634 research outputs found

    Cramming: The Effects of School Accountability on College-Bound Students

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    This paper is the first to explore the effects of school accountability systems on high-achieving students' long-term performance. Using exceptional data from a large highly-selective state university, we relate school accountability pressure in high school to a student's university-level grades and study habits. We exploit a change in the state's accountability system in 1999 that led to some schools becoming newlythreatened by accountability pressure and others becoming newly-unthreatened to identify the effects of accountability pressure. We find that an accountability system based on a low-level test of basic skills apparently led to generally reduced performance by high-achieving students, while an accountability system based on a more challenging criterion-referenced exam apparently led to improved performance in college on mathematics and other technical subjects. Both types of systems are associated with increased "cramming" by students in college. The results indicate that the nature of an accountability system can influence its effectiveness.

    Preparation of polymeric diacetylene thin films for nonlinear optical applications

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    A method for producing polymeric diacetylene thin films having desirable nonlinear optical characteristics has been achieved by producing amorphous diacetylene polymeric films by simultaneous polymerization of diacetylene monomers in solution and deposition of polymerized diacetylenes on to the surface of a transparent substrate through which ultraviolet light has been transmitted. These amorphous polydiacetylene films produced by photo-deposition from solution possess very high optical quality and exhibit large third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities, such properties being suitable for nonlinear optical devices such as waveguides and integrated optics

    Deep splicing plasticity of the human adenovirus type 5 transcriptome drives virus evolution

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    Viral genomes have high gene densities and complex transcription strategies rendering transcriptome analysis through short-read RNA-seq approaches problematic. Adenovirus transcription and splicing is especially complex. We used long-read direct RNA sequencing to study adenovirus transcription and splicing during infection. This revealed a previously unappreciated complexity of alternative splicing and potential for secondary initiating codon usage. Moreover, we find that most viral transcripts tend to shorten polyadenylation lengths as infection progresses. Development of an open reading frame centric bioinformatics analysis pipeline provided a deeper quantitative and qualitative understanding of adenovirus’s genetic potential. Across the viral genome adenovirus makes multiple distinctly spliced transcripts that code for the same protein. Over 11,000 different splicing patterns were recorded across the viral genome, most occurring at low levels. This low-level use of alternative splicing patterns potentially enables the virus to maximise its coding potential over evolutionary timescales

    The importance of dietary change for men diagnosed with and at risk of prostate cancer:a multi-centre interview study with men, their partners and health professionals

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of prostate cancer (PC) can provide a trigger for dietary change, and there is evidence that healthier diets may improve quality of life and clinical outcomes. However, men’s views about dietary change in PC survivorship are largely unknown. This multi-centre qualitative interview study explored men’s views about dietary change in PC survivorship, to better understand motivations for, and barriers to, achieving desired changes. The role of radical and active surveillance treatments on dietary change and the influence of men’s partners were examined. Focus groups also evaluated stakeholder opinion, including healthcare professionals, about the provision of dietary advice to PC patients. METHODS: A multi-centre interview study explored views about diet and motivations for, and barriers to, dietary change in men at elevated risk or diagnosed with PC following prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing. 58 men and 11 partners were interviewed. Interviews and focus groups were undertaken with 11 healthcare professionals, 5 patients and 4 partners to evaluate stakeholders’ opinions about the feasibility and acceptability of providing dietary advice to PC patients. Data were analysed using methods of constant comparison and thematic analysis. RESULTS: Over half of diagnosed men reported making dietary changes, primarily to promote general or prostate health or facilitate coping, despite their uncertainty about diet-PC links. Interest in dietary advice was high. Information needs varied depending on treatment received, with men on active surveillance more frequently modifying their diet and regarding this as an adjunct therapy. Men considered their partners integral to implementing changes. Provision of dietary advice to men diagnosed with PC was considered by healthcare professionals and men to be feasible and appropriate in the context of a holistic ‘care package’. CONCLUSIONS: Many men make positive dietary changes after PC diagnosis, which are perceived by men and their partners to bring psychological and general health benefits and could help future dietary intervention trials. Men and their partners desire more and better dietary information that may support PC survivorship, particularly among those embarking on active surveillance/monitoring programmes. There are opportunities for healthcare professionals to support PC patients both clinically and psychologically by the routine integration of healthy eating advice into survivorship care plans

    Systematic techniques for assisting recruitment to trials (START): study protocol for embedded, randomized controlled trials

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    BACKGROUND: Randomized controlled trials play a central role in evidence-based practice, but recruitment of participants, and retention of them once in the trial, is challenging. Moreover, there is a dearth of evidence that research teams can use to inform the development of their recruitment and retention strategies. As with other healthcare initiatives, the fairest test of the effectiveness of a recruitment strategy is a trial comparing alternatives, which for recruitment would mean embedding a recruitment trial within an ongoing host trial. Systematic reviews indicate that such studies are rare. Embedded trials are largely delivered in an ad hoc way, with interventions almost always developed in isolation and tested in the context of a single host trial, limiting their ability to contribute to a body of evidence with regard to a single recruitment intervention and to researchers working in different contexts. METHODS/DESIGN: The Systematic Techniques for Assisting Recruitment to Trials (START) program is funded by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council (MRC) Methodology Research Programme to support the routine adoption of embedded trials to test standardized recruitment interventions across ongoing host trials. To achieve this aim, the program involves three interrelated work packages: (1) methodology - to develop guidelines for the design, analysis and reporting of embedded recruitment studies; (2) interventions - to develop effective and useful recruitment interventions; and (3) implementation - to recruit host trials and test interventions through embedded studies. DISCUSSION: Successful completion of the START program will provide a model for a platform for the wider trials community to use to evaluate recruitment interventions or, potentially, other types of intervention linked to trial conduct. It will also increase the evidence base for two types of recruitment intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The START protocol covers the methodology for embedded trials. Each embedded trial is registered separately or as a substudy of the host trial

    Structure and Thermochemistry of Perrhenate Sodalite and Mixed Guest Perrhenate/Pertechnetate Sodalite.

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    Treatment and immobilization of technetium-99 (99Tc) contained in reprocessed nuclear waste and present in contaminated subsurface systems represents a major environmental challenge. One potential approach to managing this highly mobile and long-lived radionuclide is immobilization into micro- and meso-porous crystalline solids, specifically sodalite. We synthesized and characterized the structure of perrhenate sodalite, Na8[AlSiO4]6(ReO4)2, and the structure of a mixed guest perrhenate/pertechnetate sodalite, Na8[AlSiO4]6(ReO4)2-x(TcO4)x. Perrhenate was used as a chemical analogue for pertechnetate. Bulk analyses of each solid confirm a cubic sodalite-type structure (P4̅3n, No. 218 space group) with rhenium and technetium in the 7+ oxidation state. High-resolution nanometer scale characterization measurements provide first-of-a-kind evidence that the ReO4- anions are distributed in a periodic array in the sample, nanoscale clustering is not observed, and the ReO4- anion occupies the center of the sodalite β-cage in Na8[AlSiO4]6(ReO4)2. We also demonstrate, for the first time, that the TcO4- anion can be incorporated into the sodalite structure. Lastly, thermochemistry measurements for the perrhenate sodalite were used to estimate the thermochemistry of pertechnetate sodalite based on a relationship between ionic potential and the enthalpy and Gibbs free energy of formation for previously measured oxyanion-bearing feldspathoid phases. The results collected in this study suggest that micro- and mesoporous crystalline solids maybe viable candidates for the treatment and immobilization of 99Tc present in reprocessed nuclear waste streams and contaminated subsurface environments

    An intercomparison of EarthCARE cloud, aerosol, and precipitation retrieval products

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    The objective of the Earth Cloud, Aerosol, and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) mission is to infer attributes of cloud, aerosol, precipitation, and radiation from observations made by four complementary instruments. This requires the development of single-instrument and multiple-instrument (i.e. synergistic) retrieval algorithms that employ measurements made by one, or more, of EarthCARE's cloud-profiling radar (CPR), atmospheric lidar (ATLID), and multi-spectral imager (MSI); its broadband radiometer (BBR) places the retrieved quantities in the context of the surface–atmosphere radiation budget. To facilitate the development and evaluation of ESA's EarthCARE production model prior to launch, sophisticated instrument simulators were developed to produce realistic synthetic EarthCARE measurements for simulated conditions provided by cloud-resolving models. While acknowledging that the physical and radiative representations of cloud, aerosol, and precipitation in the test scenes are based on numerical models, the opportunity to perform detailed evaluations wherein the “truth” is known provides insights into the performance of EarthCARE's instruments and retrieval algorithms. This level of omniscience will not be available for the evaluation of in-flight EarthCARE retrieval products, even during validation activities coordinated with ground-based and airborne measurements. In this study, we compare EarthCARE retrieval products both statistically across all simulated scenes and from a specific time series from a single scene. For ice clouds, it is shown that retrieved profiles of ice water content and effective particle size made by the ATLID-CPR-MSI cloud, aerosols, and precipitation (ACM-CAP) synergistic algorithm are consistently more accurate than those from its single-instrument counterparts. While liquid clouds are often difficult to detect from satellite-borne sensors, especially for multi-layered clouds, ACM-CAP benefits from combined constraints from lidar backscatter, solar radiances, and radar-path-integrated attenuation but still exhibits non-trivial random error. For precipitation retrievals, the CPR cloud and precipitation product (C-CLD) and ACM-CAP have a similar performance when well-constrained by CPR measurements. The greatest differences are in coverage, with ACM-CAP reporting retrievals in the melting layer, and in heavy precipitation, where CPR signals are dominated by multiple scattering and attenuation. Aerosol retrievals from ATLID compensate for a high degree of measurement noise in a number of ways, with the ATLID extinction, backscatter, and depolarisation (A-EBD) product and ACM-CAP demonstrating similar performance. The multi-spectral imager (MSI) cloud optical properties (M-COP) product performs very well for unambiguous cloud layers. Similarly, the MSI aerosol optical thickness (M-AOT) product performs well when radiances are unaffected by cloud, but both products provide little information about vertical profiles of properties. Finally, a summary of the performance of all retrieval products and their random errors is provided

    Mobile phones are a viable option for surveying young Australian women: a comparison of two telephone survey methods

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Households with fixed-line telephones have decreased while mobile (cell) phone ownership has increased. We therefore sought to examine the feasibility of recruiting young women for a national health survey through random digit dialling mobile phones.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two samples of women aged 18 to 39 years were surveyed by random digit dialling fixed and mobile numbers. We compared participation rates and responses to a questionnaire between women surveyed by each contact method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After dialling 5,390 fixed-lines and 3,697 mobile numbers, 140 and 128 women were recruited respectively. Among women contacted and found to be eligible, participation rates were 74% for fixed-lines and 88% for mobiles. Taking into account calls to numbers where eligibility was unknown (e.g. unanswered calls) the estimated response rates were 54% and 45% respectively. Of women contacted by fixed-line, 97% reported having a mobile while 61% of those contacted by mobile reported having a fixed-line at home. After adjusting for age, there were no significant differences between mobile-only and fixed-line responders with respect to education, residence, and various health behaviours; however compared to those with fixed-lines, mobile-only women were more likely to identify as Indigenous (OR 4.99, 95%CI 1.52-16.34) and less likely to live at home with their parents (OR 0.09, 95%CI 0.03-0.29).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Random digit dialling mobile phones to conduct a health survey in young Australian women is feasible, gives a comparable response rate and a more representative sample than dialling fixed-lines only. Telephone surveys of young women should include mobile dialling.</p

    Chemical Beam Epitaxy of Compound Semiconductors

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    Contains reports on three research projects and a list of publications.3M Company Faculty Development GrantAT&T Research Foundation Special Purpose GrantCharles S. Draper Laboratories Contract DL-H-418484Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Subcontract 216-25013Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Subcontract 542383Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-89-C-0001Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001National Science Foundation Grant ECS 88-46919National Science Foundation Grant ECS 89-05909Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Subcontract 5300716-07U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-88-K-0564Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Subcontract 530-0716-07National Science Foundation Subcontract DMR 90-0789