1,096 research outputs found

    Libri e carte del Manzoni

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    Sono passati settant’anni da quando Domenico Bassi allestì il regesto delle carte manzoniane: ne identificò e precisò il contenuto e provvide a una loro sommaria descrizione. Come è noto il senatore Pietro Brambilla, marito di Vittoria, primogenita di Pietro, aveva recuperato e riunito, con impareggiabile sensibilità culturale e civile, carte e libri dell’illustre parente. Così ne scriveva alla zia Vittoria Giorgini Manzoni a dieci anni dalla morte del gran lombardo: «ho speso molto per concentrare in me la proprietà degli scritti e dei diritti d’autore (circa 70 mille lire) e non lo feci di certo con idee di speculazione, ma con idee di sacrifizio, perché gli scritti e gli autografi di Don Alessandro non si disperdessero e fossero conservati in Italia


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    La nuova edizione dei Canti popolari greci (Parma, Guanda, 2017) pubblicati per la prima volta a Venezia nel 1842, ripropone le mirabili traduzioni di Niccolò Tommaseo con una ricca introduzione e corredo di note. Si tratta di un’opera di grande importanza in seno al Romanticismo italiano ed europeo che continua a rivestire grande attualitĂ  anche oggi, in un’etĂ  di multilinguismo. Il confronto con la versione francese di Claude Fauriel, che funge a Tommaseo da guida, mette in luce l’originalitĂ  della resa linguistica esperita.   Reading «Canti popolari greci» translated by Tommaseo. Notes to a new edition The new edition of Canti popolari greci (Parma, Guanda, 2017), first published in Venice in 1842, presents the brilliant translation by Niccolò Tommaseo, enriched by a comprehensive introduction and updated notes. The book played a key role throughout the Romantic Age, both in Italy and Europe. This collection of poems holds great importance in the multilingual context of our time as well. The comparison with Claude Fauriel’s translation into French (which Tommaseo always considered his “guiding star”) emphasizes the originality of the linguistic style achieved

    Prospettive di ricerca sulla 'Chioma di Berenice'

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    Il saggio esamina le prospettive di ricerca sulla Chioma di Berenice. A partire dal 1803 si assiste a un importante ritorno dei classici latini e greci in lingua originale sul tavolo di lavoro del Foscolo (ne reca tracce consistenti l'ode Alla Amica risanata). Si dischiude l'esplorazione di antiquaria, di testi di viaggio, d'arte, insomma di varia erudizione che alimentano un profondo ripensamento dell'antichitĂ  classica. Tra questi spiccano le Iscrizioni greche triopee di Ennio Quirino Visconti cui poteva essere introdotto da Luigi Lamberti, giĂ  allievo dell'illustre studioso di antichitĂ 

    Detection and genotyping of human Papillomavirus in urine samples from unvaccinated male and female adolescents in Italy

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    The introduction of vaccination against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in adolescent girls in 2006 has focused virological surveillance on this age group. As few studies have evaluated HPV infections in young populations, further data are needed in order to improve and extend prophylactic policy and to monitor epidemiological changes. The present study aimed at evaluating overall and type-specific HPV prevalence in both female and male adolescents in Italy. HPV DNA detection and genotyping was performed on urine samples collected from 870 unvaccinated adolescents (369 females, 501 males, 11-18 years of age) in five cities in Italy. Following DNA extraction by means of a commercial kit (NucliSENS®-miniMAG®, bioMérieux), the L1 gene fragment was PCR amplified and genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. HPV DNA was detected in 1.5% of all samples, and in 3% and 0.4% of samples from females and males, respectively. In approximately 70% of HPV DNA positive adolescents, the infection was due to a single genotype, with 88.9% of genotypes belonging to the HR-clade. The only two HPV-positive boys (14 and 18 years old) had HPV-70 genotype. Only one of the 11 HPV-infected girls was in the 11-14 age-group. HPV prevalence was 4.2% in girls aged 15-18 years and 60% of infections were due to vaccine types HPV-16 or HPV-6/-11. This is one of the few studies, the first conducted in Italy, on HPV infection in adolescents. Urine testing is the easier way of detecting HPV infection in younger populations. Our data revealed a very low HPV prevalence, and no infections were observed in the 12-year-old vaccine target population. The majority of infections were seen in females aged 15-18 years. Overall, more than 50% and 30% of the potentially persistent HPV infections detected in this group could have been prevented by the quadrivalent and the bivalent vaccines, respectively

    Antimeningococcal and antipneumococcal vaccination determinants: A European systematic literature review

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    EACKGROUND: ESCULAPIO is a multicenter project, funded by the Italian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, aimed at implementing communication strategies to improve vaccination knowledge and attitudes among different target populations. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the Sicilian research unit was, in the first phase, to identify, through systematic literature revision, which vaccination determinants play a role in the uptake of recommended vaccines included in the Italian Vaccination Plan. DESIGN: A systematic literature review was carried out on studies describing the determinants underlying pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccination uptake. The analysis was limited to papers published in English from 2000 to date. RESULTS: A total of 188 (meningococcal) and 731 (pneumococcal) papers were found. After selection by publication data, country (Europe), article type (original article), target population (healthy subjects), 7 (meningococcal) and 4 ( pneumococcal) manuscripts were finally included in the analysis. For meningococcal vaccination a better socioeconomic status is related to vaccination acceptance, whereas distance from immunization service is a negative determinant. For pneumococcal vaccination the determinants related to vaccination uptake are older parental age and a strong vaccine recommendation. Conversely, when the vaccine needs to be paid for, a refusal is more likely. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that payment for vaccination is a major barrier and communication about meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccination should be targeted towards specific population groups, especially through the counseling activities by health professionals
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