50 research outputs found

    N-body Study of Anisotropic Membrane Inclusions: Membrane Mediated Interactions and Ordered Aggregation

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    We study the collective behavior of inclusions inducing local anisotropic curvatures in a flexible fluid membrane. The N-body interaction energy for general anisotropic inclusions is calculated explicitly, including multi-body interactions. Long-range attractive interactions between inclusions are found to be sufficiently strong to induce aggregation. Monte Carlo simulations show a transition from compact clusters to aggregation on lines or circles. These results might be relevant to proteins in biological membranes or colloidal particles bound to surfactant membranes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs, LaTe

    Dynamin recruitment by clathrin coats: a physical step?

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    Recent structural findings have shown that dynamin, a cytosol protein playing a key-role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis, inserts partly within the lipid bilayer and tends to self-assemble around lipid tubules. Taking into account these observations, we make the hypothesis that individual membrane inserted dynamins imprint a local cylindrical curvature to the membrane. This imprint may give rise to long-range mechanical forces mediated by the elasticity of the membrane. Calculating the resulting many-body interaction between a collection of inserted dynamins and a membrane bud, we find a regime in which the dynamins are elastically recruited by the bud to form a collar around its neck, which is reminiscent of the actual process preempting vesicle scission. This physical mechanism might therefore be implied in the recruitment of dynamins by clathrin coats.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, to appear in C.R.A.S. ser II

    Casimir Torques between Anisotropic Boundaries in Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    Fluctuation-induced interactions between anisotropic objects immersed in a nematic liquid crystal are shown to depend on the relative orientation of these objects. The resulting long-range ``Casimir'' torques are explicitely calculated for a simple geometry where elastic effects are absent. Our study generalizes previous discussions restricted to the case of isotropic walls, and leads to new proposals for experimental tests of Casimir forces and torques in nematics.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Impermeability effects in three-dimensional vesicles

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    We analyse the effects that the impermeability constraint induces on the equilibrium shapes of a three-dimensional vesicle hosting a rigid inclusion. A given alteration of the inclusion and/or vesicle parameters leads to shape modifications of different orders of magnitude, when applied to permeable or impermeable vesicles. Moreover, the enclosed-volume constraint wrecks the uniqueness of stationary equilibrium shapes, and gives rise to pear-shaped or stomatocyte-like vesicles.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Tight and loose shapes in flat entangled dense polymers

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    We investigate the effects of topological constraints (entanglements) on two dimensional polymer loops in the dense phase, and at the collapse transition (Theta point). Previous studies have shown that in the dilute phase the entangled region becomes tight, and is thus localised on a small portion of the polymer. We find that the entropic force favouring tightness is considerably weaker in dense polymers. While the simple figure-eight structure, created by a single crossing in the polymer loop, localises weakly, the trefoil knot and all other prime knots are loosely spread out over the entire chain. In both the dense and Theta conditions, the uncontracted knot configuration is the most likely shape within a scaling analysis. By contrast, a strongly localised figure-eight is the most likely shape for dilute prime knots. Our findings are compared to recent simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Curvature-coupling dependence of membrane protein diffusion coefficients

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    We consider the lateral diffusion of a protein interacting with the curvature of the membrane. The interaction energy is minimized if the particle is at a membrane position with a certain curvature that agrees with the spontaneous curvature of the particle. We employ stochastic simulations that take into account both the thermal fluctuations of the membrane and the diffusive behavior of the particle. In this study we neglect the influence of the particle on the membrane dynamics, thus the membrane dynamics agrees with that of a freely fluctuating membrane. Overall, we find that this curvature-coupling substantially enhances the diffusion coefficient. We compare the ratio of the projected or measured diffusion coefficient and the free intramembrane diffusion coefficient, which is a parameter of the simulations, with analytical results that rely on several approximations. We find that the simulations always lead to a somewhat smaller diffusion coefficient than our analytical approach. A detailed study of the correlations of the forces acting on the particle indicates that the diffusing inclusion tries to follow favorable positions on the membrane, such that forces along the trajectory are on average smaller than they would be for random particle positions.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Knots in Charged Polymers

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    The interplay of topological constraints and Coulomb interactions in static and dynamic properties of charged polymers is investigated by numerical simulations and scaling arguments. In the absence of screening, the long-range interaction localizes irreducible topological constraints into tight molecular knots, while composite constraints are factored and separated. Even when the forces are screened, tight knots may survive as local (or even global) equilibria, as long as the overall rigidity of the polymer is dominated by the Coulomb interactions. As entanglements involving tight knots are not easy to eliminate, their presence greatly influences the relaxation times of the system. In particular, we find that tight knots in open polymers are removed by diffusion along the chain, rather than by opening up. The knot diffusion coefficient actually decreases with its charge density, and for highly charged polymers the knot's position appears frozen.Comment: Revtex4, 9 pages, 9 eps figure

    Effective field theory approach to Casimir interactions on soft matter surfaces

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    We utilize an effective field theory approach to calculate Casimir interactions between objects bound to thermally fluctuating fluid surfaces or interfaces. This approach circumvents the complicated constraints imposed by such objects on the functional integration measure by reverting to a point particle representation. To capture the finite size effects, we perturb the Hamiltonian by DH that encapsulates the particles' response to external fields. DH is systematically expanded in a series of terms, each of which scales homogeneously in the two power counting parameters: \lambda \equiv R/r, the ratio of the typical object size (R) to the typical distance between them (r), and delta=kB T/k, where k is the modulus characterizing the surface energy. The coefficients of the terms in DH correspond to generalized polarizabilities and thus the formalism applies to rigid as well as deformable objects. Singularities induced by the point particle description can be dealt with using standard renormalization techniques. We first illustrate and verify our approach by re-deriving known pair forces between circular objects bound to films or membranes. To demonstrate its efficiency and versatility, we then derive a number of new results: The triplet interactions present in these systems, a higher order correction to the film interaction, and general scaling laws for the leading order interaction valid for objects of arbitrary shape and internal flexibility.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Casimir Dispersion Forces and Orientational Pairwise Additivity

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    A path integral formulation is used to study the fluctuation-induced interactions between manifolds of arbitrary shape at large separations. It is shown that the form of the interactions crucially depends on the choice of the boundary condition. In particular, whether or not the Casimir interaction is pairwise additive is shown to depend on whether the ``metallic'' boundary condition corresponds to a ``grounded'' or an ``isolated'' manifold.Comment: 6 pages, RevTe

    Equilibrium shapes of flat knots

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    We study the equilibrium shapes of prime and composite knots confined to two dimensions. Using rigorous scaling arguments we show that, due to self-avoiding effects, the topological details of prime knots are localised on a small portion of the larger ring polymer. Within this region, the original knot configuration can assume a hierarchy of contracted shapes, the dominating one given by just one small loop. This hierarchy is investigated in detail for the flat trefoil knot, and corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure