52 research outputs found

    Effect of Long-Term Agricultural Management on the Soil Microbiota Influenced by the Time of Soil Sampling

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    Application of agrochemicals and mechanization enabled increasing agriculturalproductivity yet caused various environmental and soil health-related problems.Agricultural practices affect soil microorganisms, which are the key players of manyecosystem processes. However, less is known about whether this effect differs betweentime points. Therefore, soil was sampled in winter (without crop) and in summer (inthe presence of maize) from a long-term field experiment (LTE) in Bernburg (Germany)managed either under cultivator tillage (CT) or moldboard plow (MP) in combinationwith either intensive nitrogen (N)-fertilization and pesticides (Int) or extensive reducedN-fertilization without fungicides (Ext), respectively. High-throughput sequencing of 16SrRNA gene and fungal ITS2 amplicons showed that changes in the microbial communitycomposition were correlated to differences in soil chemical properties caused by tillagepractice. Microbial communities of soils sampled in winter differed only depending onthe tillage practice while, in summer, also a strong effect of the fertilization intensity wasobserved. A small proportion of microbial taxa was shared between soils from the twosampling times, suggesting the existence of a stable core microbiota at the LTE. Ingeneral, taxa associated with organic matter decomposition (such as Actinobacteria,Bacteroidetes, Rhizopus, and Exophiala) had a higher relative abundance under CT.Among the taxa with significant changes in relative abundances due to different long-termagricultural practices were putative pathogenic (e.g., Gibellulopsis and Gibberella) andbeneficial microbial genera (e.g., Chitinophagaceae, Ferruginibacter, and Minimedusa).In summary, this study suggests that the effects of long-term agricultural managementpractices on the soil microbiota are influenced by the soil sampling time, and this needsto be kept in mind in future studies for the interpretation of field data.Fil: Fernandez Gnecco, Gabriela Amancay. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Covacevich, Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Consolo, Verónica Fabiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Behr, Jan H.. Leibniz Institute Of Vegetable And Ornamental Crops (; AlemaniaFil: Sommermann, Loreen. Department Of Agriculture, Ecotrophology And Landscape; AlemaniaFil: Moradtalab, Narges. Department Of Nutritional Crop Physiology, Institute Of; AlemaniaFil: Maccario, Lorrie. Section Of Microbiology, Department Of Biology, Univers; AlemaniaFil: Sørensen, Søren J.. Section Of Microbiology, Department Of Biology, Univers; AlemaniaFil: Deubel, Annette. Department Of Agriculture, Ecotrophology And Landscape; AlemaniaFil: Schellenberg, Ingo. Department Of Agriculture, Ecotrophology And Landscape; AlemaniaFil: Geistlinger, Joerg. Department Of Agriculture, Ecotrophology And Landscape; AlemaniaFil: Neumann, Günter. Department Of Nutritional Crop Physiology, Institute Of; AlemaniaFil: Grosch, Rita. Leibniz Institute Of Vegetable And Ornamental Crops (; AlemaniaFil: Smalla, Kornelia. Julius Kühn Institut Braunschweig; AlemaniaFil: Babin, Doreen. Julius Kühn Institut Braunschweig; Alemani

    Impact of long-term agricultural management practices on therhizosphere microbiome and plant health

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    Increasing food and energy demands have resulted in a considerable intensification of farming practices, whichbrought about severe consequences for agricultural soils during last decades. In order to maintain soil quality andhealth for the future, the development of more extensive and sustainable farming strategies is urgently needed.The soil and rhizosphere microbiome play an integral role in virtually all soil processes and are intimately linkedto plant performance. Various studies indicated that agricultural management practices affect soil microbiomes.We therefore hypothesized that this external impact is conveyed by the microbial communities to the currentcrops at the time of their establishment. We used twelve differently managed soils from three long-term fieldtrials established in 1978 (Therwil, Switzerland), 1992 (Bernburg, Germany), and 2006 (Thyrow, Germany) toanalyze the impact of various management strategies (crop rotation, fertilization, tillage) on soil and its associatedrhizosphere microbiomes under consideration of plant productivity, plant health, and the ability of the soils tosuppress soil-borne phytopathogens. The model plant lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was cultivated for ten weeks undergrowth-chamber conditions in these soils. High-throughput sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes or fungalITS fragments, respectively, PCR- amplified from total community DNA of rhizosphere and soil samples showedsignificant differences in microbial community compositions between soils that originated from the different fieldsites and long-term farming practices. Moreover, differences depending on long-term agricultural managementin plant productivity and health as measured by RT-qPCR of stress-related plant genes were observed. Localizedanalysis of rhizosphere soil solution was performed using non-invasive sampling techniques with sorption filtersplaced onto the surface of soil-grown roots along the root observation windows with subsequent HPLC-MSprofiling. Amino acids, sugars and antifungal organic acids such as benzoic acid detected in the rhizosphere soilsolutions confirmed variations in concentrations depending on the site and management practice indicating differ-ent stress potentials of farming practices for plants. Agricultural management also affected soil suppressiveness tothe soil-borne model pathogen Rhizoctonia solani.Under controlled growth chamber conditions, we could show the legacy of long-term agricultural managementpractices on the establishment and performance of a subsequent plant generation and its associated rhizospheremicrobiome

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the xth international congress of virology: August 11-16, 1996 Binyanei haOoma, Jerusalem Iarael part 3(final part)

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    Überexpression funktioneller microRNAs in der osteogenen Differenzierung muriner embryonaler Stammzellen

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    MicroRNAs, kleine, nichtkodierende RNA-Moleküle, sind in den letzten Jahren aufgrund ihrer regulatorischen Eigenschaften verstärkt in den Fokus der Forschung gerückt. Auch in der Steuerung des Stammzellverhaltens wird ein Einfluss der microRNAs vermutet. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung der Funktion ausgewählter microRNAs in der Osteogenese von murinen embryonalen Stammzellen. Dazu wurden die microRNAs in diesen Zellen überexprimiert. Die Kultivierung der Zellen erfolgte in Medien mit unterschiedlichen Glukosekonzentrationen. Mit Hilfe verschiedener Auswertungsmöglichkeiten (qPCR, Kalzium-Assay, Färbungen) wurden die Zellen auf einen positiven bzw. negativen Effekt der microRNA auf die Knochenzellbildung analysiert. Dabei wurde auch der mögliche Einfluss der Kultivierungsbedingungen auf die Wirkung der microRNA berücksichtigt

    Überexpression funktioneller microRNAs in der osteogenen Differenzierung muriner embryonaler Stammzellen

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    MicroRNAs, kleine, nichtkodierende RNA-Moleküle, sind in den letzten Jahren aufgrund ihrer regulatorischen Eigenschaften verstärkt in den Fokus der Forschung gerückt. Auch in der Steuerung des Stammzellverhaltens wird ein Einfluss der microRNAs vermutet. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung der Funktion ausgewählter microRNAs in der Osteogenese von murinen embryonalen Stammzellen. Dazu wurden die microRNAs in diesen Zellen überexprimiert. Die Kultivierung der Zellen erfolgte in Medien mit unterschiedlichen Glukosekonzentrationen. Mit Hilfe verschiedener Auswertungsmöglichkeiten (qPCR, Kalzium-Assay, Färbungen) wurden die Zellen auf einen positiven bzw. negativen Effekt der microRNA auf die Knochenzellbildung analysiert. Dabei wurde auch der mögliche Einfluss der Kultivierungsbedingungen auf die Wirkung der microRNA berücksichtigt