386 research outputs found

    Trois épitaphes inédites d’Uchi Maius (Afrique Proconsulaire), d’après un manuscrit de Louis Poinssot

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    The article proposes the edition of three unpublished inscriptions of Uchi Maius (at Téboursouk, Tunisia) coming from notes by L. Poinssot (Paris, 1879-1967).The originals are kept in the Poinssot collection.L’article propose l’édition de trois inscriptions inédites d’Uchi Maius (à Téboursouk, Tunisie) à partir de notes de L. Poinssot (1879-1967).Les originaux sont conservés dans le Fonds Poinssot

    Jonathan S. Perry, The Roman collegia. The Modern Evolution of an Ancient Concept

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    L’auteur commence astucieusement par un exercice très bien mené d’interprétations de l’épitaphe de L. Arrius Secundus mort à Catane, à 17 ans, auquel ses compagnons marmorii rendent hommage – CIL X 7039 : D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum). / L(ucius) Arrius / Secundus / vix(it) an(nis) XVII, marmorari convive fecer(unt). Les scénarios qu’il échafaude ne sont pas simple virtuosité, mais une démonstration éclatante du poids des connaissances personnelles et des idées contemporaines dans la compréhension..

    John Davies, John Wilkes Ă©d., Epigraphy and the historical sciences

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    Ce volume rassemble la plupart des conférences plénières données lors du 13e congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine (ciegl) qui s’est tenu à Oxford en septembre 2007. Il avait été demandé aux auteurs de mettre en évidence les apports de l’épigraphie à l’écriture de l’histoire, ce qui fait apparaître combien, à l’inverse, pour exploiter les inscriptions, c’est-à-dire pour en tirer les informations, les insérer dans un contexte et apprécier leurs apports, il est nécessaire de maît..

    Lipid oxidation and antimicrobial activity of cooked beef patties as influenced by leaf extracts of “Cemba” (Albizia lebbeckoides [DC.] Benth)

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    Cemba (Albizia lebbeckoides [DC.] Benth.) leaf extract (CLE) was evaluated for some physical properties, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities incorporated into beef patties during cold storage. Four Formulation employed were control, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) 0.01, CLE 0.5, and CLE 1% (w/w). The variables measured were proximate composition, cooking parameters, pH, aw, WHC, color, total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity, DPPH scavenging activity, TBARS value, and microbial total. The data were analyzed using ANOVA one factor for proximate and cooking parameters, and ANOVA with factorial 4x5 for pH, aw, WHC, color, total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity, DPPH scavenging activity, TBARS value, and microbial total and continued with Tukey test. The results of the study showed that the addition of the CLE did not affect the proximate composition and cooking parameters of the patties. The cooked beef patties with 1% CLE showed significantly lower (P<0.05) for TBARS value, pH, bacterial total (mesophilic and psychrophilic) compared to 0.5% CLE and controls. The total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity, scavenging activity of CLE 1 % were significantly higher (P<0.05) than 0.5% CLE and controls during the cold storage period (0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days). Addition of both 0.5 and 1% CLE in cooked beef patty reduced bacteria total. The addition of 1% CLE had equivalent to BHT 0.01% effect in retarding lipid oxidation. In conclusion, the CLE 1% was effective to retard lipid oxidation and inhibit bacteria growth of cooked beef patties

    Quelques réflexions sur l’analyse historiographique et épistémologique du dagr

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    Par compétence, par intérêt et parce que cette approche est assez fertile, à mon avis, pour justifier un programme, je me borne ici à quelques réflexions sur l’analyse historiographique et épistémologique du dagr en lui-même. Il ne s’agit pas de confronter le Dictionnaire à la science actuelle – ce qui a été l’objet de la seconde partie de la journée d’étude erasme et constitue le second volet de cette publication –, mais d’en chercher la logique interne, de repérer les éventuels infléchissem..

    Chemoprevention Activity of Temu Mangga Extracts

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    The chemoprevention activity of temu mangga extracts was&nbsp;investigated by determination of antioxidant activity with a peroxidation number method and gluthatione-S-transferase&nbsp;(GST) activity in Chang medium culture and cell lysate (total GST activity). The results indicated that ethanol extract&nbsp;has a strong antioxidant activity. It is caused by the phenolic group in the ethanol extract. Treatment Chang cell&nbsp;culture with 7th and 4th ethanol fractions increased the GST activity when compared to the control. The total GST&nbsp;activity (cytosolic and microsomal) increased when Chang cell culture was treated with H2O2/Fe+2. The decrease of the&nbsp;total GST activity was observed when 7th and 4th ethanol fractions were supplemented with H2O2/Fe+2 compared to the&nbsp;cell culture receiving H2O2/Fe+2 only

    PF-18 Photomicrograph of Nanogel Andrographolide-Beta Cyclodextrine Inclusion Complex As Anti-Burns

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    Inclusion complex is a complex formed between drug molecules which act as guest or located inside the cavity of host molecule. Host molecules are commonly originated from the derivative group of cyclodextrin. Among cyclodextrin groups, beta cyclodextrin (BCD) is mostly used in formula development and drug delivery system [1].Andrographolide (AG) is a pure isolate chemically syntesized from sambiloto herbs (Andrographis paniculata Nees), in the form of needle cystal-like which is colorless and extremely bitter. AG has variety of medical properties, particularly as anti-inflamation to treat skin burns [2]. However AG has poor solubility in water. This will result in low abillity to solute, penetrate membrane, and distribute the drug when applied transdermally in burn skin. In burn skin, there is tendency to skin damage, especially in stratum corneum which acts as semipermeable barrier. The ability of drugs that applied transdermally tends to be high.Formation of inclusion complex using AG and BCD to increase the ability of AG in penetrating membrane should be done. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is a fast technique to confirm the formation of drug or inclusion complex by  comparing the shape and particle size [3]. Study on percutaneous penetration of AG-BCD inclusion complex is produced through solvent evaporation method at mole ration 1:2 in viscolam gel preparation

    Kajian Penanda Genetik Gen Cytochrome B Pada Tarsius sp. =Study of Genetic Marker on Cytochrome B Gene of Tarsius sp.

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    Tarsius merupakan salah satu satwa endemik Indonesia yang keberadaannya mulai memprihatinkan. Konservasi sebagai salah satu cara untuk pelestarian satwa ini akan lebih terarah dan berhasil guna apabila karakteristik dan keragaman sumber genetiknya diketahui dengan pasti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji penanda genetik spesifik gen cyt b pada Tarsius sp. Pengurutan hasil PCR menggunakan primer H 15149 pada gen cyt b didapatkan urutan basa sebesar 276 pb (menyandi 92 asam amino. Fragmen cyt b hash! pengurutan disejajarkan berganda dengan primata lain dari data Genbank dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Genetyx-Win versi 3.0 dan Clustal W, kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan program MEGA versi 3.1. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh 14 situs asam amino yang berbeda. Tarsius dianae memiliki 12 situs asam amino (asam amino ke 2, 6, 9, 22, 23, 29, 39, 41, 42, 45, 55 dan 85), T. spectrum memiliki 7 situs asam amino (asam amino ke 2, 6, 9, 41, 45, 55 dan 85) dan T bancanus memiliki 2 situs asam amino ( ke 23 dan 45) yang dapat digunakan sebagai penanda genetik. Lima asam amino unik ditemukan pada T dianae, yaitu pada situs asam amino ke 6 (valina), ke 22 (alanina), ke 29 (alanina), ke 39 (serina) dan ke 42 (valina). Jarak genetik berdasar nukleotida cyt b yang dihitung menggunakan model 2 parameter Kimura ditemukan nilai paling kecil sebesar 0,7%, nilai paling besar 22,3% dan rata-rata 13,1%. Filogram menggunakan metode neighbor joining berdasar hasil urutan nukleotida dan asam amino cyt b tersebut dapat dijadikan pembeda masing-masing spesies Tarsius. Kato kunci: Tarsius sp., gen cyt b, asam amino, urutan DNA Tarsius is an endemic species in Indonesia that is threatened. Conservation of this species would yield better results if its genetic make up and diversity were determined. The objective of this research was to study the specific genetic marker on cyt b gene of Tarsius sp. Sequencing of PCR product using primer H15149 on cyt b gene yielded base sequence of 276 by (coding 92 amino acids). Multiple aligment was crried out using Genetyc-Win Version 3.0 and Clustal W and analyzed using MEGA program Version 3.1. Fourteen different amino acid sites were found. Tarsius dianae had 12 amino acid sites (amino acid no. 2, 6, 9, 22, 23, 29, 39, 41, 42, 45, 55 and 85), T. spectrum had 7 amino acid sites (amino acid no. 2, 6, 9, 41, 45, 55 and 85) and T bancanus had 2 amino acid sites (amino acid no. 23 and 45) which can be used as genetic marker. Five unique amino acids were found on T dianae, such as amino acid site: 6 (valine), 22 (alanin), 29 (alanin), 39 (serin) and site 42 (valine). The genetic distance based on Kimura 2-parameter model ranged between 0,7% and 22,3%, with averaged of 13.1%. The phylogram using Neighbor Joining method based on the sequence of nucleotide and amino acid of cyt b reveded differentiation among Tarsius. Key words: Tarsius sp., cyt b gene, amino acid, DNA sequenc

    Une bibliothèque et une famille : le fonds Poinssot à la bibliothèque Gernet-Glotz

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    Pendant plus d’un siècle, la famille Poinssot a réuni, imbriqué et rendu totalement solidaire avec le fonds archivistique un ensemble de livres, considérable par le nombre et remarquable par la thématique. Cette « bibliothèque Poinssot » n’est pas devenue une lost library, comme elle l’aurait été si, sans être détruits, les livres avaient été dispersés, conservant leur valeur informative érudite, mais ne permettant plus d’appréhender une évolution scientifique. Transformée par son transfert d..

    Yann Coz, Rome et l’Angleterre. L’image de la Rome antique dans l’Angleterre anglo-saxonne du vie siècle à 1066

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    Ce gros livre très érudit se propose de déceler les traces de la Rome antique dans l’Angleterre du début du Moyen Âge, soit du viie s. au début du xie s. L’auteur a dépouillé avec acribie les sources, essentiellement littéraires et historiques, mais aussi numismatiques et matérielles (les écrits de Bède mis en résonance avec les motifs décoratifs du « coffret de Franks », un coffre en bois trouvé à Auzon – en Haute Loire – où il était arrivé, en provenance de Grande-Bretagne, par l’intermédia..
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