14 research outputs found

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    Coagulase-negative staphylococci contained in gut microbiota as a primary source of sepsis in low- and very low birth weight neonates

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    Background: There are only a few reports in the literature about translocation of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) as a primary cause of sepsis in neonates, although CoNS are among a short list of “translocating” bacteria when present in abundance. Methods: 468 blood samples, 119 stool samples, and 8 catheter tips, from 311 neonates, were tested for presence of microorganisms. CoNS strains isolated from the blood and stool or from blood and catheter tip of the same newborn at approximately the same time were paired and typed with PFGE (Pulse-Field Gel Electrophoresis) method. The strains were then tested for the presence of adherence genes and biofilm formation. Results: The strains with identical PFGE profiles in comparison to those with non-identical profiles differed in terms of the pattern of the virulence genes and showed a lack of the genes related to adherence, but more often presence of IS256, which is related to virulence. They also were phenotypically unable to adhere to intestinal Caco2 cells. Conclusions: A considerable proportion of CoNS strains isolated from bloodstream of VLBW/LWB neonates was identical to the strains isolated from faeces of the same neonates at the same time. These observations may offer indirect evidence indicating that at least some CoNS can translocate from the gastrointestinal tract of the premature neonates into the bloodstream and thus cause generalized infection

    Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction: a literature review

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    Opioid therapy plays a crucial role in the management of acute and chronic pain, with opioids being widely prescribed worldwide. However, alongside the analgesic benefits, the use of opioids is associated with a range of adverse effects, including opioid-induced bowel dysfunction. Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction refers to a constellation of gastrointestinal symptoms caused by the effects of opioids on the gastrointestinal tract. These symptoms primarily manifest as constipation, but can also include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction poses a significant clinical challenge, as it can severely affect patients' quality of life. Non-pharmacological approaches alone are rarely sufficient to counteract the adverse effects of opioid therapy. The primary pharmacological agents used in opioid-induced bowel dysfunction management are laxatives, which should be chosen according to individual patient needs. Patients with poorly controlled symptoms can benefit from new pharmacological approaches, particularly peripheral mu-opioid receptor antagonists. By better understanding the underlying mechanisms, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and management strategies, healthcare professionals can optimize patient care, minimize complications, and improve patients' overall well-being

    Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction: a literature review

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    Opioid therapy plays a crucial role in the management of acute and chronic pain, with opioids being widely prescribed worldwide. However, alongside the analgesic benefits, the use of opioids is associated with a range of adverse effects, including opioid-induced bowel dysfunction. Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction refers to a constellation of gastrointestinal symptoms caused by the effects of opioids on the gastrointestinal tract. These symptoms primarily manifest as constipation, but can also include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction poses a significant clinical challenge, as it can severely affect patients' quality of life. Non-pharmacological approaches alone are rarely sufficient to counteract the adverse effects of opioid therapy. The primary pharmacological agents used in opioid-induced bowel dysfunction management are laxatives, which should be chosen according to individual patient needs. Patients with poorly controlled symptoms can benefit from new pharmacological approaches, particularly peripheral mu-opioid receptor antagonists. By better understanding the underlying mechanisms, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and management strategies, healthcare professionals can optimize patient care, minimize complications, and improve patients' overall well-being

    The importance of Islamic banking in the selected countries of the European Union and in Great Britain

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    Tematem niniejszej pracy jest znaczenie bankowości islamskiej w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej i w Wielkiej Brytanii. Celem pracy było zbadanie czy bankowość islamska jest rozwinięta w Europie w stopniu dającym jej możliwość konkurowania z bankowością konwencjonalną oraz w stopniu gwarantującym swobodne korzystanie z jej produktów i usług obywatelom Unii Europejskiej i Wielkiej Brytanii, niezależnie od ich wyznania. W celu porównania jak traktowana jest kwestia bogactwa w różnych religiach, oprócz poglądów islamu przeanalizowano również idee głoszone przez dwie inne religie monoteistyczne: chrześcijaństwo i judaizm. Zwrócono uwagę na podobieństwa i różnice pomiędzy tymi dwiema religiami oraz w odniesieniu każdej z nich do islamu.Hipoteza badawcza niniejszej pracy brzmi: „Wysoka dostępność bankowości islamskiej w krajach Unii Europejskiej i w Wielkiej Brytanii sprawia, że może ona stanowić dla klientów alternatywę dla bankowości konwencjonalnej”. Narzędziami pomocnymi w potwierdzeniu lub obaleniu tej hipotezy były następujące pytania badawcze:1)Czy można zauważyć wzrost popularności bankowości islamskiej w krajach Unii Europejskiej i w Wielkiej Brytanii?2)Wśród jakich klientów w krajach Unii Europejskiej i w Wielkiej Brytanii bankowość islamska jest bardziej popularna: wśród klientów indywidualnych, czy też wśród klientów korporacyjnych?3)Czy oferta banków islamskich w Unii Europejskiej i w Wielkiej Brytanii jest porównywalna z ofertą banków konwencjonalnych i jakie produkty cieszą się największym powodzeniem?4)Czy kraje Unii Europejskiej i Wielka Brytania są otwarte na rozwój tego rodzaju bankowości?Oprócz przyjrzenia się zjawisku bankowości islamskiej w Unii Europejskiej i w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz zbadania stopnia jej rozpowszechnienia w poszczególnych krajach, niniejsza praca ma również na celu porównanie bankowości islamskiej z konwencjonalną i naświetlenie mocnych i słabych stron obydwóch typów bankowości.Jako metodę badawczą wybrano analizę danych zastanych, zawartych przede wszystkim w literaturze angielskojęzycznej, ponieważ temat ten nie jest jeszcze zbyt rozpowszechniony w Polsce. Poza tym przeprowadzone zostały krótkie rozmowy lub wymienione e-maile z ekspertami z badanej dziedziny w poszczególnych krajach europejskich.Praca wykazała, iż hipoteza badawcza potwierdziła się w przypadku Wielkiej Brytanii oraz Niemiec, w których to krajach bankowość islamska działa dość prężnie, natomiast została obalona dla Francji, w której oferta bankowości islamskiej jest nadal bardzo ograniczona oraz dla Luksemburga, którego zainteresowanie koncentruje się jedynie na islamskich funduszach inwestycyjnych.The topic of this paper is the importance of Islamic banking in the selected countries of the European Union and in Great Britain. The aim of the study was to examine, whether Islamic banking is developed in Europe to the extent that it is able to compete with conventional banking and to the extent that it guarantees the free use of its products and services to citizens of the European Union and Great Britain, regardless of their religion.In order to compare the views on wealth in different religions, the ideas of two other monotheistic religions, Christianity and Judaism, were also analysed. The author presented similarities and differences between these two religions and between each of them and Islam.The research hypothesis of this paper is: “The high accessibility of Islamic banking in the countries of the European Union and in Great Britain makes Islamic banking an alternative to conventional banking”. The following research questions were helpful to confirm or refute this hypothesis:1) Can one notice an increase in the popularity of Islamic banking in the countries of the European Union and in Great Britain?2) Among which customers in the European Union and in Great Britain Islamic banking is more popular: among individual or among corporate customers?3) Is the offer of Islamic banks in the European Union and in Great Britain comparable to the offer of conventional banks and which products are the most popular?4) Are the countries of the European Union and Great Britain open to the development of this kind of banking?Apart from observing the phenomenon of Islamic banking in the European Union and in Great Britain and examining its prevalence in the respective countries, this paper also aims to compare Islamic banking with conventional one and to underline strengths and weaknesses of both types of banking.The analysis of existing data, mainly in English-language literature, was chosen as a research method, since this topic is not yet widespread in Poland. Furthermore, short interviews were held and emails were exchanged with the experts in this field in each analysed country.The study showed that the research hypothesis was confirmed in the case of Great Britain and Germany, where the development of Islamic banking was quite dynamic, whereas it was refuted for France, where the offer of Islamic banking is still very limited and for Luxembourg, which focuses its interest only on Islamic investment funds

    On the Relevance of the Syntactic Flexibility of an Idiom for Its Recognition: Experimental Evidence from Polish

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    The article is a contribution to a long-standing discussion on how idioms are represented and accessed in the mental lexicon. More specifically, in a timed cloze response study we investigate high and low syntactic flexibility idioms in Polish in order to find out whether the degree of syntactic flexibility influences the ease and time of idioms’ recognition. By doing so we contribute to the question of whether idioms are differently represented in the lexicon depending on their syntactic flexibility, as suggested by Nunberg et al. 1994 and Gibbs and Nayak 1989, or whether all idioms independent of their syntactic flexibility are represented lexically in the same hybrid way, as suggested by Cutting and Bock 1997 and Sprenger et al. 2006. The results of our study support the latter view.The article is a contribution to a long-standing discussion on how idioms are represented and accessed in the mental lexicon. More specifically, in a timed cloze response study we investigate high and low syntactic flexibility idioms in Polish in order to find out whether the degree of syntactic flexibility influences the ease and time of idioms’ recognition. By doing so we contribute to the question of whether idioms are differently represented in the lexicon depending on their syntactic flexibility, as suggested by Nunberg et al. 1994 and Gibbs and Nayak 1989, or whether all idioms independent of their syntactic flexibility are represented lexically in the same hybrid way, as suggested by Cutting and Bock 1997 and Sprenger et al. 2006. The results of our study support the latter view

    Znaczenie relacji interpersonalnych w procesie terapii pacjentów po transplantacji nerki The importance of interpersonal relationships in the therapy of patients after kidney transplantation

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    StreszczenieWstęp: Przewlekła choroba nerek stanowi złożony zespół chorobowy, który charakteryzuje się osłabieniem funkcji nerek. Najskuteczniejszą metodę leczenia nerkozastępczego stanowi transplantacja nerki, która przedłuża życie chorych. Zabieg ten wywołuje jednak szereg emocji, zarówno pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych. Nawiązanie relacji terapeutycznej z chorym  stanowi podstawę w procesie leczenia. Cel: Celem pracy było przedstawienie znaczenia relacji pielęgniarka – pacjent w procesie terapii po transplantacji nerki. Materiał i metody: Badania zostały przeprowadzone metodą sondażu diagnostycznego od grudnia 2017 roku do marca 2018 roku. Grupę badaną stanowiło 121 pacjentów (59 kobiet, 62 mężczyzn) Kliniki Nefrologii, Transplantologii i Chorób Wewnętrznych SPSKS nr 2 oraz Oddziału Nefrologii i Transplantacji Nerek Samodzielnego Publicznego Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego w Szczecinie. Do badań zastosowano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety składający się z 25 pytań zamkniętych. Wyniki: Większość ankietowanych na poziomie dobrym i bardzo dobrym oceniła udzielane przez pielęgniarki informacje dotyczące zasad i zachowań obowiązujących w oddziale. Zdaniem 87,6% badanych relacja z personelem pielęgniarskim daje poczucie bezpieczeństwa, a u 75,8% respondentów wpłynęła na obniżenie lęku. Zdecydowana większość badanych deklarowała, że dzięki relacji interpersonalnej z pielęgniarką nastąpił u nich wzrost wiedzy związanej z chorobą.  Wnioski: 1. Badana grupa pacjentów wysoko oceniała znaczenie relacji interpersonalnych z personelem pielęgniarskim. 2. Wiek, płeć, wykształcenie, a także czas, który upłynął od przeszczepienia nerki i  zdiagnozowania choroby wpływały na poziom zadowolenia z relacji interpersonalnych z personelem pielęgniarskim. 3.Wsparcie informacyjne personelu pielęgniarskiego wywiera istotny wpływ na poczucie bezpieczeństwa i obniżenie lęku pacjentów po transplantacji nerki w trakcie hospitalizacji. Słowa kluczowe: przeszczepienie nerki, pacjent, pielęgniarka, relacja interpersonalna     AbstractBackground: Chronic renal disease is a complex disease, characterized by reduced kidney function. The most effective method of renal replacement treatment is kidney transplantation, which prolongs patients’ lives. This procedure, however, evokes a lot of positive and negative emotions. Developing a therapeutic relationship with the patient is a basis in the therapeutic process. The purpose of this study was to present the importance of the nurse–patient relationship in therapy following kidney transplantation. Material and methods: This survey-based study was conducted from December 2017 to March 2018. The study sample contained 121 patients (59 women, 62 men) of the Clinic of Nephrology, Transplantology, and Internal Diseases, Independent Public Clinical Hospital no. 2, and the Ward of Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation, Independent Public Voivodeship Integrated Hospital in Szczecin. The research instrument employed in the study was a self-developed questionnaire including 25 closed-ended questions. Results: The majority of the surveyed assessed information provided by nurses on the rules of conduct binding in the ward as good and very good. 87.6% of the respondents claimed that the relationship with nurses gives a sense of safety, and 75.8% that it had reduced their fear. A vast majority of the respondents asserted that interpersonal relationships with nurses had improved their knowledge of disease. Conclusions: 1. The patients highly valued interpersonal relationships with nursing staff. 2. Age, sex, education, as well as the time from kidney transplantation and a diagnosis of the disease had an effect on the patients’ satisfaction with interpersonal relationships with nursing staff. 3. Information provided by nursing staff has a substantial impact on the feeling of safety and the reduction of fear in patients after kidney transplantation during hospitalization. Key words: kidney transplantation, patient, nurse, interpersonal relationship