504 research outputs found

    Vitis genetic resources: current challenges, achievements and perspectives

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    Management and knowledge of Vitis genetic resources aim to help address the multiple current and future challenges facing the professional sector: i) preservation of wild and cultivated grapevine heritage, ii) clonal selection of existing cultivars, iii) creation of new cultivars by hybridisation or other technologies, iv) progress in fundamental and applied sciences on all viticultural and oenological issues. It is therefore a vast field of study and actions that deals with all taxonomic levels within the Vitis genus (subgenus, species and their hybrids, cultivars and their variants, clones), in natural and cultivated environments, on all continents, both for fruit production (wine and table grapes) and for rootstocks. To meet the many expectations, different actors should ideally coordinate the following actions: 1) research and identification of sources of genetic diversity, 2) access, collection and sampling of this diversity, 3) ex situ and/or in situ conservation, 4) characterization, 5) dissemination of plant material and related information, 6) use of genetic resources by the different applicants. Following this outline, we will try to assess the challenges and achievements over the last 5-10 years, and discuss the perspectives of this disciplinary field taking into account elements of the wine-growing, scientific, institutional and regulatory context

    Síntese e caracterização de biocerimicas de hldroxiapatita e fosfato de cálcio amorfo carbonatado

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Curso de Química.Neste trabalho foram preparados os compostos hidroxiapatita (HAp) e fosfato de cálcio amorfo carbonatado (C-ACP), pelo método de via úmida, que acontece pela precipitação dos fosfatos de cálcio em solução aquosa. A partir destes compostos sintetizados foram preparadas as pastas de biocerdmicas na proporção de 2:1 de C-ACP e HAp, respectivamente com soluções de fosfato de sódio bibasico heptahidratado (Na2HPO4).7H20 ( amostras F1 e F2) , e solução de quitosana 4% (amostras Qi e Q2 ). Estas pastas foram colocadas em um molde com 10mm de comprimento e 5mm de diâmetro e os blocos cilíndricos formados foram tratados a 50°C (amostras F1 e Ql) e 900°C ( amostras F2 e Q2) • Os pós HAp e C-ACP e os blocos cilíndricos de biocerdmicas foram caracterizados através das técnicas de difração de raios-X, absorção no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), resistência mecânica compressão e também foi realizado o teste de desintegração em água das biocerimicas. Os raios-X dos pós de HAp e C-ACP e da amostra F2 mostraram que com aumento da temperatura o material apresentou maior cristalinidade e também a transformação do CACP a hidroxiapatita. Pela espectroscopia de IV pôde-se verificar que não houve interação dos líquidos usados para fazer a pasta com os pós HAp e C-ACP, pois os espectros não apresentaram deslocamentos significativos das bandas características dos grupos funcionais P043 , C032-e OH desses compostos em relação as amostras. Os resultados de IV também mostraram que após o processo de sinterização algumas bandas características dos grupos funcionais desapareceram. A análise de MEV revelou a diferença na morfologia da HAp e do C-ACP e a porosidade das amostras, onde apenas a amostra Q2 apresentou uma superficie mais porosa. 0 estudo da resistência mecânica a compressão mostrou que as amostras preparadas a 50°C (F, e Qi ) apresentaram menor resistência mecânica em relação as amostras preparadas a 900°C (F2 e Q2), sendo esse aumento na resistência atribuído ao processo de sinterização. As biocerdmicas preparadas neste trabalho oferecem possibilidades de aplicação como material biomimético ótimo para a substituição óssea em implantes nas areas de medicina e odontologia

    Modeling and control of a tiltrotor unmanned aerial vehicle for path tracking

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.Abstract : This master thesis deals with the modeling and control of a small scale birotor tiltrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A tiltrotor is characterized by a mechanism that tilts the aircraft's rotors in order to control the flight. An UAV with such characteristics is being developed by this author and other researchers in the scope of the project named ProVANT. The developed UAV prototype is used in this work to obtain experimental results. This kind of system can be characterized by its underactuated, highly nonlinear, and coupled dynamics. Instead of using a dynamic model available in literature, this work proposes a more accurate model considering the UAV as a multibody system. By doing so the tilting angles become generalized coordinates and the tilt mechanism dynamics are naturally added to the model, as well as the coupling between the bodies. The result is an eight degrees of freedom model obtained through Euler-Lagrange formulation. The path tracking problem is solved here with linear optimal controllers for the full model, instead of the classical approach of cascade control for the translation and rotation subsystems. The developed controllers are linear quadratic regulators, a H1 controller and a multiobjective H2=H1 controller, all with LMI formulation. A nonlinear backstepping controller taken from the literature is implemented in order to be compared with the designed controllers. In addition, controllers for the hovering problem are also designed to be used in experiments with ProVANT's tiltrotor. They reduce the complexity of the initial experimental flights, focusing not only in the validation of the control system, but the complete project, including its electronics, mechanical design, and additional software. Such experiments are presented and discussed in details along this work. The work also addresses how flight-related information are gathered and processed. This includes the design of a nonlinear complementary filter for the attitude estimation that works with data acquired from the UAV sensors.<br

    Subtropical Coastal Lagoon from Southern Brazil: Environmental Conditions and Phytobenthic Community Structure

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    The chapter is about the study of environmental conditions and the structure of the benthic diatoms community in Peixe Lagoon, which is inserted in a National Park in southern Brazil. The study was carried out covering four seasons from 2011 to 2012. The system is shallow (<60 cm) located parallel to the coastline, and it is connected to the ocean through a single channel, which occurs naturally or through human action. In this lagoon, during the study, the water temperature ranged between 15.3 and 32.1°C, and the dissolved oxygen presented higher value in the winter (12.5 mg.L−1) and lower value in the summer (7.5 mg.L−1). The lagoon ranged from mesotrophic to hypereutrophic conditions. The salinity varied between 1.3 and 36.2%, and these variations were mainly related to meteorological conditions. The community of diatoms in Peixe Lagoon is composed by 62 taxa distributed in 30 genera composed largely of marine, brackish, and few freshwater species. Among the attributes of the community, composition better reflects the environmental variations. The opening and closing of the channel, salinity, temperature, and the action and direction of the wind are variables influencing the dynamics of the microphytobenthic community

    A Survey on Industrial Control System Testbeds and Datasets for Security Research

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    The increasing digitization and interconnection of legacy Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) open new vulnerability surfaces, exposing such systems to malicious attackers. Furthermore, since ICSs are often employed in critical infrastructures (e.g., nuclear plants) and manufacturing companies (e.g., chemical industries), attacks can lead to devastating physical damages. In dealing with this security requirement, the research community focuses on developing new security mechanisms such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), facilitated by leveraging modern machine learning techniques. However, these algorithms require a testing platform and a considerable amount of data to be trained and tested accurately. To satisfy this prerequisite, Academia, Industry, and Government are increasingly proposing testbed (i.e., scaled-down versions of ICSs or simulations) to test the performances of the IDSs. Furthermore, to enable researchers to cross-validate security systems (e.g., security-by-design concepts or anomaly detectors), several datasets have been collected from testbeds and shared with the community. In this paper, we provide a deep and comprehensive overview of ICSs, presenting the architecture design, the employed devices, and the security protocols implemented. We then collect, compare, and describe testbeds and datasets in the literature, highlighting key challenges and design guidelines to keep in mind in the design phases. Furthermore, we enrich our work by reporting the best performing IDS algorithms tested on every dataset to create a baseline in state of the art for this field. Finally, driven by knowledge accumulated during this survey's development, we report advice and good practices on the development, the choice, and the utilization of testbeds, datasets, and IDSs

    Single berry development – a new phenotyping and transcriptomics paradigm

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    Most present knowledge on berry development has been obtained from a random sampling of hundreds of berries to average their diversity of the experimental plot. According to recent studies, such heterogeneous samples formed from non-synchronized berries of mixed developmental stages are unsuitable for detecting fast physiological and molecular changes. Thus, it is necessary to revisit the physiological and transcriptional bases of berry ripening. Here we report the in-depth study of the late-ripening program in three genotypes. Berry expansion during the second growth phase was characterized on-vine through image analysis. Hundreds of sampled berries were individually analyzed for primary metabolites to calculate their respective accumulation rates with high precision. These primary individual fluxes and the growth kinetics allowed us to distinguish targeted developmental stages further investigated through RNA profiling. Single berry monitoring evidenced sharp developmental phases during which specific genes or pathways are quickly switched ON or OFF. The comparison between Syrah and the two microvines showed phenotypic differences in late-ripening stages in vines grown in the field (Syrah) and microvines (MV032 and MV102) grown in the greenhouse. This study shows that new high-throughput single berry phenotyping methods are required to compare unambiguous developmental stages in physiological or genetic studies

    Evaluation of glutathione content in white grape varieties

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the content of glutathione in the grape, must and wine of nine white varieties authorized in the Qualified Designation of Origin Rioja (Spain): 'Chardonnay', 'Garnacha Blanca', 'Malvasía', 'Maturana Blanca', 'Tempranillo Blanco', 'Turruntés', 'Sauvignon Blanc', 'Verdejo' and 'Viura'. The results obtained showed important varietal differences in the concentration of GSH. 'Sauvignon' and 'Tempranillo Blanco' presented high levels of this compound in grape, must and wine. 'Verdejo' and 'Turruntés' registered high values in grape, which decreased notably in must and wine. In general, the GSH content decreased in musts due to oxidative processes. In 'Chardonnay', 'Garnacha Blanca', 'Maturana Blanca' and 'Viura' an increase was observed in wines, which could be caused by the inoculated yeast. The 'Malvasía' and 'Maturana Blanca' varieties registered the lowest level of this compound. The ratio of hydroxycinnamic acids to glutathione, indicator of the susceptibility of oxidation of musts, showed significant varietal differences, was lower in 'Sauvignon Blanc' and higher in 'Garnacha Blanca'

    Tannin content and antioxidant capacity of five Greek red grape varieties

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    Tannins are located in skins and seeds and are responsible for important sensory and quality attributes of red grapes and wines, such as astringency, bitterness and colour stability. However, little is known regarding Greek Vitis vinifera varieties. The aim of this study is to evaluate the grape phenolic content and to present data that may contribute to the development of suitable winemaking techniques for these varieties. In this study berry attributes, skin and seed content of tannins and antioxidant capacity from five Greek Vitis vinifera varieties, namely 'Mavrotragano', 'Mandilaria', 'Kotsifali', 'Agiorgitiko' and 'Xinomavro' were analyzed. Significant differences were observed in berry weight and the distribution of berry component mass in mature berries, among the different varieties. 'Mandilaria' and 'Kotsifali' had the heavier berries while the higher contribution of skins and seeds in berry was observed in 'Agiorgitiko' and 'Mavrotragano' grapes respectively. According to the results, the higher content of seed tannins in berries was determined in 'Mandilaria' and the lower in 'Kotsifali'. Finally, varieties with high concentrations of tannins, 'Mandilaria' and 'Mavrotragano', also demonstrated significant high values of antioxidant capacity

    Processamento e caracterização de filtros cerâmicos catalíticos obtidos a partir de fibras naturais de sílica amorfa

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais, Florianópolis, 2010Este trabalho de pesquisa teve como objetivo principal a investigação e a caracterização dos parâmetros de processamento para a obtenção de filtros catalíticos produzidos a partir de fibras naturais de sílica amorfa, FNSA (suporte/filtro) e Níquel (catalisador), por meio de uma nova rota de deposição denominada rota seca (in situ) na qual a redução do óxido de níquel (NiO) e a sinterização do suporte/filtro ocorrem em uma única etapa de tratamento térmico. Foram obtidos, também, filtros catalíticos pela rota úmida (impregnação), normalmente utilizada industrialmente. Em uma primeira etapa, foram preparadas suspensões aquosas contendo FNSA e bentonita (ligante). As suspensões foram homogeneizadas, secas e desagregadas. O material seco obtido foi umidificado (10%) e compactado (5,4 MPa), uniaxialmente, por meio de uma prensa hidráulica em matriz cilíndrica. Os suportes/filtros fibrosos cerâmicos obtidos foram tratados termicamente no intervalo de temperatura compreendido entre 900 e 1100oC por 30 min. As FNSA foram caracterizadas por fluorescência de raios X (FRX), difração de raios X (DRX), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e análises térmicas (DIL e DTA/ATG). A resistência mecânica dos suportes/filtros fibrosos variou entre 1,94 e 2,41 MPa. A porosidade permaneceu praticamente constante (62-65%) e os valores obtidos para a permeabilidade k1 variaram de 4,18 a 5,15 x 10-12 m2 e para k2 de 3,19 a 4,70x10-7 m2. A segunda etapa foi a obtenção dos filtros catalíticos pela nova rota seca (in situ), onde as FNSA, bentonita e o NiO (3,67% e 6,79%) foram misturados a seco e umidificados. Na rota úmida o pó contendo FNSA e bentonita foi adicionado em uma solução de nitrato de níquel hexahidratado (0,5M) sob agitação e aquecimento (70ºC/180 min). Em ambas as rotas, o pó obtido foi umidificado (10% em massa) e prensado, uniaxialmente, a 5,4 MPa. Os compactos verdes foram aquecidos até 500oC/60min a 5oC/min em uma atmosfera de 5%H2/95%N2 para a redução do NiO/Ni(NO3)2, seguido por um aumento da temperatura até 1000oC/60min a 10oC/min em N2 para sinterização. Os filtros catalíticos foram caracterizados de acordo com as suas propriedades físicas, químicas, mecânicas, microestruturais e fluidodinâmicas. A eficiência de filtração foi de 99,9% para todos os filtros estudados. Os filtros catalíticos de fibras naturais de sílica amorfa com níquel depositado sobre as fibras foram produzidos com sucesso através de duas técnicas diferentes, chamadas nova rota seca (in situ) e rota úmida. A nova rota seca (in situ) mostrou uma maior eficiência, em altas temperaturas, na conversão dos gases propano e propeno, atingindo conversões de 53% e 81%, respectivamente. Os filtros catalíticos obtidos mostraram-se promissores para serem usados na remoção de partículas e purificação de gases gerados no processo de combustão de veículos diesel.This research work aimed the investigation and characterization of the processing parameters to obtaining of catalytic fibrous filters produced from natural amorphous silica fibers, NASF (support/filter) and nickel (catalyst), by a new deposition route denominated dry route (in situ) in which the reduction of the added nickel oxide (NiO) and support/filter sintering occurs in a single heat-treatment step. Catalytic filters were also obtained by the wet route (impregnation), commonly used in the industry. Initially, aqueous suspensions containing NASF and bentonite (as binder) were prepared. The suspensions were homogenized, dried and disaggregated. The obtained dried material was then humidified (10 wt.%) and uniaxially pressed (5.4 MPa) by using a hydraulic press in a cylindrical matrix. The obtained compacts (supports/ceramic fibrous filters) were then heat-treated in the 900-1100oC temperature range for 30 min. The NASF were characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Xray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal analysis (DIL and DTA/TGA). The mechanical strength of the supports/fibrous filters ranged between 1.94 and 2.41 MPa. The porosity remained almost constant (62-65%) and the values obtained for the permeability k1 ranged from 4.18 to 5.15 x 10-12 m2 and for k2 from 3.19 to 4.70x10-7 m2. In a second step, catalytic filters were obtained by the new route (dry-in situ), where NASF, bentonite and NiO (3.67 and 6.79%) were dry mixed and humidified. In the wet route the powder containing NASF and bentonite was added in a nickel nitrate solution (0.5M) and then stirred and heated at 70oC/180 min. In both routes the obtained powder was humidified and uniaxially pressed at 5.4 MPa. The green compacts were then heated up to 500°C/60 min at 5°C/min in a 5%H2/95%N2 atmosphere for the NiO/Ni(NO3)2 reduction and then the temperature was increased up to 1000oC/60 min at 10°C/min in N2 for sintering. The catalytic filters were characterized according to their physical, chemical, mechanical, microstructure and fluid dynamic properties. The filtration efficiency was of approximately 99.9% for all filters. Fibrous Ni-deposited natural amorphous silica catalytic filters were successfully produced through two different techniques named wet and dry routes. The new route dry (in situ) showed a higher efficiency at high temperatures, the conversion of propane and propylene gases, reaching conversions of 53% and 81% respectively. The catalytic filters obtained showed to be promising for use to remove particulates and purify the gases generated in the combustion process of diesel vehicles

    Performação : o lessac work e os viewpoints em perspectivas somáticas para a formação do performer e o processo de criação

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    O estudo prático-teórico tem como norte a estruturação de PerFormAção como uma metodologia de trabalho experimental para o ator-bailarino-performer que unifica práticas formativas e processo de criação em improvisação através da interligação entre o Lessac Work (Lessac 1990, 1997), uma abordagem considerada parte do escopo da somática (Munro & Coetzee 2011) e princípios dos Viewpoints (Bogart & Landau 2005) como orientação para cena através da improvisação. A elaboração e a prática de PerFormAção se deram através da montagem da peça artístico-pedagógica intitulada Procurando Emily, em que a metodologia incluiu ainda a transcriação (Campos, A. 2007; Campos, H. 2006) de dezenove poemas de Emily Dickinson em um processo denominado tradução corporificada. A abordagem de trabalho corporal e vocal com base somática criou pulsores, estimuladores de cena em improvisação que geraram noções teatrais (Icle 2011) analisadas através de ação habitada/habitational action (Camilleri 2013); consciência corporal, como mente corporificada/embodied mind (Varela, Thomson & Rosch 2016); pequenas percepções (Gil 1987, 2004, 2005); criação/invenção em fluxo/flow (Csikzentmihalyi 1992, 1996, 2014) e contracenação pensada através de empatia cinestésica/kinesthetic empathy (Raynolds, 2012; Foster, 2011; Gallese, 2012; Meekums, 2012). O processo de pesquisa encontrou caminhos metodológicos no sincretismo entre princípios da Prática como Pesquisa (Nelson, 2013, Bolt & Barret 2010), da pesquisa somático-performativa (Fernandes 2014, 2015), da cartografia como método (Passos, Kastrup & Escóssia 2014) e da escrita corporificada (Anderson 2001; Fernandes 2008). Tais caminhos contemplaram a busca por respostas acerca de como uma abordagem somática interfere e informa a formação de artistas da cena e a criação artística simultaneamente. Além disso, experimenta trânsito entre escrita acadêmica e escrita corporizada. O ganho de PerFormAção parece estar no ponto de entrar em contato e valer-se da informação somática como poética do corpo, do movimento, da voz e do jogo de cena. O resultado é a criação de um entrelugar em que ressonâncias e dissonâncias somáticas são afinadas e (re)afinadas para se viver o campo das possibilidades de criação.The practical-theoretical study is guided by the structuring of PerFormAction as an experimental work methodology for the performer-dancer-actor that unifies performer training and improvisational creative processes through the interconnection between principles of the Lessac Work (Lessac 1990, 1997), a pedagogical approach considered a somatic discipline (Munro & Coetzee 2011) and the Viewpoint System (Bogart & Landau 2005). The elaboration and practice of PerFormAction was experienced while devising the artistic-pedagogical play entitled Procurando Emily. This experiment also included the transcreation (Campos, A. 2007; Campos, H. 2006) of nineteen poems by Emily Dickinson in a process called embodied translation. The somatic-based body and vocal work approach created pulsors, improvisational scene stimulators, that generated theatrical notions (Icle 2011) analyzed through habitational action (Camilleri 2013); body consciousness, embodied mind (Varela, Thomson & Rosch 2016); small perceptions (Gil 1987, 2004, 2005); creativity and invention in flow (Csikzentmihalyi 1992, 1996, 2014) and kinesthetic empathy (Raynolds, 2012; Foster, 2011; Gallese, 2012; Meekums, 2012). The research drew upon the methodological syncretism in Practice as Research (Nelson, 2013, Bolt & Barret 2010), Somatic-performative research (Fernandes 2014, 2015), Cartography Method (Passos, Kastrup & Escóssia 2014) and embodied writing (Anderson 2001; Fernandes 2008). The research inquiry assesses performer training and creative processes as a continuum. The thesis writing finds resonance in both academic writing and embodied writing. The benefit of PerFormAction seems to be at the point of contact and use of somatic information as a poetic of body and voice in play. The in-between somatic experiences and creative possibilities happen through resonances and dissonances in and out of somatic attunement