncogenic types of HPV is associated with the development of cervical cancer in 70–80% of cases. Primary prevention of cervical cancer is based on education and vaccination of girls aged 11–12 before sexual initiation (PTG recommendations). HPV vaccination is not obligatory. The aim of the study is to examine the knowledge of women and their daughters about the prevention of cervical cancer in terms of cytological tests, HPV infection, and vaccines against HPV. Material and methods: The research group consisted of female students of two secondary schools in Tarnobrzeg and their mothers. The research method employed was a questionnaire created by the author. Results: There were 105 correctly fullfilled questionnaries from daughters and 46 from mothers. 50% of mothers have knowledge that cytological examination should be done every year, 54% know the proper time for examination. Mothers and daughters have the knowledge about cytological examinations, know the relation between HPV infection and cervical cancer. Both groups are in favour of vaccinations (mothers 60.8% daughters 80%). Only 8.6% of mothers have vaccinated their daughters, however 59.04% of daughters would like to have HPV vaccination. Conclusions: In the study group, both mothers and daughters have knowledge about cytological examination and the relationship between HPV infection and the development of cervical cancer; the mothers know how HPV infection occurs. However, the mothers’ knowledge about HPV vaccination is insufficient as they do not know about the vaccines, they do not know when to vaccinate their daughters, and they are afraid of the side effects of vaccination

    Choice of equipment and quality of life for people with stoma

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    The selection of stoma equipment is a highly individual matter for each patient. While taking care of the stoma patient, the nurse has a difficult task to overcome, which solution will make the patient feel comfortable. In the case of a correctly formed stoma, while maintaining the basic principles of stoma hygiene, care does not cause many difficulties. The most problematic is the concave stoma, in the abdominal fold and the convex stoma. The proper selection of equipment will prevent leakage and skin changes at a later stage. It will also improve the comfort and quality of life of people with a formed stoma. The nurse's role is to properly fit the equipment that will perfectly seal the stoma, prevent leakage, loosening of the stoma bag and make the patient not to rely on constant thinking about his or her illnes