113 research outputs found

    Análisis de la correlación entre la evolución cuantitativa del COVID-19 y el contenido publicado en Twitter en España

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    [ES] El objetivo principal de este trabajo de final de grado es diseñar e implementar un sistema que sea de utilidad a la comunidad para luchar contra el COVID-19, todo ello utilizando datos obtenidos de Twitter. Para ello, se utilizarán técnicas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN) y el aprendizaje automático. El sistema será capaz de i) conectarse a la API de Twitter, recopilar y almacenar los tuits, ii) transformar los tuits en vectores numéricos que sean de utilidad y iii) utilizar estos vectores para realizar una estimación de la evolución cuantitativa del COVID-19 en España. Lo que se busca es extraer información acerca de la sintomatología de la sociedad española a partir de los tuits publicados dentro del territorio español, y a partir de esta información realizar la estimación de la evolución cuantitativa del COVID-19. Se va a evaluar el sistema sobre la serie temporal oficial publicada por el Gobierno de España. También se propone como objetivo secundario, intentar estimar la evolución cuantitativa de la gravedad de la pandemia, introduciendo una gradación en la gravedad de los casos estimados por el sistema. Finalmente, se propone dividir el sistema en cuatro fases (o módulos). La fase 0 sería la correspondiente a la recopilación y almacenamiento de los tuits. La fase 1 sería la correspondiente a la vectorización de los tuits. La fase 2 sería la correspondiente a la estimación básica de la evolución del COVID-19. Y, por último, la fase 3 sería la que se encargaría de estimar la evolución de la gravedad de la pandemia en España, el objetivo secundario que se ha propuesto.[EN] The main objective of this end-of-degree work is to design and implement a system that will be useful to the community in the fight against COVID-19, all using data obtained from Twitter. To do so, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques will be used. The system will be able to i) connect to the API of Twitter, collect and store the tweets, ii) transform the tweets into useful numerical vectors and iii) use these vectors to estimate the quantitative evolution of COVID-19 in Spain. The aim is to extract information about the symptoms of Spanish society from the tweets published in Spain, and from this information to estimate the quantitative evolution of COVID-19. The system will be evaluated on the official time series published by the Spanish Government. A secondary objective is to try to estimate the quantitative evolution of the severity of the pandemic, introducing a gradation in the severity of the cases estimated by the system. Finally, it is proposed to divide the system into four phases (or modules). Phase 0 would be the one corresponding to the collection and storage of the tweets. Phase 1 would correspond to the vectorization of the tweets. Phase 2 would correspond to the basic estimation of the evolution of COVID-19. And finally, phase 3 would be responsible for estimating the evolution of the severity of the pandemic in Spain, the secondary objective that has been proposed.[CA] L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball de final de grau és dissenyar i implementar un sistema que siga d’utilitat a la comunitat per a lluitar contra el COVID-19, tot això utilitzant dades obtingudes de Twitter. Per a això, s’utilitzaran tècniques del processament del llenguatge natural (PLN) i l’aprenentatge automàtic. El sistema serà capaç de i) connectar-se a la API de Twitter, recopilar i emmagatzemar els tuits, ii) transformar els tuits en vectors numèrics que siguen d’utilitat i iii) utilitzar aquests vectors per a realitzar una estimació de l’evolució quantitativa del COVID-19 a Espanya. El que es busca és extraure informació sobre la simptomatologia de la societat espanyola a partir dels tuits publicats dins del territori espanyol, i a partir d’aquesta informació realitzar l’estimació de l’evolució quantitativa del COVID-19. S’avaluarà el sistema sobre la sèrie temporal oficial publicada pel Govern d’Espanya. També es proposa com a objectiu secundari, intentar estimar l’evolució quantitativa de la gravetat de la pandèmia, introduint una gradació en la gravetat dels casos estimats pel sistema. Finalment, es proposa dividir el sistema en quatre fases (o mòduls). La fase 0 seria la corresponent a la recopilació i emmagatzematge dels tuits. La fase 1 seria la corresponent a la vectorització dels tuits. La fase 2 seria la corresponent a l’estimació bàsica de l’evolució del COVID-19. I, finalment, la fase 3 seria la que s’encarregaria d’estimar l’evolució de la gravetat de la pandèmia a Espanya, l’objectiu secundari que s’ha proposat.Dorado Javier, V. (2020). Análisis de la correlación entre la evolución cuantitativa del COVID-19 y el contenido publicado en Twitter en España. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/150602TFG

    Reconocimiento y aplicación de la felicidad en el sistema jurídico colombiano

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    Artículo de investigaciónEl trabajo de investigación surge del estudio y análisis de las Declaraciones de Derechos Humanos, la Constitución Política de 1991 y de la Ley 1583 de 2012; los Instrumentos Internacionales ratificados por Colombia, de los cuales, se desprende un concepto de Felicidad desde una perspectiva jurídica, tal vez no, considerada como Derecho Humano o Derecho Fundamental, pero si como elemento inspirador para la política pública y en últimas fin del Estado que debe garantizar el mismo a las personas. El trabajo consiste en demostrar el reconocimiento y aplicación de la felicidad en el sistema jurídico colombiano y de esta forma ofrecer un aporte académico, desde lo jurídico; en el sentido que podremos determinar si la Felicidad, acaso ¿Es un criterio fundamental del derecho?, ¿Se debe implementar como política pública?, ¿El accionar del Estado colombiano debe ejercerse a la luz de la búsqueda de la felicidad de los colombianos?, Lo que implica necesariamente su protección a cargo del Estado y el derecho a disfrutarlo y exigirlo por parte de los Colombianos, ya sea como fin estatal o política pública.1 INTRODUCCIÓN 2 METODOLOGÍA 3 ¿QUÉ ENTENDER POR FELICIDAD? 4 ¿HAY DOCUMENTOS CONSTITUCIONALES QUE PROCLAMEN LA FELICIDAD? 5 ¿EXISTE EL DERECHO A LA FELICIDAD EN COLOMBIA? 6 ¿QUE TIPO DE CATEGORÍA NORMATIVA ES LA FELICIDAD EN COLOMBIA? 7 ¿CUALES SON LOS DESARROLLOS JURÍDICOS REFERENTES A LA FELICIDAD? 8 ¿CUALES SON LOS DESARROLLOS JURISPRUDENCIALES REFERENTES A LA FELICIDAD? 9 CONCLUSIÓN: ¿DE QUE MANERA SE RECONOCE Y APLICA LA FELICIDAD EN EL SISTEMA JURÍDICO COLOMBIANO?MaestríaMagíster en Derechos Humano

    Performance comparison of scheduling algorithms for IPTV traffic over polymorphous OBS routers

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.V. López, J. L. García-Dorado, J. A. Hernández, and J. Aracil, "Performance comparison of scheduling algorithms for IPTV traffic over polymorphous OBS routers", in ICTON Mediterranean Winter Conference, 2007. ICTON-MW 2007, p. 1-6Recent research in optical burst switched networks has proposed solutions to support subwavelength reservation for the periodic transmission of data bursts, which can coexist with conventional asynchronous bursts, bringing the polymorphous, agile and transparent optical networks (PATON) [1]. Thus, network operators can distribute IPTV channels to their customers, whereby they can use the spare bandwidth for the transmission of best-effort traffic, making use of the free gaps in between such periodic reservations. This work proposes scheduling algorithms for the transmission of periodic channels using PATON, and studies the blocking probability observed by best-effort traffic, when such scheduling algorithms are used.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under the project DIOR (TEC2006-03246), and by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid under project e-Magerit (S-0505/TIC/000251). The authors would also like to acknowledge the support from the European Union VI Framework Programme e- Photon/ONe+ Network of Excellence (FP6-IST-027497)

    Analyzing Modern Biomolecules: The Revolution of Nucleic-Acid Sequencing-Review

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    Recent developments have revolutionized the study of biomolecules. Among them are molecular markers, amplification and sequencing of nucleic acids. The latter is classified into three generations. The first allows to sequence small DNA fragments. The second one increases throughput, reducing turnaround and pricing, and is therefore more convenient to sequence full genomes and transcriptomes. The third generation is currently pushing technology to its limits, being able to sequence single molecules, without previous amplification, which was previously impossible. Besides, this represents a new revolution, allowing researchers to directly sequence RNA without previous retrotranscription. These technologies are having a significant impact on different areas, such as medicine, agronomy, ecology and biotechnology. Additionally, the study of biomolecules is revealing interesting evolutionary information. That includes deciphering what makes us human, including phenomena like non-coding RNA expansion. All this is redefining the concept of gene and transcript. Basic analyses and applications are now facilitated with new genome editing tools, such as CRISPR. All these developments, in general, and nucleic-acid sequencing, in particular, are opening a new exciting era of biomolecule analyses and applications, including personalized medicine, and diagnosis and prevention of diseases for humans and other animals

    Investigating the deployability of VoIP services over wireless interconnected micro aerial vehicles

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    Emerging technological devices, such as Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) and Single Board Computers (SBC), are being increasingly employed in recent years, thanks to the advances in electronics and the wide variety of sensors that are endowed. This paper aims at analyzing the viability of deploying multimedia services, focusing on the voice scenario, over wireless interconnected Micro Air Vehicles (MAV), also known as drones. Toward this end, we assessed the performance both of the embedded wireless cards of current drones and also SBCs, which may be carried as payload in existing UAV solutions. Driven by the results obtained in these experiments, we then deployed an operational VoIP service over a network of commercial MAVs, to perform an experimental analysis on the resource capabilities of these devices and demonstrate that this type of service can certainly be used.This article has been partially supported by the European H2020 5GinFIRE project (grant agreement 732497) and the 5G‐City project (TEC2016‐76795‐C6‐3‐R) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Flexible services deployment using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for emergency situations

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    Proceeding of: XXXIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2018), 5-7 de septiembre de 2018, Granada, España.The notorious advances in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) research area is allowing small UAVs (SUAV) to have an increasing presence in different civil applications. In the context of the 5GCity Spanish coordinated project, this paper considers the use of SUAV networks to support emergency services in critical and disaster situations. To solve the set of challenges presented in UAV networks, we present a general use case with the deployment of an NFV and SDN based solution and the different key enabling technologies. The whole deployment will be split into three stages during the project lifetime, with an initial integration using the 5TONIC European Open Research 5G laboratory and then with the different 5GCity project partners.This article has been partially supported by the 5G-City project (TEC2016-76795-C6-3-R) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.No publicad

    Adaptable and automated small UAV deployments via virtualization

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    In this paper, we present a practical solution to support the adaptable and automated deployment of applications of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SUAVs). Our solution is based on virtualization technologies, and considers SUAVs as programmable network platforms capable of executing virtual functions and services, which may be dynamically selected according to the requirements specified by the operator of the aerial vehicles. This way, SUAVs can be flexibly and rapidly adapted to different missions with heterogeneous objectives. The design of our solution is based on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technologies, developed under the umbrella of the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G), as well as on existing Internet protocol standards, including flying ad hoc network routing protocols. We implemented a functional prototype of our solution using well-known open source technologies, and we demonstrated its practical feasibility with the execution of an IP telephony service. This service was implemented as a set of virtualized network functions, which were automatically deployed and interconnected over an infrastructure of SUAVs, being the telephony service tested with real voice-over-IP terminals.This article was partially supported by the European H2020 5GinFIRE project (grant agreement 732497), and by the 5GCity project (TEC2016-76795-C6-3-R) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Propuesta metodológica 360ª para la evaluación de la masificación en cimas de montaña. Un caso de estudio

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    The activity of nature tourism has shown a constant worldwide growth which, accentuated by the post-confinement situation, has highlighted the problem of overcrowding in some vulnerable environments as mountain peaks. The objective of this work is to present an holistic methodological proposal for the evaluation of overcrowding on these peaks. In this case, the methodology was applied in Pica d’ Estats, Alt Pirineu Natural Park (APNP). The 360º methodological proposal for the Evaluation of Overcrowding on Mountain Peaks (EOMP) was developed taking into account five stages: i) identification of the visitors’ flow; ii) characterization of the visitor’s generic profile; iii) determination of the tourist carrying capacity; iv) objectification of overcrowding; v) transfer of knowledge and decision making. The main results obtained in the application of the EOMP proposed in this case study are: i) the identification of the objective presence of levels of overcrowding on the peak during the summer months of July and August, which allowed progress to be made in the participative design of three main lines of action: a) consolidation of the offer b) deployment of the offer c) regulation of vehicles on the access track and ii) as regards the methodological design itself, the verification of the viability and functionality of the proposal supported by the EOMP as an optimal and effective tool in the monitoring and management of public use on mountain peaks.La actividad del turismo de naturaleza ha mostrado un crecimiento constante a nivel mundial que, acentuado por la situación de post confinamiento, ha puesto en evidencia la problemática de masificación de algunos entornos tan vulnerables como son las cimas de montaña. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en presentar una propuesta metodológica integral de evaluación de la masificación en dichas cimas. En este caso, la metodología se aplicó en la Pica d’Estats, Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu. La propuesta metodológica 360º para la Evaluación de la Masificación en Cimas de Montaña (EMCM) fue elaborada teniendo en cuenta la consideración de cinco etapas: i) identificación de la afluencia de visitantes; ii) caracterización del perfil genérico del visitante; iii) determinación de la capacidad de carga turística; iv) cuantificación objetiva de la masificación; v) transferencia de conocimiento y toma de decisiones. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de la EMCM propuesta en este caso de estudio cabe destacar: i) la identificación de la presencia objetiva de niveles de masificación en la cima durante los meses estivales de julio y agosto, que permitieron avanzar en el diseño participativo de tres grandes líneas de acción: a) consolidación de la oferta b) despliegue de la oferta c) regulación de vehículos a motor en la pista de acceso y ii) en cuanto al diseño metodológico en sí, la comprobación de la viabilidad y funcionalidad de la propuesta que sustenta la EMCM como una herramienta óptima y efectiva en el monitoreo y gestión del uso público en las cimas de montaña

    Batch to the future: Analyzing timestamp accuracy of high-performance packet I/O engines

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. V. Moreno, P. M. S. Del Rio, J. Ramos, J. J. Garnica, and J. L. Garcia-Dorado, "Batch to the future: Analyzing timestamp accuracy of high-performance packet I/O engines", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 1888 - 1891, November 2012.Novel packet I/O engines allow capturing traffic at multi-10Gb/s using only-software and commodity-hardware systems. This is achieved thanks to the application of techniques such as batch processing. Nevertheless, this feature involves degradation in the timestamp accuracy, which may be relevant for monitoring purposes. We propose two different approaches to mitigate such effect: a simple algorithm to distribute inter-batch time among the packets composing a batch, and a driver modification to poll NIC buffers avoiding batch processing. Experimental results, using both synthetic and real traffic, show that our proposals allow capturing accurately timestamped traffic for monitoring purposes at multi-10Gb/s rates

    An NFV system to support service provisioning on UAV networks

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    In this presentation, we will first describe the design and implementation of an NFV system capable of deploying moderately complex network services over a wireless ad-hoc network of resource-constrained compute nodes. The system design targets aerial networks built by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and it relies on container virtualization to support the execution of network functions within constrained environments, as well as on mobile ad-hoc networking to support the underlying end-to-end network communications [1]. The presentation will also cover the implementation experience from developing this NFV system, which is based on relevant and widely-adopted open-source technologies in the NFV arena such as ETSI Open-Source MANO (OSM) and OpenStack. In addition, we will present the details concerning the integration of this system into a distributed NFV testbed spanning three different remote sites in Spain, i.e., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC), and Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU). The goal of this testbed is to explore synergies among NFV, UAVs, and 5G vertical services, following a practical approach primarily governed by experimentation. To showcase the potential of this testbed to support vertical services, we will present three different use cases that have been realized as part of our prior research work: i) the automated deployment of an IP telephony service on a delimited geographic area, using a network of interconnected UAVs [2] (noteworthily, this work was awarded by ETSI as the best proof-of-concept demonstration with OSM during the OSM Release Eight cycle [3]); ii) the realization of a smart farming vertical service [4]; and iii) a public-safety vertical use case, which uses aerial and vehicular NFV infrastructures to monitor traffic conditions and handle emergency situations [5]. This latter involves an international collaboration with the Instituto de Telecomunicações of Aveiro, which operates a vehicular NFV infrastructure. Finally, the presentation will tackle the standardization challenges related with the future view of a decentralized and flexible MANO framework, capable of supporting the operation of cost-effective, reliable services beyond the edge of the telecommunication operator infrastructures. In this view, multiple stakeholders would collaboratively provide a wide range of heterogeneous compute-connect devices (e.g., end-user terminals, CPEs, or UAV swarms). These devices might exist and be opportunistically used, or they could otherwise be deployed on-demand by those stakeholders, contributing to the availability of a potentially unlimited pool of network, computing, and storage resources beyond the network edge. This view introduces several standardization challenges to the NFV MANO framework in terms of interoperation, flexibility, robustness, and security. These challenges have been presented at the NFV Evolution1 event organized by ETSI, and will build the basis of our future work in this research line.This work has been partially supported by the European H2020 LABYRINTH project (grant agreement H2020-MG-2019-TwoStages-861696), and by the TRUE5G project (PID2019-108713RB-C52PID2019-108713RBC52/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) funded by the Spanish National Research Agency