605 research outputs found

    Chiral Analysis of the Generalized Form Factors of the Nucleon

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    We apply the methods of Chiral Perturbation Theory to the analysis of the first moments of the Generalized Parton Distributions in a Nucleon, usually known as generalized form factors. These quantities are currently also under investigation in Lattice QCD analyses of baryon structure, providing simulation results at large quark masses to be extrapolated to the "real world" via Chiral Effective Field Theory. We have performed a leading-one-loop calculation in the covariant framework of Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory (BChPT), predicting both the momentum and the quark-mass dependence for all the vector and axial (generalized) form factors. In particular we discuss the results for the limit of vanishing four-momentum transfer where the GPD-moments reduce to the well known moments of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs). We fit our results to available lattice QCD data, extrapolating down to the physical point. We conclude by presenting outstanding results from a combined fit to different GPDs-moments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 2007 (July 30 - 4 August 2007, Regensburg, Germany

    Development of a Topical 48-H Release Formulation as an Anti-scarring Treatment for Deep Partial-Thickness Burns

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    The purpose of this study was to develop pirfenidone (PF) ointment formulations for a dose finding study in the prophylactic treatment of deep partial-thickness burns in a mouse model. A preformulation study was performed to evaluate the solubility of PF in buffers and different solvents and its stability. Three different formulations containing 1, 3.5, and 6.5% w/w PF were prepared and optimized for their composition for testing in mice. Optimized formulations showed promising in vitro release profiles, in which 20-45% of PF was released in the first 7 h and 70-90% released within 48 h. The rheological properties of the ointment remained stable throughout storage at 25 ± 2°C/60% RH. Animal studies showed treatments of burn wounds during the inflammatory stage of wound healing with PF ointments at different drug concentrations had no adverse effects on reepithelization. Moreover, 6.5% PF ointment (F3) reduced the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-12p70 and TNFα. This study suggests that hydrocarbon base ointment could be a promising dosage form for topical delivery of PF in treatment of deep partial-thickness burns

    The First Moments of Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions

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    We extrapolate the first moments of the generalized parton distributions using heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. The calculation is based on the one loop level with the finite range regularization. The description of the lattice data is satisfactory and the extrapolated moments at physical pion mass are consistent with the results obtained with dimensional regularization, although the extrapolation in the momentum transfer to t=0t=0 does show sensitivity to form factor effects which lie outside the realm of chiral perturbation theory. We discuss the significance of the results in the light of modern experiments as well as QCD inspired models.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Factores intervinientes de muertes traumáticas en prisión : Una mirada cuantitativa

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    Este trabajo surge al evaluar una investigación de campo criminológica a la luz de los datos cuantitativos obtenidos y sistematizados en un primer avance de la investigación titulada “Factores intervinientes en la ocurrencia de hechos de muerte traumática en prisión” y aprobada por selección mediante resolución N° 1998/10 del Ministerio de Justicia en la cual fui integrante en conjunto con el Lic. Fernando Varela, quien la dirigió; el Lic. Marcelo Fernandez Zeni y el Lic. Guillermo Fritz. La investigación de campo referida fue desarrollada en el ámbito del Servicio Penitenciario Bonaerense entre mayo de 2011 y mayo de 2013.This work arises when evaluating a criminological research field in the light of quantitative data obtained and systematized in a first step of the research entitled "Factors involved in the occurrence of events of traumatic death in prison" and approved by Resolution No. selection Ministry of Justice from 1998 to 1910 in which I was a member together with Mr. Fernando Varela, who directed.; Lic. Marcelo Fernandez Zeni and Lic. Guillermo Fritz. Field research referred to was developed in the area of Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service between May 2011 and May 2013.Trabajos libres: Psicología jurídico forenseFacultad de Psicologí

    Factores intervinientes de muertes traumáticas en prisión : Una mirada cuantitativa

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    Este trabajo surge al evaluar una investigación de campo criminológica a la luz de los datos cuantitativos obtenidos y sistematizados en un primer avance de la investigación titulada “Factores intervinientes en la ocurrencia de hechos de muerte traumática en prisión” y aprobada por selección mediante resolución N° 1998/10 del Ministerio de Justicia en la cual fui integrante en conjunto con el Lic. Fernando Varela, quien la dirigió; el Lic. Marcelo Fernandez Zeni y el Lic. Guillermo Fritz. La investigación de campo referida fue desarrollada en el ámbito del Servicio Penitenciario Bonaerense entre mayo de 2011 y mayo de 2013.This work arises when evaluating a criminological research field in the light of quantitative data obtained and systematized in a first step of the research entitled "Factors involved in the occurrence of events of traumatic death in prison" and approved by Resolution No. selection Ministry of Justice from 1998 to 1910 in which I was a member together with Mr. Fernando Varela, who directed.; Lic. Marcelo Fernandez Zeni and Lic. Guillermo Fritz. Field research referred to was developed in the area of Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service between May 2011 and May 2013.Trabajos libres: Psicología jurídico forenseFacultad de Psicologí

    Vulnerabilidad: consideraciones éticas desde una perspectiva crítica

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    El presente trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación titulado “Diseños de investigación en psicología (parte II): análisis exploratorio-descriptivo sobre estudios de caso/s” (2017-2018), dirigido por la Dra. María José Sánchez Vázquez. Se presenta un recorrido bibliográfico acerca de las discusiones éticas respecto a la integridad, vulnerabilidad y principio de protección. Dichas discusiones contribuyen a su posterior aplicación en investigaciones con diseño de estudio de caso/s. Para este objetivo, se abordarán las discusiones respecto a la noción de integridad desde una perspectiva crítica a las connotaciones biomédicas en las cuales se ha desarrollado la misma, a fin de ampliar su utilización en prácticas psicosociales. Posteriormente se resaltará su relación con la noción ampliada de vulnerabilidad, yaque utilizado erróneamente el término vulnerable, no se logra un compromiso a la protección ni a la evitación de riesgos a los lesionados, poniendo en tela de juicio el atributo de íntegro. Asimismo, esta revisión conceptual permite deconstruir las nociones antes mencionadas, que se inscriben en lo que denominamos una bioética estándar, para su aplicación en casos singulares, atendiendo la protección de los lesionables y lesionados en situación.The present work is part of the research project entitled "Research Designs in Psychology (Part II): exploratory-descriptive analysis on Case Studies" (2017-2018), directed by Dr. María José Sanchez Vazquez. In the same, a bibliographic tour is presented about the ethical discussions regarding the integrity, vulnerability and principle of protection. These discussions contribute to their subsequent application in investigations with case study design / s. For this purpose, the discussions will be approached regarding the notion of integrity from a critical perspective to the biomedical connotations in which it has been developed, in order to extend its use in psychosocial practices. Subsequently, its relation with the extended notion of vulnerability will be highlighted, since the term "vulnerable" is misused, a compromise is not achieved to protect or avoid risks to the injured, questioning the integrity attribute. Also, this conceptual review allows us to deconstruct the aforementioned notions, which are part of what we call a standard bioethics, for application in singular cases, taking care of the protection of the injured and injured in situation.Mesa de trabajos libres: Estudios Interdisciplinarios y Nuevos DesarrollosFacultad de Psicologí

    Effects of ionizing radiation sterilization on microparticulate drug delivery systems based on poly-alfa-hydroxyacids: an overview.

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    Ionizing radiation treatment is particularly advantageous as a sterilization technique for polymeric drug delivery systems. In recent years several authors have investigated this topic with interesting and sometimes controversial results. This overview was aimed at gathering and critically discussing the studies performed on the effect of ionizing radiation sterilization on microparticulate drug delivery systems made of poly-α- hydroxyacids. The results reported in the literature showed that ionizing radiation always led to a decrease in poly-α-hydroxyacids molecular weight. This effect was strictly related to irradiation dose, irradiation conditions, and depended on the starting polymer molecular weight. The presence of a drug and/or an additive inside the polymeric micromatrix could affect polymer behavior upon irradiation and consequently drug release behavior. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) proved to be useful techniques to elucidate the radiolytic mechanisms and the drug /polymer interaction upon irradiation

    Fato e maledizione nell’Antigone di Sofocle

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    The paper analyses the presence and function of curses in Sophocles’ Antigone. In particular, it explores the interaction that the introduction of predetermined elements into the plot of the tragedy creates with the pre-existing fate. Scarcely relevant on the level of the actual development of events, the curse nevertheless plays a significant role on the semantic level

    Educando para educar : Desde el aula a la comunidad: Estrategias para la enseñanza de la promoción de la salud y prevención de los factores de riesgo en cáncer bucal

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    Introducción:en ciencias de la salud,la formación de los alumnos en el grado,reconoce como ejes pilares en la práctica del futuro profesional, los conceptos de promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad. No es ajeno a esta premisa, los temas referidos a factores de riesgo y detección del cáncer bucal incipiente,estos de gran relevancia dentro de los contenidos curriculares. Objetivo: generar estrategias de enseñanza de estos tópicos,brindar a los alumnos herramientas que permitan la transferencia de los conocimientos a la población asumiendo el rol de educadores y evaluar conocimientos previos. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una experiencia con la consigna de diseñar una gráfica de intervención educativa con información referida a factores de riesgo en relación a cáncer bucal,donde ellos pudieran volcar sus conocimientos actualizados sobre el tema. Para esto,27(n 27) alumnos regulares del curso patología y clínica estomatológica IV de la carrera de odontología fueron provistos de materiales para realizar dicha tarea acordándose una participación anónima y voluntaria. Resultados: las gráficas evidenciaron diversos aspectos de la prevención en todas sus vertientes: Educación: trasmisión de conocimientos y motivación de conductas Promoción de la salud: Factores de riesgo: información sobre las lesiones sospechosas. Detección de los primeros estadios: ubicación del Camás frecuente y aspectos iniciales del mismo. Conclusión: educar para la salud en materia de cáncer bucal y la transmisión de conocimientos se enfoca a la percepción del riesgo de enfermar por parte del individuo, para la modificación de pautas conductuales, percepción que necesita un largo camino de aprendizaje. El sujeto necesita ser enseñado y de esta manera desarrollar y perfeccionar las acciones perceptivas. Los altos niveles de información en la población, buscan reflejar una importante labor educativa, dando lugar a la participación comunitaria en su forma más genuina, la del compromiso en la solución del problema.Introduction: in health sciences, the training of students in the degree, recognizes as pillars axes in the practice of the professional future, the promotion of health and prevention of the disease. It is not alien to this premise, the topics referred to risk factors and detection of incipient oral cancer, these of great relevance within the curricular contents. Objective: to generate teaching strategies, provide students with tools that allow the transfer of knowledge to the population assuming the role of educators and assess previous knowledge. Materials and methods: an experience was carried out with the slogan of designing a graph of educational intervention with information referring to oral cancer risk factors, where they could turn their updated knowledge on the subject. For this, 27 (n 27) regular students of the pathology and dental stomatology course IV of the dental career were provided with materials to carry out this task by agreeing to participate anonymously and voluntarily.Facultad de Odontologí