135 research outputs found

    The process of regionalization of the state-territorial structure in modern european countries : constitutional and legal forms

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    Purpose: The paper attempts to identify the constitutional and legal forms of the regionalization process on the example of individual European countries. Design / Methodology / Approach: The authors put forward a hypothesis according to which each type of regionalization of the state-territorial structure ends with the adoption of the relevant normative legal act of constitutional significance. Findings: As a result of the study, the authors concluded that each type of regionalization process is accompanied by the adoption of an appropriate regulatory legal act. Given the fact that regionalization is inextricably linked with the state structure, it as an internal process of changing the constitutional and legal status of territorial units. Practical implications: Authors' development could be applied to improve the legal framework of Russia and European countries. Originality/Value: The contribution of the article is the authors' comprehensive approach in studying the regionalization concept, applying the historical, legislative and territorial background.peer-reviewe

    People with mental disability as human rights carriers: the example of implementing the right to education in Russia

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    This study was aimed at investigating the realization of the right to education as a human right for people with mental disabilities in the context of Russi

    Inadmissibilidade de experimentos em pessoas: imperativos constitucionais dos países pós- soviéticos

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    The article revealed typical and peculiar contexts, based on the analysis of the constitutional texts of CIS countries concerning the reflection of compulsory experiments on people prohibition. The approaches of states concerning the forbidden types of experiments on people were studied and, taking this into account, the conclusion is made about the advisability of prohibitive formulations by the analogy with those that are implemented in constitutional provisions on the inadmissibility of discrimination on any grounds. It was noted that with all the differences in the approaches of this group of states, they are all determined by the constitutional imperative of experiments on people inadmissibility.El artículo reveló contextos típicos y peculiares, basados en el análisis de los textos constitucionales de los países de la CEI sobre el reflejo de los experimentos obligatorios y su prohibición con personas. Se estudiaron los enfoques de los estados sobre los tipos prohibidos de experimentos con personas y, tomando esto en cuenta, se llegó a la conclusión sobre la conveniencia de formulaciones prohibitivas por la analogía con aquellas que se implementan en disposiciones constitucionales sobre la inadmisibilidad de la discriminación por cualquier motivo. Se observó que con todas las diferencias en los enfoques de este grupo de estados, todos están determinados por el imperativo constitucional de los experimentos sobre la inadmisibilidad de las personas.O artigo revelou contextos típicos e peculiares, com base na análise dos textos constitucionais dos países da CEI sobre o reflexo de experimentos compulsórios sobre a proibição de pessoas. As abordagens dos estados sobre os tipos proibidos de experimentos em pessoas foram estudadas e, levando isso em conta, a conclusão é feita sobre a conveniência de formulações proibitivas pela analogia com aquelas que são implementadas em disposições constitucionais sobre a inadmissibilidade da discriminação por qualquer razão. Notou-se que, com todas as diferenças nas abordagens desse grupo de estados, elas são todas determinadas pelo imperativo constitucional de experimentos sobre inadmissibilidade de pessoas.&nbsp

    Restrictions to the right of property: constitutional versions in the post-soviet countries

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    The paper deals with constitutional approaches to the formalization of restrictions and deprivation of property rights in 12 post-Soviet countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukrain

    The relationship of parental education and the severity of fears

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    Research on the psychological characteristics of fears at different age stages of childhood is relevant, because it is fears that justify a number of psychological problems of preschoolers, including developmental disorders. The study of the features of the emotional sphere and its correction are unattainable without a clear understanding of the role of the family in the formation of the negative state of the child. The article analyzes the results of the study of the features of the dominant fears and their level indicators in children of older preschool age who are brought up in families with different types of parental education. The study tested the hypothesis that the degree of severity of fears in older preschoolers is determined by the type of family education, namely: unfavorable characteristics of education increase the severity of fears of older preschoolers, and favorable ones reduce. The sample of subjects includes 66 children aged 6 to 6.5 years. Of these, 35 are boys and 31 are girls. The adult sample consisted of 84 parents aged 25 to 35 years. The following methods were used as research tools: “Fears in houses” by A. I. Zakharov and M. A. Panfilova to identify and clarify the prevailing types of fears; “Strategies for family education” by S. S. Stepanov, modified by I. I. Mahonina, aimed at analyzing the prevailing styles of education in the family. As a result, of the study, statistically significant differences were found in the indicators of the severity of types of fears in preschool children of different sexes, as well as in the types of parental education. The results of the study can be useful in the practice of family counseling, for the development of correctional and developmental programs aimed at overcoming fears in children and correcting the style of parenting.Исследования психологических особенностей страхов на разных возрастных этапах детского возраста актуальны, поскольку именно страхи обосновывают целый ряд психологических проблем дошкольников, включая нарушения развития. Изучение особенностей эмоциональной сферы и ее коррекция недостижимы без ясного понимания роли семьи в формировании негативного состояния ребенка. В статье анализируются результаты исследования особенностей проявления доминирующих страхов у детей старшего дошкольного возраста, воспитывающихся в семьях с разными типами родительского воспитания. В исследовании проверялась гипотеза о том, что у детей старшего дошкольного возраста выраженность страхов определяется типом семейного воспитания. Выборка испытуемых включает 46 детей в возрасте от 6 до 6,5 лет. Из них 35 мальчиков и 31 девочка. Взрослую выборку составили 84 родителя в возрасте от 25 до 35 лет. В качестве исследовательского инструментария использовались методики: «Страхи в домиках» А. И. Захарова и М. А. Панфиловой для выявления и уточнения преобладающих видов страхов; «Стратегии семейного воспитания» С. С. Степанова в модификации И. И. Махониной, направленная на анализ преобладающих стилей воспитания в семье. В результате проведенного исследования были обнаружены статистически значимые различия в показателях выраженности видов страхов у дошкольников разного пола, а также в типах родительского воспитания. Результаты исследования могут быть полезны в практике семейного консультирования, для разработки коррекционно-развивающих программ, направленных на преодоление страхов у детей и коррекцию стиля родительского воспитания

    Cloning and Characterization of Polyhydroxybutyrate Synthase from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1

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    В результате поиска генов, кодирующих вероятные ПГБ-синтазы в геномах бактерий рода Methylobacterium, выявлены множественные (до пяти у одного штамма) гены ПГБ-синтаз. Филогенетическим анализом показано, что белки PhaC1, PhaC2, PhaC3 относятся к I классу ПГБ-синтаз, белки PhaC4 – к ПГБ-синтазам III класса, тогда как PhaC5, по-видимому, представляет неохарактеризованный класс ПГБ-синтаз. Впервые выделена и охарактеризована рекомбинантная ПГБ-синтаза I класса (КФ 2.3.1.B2) из Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, кодируемая геном phaC1. Молекулярная масса мономера фермента составила 78 кДа. Константа Михаэлиса (Km) для PhaC1 из штамма AM1 составила 1,3 мМ, а максимальная скорость реакции (Vmax) – 0,1 мкмоль∙мин-1∙мг-1. Получен делеционный мутант Methylobacterium extorquens по гену phaC, перспективный для дальнейшего исследования особенностей биосинтеза ПГБ метилобактериямиMultiple genes encoding putative PHB synthases (up to 5 in single strain) were found in Methylobacterium genomes. As a result of phylogenetic analysis proteins PhaC1, PhaC2, PhaC3 were identified as class I PHB synthases, PhaC4 proteins were identified as class III PHB synthases, while PhaC5 apparently belongs to uncharacterized class of PHB synthases. Firstly, the recombinant class I PBH synthase (EC 2.3.1.B2) encoded by phaC1 gene from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 was purified and characterized. Molecular mass of enzyme monomer was 78 kDa. Michaelis constant (Km) for PhaC1 was 1,3 mM and maximal reaction rate (Vmax) was 0,1 μmol∙min–1∙mg–1. The deletion mutant of Methylobacterium extorquens in the phaC gene was obtained which is promising for further study of peculiarities of methylobacteria’s PHB biosynthesi

    Inadmissibility of experiments on people: constitutional imperatives of the post-soviet countries

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    The article revealed typical and peculiar contexts, based on the analysis of the constitutional texts of CIS countries concerning the reflection of compulsory experiments on people prohibitio

    Agro-Industrial Clusters as a Factor of Increasing Competitiveness of the Region

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    There are two main and urgent problems in modern development of regions' economy concerning the transition of interregional divergence and the transition of difficult regions to a model of "catch-up" development and the determination of new more competitive forms of their spatial organization development. Best practices and theoretical studies of future development reorganizations in reference Russian regions allow to consider agro-industrial clusters as such a form. A cluster approach formed taking into account affirmative synergetic effects of a regional agglomeration, network effects, diffusion of innovations can be an accelerator of social and economic attitude development of difficult regions, prevent deprivation of rural territories. Development of general agreements of clustering is combined with development of a complex system of strategic planning of the cluster territory creation. A development plan of an agro- industrial cluster and a program of its realization are reasons for e implementation of complex state support of cluster initiatives and cluster potential attitude development. Thus, an imperative of economic space causes the need for modernization of program-oriented and goal oriented management of social and economic development of difficult regions, rural areas of the formation of a cluster strategy and network models of interaction in an agro-industrial complex. Keywords: Cluster, creation, agricultural industry, region, competitiveness, agriculture. JEL Classifications: A19, A10, J4

    The influence of styles of family education on emotional-volitional sphere of the senior preschool children

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    The article discusses the style of family education as its most important characteristic, the most inherent ways of attitude of parents to a child, using certain means and methods of pedagogical influence, which are expressed in a peculiar manner of verbal circulation and interactio