18 research outputs found

    The tendency of parents’ perception about underestimating the body weight and height of their own children under five years old

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    ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Proporsi balita gizi lebih dan gizi kurang masih cukup tinggi di Indonesia. Penanggulangan masalah gizi sangat penting dilakukan karena memiliki dampak kesehatan jangka panjang. Penyelesaian masalah gizi buruk dan gizi lebih di Indonesia terkendala dengan kurangnya efektivitas program intervensi dan pola asuh yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak. Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan penanggulangan masalah gizi adalah persepsi orang tua terhadap status gizi balita.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai persepsi orang tua terhadap status gizi balita yang dikelompokkan antara berat badan atau tinggi badan menurut umur.Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain potonglintang dengan memberikan kuesioner penilaian persepsi kepada orangtua yang memiliki anak balita dan datang ke posyandu di 11 Padukuhan di Kecamatan Seyegan, DI Yogyakarta. Penelitian berfokus pada penilaian persepsi orang tua terhadap berat badan dan tinggi badan anak menurut umur dan apakah orang tua mengalami underestimasi atau overestimasi terhadap status gizi anak-anaknya.Hasil: Terdapat 89 responden yang bersedia mengikuti penelitian ini. Dari jumlah tersebut, 27 orang tua (30%) memiliki overestimasi bahwa anaknya gemuk atau normal, padahal apabila menurut kurva z-skor, anak tergolong kurus. Terdapat 10 orang tua (11,2%) underestimasi terhadap tinggi badan anak yang sebenarnya normal atau tinggi namun dianggap pendek. Sebaliknya, 5 orang tua (5,6%) mengalami overestimasi dengan menganggap tinggi badan anaknya normal atau tinggi padahal sebenarnya tergolong pendek menurut kurva z-skor.Kesimpulan: Masih terdapat kesalahan persepsi orang tua terhadap status gizi anaknya. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mendalami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi dan bagaimana cara mengubahnya sehingga pola asuh orang tua dan penerimaan terhadap program perbaikan gizi menjadi lebih baik.KATA KUNCI: persepsi; berat badan; tinggi badan; balita; status giziABSTRACT Background: The proportion of over- and under-nutrition is still high in Indonesia. Overcoming the nutritional problems is important since it can lead to long term health impacts. However, there are some problems that inhibit the intervention program such as low effectiveness and inappropriate parenting. One thing that affects the success of the program is about parents’ perception of the nutritional status of their children.Objectives: The study aimed to identify the perception of the parents towards the nutritional status of their children, which is categorized as body weight and height to age.Methods: The research use cross-sectional design by giving the questionnaire to the parents who have children under-five and go to Posyandu in 11 villages in Seyegan, DI Yogyakarta. The study focused on the judgment of the parents towards the height and weight to the age of their children and whether the parents under- or overestimate the nutritional status of their children. Results: There were 89 respondents following the study. From the number, there were 27 parents (30%) who overestimate their children by assuming the children to be overweight while according to z-score they was categorized as wasted. There were 10 parents (11.2%) who underestimate the height of their children by assuming that their children was stunted while they was not. On the other hand, 5 parents (5.6%) overestimate the height of their children by saying they had normal height while the fact they were stunted.Conclusion: There is still misperception among the parents about the nutritional status of their children. Further study is needed to identify what factors affecting the perception and how to change it so that the nutritional intervention program and parenting can be better.KEYWORDS: perception; body weight; body height; children under-five; nutritional statu

    Dietary intake changes in adolescent girl after iron deficiency anemia diagnosis

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    Latar Belakang: Defisiensi zat besi dapat terjadi karena rendahnya konsumsi makanan yang mengandung tinggi zat besi dan tingginya konsumsi makanan yang dapat menghambat absorpsi zat besi. Meningkatkan asupan zat gizi adalah salah satu cara paling efektif untuk memutus rantai permasalahan anemia defisiensi zat besi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari perubahan asupan gizi dan kesadaran akan kesehatan pada remaja perempuan sebelum dan setelah diagnosis anemia defisiensi besi. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain kohort dengan subyek sebanyak 62 orang dari 2 Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Wates setelah dilakukan tes hemoglobin (metode cyanmethemoglobin) dan baru didiagnosis anemia defisiensi besi. Asupan energi, zat gizi makro (protein, lemak, karbohidrat), zat gizi mikro (zat besi, vitamin C, tembaga, zink, vitamin B12), faktor penghambat serapan (tanin, oksalat, fitat, serat), juga asupan, buah, sayur, kopi, dan teh diperoleh dengan semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ), 3 bulan sebelum dan 3 bulan setelah diagnosis anemia defisiensi besi. Data dihitung dengan Nutrisurvey® and STATA 12® menggunakan paired T-test. Hasil: Tidak ada perubahan signifikan (p>0,05) pada asupan energi, protein, lemak, zink, vitamin B12, tembaga, serat, tanin, dan oksalat. Terdapat peningkatan signifikan asupan karbohidrat (p=0,0161), zat besi(p=0,0057), fitat (p=0,000), dan vitamin C (p=0,0017). Tidak ada perubahan signifikan rata-rata asupan buah, sayur, dan teh (p>0,05), tetapi konsumsi kopi lebih tinggi (p=0,0018). Kesimpulan: Diagnosis anemia defisiensi besi mengarahkan pada perubahan asupan zat gizi. Subyek menjadi lebih sadar pada asupan zat gizi setelah diagnosis anemia defisiensi besi. Dibutuhkan usaha lebih untuk merubah asupan buah dan sayur yang rendah dan konsumsi teh dan kopi yang tinggi. Kata Kunci: perubahan asupan gizi, kebiasaan makan, remaja perempuan, anemia defisiensi zat besi   Abstract Background: Iron deficiency may happen because of low consumption of foods rich in bioavailable iron and high consumption of foods rich in inhibitors of iron absorption. Improving dietary intake is the most effective way to break the chain of iron deficiency anemia problems. This study aimed to study the changes in dietary intake and health awareness among adolescent girl before and after iron deficiency anemia diagnosis. Method: Cohort study with 62 subjects from 2 junior high school in Wates after hemoglobin test (cyanmethemoglobin method) and were newly iron deficiency anemia diagnosed. Intake of energy, macronutrient (protein, fat, carbohydrate), micronutrient (iron, vitamin C, Copper, Zinc, vitamin B12), inhibitor factors (tannin, oxalate, phytate, fiber), also intake of fruit, vegetable, coffee, and tea, collected using semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ), 3 months before and 3 months after iron deficiency anemia diagnosis. Data calculated with Nutrisurvey® and STATA 12® for paired T-test. Result: No significant changes (p>0,05) in energy, protein, fat, zinc, vitamin B12, copper, fiber, tannin, and oxalate intake. There were significant improvement in intake of carbohydrate (p=0,0161), iron (p=0,0057), phytate (p=0,000), and vitamin C (p=0,0017). No significant changes in mean intake of fruit, vegetable, and tea servings (p>0,05), but higher consumption of coffee (p=0,0018). Conclusion: Iron deficiency anemia diagnosis resulted in dietary intake changes. Subjects were more aware of their dietary intake after iron deficiency anemia diagnosis. Small fruit and vegetable intake and high tea and coffee consumption suggested that efforts were needed to encourage dietary changes in these foods. Keywords: dietary changes, eating habit, adolescent girl, iron deficiency anemi

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Kepatuhan Mengkonsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah dengan Kejadian Anemia Defisiensi Besi: Literature Review

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    Latar Belakang: Prevalensi remaja putri yang mengalami anemia defisiensi besi di Indonesia masih tinggi. Di Indonesia angka kejadian anemia pada remaja putri mencapai 21.7%. Anemia pada remaja dapat mempengaruhi konsentrasi dalam belajar, rendahnya produktifitas, dan mudah terkena infeksi. Pemerintah menjalankan program pemberian tablet tambah darah untuk menanggulangi anemia defisiensi besi pada remaja,. Tablet tambah darah diberikan pada remaja putri Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA, dilakukan satu minggu sekali. Namun, program ini dirasa kurang efektif karena kepatuhan konsumsi tablet tambah darah pada remaja putri masih rendah. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi adalah rendahnya pengetahuan remaja tentang anemia. Rendahnya pengetahuan tentang anemia berhubungan erat dengan konsumsi dan kesadaran dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah. Tujuan: Untuk mendiskusikan hubungan pengetahuan dan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet tambah darah dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri. Metode: Penulisan artikel ini adalah literature review dengan bersumber dari artikel yang diterbitkan dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun dan berhubungan dengan topik yang akan dibahas. Pencarian artikel melalui database Google Scholar dan Pubmed. Terdapat 25 artikel yang diperoleh, tetapi hanya 12 artikel yang dipilih untuk diulas karena sesuai dengan topik yang akan dibahas, tujuan, sasaran, dan hasil penelitian. Hasil: Dari beberapa artikel yang telah diulas menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan remaja terkait anemia dan kepatuhan remaja dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia yang dialami oleh remaja. Pengetahuan yang baik tentang anemia dan gizi akan mempengaruhi pola makan pada remaja sehingga dapat mencegah anemia. Selain itu, patuh mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah juga akan mempengaruhi kadar hemoglobin pada remaja. Kesimpulan: Pengetahuan remaja terkait anemia dan patuh mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah akan mempengaruhi kadar hemoglobin pada remaja

    The Effectiveness of Smartphone-Based Nutrition Education Intervention in Successful Practice of Exclusively Breastfeeding: A Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is the cornerstone of infant health and one of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The advancement of information technology can be used to promote health, and providing information through messages on smartphone applications can improve breastfeeding awareness and adherence. Objectives: To determine which social media platforms effectively promote exclusive breastfeeding through nutrition education interventions. Methods: This study employed a meta-analysis method. The terms “breastfeeding,” “social media,” and “smartphone” were used to search for articles in multiple electronic journals, such as Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. Articles that provide an intervention using smartphone media for groups of expectant mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies and mothers who have ceased breastfeeding and want to resume were selected. Forest plot analysis was performed using the STATA 12. Results: From 2018 to 2021, seven articles were obtained, with research conducted in the United States, India, Indonesia, Israel, and Brazil. The study’s findings revealed that a nutritional education intervention using Smartphones led to an average success rate of exclusive breastfeeding between the intervention group and the control group of 1.23 (7 studies), 95% CI (1.08 - 1.39); P = 0.000; and I2 = 97.1%. Conclusions: Intervention using smartphones by sending short messages daily and counselling by telephone every week can increase mothers’ knowledge and ability to provide exclusive breastfeeding to their infants. An intervention using smartphones to transmit daily text messages and weekly telephone counselling could enhance mothers’ knowledge and ability to breastfeed their children exclusively

    Evaluasi Edukasi Kesehatan pada Pekerja Home Industry Batik Mitra Inovasi Ademos Indonesia

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    Sindroma metabolik adalah kumpulan masalah atau gejala kesehatan yang menyebabkan penyakit degeneratif dengan prevalensi yang terus meningkat pada pekerja salah satunya home industry. Selain itu, pekerja juga mudah mengalami penyakit muskuloskeletal karena sikap kerja yang tidak ergonomik terutama pada pekerja home industry yang tidak mempunyai standar kerja. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengukur perbedaan pengetahuan pekerja home industry batik sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi kesehatan tentang sindroma metabolik, kesehatan kerja, dan gizi kerja. Proses pengambilan data menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimental dan dilaksanakan pada Bulan September 2021. Besar sampel adalah 30 pekerja home industry batik dengan metode sampling secara purposif. Data dianalisis dengan uji paired T-test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa 80% subjek adalah perempuan, rata-rata berusia 31,5 ±11,6 tahun, 43,3% subjek tamatan SMP, serta 73,3% sudah menikah. Hanya 3,3% subjek merokok dan 83.3% subjek mempunyai anggota keluarga merokok. Sebagian besar subjek akan ke pelayanan kesehatan jika sakit (93,3%). Terdapat peningkatan signifikan pengetahuan responden sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi tentang kesehatan kerja (p=0,030), sindroma metabolik (p<0,001), dan gizi kerja (p<0,001). Terdapat perbedaan signifikan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi. Oleh karena itu, program kesehatan untuk menurunkan angka sindroma metabolik dan musculoskeletal disorder perlu untuk menyasar pada pekerja home industry.   Kata kunci: gaya hidup sehat, gizi kerja, home industry, gangguan muskuloskeletal, sindroma metaboli

    Nutrition Education 4.0 to Prevent Overweight and Obesity through Social Media

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    Introduction: This study was aimed to explore the effectiveness of 2-months online-based nutrition education related to the reduction of obesity and the risk factor of overweight in adulthood aged 17-25 years compared to the control group. The nutrition education was followed by 800 participants which consist of intervention and control groups. The intervention group was given pre-test and post-test each module, on the other hand, control groups only had to join webinar nutrition education. Materials and method: 800 early adulthood participants coming from various regions in Indonesia were invited to join the WhatsApp group to get intervention by modules and webinars on different topics about nutrition. This is a randomized control trial study by giving nutrition education modules to adults. This study targets adult aged 17-25 years using a quasi-experiment design with a pre-post test control group design. The study will be conducted online in 8 urban areas (center) in Indonesia, namely: Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Jember, Medan, Bali, Samarinda, Kupang, Palu City


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    Background: Nowadays, count of people with diabetes melitus type 2 is growing up. But now, it�s hard to find foods that compatible with diet for diabetes melitus type 2 in market. For that, we need new innovation to get the diversity of food for people with diabetes. The product that created in this study is wet noodle made by formulation of wheat flour, arrowroot flour, and yam flour whereas has count to be compatible for people with diabetes melitus diets. Objective: The objective of this study is to know the differences of physical properties (color, texture, smell, and taste) and chemical properties (water, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, reduction sugar, and total sugar) wet noodle for diabetes melitus type 2 diet made by formulation of wheat flour, arrowroot flour, and yam flour. This study also want to know wet noodle formulation that have the best physico-chemical properties and applicable to diabetes melitus type 2 diets. Method: This study is an experimental study with complete random design. The variables that will explore from this wet noodle is the physical properties subjectively (color, texture, smell, and taste), physical properties objectively (color and texture), and chemical properties (water, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, reduction sugar, and total sugar with wet basis). Result: Greater level of arrowroot flour and yam flour substitution in making wet noodles will decrease color brightness level, crumblier texture, stronger smell, and increase of sweet taste. Greater level of arrowroot flour and yam flour substitution in making wet noodles will increase water, ash, total sugar, and reduction sugar level. Meanwhile fat, carbohydrate, and protein level decrease. From physical properties, wet noodle formula 2 have the best color, texture, smell, and taste among the other formula. From carbohydrate, fat, and protein proportion, and also the total sugar and reduction sugar content, wet noodle formula 2 is the most applicable to diabetes melitus diets. Conclusion: There are significant differences at color brightness level, texture, smell, and taste of wet noodle made by formulation of wheat flour, arrowroot flour, and yam flour. There is no significant difference at water level of wet noodle made by formulation of wheat flour, arrowroot flour, and yam flour. There are significant differences at ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, reduction sugar, and total sugar of wet noodle made by formulation of wheat flour, arrowroot flour, and yam flour. Overall, the best wet noodle that can applicable to diabetes melitus type 2 diets is wet noodle formula 2 (50% wheat flour, 25% arrowroot flour, and 25% yam flour). Key Word: arrowroot, lesser yam, physicochemical properties, wet noodle, diabetes melitu

    Family supports and maternal factors of complementary feeding self-efficacy for children aged 6-24 months

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    Maternal self-efficacy in parenting is often associated with complementary feeding practices. Maternal and external factors influence the level of maternal self-efficacies. This study aimed to measure the relationship between family supports and maternal factors with complementary feeding self-efficacy for children aged 6-24 months. The survey research has a cross-sectional design. The research subjects were 74 mothers who were selected using simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out in the work area of Kalirungkut Public Health Centers for one month. Family support variables, maternal factors, and maternal self-efficacy were collected using a questionnaire, and then the data on each variable was processed by editing data, coding, and tabulating. The data analysis with Chi-square test and logistic regression on 95% CI. The results of this study were that age (p=0,872), parity (p=0,660), knowledge (p=0,252), informational (p=0,135), and instrumental support (p=1,000) were not related to maternal self-efficacy. There was a significant relationship between education (p=0,040), emotional (p=0,027), and appraisal support (p=0,020) with maternal self-efficacy. Appraisal support is the dominant factor affecting children's complementary feeding self-efficacy (p<0,05; OR=3,711). The conclusion is that education, emotional support, and appraisal support are significantly related, and appraisal support affects complementary feeding self-efficacy

    The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Theory of Planned Behavior Approach on Complementary Feeding: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Complementary feeding should be given to infants at 6 months in addition to breastmilk. Mothers’ knowledge and behavior in giving adequate complementary feeding are crucial to prevent malnutrition risk. During the pandemic, conventional nutrition education cannot be maintained and could lead to decreased mothers’ knowledge. This study is aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of nutrition education using online digital platforms (WhatsApp) to improve a mother’s behavior in providing nutritious complementary food based on the theory of planned behavior approach. This was a quasiexperiment with one pretest and posttest design group in the form of education and counselling. Ten educational sessions were developed to improve one or more TPB constructs. Media used for education are PowerPoint, text description, posters, and video tutorials; it is implemented by sending materials through the WhatsApp application. Using 80% power, the sample size was calculated for 155 subjects. Subjects were recruited through the accidental sampling method. Data was collected by the online method using a validated open-ended self-developed questionnaire for knowledge, while attitude, subjective norms, intention, and self-efficacy were measured using a Likert-scale questionnaire, where participants rated the strength of their belief that they could engage in a specific task. The paired t-test was used to analyze the difference in outcomes measured. The response rate of this study was accounted for at 77.5%. The mean age of mothers was 28.2 years old; most of them were university graduates (80.2%) and working as private sector workers (40.0%). The average child’s age was 6.6 months old. 78.2% of children were exclusively breastfed. Our study revealed that 10 sessions of nutrition education and counselling covered over 8 days increased the mother’s knowledge (60.0±15.5 vs. 80.3±15.0, respectively, before and after education; p<0.005) and resulted in psychological changes including mother’s attitude (64.3±4.9 vs. 65.8±3.9), subjective norm (3.76±0.9 vs. 3.87±1.0), perceived behavioral control (3.78±0.9 vs. 4.12±0.12), self-efficacy (63.3±22.5 vs. 77.5±19.2), and intention toward giving nutritious complementary feeding (4.11±1.0 vs. 4.30±0.9; p<0.005). WhatsApp nutrition education proved to be effective in improving the mother’s knowledge and behavior in providing nutritious complementary food; thus, it has potential for use. In the future, the Ministry of Health from the district to the national level could implement this type of education as an alternative of conventional nutrition education through scheduled classes

    Sitting Time and Screen Time are not associated with Body Weight and Body Mass Index Changes during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic has made significant changes in life. Sedentary lifestyle, increased usage of gadget, and increased sitting duration could lead to body weight and nutritional status changes. This study aimed to analyze the differences of sitting and screen time with weight changes and body mass index (BMI). Methods:: Online cross-sectional survey performed among 401 individuals older than 18 years in Surabaya. Self-administered ques- tionnaire included questions related to sedentary activities, namely sitting and using gadget duration in a day. Self-re- ported weight and height before and during pandemic were used to calculate BMI before and during COVID-19 pandemic. Data analysis used the Chi-square test. Results: Study found that 47.9% of respondents did not experi- ence significant changes in their body weight before and during COVID-19 pandemic. People who experienced no change in their body weight spent less than 6 hours sitting (50.8%) and people who experienced weight loss spent more than six hours using their gadgets (59.3%). It also found that 44.6% of respondents had normal nutritional status where 45.3% used gadgets with a duration of more than 6 hours and 45.8% used the time to sit for less than 6 hours. Body weight changes and BMI changes are not significantly different compared to sitting time (p-value=0.692) and screen time (p-value=0.099) during COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: There are no association between screen time and sitting time to body weight and BMI during pandemic COVID-1