20 research outputs found

    Internacionalismo y políticas y políticas de misión en el imperio colonial portugués (1885-1930)

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    This article addresses the politics and the policies of mission in the Portuguese colonial empire in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It explores the extent to which such policies were shaped by the international, transnational, and inter-imperial dynamics of political and religious internationalisms embraced by sectors of the Catholic and Protestant churches.Este artículo aborda la política y las políticas de misión en el imperio colonial portugués a fines del siglo xix y principios del xx. Explora en qué medida dichas políticas eran configuradas por las dinámicas internacionales, trasnacionales e interimperiales de las políticas y religiones abarcados por sectores de las Iglesias Católica y Protestante

    A língua portuguesa ao serviço da missão: a proposta da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa para uma missionação luso-brasileira

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    By the end of 1919, the Lisbon Geographical Society presented a long report with several proposals for the colonies, including some measures related to the religious missions. The report addressed the idea of a Luso-Brazilian mission that could develop the bonds among the Portuguese-speaking peoples in Portugal, Brazil and the Oriental Patronage. It should promote the Portuguese civilization through its common sense of belonging to the Catholic religion and to the Portuguese language and history. This text resumes that report and seeks to understand to what extent the Geographical Society tried to use the Portuguese language and historical past in order to promote a civilising mission project that implicated the transmission of a set of historical, social, and cultural values, within the context of new international dynamics for colonial development and of imperial strategies’ reforms in the aftermath of the First World War.No final de 1919, a Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa apresentou um longo relatório com diversas propostas para as colónias, entre elas medidas relativas às missões religiosas. Aí surgiu a ideia de promover uma missionação luso-brasileira que pudesse desenvolver os laços entre os povos falantes de português (Portugal, Brasil e Padroado do Oriente), promovendo a civilização lusa através da sua pertença comum à religião católica e à língua e história portuguesas. Este texto recupera esse relatório e procura compreender de que forma a Sociedade de Geografia tentou instrumentalizar a língua e o passado histórico para servir o propósito de um projeto de missão civilizadora que implicava a transmissão de um conjunto de valores socioculturais e históricos, num contexto de desenvolvimento de novas dinâmicas internacionais e de reformulação das estratégias imperiais do pós-Primeira Guerra Mundial

    Uma missão para o império : política missionária e o "novo imperialismo" (1885-1926)

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    Tese de doutoramento, História («Impérios, Colonialismo e Pós-Colonialismo»), Universidade de Lisboa, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa e Universidade de Évora, 2014Este trabalho procura compreender o processo histórico de constituição de uma política missionária no império colonial português, num período de crescente internacionalização da problemática da religião e das missões nos contextos imperial e internacional, com a afirmação da liberdade missionária e da tolerância religiosa enquanto princípios essenciais na obra “civilizacional” europeia nos espaços coloniais africanos. A análise da complexidade de um processo que relaciona “missão” e “império”, nas suas múltiplas expressões históricas e manifestações geográficas, é feita a partir de três dimensões essenciais para o debate empreendido pelos actores históricos da época: a dimensão católica, com a centralidade da problemática padroeira e a procura de uma solução concordatária como forma de auxiliar a consolidação da soberania imperial portuguesa em África; a dimensão protestante, vista como “ameaça” ao império, sublinhando as percepções formadas em torno do seu carácter «herético» e, principalmente, «estrangeiro», cruciais para o argumentário colonial português; a dimensão republicana, com as vicissitudes para a definição de uma política missionária nacionalizadora e os limites da aplicabilidade de uma estratégia legislativa iminentemente ideológica. Abrangendo o período que vai da Conferência de Berlim (1885) à publicação do Estatuto de João Belo (1926), este estudo tem como objectivo principal interrogar o lugar do projecto missionário português nas dinâmicas históricas do “novo imperialismo”, interpelando os acontecimentos e os processos históricos que promoveram e condicionaram a formulação de uma política missionária no império colonial português em África.This study intends to understand the historical process of the constitution of a missionary policy in the Portuguese colonial empire, in a period marked by an increasing internationalization of religious and missionary issues in imperial and international contexts, with the affirmation of missionary freedom and religious tolerance as fundamental principles in the European “civilizational” work in the African colonial spaces. The analysis of the complexity of a process that relates “mission” and “empire”, in their multiple historical expressions and geographical manifestations is based on three main dimensions which were essential to to the debate undertaken by the actors of the time: the Catholic dimension, with the centrality of the Patronage question and the pursuit of a concordatory solution as an auxiliary to the consolidation of Portuguese imperial sovereignty in Africa; the Protestant dimension, seen as a “threat” to the empire, addressing the perceptions formed over its character as “heretical”, and specially, as “foreigner”, which were crucial to the Portuguese rhetoric; he Republican dimension, with the ups and downs of the definition of a nationalizing missionary policy and the limits of the applicability of a particularly notable ideological legislative strategy. Covering the period from the Berlin Conference (1885) to the publication of the Statute of João Belo (1926), this study aims to assess the place of the Portuguese missionary project in the historical dynamics of the “new imperialism”, focusing on the historical events and processes that promoted and conditioned the formulation of a missionary policy in the Portuguese colonial empire in Africa.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A História na Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa : 1911-1930

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    Tese de mestrado em História Contemporânea apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009Nos primórdios da I República portuguesa, a par de novas escolas universitárias, a criação da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, na Primavera de 1911, veio abrir um novo ciclo no ensino e na divulgação da História em Portugal. O pioneiro, mas exíguo, Curso Superior de Letras dava lugar a uma instituição que procurava desenvolver a formação dos professores de liceu e o incremento do trabalho historiográfico no país. Ocupando um lugar de destaque no seio da Faculdade, a História foi obrigada a associar-se a outras ciências, primeiro a Geografia e depois a Filosofia. Os cursos de Ciências Históricas, existentes entre 1911 e 1930, foram sendo constantemente alterados pelas quatro reformas curriculares impostas às faculdades de Letras (1911, 1918, 1926 e 1930). Demonstrando a própria instabilidade política que o país viveu durante a Primeira República, a Ditadura Militar e o início do Estado Novo, as reformas procuraram adaptar o ensino às concepções que cada vertente política defendia. A ligação à Geografia demonstra uma concepção de História na qual esta é incompreensível sem o auxílio dos estudos geográficos. Seguidamente, a subordinação da Filosofia, poderia representar uma perspectiva ultrapassada de Filosofia da História, ou simplesmente a desnecessária existência de um curso filosófico sem alunos. Nos Cursos de Ciências Históricas, o trabalho dos professores de História, de pensamento liberal ou republicano, confirmou a existência de duas perspectivas historiográficas pouco relacionadas com uma historiografia conservadora ou marcada por um nacionalismo exclusivista, numa altura de crise da I República e de endurecimento da Ditadura Militar. A historiografia de influência positivista e republicana vai manter um cariz crítico e propagandístico, enquanto a dominante historiografia erudita e metódica reafirma a importância das fontes documentais, sem espaço para especulações filosóficas ou ideoIn the beggining of Portuguese First Republic, like new university schools, the creation of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, in the Spring of 1911, iniciated a new cycle in teaching and development of History in Portugal. The pioneering, but exiguous, Curso Superior de Letras (Superior Course of Letters) gave place to an institution that tried to develop the training of secondary schools teachers and the increase of historiographic work in the country. Occupying an outstanding place within the Faculty, History was compelled to associate with others sciences, first Geography, then Philosophy. The Historical Science Courses, that existed between 1911 and 1930, were being constantly changed by four curricular reforms imposed to faculties of Letters (1911, 1918, 1926 and 1930). Demonstrating the political instability that the country lived during the First Republic, the Militar Dictatorship and the Estado Novo, the reforms seeked to adapt the teaching to these ideological thoughts. The connection with Geography demonstrate a conception of History, in which the latter is incomprehensible without the help of geographical studies. Then, the subordination of Philosophy, might represent an overidden perspective of Philosophy of History, or simply, an unnecessary existence of a course without students. In Historical Science Courses, the work of several History professors, with liberal and republican thoughts, confirmed the existence of two historiographical perspectives, little related with a conservative and nationalist historiography, in a time of hardening of Portugueses politics. The historiography of positivist and republican influence will maintain a critical and propagandistic aspect, while, the dominant erudit and methodic historiography reaffirm the importance of documentary sources, and do not allow philosophical and ideological speculations


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    This article addresses the politics and the policies of mission in the Portuguese colonial empire in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It explores the extent to which such policies were shaped by the international, transnational, and inter-imperialdynamics of political and religious internationalisms embraced by sectors of the Catholic and Protestant churches

    O largo espectro das religiões no percurso da etnicidade à globalização (perspetivas de investigação)

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    Neste texto é feita uma reflexão introdutória ao dossiê do tomo 25 da revista Lusitania Sacra, dedicado à temática "A Expansão do Religioso: dinâmicas, idealizações e expectativas (séculos XVI-XX)"

    a mid-term follow-up of 28 cases

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    Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the opposite sinus (right-ACAOS) with interarterial course (IAC) has been associated with increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD). Widespread use of coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) has led to increased recognition of this condition, even among healthy individuals. Our study sought to examine the prevalence, anatomical characteristics, and outcomes of right-ACAOS with IAC in patients undergoing CCTA for suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). We conducted a retrospective analysis of consecutive patients referred for CCTA at one tertiary hospital from January 2012 to December 2020. Patients exhibiting right-ACAOS with IAC were analyzed for cardiac symptoms and mid-term occurrence of first MACE (cardiac death, SCD, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) or revascularization of the anomalous vessel). CCTAs were reviewed for anatomical high-risk features and concomitant CAD. Among 10,928 patients referred for CCTA, 28 patients with right-ACAOS with IAC were identified. Mean age was 55 ± 17 years, 64% were male and 11 (39.3%) presented stable cardiac symptoms. Most patients had at least one high risk anatomical feature. During follow-up, there were no cardiac deaths or aborted SCD episodes and only 1 patient underwent surgical revascularization of the anomalous vessel. Right-ACAOS with IAC is an uncommon finding (prevalence of 0.26%). In a contemporary population of predominantly asymptomatic patients who survived this condition well into adulthood, most patients were managed conservatively with a low event rate. Additional studies are needed to support medical follow-up as the preferred option in this setting.publishersversionpublishe

    Performance of traditional risk factors in identifying a higher than expected coronary atherosclerotic burden

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    Abstract Objective To evaluate the performance of traditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in identifying a higher than expected coronary atherosclerotic burden. Methods We assessed 2069 patients undergoing coronary CT angiography, with assessment of calcium score (CS), for suspected coronary artery disease. A higher than expected atherosclerotic burden was defined as CS >75th percentile (CS >P75) according to age and gender-adjusted monograms. The ability of traditional CV risk factors to predict a CS >P75 was assessed in a customized logistic regression model ("Clinical Score") and by the calculation of SCORE (Systemic Coronary Risk Evaluation). The population attributable risk (PAR) of risk factors for CS >P75 was calculated. Results The median CS was 3.0 (IQR 0.0-98.0); 362 patients had CS >P75. The median SCORE was 3.0 (IQR 1.0-4.0). With the exception of hypertension, all traditional CV risk factors were independent predictors of CS >P75: diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking and family history (OR 1.3-2.2, p≤0.026). The areas under the ROC curves for CS >P75 were 0.64 for the Clinical Score (95% CI 0.61-0.67, pP75 were in the two lower quartiles of the Clinical Score. Altogether, the traditional risk factors explain 56% of the prevalence of CS >P75 (adjusted PAR 0.56). Conclusion Despite the association of CV risk factors with a higher than expected atherosclerotic burden, they appear to explain only half of its prevalence. Even when integrated in scores, the predictive power of these risk factors was modest, exposing the limitations of risk stratification based solely on demographic and clinical risk factors.publishersversionpublishe

    Single photon emission computed tomography, invasive coronary angiography and cardiac computed tomography angiography

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    Introduction: Diagnostic tests that use ionizing radiation play a central role in cardiology and their use has grown in recent years, leading to increasing concerns about their potential stochas-tic effects. The aims of this study were to compare the radiation dose of three diagnostic tests: single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), invasive coronary angiography (ICA) and cardiac computed tomography (cardiac CT) and their evolution over time, and to assess the influence of body mass index on radiation dose. Methods: We assessed consecutive patients included in three prospective registries (SPECT, ICA and cardiac CT) over a period of two years. Radiation dose was converted to mSv and compared between the three registries. Differences over time were evaluated by comparing the first with the fourth semester. Results: A total of 6196 exams were evaluated: 35% SPECT, 53% ICA and 22% cardiac CT. Mean radiation dose was 10.7±1.2 mSv for SPECT, 8.1±6.4 mSv for ICA, and 5.4±3.8 mSv for cardiac CT (p<0.001 for all). With regard to the radiation dose over time, there was a very small reduction in SPECT (10.7 to 10.5 mSv, p=0.004), a significant increase (25%) in ICA (7.0 to 8.8mSv; p<0.001), and a significant reduction (29%) in cardiac CT (6.5 to 4.6 mSv, p<0.001). Obesity was associated with a significantly higher radiation dose in all three exams. Conclusions: Cardiac CT had a lower mean effective radiation dose than invasive coronary angiography, which in turn had a lower mean effective dose than SPECT. There was a significant increase in radiation doses in the ICA registry and a significant decrease in the cardiac CT registry over time.publishersversionpublishe