49 research outputs found

    Comparison of Drug Abuse at Two Music Festivals and the Importance of Health Education

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    AbstractAmong the countries of the European Union, Romania occupies the fourth place considering the consumption of ethno-botanical drugs with a psychotropic effect. In Targu-Mures town yearly it is organized the festival called “Peninsula Music Festival” where we examined the drug usage habits of young participants by applying a questionnaire. The data were compared with some data obtained at Sziget Festival (Budapest). It was concluded that a high number of participants tried out ethno-botanical drugs and cannabis derivatives, followed by the abuse of medicine with alcohol and amphetamines. The number of cannabis derivative consumers has been growing since 2002 and the number of ethno-botanical drug users increased suddenly since 2009. The practical use of the survey results contribute to underline the importance of the development of health education programs, drug- prevention strategies. The main goals are: 1. to maintain the sensitivity of the society, of local communities which should improve their problem-solving skills concerning the suppression of the drug-problem (community, cooperation); 2. to provide possibilities for the youth to become capable to form a productive lifestyle and to refuse drugs; 3. to help individuals and families who get in contact with drugs and those who fight with drug problems (social work, curing and rehabilitation); 4. to reduce the possibility of accessing drugs (cigarettes, alcohol, ethno botanicals and other psychoactive substances)

    Számításigényes kutatás az alkalmazott matematikában = Computationally intensive research in applied mathematics

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    A pályázat fő célkitűzése az volt, hogy radikálisan új lehetőségeket építsen ki a BME Matematika Intézetében folyó változatos számítógépigényes kutatások számára. Külön hangsúlyt fektettünk arra, hogy ezekbe a kutatásokba minél szélesebb körben vonjuk be az Intézet hallgatóit és doktoranduszait. Ennek az intenzív hallgatói aktivitásnak is köszönhető, hogy a pályázat futamideje alatt a számítógépigényes kutatás területén egy a megelőzőnél jóval magasabb szintre léphettünk. A teljesség igénye nélkül megemlítünk néhány érdekesebb kutatási eredményt (további részletek olvashatók az OTKA adatbázisába feltöltött beszámolóban): - Hiperbolikus dinamikai rendszerek, statisztikus fizika: ismert fraktálok Hausdorff-mértékének becslése, belső állapotú bolyongások vizsgálata, instabilis lineáris oszcillátor visszacsatolással való stabilizálásának kérdése. - Kvantum-információ elmélet: kvantumrendszer állapotának becslése, kapcsolódó speciális mátrix-keresési feladatok a 4-szer 4-es mátrixok algebrájában. - Számítógépes algebra és határterületei: Gröbner bázisok és kombinatorikai problémák kapcsolata, nulladimenziós polinomideálok globális tulajdonságainak megértése, S-extremális halmazrendszerek számítógépes vizsgálata. - Reakció-diffúzió egyenletek: dinamikai rendszerek paramétereinek becslése többek között részletes egyensúly esetén, molbilitáskezelő algoritmusok, egyenletek közelítő megoldása, érzékenységvizsgálat. | Main objective of our proposal was to open up radically new perspectives for the extensive and colourful activity in the field of computationally sensitive research performed at the Institute of Mathematics of BME. Special emphasis was put on the participation of (both undergraduate and graduate) students of our Institute in this type of mathematical research. The intensive contribution of skilfull students played a principal role in our success; we managed to increase the level of our computationally sensitive research activity with several orders of magnitude during the years of OTKA support. Not aiming for completeness, some of the most interesting results are mentioned below (for more information see the detailed research report): - Hyperbolic dynamical systems and statistical physics: estimating the Hausdorff measure of known fractals, investigation of random walks with internal states, issue of feedback stabilization of unstable linear oscillators. - Quantum information theory: estimating the state of quantum systems, related matrix-search problems in the algebra of 4 by 4 matrices. - Computer algebra and related fields: Gröbner bases and their relation to combinatorics, global properties of zero dimensional polinom ideals, computer-aided study of S-extremal set systems. - Reaction-diffusion equations: estimating parameters eg. for systems with detailed balance, mobility management algorithms, approximate solutions, sensitivity analysis


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    Usefulness of 99mTc(V)-dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy in the assessment of response to external radiation therapy in soft tissue sarcoma in Giant Snauzer dog

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    A nine-year-old male black Giant Schnauzer dog was referred for the scintigraphic evaluation with a history of malignant fibrosarcoma with a rapidly growing non painful mass on the left shoulder region quite near to the site of an operation performed four months ago. We carried out oncological scintigraphy using pentavalent 99mTechnetium labelled dimercaptosuccinic acid [99mTc(V)-DMSA], a tumour localising radiopharmaceutical agent. The study was performed to assess the margins, vascularity of the tumour and response to the cancer therapy. Uniform intense radiopharmaceutical uptake was observed in the lesion indicating its margins, vascularity and malignant nature. The dog was subjected to external radiation therapy to control the growth of the cancer and to bring the tumour mass to an operable size. The dog was followed up with 99mTc(V)-DMSA scintigraphy pre-irradiation and post-irradiation. Immediately after the post-irradiation scintigraphy, the dog was operated on. During the surgery, resection of the tumour margins was performed carefully using a hand held gamma probe to assure that no tumour tissue was left inside. In conclusion, the authors would like to state that 99mTc(V)-DMSA oncoscintigraphy is valuable in the assessment and evaluation of therapy in canine soft tissue cancer

    Aplicarea vaccinului anti-hpv în România şi consecinţele informării insuficiente

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    Human papilloma virus is the main cause of cervical cancer around the world. In Romania in each year approximately 3500 women are infected and about 2000 dies because of this illness. In November 2008 the Romanian Health Ministry has started the national health program organizing the anti-HPV vaccination of girls aged 12-14. There were bought 110000 doses of vaccine with 23 milion Euro, but the data of the fi rst quarter in 2009 show that only 2,57% of target population was vaccinated, probably due the poor information. In November 2009 the second vaccination campaign was started. In three months 11731 girls were vaccinated, about 10%. In the same time the target population was widened to girls aged 12-24. In our study we tried to answer why the participation was so low and we analyzed the information level of mothers about cervical cancer, the effi ciency and the secondary effects of anti-HPV vaccine. The majority of mothers of 12-14 aged girls from some schools from Târgu-Mureş have insuffi cient knowledge about the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer, and more than two-third of them have irrational fear because of secondary effects and are distrustful regarding the effi ciency of vaccination

    Preparation and in vitro stability study of 188Re-HEDP as a bone seeking radiopharmaceutical

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    The majority of patients with bone metastases will require some kind of therapy for bone pain palliation withtheobjective of improving the quality of live. Bone seeking radiopharmaceuticals emitting beta particles have been used for palliation of bone metastases.Recently,scientists propose a slightly different radionuclide, 188Re that showssuch promise for treating primary and metastatic tumorsas a radiopharmaceutical 188Re-HEDP.188Re-HEDP is a chemical complex of a bisphosphonate ligand with an incorporated atom of radioactive 188Re. Bisphosphonates are ligands that contain the P-C-P bond which makes the molecules resistant to breakdown by enzymatic hydrolysis and are chemically very stable.In this study, we showed the conditions for the labeling of HEDP with 188Re, and the in vitro stability of the radiopharmaceutical complex. 188Re-HEDPis intended for the treatment of patients whose condition often requiresfor the therapeutic dose to be transported to the institution where the patient is hospitalized. Our stability study is performed in order to determine the optimal storage conditions of the radiopharmaceutical if it is not applied to a patient immediately after preparation. The results of radiochemical purity of 188Re HEDP using ITLC quality control technique wasabove 98%. Thestability studyfor 188Re HEDP stored at different ambiental conditions showed that the complex is most stable in the first 3 hours after preparation, if it is stored at +4oC in the dark.It can be concluded that the prescribed preparation conditions (composition and concentration of chemical components, temperature and incubation time) are optimal for the formation of high percentageand stable initial chelating complex of 188Re-HEDP

    Új eljárás körülírt ízfelszín defektusok, valamint proliferatív synovitis gyógykezelésére mozaikplasztika valamint radiosynoviectomia segítségével lovon = Novel technique to treat circumscribed joint surface lesions and proliferative synovitis with Mosaicplasty and radiosynoviectomy in the horse.

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    1. Klinikai beteganyagon végzett munka 11 lovon (1-12 év), négy különböző lokalizációval sikerült SBCs eseteket összegyűjteni (femur mediális, ill. lateralis condylusán valamint a csüdízületben). A mozaikplasztikához a graftokat a femur medialis trochleájának abaxialis felszínéről vettük. A graftok implantációja miniarthrotómiából vagy artroszkópos kontroll alatt történt. Eredmények: Minden ló mozgása javult a műtétet követően; 8 ló korábbi, vagy magasabb szintű teljesítményre volt képes. Egy ló esetében négy év után tapasztaltunk recidivát. Egy esetben több együttes probléma előfordulása miatt (med meniscus sérülés) az állat tenyészértékét sikerült csak megmenteni. 2. Ló csüdízületbe végzett kísérletes beültetések 10 lovon (3-4 éves) ültettünk be 6.5 mm és 8,5 mm átmérőjű 20 mm hosszú autograftokat az elülső végtag csüdízületébe. A lovak két év elteltével kerültek végleges elaltatásra. Eredmények: a beültetett graftok tökéletesen inkorporálódtak környezetükbe, a donor areák esetében is kongruens felszínt tapasztaltunk a vizsgálatok alkalmával. Az áltültetett graftok között létrehozott porcfosztott területek két év után is csak gyengén voltak rostos porccal fedve. Ez alapján kijelenthetjük, hogy lovon is igen fontos a teherviselő ízületi felszín teljes kitöltésére törekedni. A technikai hibából kissé mélyre süllyedt graftok esetében a porckúszás különböző jelenségeit tudtuk megfigyelni. | 1. Study on clinical case log In 11 horses (1-12 years) SBCs were identified in 4 locations: medial and lateral femoral condyle, distal epiphysis of the metacarpus , or metatarsus. Osteochondral autograft transplantation (mosaic arthroplasty) was performed, taking grafts from the abaxial border of the medial femoral trochlea of the unaffected limb. Graft implantation was achieved through a small arthrotomy or by arthroscopy depending on SBC location. Results: All horses improved postoperatively; 8 horses returned to a previous or higher activity level. One horse had recurrence after 4 years of work and soundness. One stallion was used for breeding and light riding because of medial meniscal injuries on the same limb. 2. Implantations into the fetlock joint ? experimental study 10 healthy horses (3-4 years) were involved into this study. Graft, 6.5 mm and 8.5 mm in diameter and 20 mm in length were implanted into the weight bearing surface of the dist. epiphysis of the metacarpus. Horses were humanely destroyed 2 years following the first implantations. Results: Transplanted grafts were fully incorporated into the host bed; the donor areas looked congruent and smooth, without fibrillation. 2-4 mm long cartilage missing fields in-between two transplanted grafts were covered with low quality fibrillating fibrocartilage. Conclusion: even little missing hyaline cartilage on weight bearing surface has to be resurfaced even in equine species

    Magyar Tanítóképző 15 (1900) 10.

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    Magyar Tanítóképző A Tanítóképző-intézeti Tanárok Országos Egyesületének közlönye 15. évfolyam, 10. füzet Budapest, 1900. deczember h