122 research outputs found

    Alpha-Galactosylceramide/CD1d-Antibody Fusion Proteins Redirect Invariant Natural Killer T Cell Immunity to Solid Tumors and Promote Prolonged Therapeutic Responses.

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    Major progress in cancer immunotherapies have been obtained by the use of tumor targeting strategies, in particular with the development of bi-functional fusion proteins such as ImmTacs or BiTes, which engage effector T cells for targeted elimination of tumor cells. Given the significance of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells in bridging innate and adaptive immunity, we have developed a bi-functional protein composed of the extracellular part of CD1d molecule that was genetically fused to an scFv fragment from high affinity antibodies against HER2 or CEA. Systemic treatments with the CD1d-antitumor fusion proteins loaded with the agonist alpha-galactosylceramide (αGalCer) led to specific iNKT cell activation, resulting in a sustained growth inhibition of established tumors expressing HER2 or CEA, while treatment with the free αGalCer was ineffective. Importantly, we discovered that αGalCer/CD1d-antitumor fusion proteins were able to maintain iNKT cells reactive to multiple re-stimulations in contrast to their anergic state induced after a single injection of free αGalCer. We further demonstrated that the antitumor effects by αGalCer/CD1d-antitumor fusion proteins were largely dependent on the iNKT cell-mediated transactivation of NK cells. Moreover, prolonged antitumor effects could be obtained when combining the CD1d-antitumor fusion protein treatment with a therapeutic peptide/CpG cancer vaccine, which favored the capacity of iNKT cells to transactivate cross-presenting DCs for efficient priming of tumor-specific CD8 T cells. We will also summarize these pre-clinical results with a special focus on the cellular mechanisms underlying iNKT cell unresponsiveness to antigen re-challenge. Finally, we will discuss the perspectives regarding iNKT cell-mediated tumor targeting strategy in cancer immunotherapy

    Gas fields and large shallow seismogenic reverse faults are anticorrelated

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    We investigated the spatial relationships among 18 known seismogenic faults and 1651 wells drilled for gas exploitation in the main hydrocarbon province of northern-central Italy, a unique dataset worldwide. We adopted a GIS approach and a robust statistical technique, and found a significant anticorrelation between the location of productive wells and of the considered seismogenic faults, which are often overlain or encircled by unproductive wells. Our observations suggest that (a) earthquake ruptures encompassing much of the upper crust may cause gas to be lost to the atmosphere over geological time, and that (b) reservoirs underlain by smaller or aseismic faults are more likely to be intact. These findings, which are of inherently global relevance, have crucial implications for future hydrocarbon exploitation, for assessing the seismic-aseismic behaviour of large reverse faults, and for the public acceptance of underground energy and CO2 storage facilities-a pillar of future low carbon energy systems-in tectonically active areas

    Presentation of the Same Glycolipid by Different CD1 Molecules

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    Five CD1 molecules are expressed in humans and it is unclear whether they have specialized or redundant functions. We found that sulfatide is a promiscuous CD1-binding ligand and have isolated T cell clones that are specific for sulfatide and restricted by distinct CD1 molecules. These clones have been used to compare the capacity of different CD1 to present the same glycolipid, to induce effector functions, and to form persistent immunogenic complexes. CD1a, CD1b, and CD1c molecules similarly load sulfatide on the cell surface without processing, and prime Th1 and Th2 responses. Stimulation by sulfatide-loaded CD1a persists much longer than that by CD1b and CD1c in living cells. Use of recombinant soluble CD1a confirmed the prolonged capacity to stimulate T cells. Moreover, other glycosphingolipids bind to all CD1, which suggests the presence of additional promiscuous ligands. Thus, group I CD1 molecules present an overlapping set of self-glycolipids, even though they are quite divergent from an evolutionary point of view

    An Immunomodulatory Gallotanin-Rich Fraction From Caesalpinia spinosa Enhances the Therapeutic Effect of Anti-PD-L1 in Melanoma.

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    PD-1/PD-L1 pathway plays a role in inhibiting immune response. Therapeutic antibodies aimed at blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction have entered clinical development and have been approved for a variety of cancers. However, the clinical benefits are reduced to a group of patients. The research in combined therapies, which allow for a greater response, is strongly encouraging. We previously characterized a polyphenol-rich extract from Caesalpinia spinosa (P2Et) with antitumor activity in both melanoma and breast carcinoma, as well as immunomodulatory activity. We hypothesize that the combined treatment with P2Et and anti-PD-L1 can improve the antitumor response through an additive antitumor effect. We investigated the antitumor and immunomodulatory activity of P2Et and anti-PD-L1 combined therapy in B16-F10 melanoma and 4T1 breast carcinoma. We analyzed tumor growth, hematologic parameters, T cell counts, cytokine expression, and T cell cytotoxicity. In the melanoma model, combined P2Et and anti-PD-L1 therapy has the following effects: decrease in tumor size; increase in the number of activated CD4 <sup>+</sup> and CD8 <sup>+</sup> T cells; decrease in the number of suppressor myeloid cells; increase in PD-L1 expression; decrease in the frequency of CD8 <sup>+</sup> T cell expressing PD-1; improvement in the cytotoxic activity of T cells; and increase in the IFN γ secretion. In the breast cancer model, P2Et and PD-L1 alone or in combination show antitumor effect with no clear additive effect. This study shows that combined therapy of P2Et and anti-PD-L1 can improve antitumor response in a melanoma model by activating the immune response and neutralizing immunosuppressive mechanisms

    Immune-system-dependent anti-tumor activity of a plant-derived polyphenol rich fraction in a melanoma mouse model.

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    Recent findings suggest that part of the anti-tumor effects of several chemotherapeutic agents require an intact immune system. This is in part due to the induction of immunogenic cell death. We have identified a gallotannin-rich fraction, obtained from Caesalpinia spinosa (P2Et) as an anti-tumor agent in both breast carcinoma and melanoma. Here, we report that P2Et treatment results in activation of caspase 3 and 9, mobilization of cytochrome c and externalization of annexin V in tumor cells, thus suggesting the induction of apoptosis. This was preceded by the onset of autophagy and the expression of immunogenic cell death markers. We further demonstrate that P2Et-treated tumor cells are highly immunogenic in vaccinated mice and induce immune system activation, clearly shown by the generation of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) producing tyrosine-related protein 2 antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Moreover, the tumor protective effects of P2Et treatment were abolished in immunodeficient mice, and partially lost after CD4 and CD8 depletion, indicating that P2Et's anti-tumor activity is highly dependent on immune system and at least in part of T cells. Altogether, these results support the hypothesis that the gallotannin-rich fraction P2Et's anti-tumor effects are mediated to a great extent by the endogenous immune response following to the exposure to immunogenic dying tumor cells

    CART cells are prone to Fas- and DR5-mediated cell death.

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    Adoptive transfer of T cells transduced with Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CAR) are now FDA-approved for the treatment of B-cell malignancies. Yet, the functionality of the endogenous TCR in CART cells has not been fully assessed. Here, we demonstrate that CART cells progressively upregulate Fas, FasL, DR5 and TRAIL, which result in their programmed cell death, independently of antigen-mediated TCR or CAR activation. CART cell apoptosis occurs even when the CAR contains a single (co-)activatory domain such as CD3ζ, CD28 or 4-1BB. Importantly, the dominant role of the Fas and DR5 pathways in CART cell apoptosis is demonstrated by the significant rescue of CART cells upon in vivo blockade by combined Fas-Fc and DR5-Fc recombinant proteins. These observations are of crucial importance for the long-term persistence of CART cells and for the development of new applications including the combined TCR and CAR activation against solid tumors

    The evolving paleobathymetry of the circum-Antarctic Southern Ocean since 34 Ma – A key to understanding past cryosphere-ocean developments

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    The Southern Ocean is a key player in the climate, ocean and atmospheric system. As the only direct connection between all three major oceans since the opening of the Southern Ocean gateways, the development of the Southern Ocean and its relationship with the Antarctic cryosphere has influenced the climate of the entire planet. Although the depths of the ocean floor have been recognized as an important factor in climate and paleoclimate models, appropriate paleobathymetric models including a detailed analysis of the sediment cover are not available. Here, we utilize more than 40 years of seismic reflection data acquisition along the margins of Antarctica and its conjugate margins, along with multiple drilling campaigns by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and its predecessor programs. We combine and update the seismic stratigraphy across the regions of the Southern Ocean and calculate ocean-wide paleobathymetry grids via a backstripping method. We present a suite of high-resolution paleobathymetric grids from the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary to modern times. The grids reveal the development of the Southern Ocean from isolated basins to an interconnected ocean affected by the onset and vigor of an Antarctic Circumpolar Current, as well as the glacial sedimentation and erosion of the Antarctic continent. The ocean-wide comparison through time exposes patterns of ice sheet development such as switching of glacial outlets and the change from wet-based to dry-based ice sheets. Ocean currents and bottom-water production interact with the sedimentation along the continental shelf and slope and profit from the opening of the ocean gateways

    Combination of Synthetic Long Peptides and XCL1 Fusion Proteins Results in Superior Tumor Control.

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    Cross-presenting Xcr1 <sup>+</sup> CD8α DCs are attractive APCs to target for therapeutic cancer vaccines, as they are able to take up and process antigen from dying tumor cells for their MHCI-restricted presentation to CD8 T cells. To this aim, we developed fusion proteins made of the Xcr1 ligand Xcl1 fused to an OVA synthetic long peptide (SLP) and IgG1 Fc fragment. We demonstrated the specific binding and uptake of the Xcl1 fusion proteins by Xcr1 <sup>+</sup> DCs. Most importantly, their potent adjuvant effect on the H-2Kb/OVA specific T cell response was associated with a sustained tumor control even against the poorly immunogenic B16-OVA melanoma tumor. The increased tumor protection correlated with higher tumor infiltration of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, increased IFNγ production and degranulation potential. Altogether, these results demonstrate that therapeutic cancer vaccines may be greatly improved by the combination of SLP antigen and Xcl1 fusion proteins

    Lymphocyte-Derived Exosomal MicroRNAs Promote Pancreatic β Cell Death and May Contribute to Type 1 Diabetes Development.

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    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease initiated by the invasion of pancreatic islets by immune cells that selectively kill the β cells. We found that rodent and human T lymphocytes release exosomes containing the microRNAs (miRNAs) miR-142-3p, miR-142-5p, and miR-155, which can be transferred in active form to β cells favoring apoptosis. Inactivation of these miRNAs in recipient β cells prevents exosome-mediated apoptosis and protects non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice from diabetes development. Islets from protected NOD mice display higher insulin levels, lower insulitis scores, and reduced inflammation. Looking at the mechanisms underlying exosome action, we found that T lymphocyte exosomes trigger apoptosis and the expression of genes involved in chemokine signaling, including Ccl2, Ccl7, and Cxcl10, exclusively in β cells. The induction of these genes may promote the recruitment of immune cells and exacerbate β cell death during the autoimmune attack. Our data point to exosomal-miRNA transfer as a communication mode between immune and insulin-secreting cells

    Continental slope and rise geomorphology seaward of the Totten Glacier, East Antarctica (112°E-122°E)

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    The continental slope and rise seaward of the Totten Glacier and the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica features continental margin depositional systems with high sediment input and consistent along-slope current activity. Understanding their genesis is a necessary step in interpreting the paleoenvironmental records they contain. Geomorphic mapping using a systematic multibeam survey shows variations in the roles of downslope and along slope sediment transport influenced by broad-scale topography and oceanography. The study area contains two areas with distinct geomorphology. Canyons in the eastern part of the area have concave thalwegs, are linked to the shelf edge and upper slope and show signs of erosion and deposition along their beds suggesting cycles of activity controlled by climate cycles. Ridges between these canyons are asymmetric with crests close to the west bank of adjacent canyons and are mostly formed by westward advection of fine sediment lofted from turbidity currents and deposition of hemipelagic sediment. They can be thought of as giant levee deposits. The ridges in the western part of the area have more gently sloping eastern flanks and rise to shallower depths than those in the east. The major canyon in the western part of the area is unusual in having a convex thalweg; it is likely fed predominantly by mass movement from the flanks of the adjacent ridges with less sediment input from the shelf edge. The western ridges formed by accretion of suspended sediment moving along the margin as a broad plume in response to local oceanography supplemented with detritus originating from the Totten Glacier. This contrasts with interpretations of similar ridges described from other parts of Antarctica which emphasise sediment input from canyons immediately up-current. The overall geomorphology of the Sabrina Coast slope is part of a continuum of mixed contourite-turbidite systems identified on glaciated margins.Australian Government 4333Australian Research Council DP170100557Italian Programma Nazionale di Richerch in Antartide (PNRA)Spanish Government CTM2014-60451-C2-1-P CTM2017-89711-C2-1-