3,274 research outputs found

    Rocket investigation of the auroral green line

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    Dissociative excitation and recombination reactions of atomic oxygen by auroral electrons, related to auroral green lin

    Deactivation of N2A 3 Sigma u plus molecules in the aurora

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    Analysis of N2A 3 Sigma u positive molecule deactivation in auroras using atmospheric model based on mass spectrometer measurement

    Ion composition and ion chemistry in an aurora

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    Auroral ion distribution and conversion of oxygen protons to nitric oxide proton

    Magneto-resistance in a lithography defined single constrained domain wall spin valve

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    We have measured domain wall magnetoresistance in a single lithographically constrained domain wall. An H-shaped Ni nano-bridge was fabricated by e-beam lithography with the two sides being single magnetic do- mains showing independent magnetic switching. The connection between the sides constraining the domain wall when the sides line up anti-parallel. The magneto-resistance curve clearly identifies the magnetic con- figurations that are expected from a spin valve-like structure. The value of the magneto-resistance at room temperature is around 0.1% or 0.4 ­. This value is shown to be in agreement with a theoretical formulation based on spin accumulation. Micromagnetic simulations show it is possible to reduce the size of the domain wall further by shortening the length of the bridge

    A New Approximate Min-Max Theorem with Applications in Cryptography

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    We propose a novel proof technique that can be applied to attack a broad class of problems in computational complexity, when switching the order of universal and existential quantifiers is helpful. Our approach combines the standard min-max theorem and convex approximation techniques, offering quantitative improvements over the standard way of using min-max theorems as well as more concise and elegant proofs

    No planet for HD 166435

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    The G0V star HD166435 has been observed by the fiber-fed spectrograph ELODIE as one of the targets in the large extra-solar planet survey that we are conducting at the Observatory of Haute-Provence. We detected coherent, low-amplitude, radial-velocity variations with a period of 3.7987days, suggesting a possible close-in planetary companion. Subsequently, we initiated a series of high-precision photometric observations to search for possible planetary transits and an additional series of CaII H and K observations to measure the level of surface magnetic activity and to look for possible rotational modulation. Surprisingly, we found the star to be photometrically variable and magnetically active. A detailed study of the phase stability of the radial-velocity signal revealed that the radial-velocity variability remains coherent only for durations of about 30days. Analysis of the time variation of the spectroscopic line profiles using line bisectors revealed a correlation between radial velocity and line-bisector orientation. All of these observations, along with a one-quarter cycle phase shift between the photometric and the radial-velocity variationss, are well explained by the presence of dark photospheric spots on HD166435. We conclude that the radial-velocity variations are not due to gravitational interaction with an orbiting planet but, instead, originate from line-profile changes stemming from star spots on the surface of the star. The quasi-coherence of the radial-velocity signal over more than two years, which allowed a fair fit with a binary model, makes the stability of this star unusual among other active stars. It suggests a stable magnetic field orientation where spots are always generated at about the same location on the surface of the star.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Cold gas in the Intra Cluster Medium: implications for flow dynamics and powering optical nebulae

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    We show that the mechanical energy injection rate generated as the intra-cluster medium (ICM) flows around cold clouds may be sufficient to power the optical and near infra-red emission of nebulae observed in the central regions of a sample of seven galaxy clusters. The energy injection rate is extremely sensitive to the velocity difference between the ICM and cold clouds, which may help to explain why optical and infra-red luminosity is often larger than expected in systems containing AGNs. We also find that mass recycling is likely to be important for the dynamics of the ICM. This effect will be strongest in the central regions of clusters where there is more than enough cold gas for its evaporation to contribute significantly to the density of the hot phase.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Bandpass Dependence of X-ray Temperatures in Galaxy Clusters

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    We explore the band dependence of the inferred X-ray temperature of the intracluster medium (ICM) for 192 well-observed galaxy clusters selected from the Chandra Data Archive. If the hot ICM is nearly isothermal in the projected region of interest, the X-ray temperature inferred from a broad-band (0.7-7.0 keV) spectrum should be identical to the X-ray temperature inferred from a hard-band (2.0-7.0 keV) spectrum. However, if unresolved cool lumps of gas are contributing soft X-ray emission, the temperature of a best-fit single-component thermal model will be cooler for the broad-band spectrum than for the hard-band spectrum. Using this difference as a diagnostic, the ratio of best-fitting hard-band and broad-band temperatures may indicate the presence of cooler gas even when the X-ray spectrum itself may not have sufficient signal-to-noise to resolve multiple temperature components. To test this possible diagnostic, we extract X-ray spectra from core-excised annular regions for each cluster in our archival sample. We compare the X-ray temperatures inferred from single-temperature fits when the energy range of the fit is 0.7-7.0 keV (broad) and when the energy range is 2.0/(1+z)-7.0 keV (hard). We find that the hard-band temperature is significantly higher, on average, than the broad-band temperature. Upon further exploration, we find this temperature ratio is enhanced preferentially for clusters which are known merging systems. In addition, cool-core clusters tend to have best-fit hard-band temperatures that are in closer agreement with their best-fit broad-band temperatures. We show, using simulated spectra, that this diagnostic is sensitive to secondary cool components (TX = 0.5-3.0 keV) with emission measures >10-30% of the primary hot component.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Production of Secondary Organic Aerosol During Aging of Biomass Burning Smoke From Fresh Fuels and Its Relationship to VOC Precursors

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    After smoke from burning biomass is emitted into the atmosphere, chemical and physical processes change the composition and amount of organic aerosol present in the aged, diluted plume. During the fourth Fire Lab at Missoula Experiment, we performed smog-chamber experiments to investigate formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and multiphase oxidation of primary organic aerosol (POA). We simulated atmospheric aging of diluted smoke from a variety of biomass fuels while measuring particle composition using high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry. We quantified SOA formation using a tracer ion for low-volatility POA as a reference standard (akin to a naturally occurring internal standard). These smoke aging experiments revealed variable organic aerosol (OA) enhancements, even for smoke from similar fuels and aging mechanisms. This variable OA enhancement correlated well with measured differences in the amounts of emitted volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that could subsequently be oxidized to form SOA. For some aging experiments, we were able to predict the SOA production to within a factor of 2 using a fuel-specific VOC emission inventory that was scaled by burn-specific toluene measurements. For fires of coniferous fuels that were dominated by needle burning, volatile biogenic compounds were the dominant precursor class. For wiregrass fires, furans were the dominant SOA precursors. We used a POA tracer ion to calculate the amount of mass lost due to gas-phase oxidation and subsequent volatilization of semivolatile POA. Less than 5% of the POA mass was lost via multiphase oxidation-driven evaporation during up to 2 hr of equivalent atmospheric oxidation