220 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Penanganan Kawasan Permukiman Kumuh Studi Penentuan Kawasan Prioritas Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Infrastruktur Pada Kawasan Pemukiman Kumuh Di Kota Malang

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    Urban slum areas emerge due to lack of development in urban settlements and urban land constraints. This study aims to identify the characteristics of a slum area, determines the priority areas for improving the quality of infrastructures, and provides strategies to improving the quality of infrastructure slum areas in Malang Municipality. The results identify eleven classifications of slum areas and five priority areas for improving the quality of infrastructures. SWOT analysis suggests strategies to improve them which include conducting comprehensive planning improvement of the quality of infrastructures; improving coordination and synchronization of programs and activities; involving the community in the planning process; improving coordination and synergies with relevant institutions in the spatial use in the city area along in the border areas and riverbanks; increasing socialization as an effort to increase understanding and awareness for the public; and seeking opportunities for cooperation with the private sector in improving the quality of infrastructures

    Effect of Yoga Program on Mental Health: Competitive Anxiety in Semarang Badminton Athletes

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    The most obvious factor which really affects the capability of an athlete, especially in Semarang badminton, is psychological factors. One technique supposed to represent all the mental techniques are yoga. A total of 20 athletes (12 men & 8 women) from the badminton club in Semarang participated in this study. Quasi-experimental was used in the study. Two groups were selected according age group and class, and both are candidates of the provincial team. We measured anxiety levels with CSAI-2R and sphygmomanometer. We analyze the data using t-test and index gain. Cognitive anxiety item on the yoga group decreased (x=-2.10; -21.21%), and so did the control group (x=-0.20; -2.19%). Somatic anxiety symptoms were similar to yoga group (x=-3.50; -26.92%), but not for the control group, which increased (x=1.70; 17.71%). Whereas self-confidence has a negative correlation to other variables, the yoga group increased (x=2.00; 12.35%) but the control group decreased (x=-0.30; -1.99%).The last was badminton performance, yoga group increased (x=2.40; 14.67%) and whereas the control group decreased (x=-3.283; -17.23%)

    Renovation of Farm Ponds.

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    Effectiveness of subconjunctival mitomycin-C compared with subconjunctival triamcinolon acetonide on the recurrence of progresive primary pterygium which underwent Mc Reynolds method

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    Background: The main problem in the management of pterygium is how to diminish the recurrence rateafter surgical treatment. Mitomycin-C an antineoplastic, antifibrotic has been used to prevent recurrencerate of pterygium after excision, however, it correlated with some complications. Subconjunctivaladministration before excision has been proposed to avoid them.Objective: To know the effectivity of subconjunctival of mitomycin-C to decrease the recurrence rate ofprogresive primary pterigyum after Mc Reynold method compared with subconjunctival triamcinolonacetonide.Materials and methods: Randomized clinical trial of 41 progresive primary pterygium in Dr Sardjito Hospitaland Dr Yap Eye Hospital. They were randomly assigned to receive subconjunctival 0.1 ml triamcinolonacetonide or 0.1 ml mitomycin-C and underwent pterygium excision one week later using Mc Reynoldmethod. The follow up period was 6 months to detect any recurrence and complication of the drugsResults: The recurrence rate after subconjunctival mitomycin-C and triamcinolon acetonide was 4.7% and25%, respectively, however the different was not statistically significant (p=0.67). There were nostatistical difference in conjunctival hiperemia, lacrimation and granulation. Blepharospasm was significantlydifferent in seven days. The pain after injection and after excision was statistically different between twotwo groups.Conclusion: The recurrence rate of progressive primary pterygium in triamcinolon acetonide group washigher than mitomycin-C group but there was no statistical difference.Key words : Progressive primary pterygium – mitomycin-C – triamcinolon acetonide – Mc Reynold metho

    Potensi Cadangan Karbon Tegakan Hutan Sub Montana di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak

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    Untuk mendukung implementasi REDD+ (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degradation+) sebagai upaya mitigasi Perubahan iklim di Indonesia diperlukan berbagai baseline data stok karbon untuk hutan alam. Menurut IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Guidelines 2006, perhitungan stok karbon harus terukur, terbuka, terlaporkan, dapat diverifikasi, dan konsisten. Dalam skala sub nasional, Pulau Jawa khususnya ekosistem hutan alam, seringkali luput dari perhatian para penggiat REDD+ sehingga data dan informasi mengenai cadangan karbon ekosistem hutan alam di Pulau Jawa masih sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini dilakukan di hutan alam sub montana di kawasan konservasi Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS) dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui cadangan karbon pada 5 pool karbon di TN Gunung Halimun Salak. Dua puluh tujuh petak ukur dibuat dengan ukuran 20x20 meter. Pengukuran sumber karbon hutan dilakukan untuk biomassa di atas tanah, biomassa di bawah tanah yang meliputi perakaran tanaman, tumbuhan bawah dan nekromas pada hutan primer dengan kerapatan tajuk tinggi dan rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TNGHS memiliki potensi simpanan karbon yang cukup besar yaitu: di atas permukaan tanah sebesar 139,326 tonC/ha, di bawah permukaan tanah (perakaran tanaman) sebesar 39,011 tonC/ha, tumbuhan bawah sebesar 1,971 tonC/ha dan nekromas sebesar 5,77 tonC/ha. Biomassa dan cadangan karbon tegakan rata-rata di hutan primer di TNGHS secara berturut-turut adalah sebesar 364,503 ton/ha dan 185,177 tonC/ha. Studi ini merekomendasikan persamaan alometrik yang dikembangkan oleh Chave et al. (2005) untuk digunakan dalam mengestimasi potensi biomassa tegakan hutan di TNGH


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    This study aims to measure the potential for recreational and user fees in Belu District and to conclude an appropriate tourism object development strategy to increase the acceptance of these fees. This research will be conducted in 4 (four) tourism objects managed by the Belu Regency Culture and Tourism Office, namely Pasir Putih Beach, Gurita Bay, Aufuik Beach, Susuk Pool. The data analysis technique used is Potential Analysis and SWOT Analysis. The results of the study showed that the potential for receiving recreational levies in Belu Regency was Rp. 204,778,000, with details: (1) Aufuik Beach with a potential levy of Rp. 80,482,500; (2) White Sand Beach with a potential levy of Rp. 79,462,500; (3) Gurita Bay with a potential levy of Rp. 30,812,000; and (4) Susuk Pool with a potential retribution of Rp. 14,021,000. The right strategies to increase revenue from the four tourist attractions are: (1) Strength-Threat Strategy by increasing the uniqueness of the object, using tariffs according to regulations, establishing good cooperation between related parties; (2) Strength-Opportunity Strategy by maintaining and further enhancing security, maintaining high potential and image, attracting workers from the surrounding community and conducting socialization with the local community; (3) Weakness-Threat Strategy by adding cleaning staff, clarifying and overcoming problems arising from negative issues, improving facilities and infrastructure as well as roads to objects and making affordable travel packages

    Renovation of Farm Ponds.

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    Effective low-cost pediatric vision screening by naive nonophthalmic examiners using the 'Arclight' device

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    Purpose: To explore whether a low-cost ophthalmoscope (Arclight) can be used by naive nonophthalmic examiners to effectively screen for pediatric eye disease. Methods: Fifty-four children (108 eyes) were examined by five medical students using an Arclight. Gold standard examination was performed by an ophthalmologist using a slit lamp and indirect ophthalmoscope. Examinations performed included ophthalmoscopy of the optic disc, estimation of the cup-to-disc ratio (CDR), corneal light reflex test (CRT), Bruckner’s reflex test (BRT), and evaluation of refractive error. We determined the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the nonophthalmologist’s Arclight exam compared to the gold standard findings of comprehensive evaluation by pediatric ophthalmologists. Results: Using the Arclight, the optic nerve exam was successfully completed in 65% of patients. CDRs above and below 0.5 could be determined with 66.7% sensitivity and 84.4% specificity. Arclight CRT measurements were significant (P < .00001) predictors of strabismus, with 80% sensitivity, 95.1%, specificity, 80% PPV, and 95.1% NPV. BRT was not a significant predictor of amblyopia, with a 34.6% sensitivity, 85.7% specificity, 69.2% PPV, and 58.5% NPV. Refractive error was estimated with a success rate of 81% for emmetropia, 38% for myopia, and 21% for hyperopia. The Arclight ease-of-use was rated on average as 4.4 (SD = 0.9) on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the hardest and 5 being the easiest. Conclusions: Our study shows the Arclight as an affordable and effective alternative to the traditional ophthalmoscope for assessing eye disease in children. This device can improve eye health services in under-resourced regions.Peer reviewe
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