4,704 research outputs found

    Manuel Valdivia Ureña

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    Proposed Methodology to Evaluate CO2 Capture Using Construction and DemolitionWaste

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    Since the Industrial Revolution, levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have been constantly growing, producing an increase in the average global temperature. One of the options for Carbon Capture and Storage is mineral carbonation. The results of this process of fixing are the safest in the long term, but the main obstacle for mineral carbonation is the ability to do it economically in terms of both money and energy cost. The present study outlines a methodological sequence to evaluate the possibility for the carbonation of ceramic construction waste (brick, concrete, tiles) under surface conditions for a short period of time. The proposed methodology includes a pre-selection of samples using the characterization of chemical and mineralogical conditions and in situ carbonation. The second part of the methodology is the carbonation tests in samples selected at 10 and 1 bar of pressure. The relative humidity during the reaction was 20 wt %, and the reaction time ranged from 24 h to 30 days. To show the e ectiveness of the proposed methodology, Ca-rich bricks were used, which are rich in silicates of calcium or magnesium. The results of this study showed that calcite formation is associated with the partial destruction of Ca silicates, and that carbonation was proportional to reaction time. The calculated capture e ciency was proportional to the reaction time, whereas carbonation did not seem to significantly depend on particle size in the studied conditions. The studies obtained at a low pressure for the total sample were very similar to those obtained for finer fractions at 10 bars. Presented results highlight the utility of the proposed methodology

    Ètica o crisi. La distribució de la responsabilitat

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    Lliçó inaugural del curs 2012-201

    Mineral carbonation of ceramic brick at low pressure and room temperature. A simulation study for a superficial CO2 store using a common clay as sealing material

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    This research explores the possibilities of CO2 sequestration on ceramic bricks in a short time and at surface conditions. The experiment was carried out in a specially designed reaction chamber, filled with brick wastes and sealed with common clays. The brick used were composed of quartz, wollastonite, diopside, orthoclase and anhydrite, and the common clay was a marl composed of calcite, quartz, illite, smectite and kaolinite. Experimental condition in the reaction chamber were: reaction time 5 months, pressure of CO2 0.5 bar, 4:1 solid/water ratio. The experiment was followed by XRD, XRF, BET, physical sorption by N2 and CO2, Hg porosity, TG-DTA, SEM and ICP-EOS. After the CO2 treatment, wollastonite and anhydrite were practically destroyed and some diopside and orthoclase. Calcite precipitated as new phase (up to 48 wt%), and small amount of illite was the result of orthoclase alteration. Concerning the sealing clay, the CO2 produced an increment of calcite content (from 32 to 41 wt%) and a partial destruction of smectite, particularly close to the upper part of the brick layer. These results are hopeful in relation with the possible mineral carbonation of building ceramic waste in a short time at surface conditions, and open the opportunity to use those wastes for CO2 trapping in an appropriate system, as a quarry reclamation

    Demo 21. Cuerpos cargados y el electroscopio

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    Objetivo: Mostrar la carga de objetos por fricción, mediante el uso de un instrumento clásico como el electroscopio, en el que se pone de manifiesto la fuerza electrostática y la conservación de la carga

    Applied Neuroethics: the practical Consequences of Neuropositivism

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar las consecuencias prácticas de una autocomprensión positivista de la neuroética aplicada. Esta ética se ocupa de los impactos éticos y sociales derivados de la utilización de los hallazgos neurocientificos, en especial de las neurotecnologías. La intención es mostrar que para realizar esta tarea la neuroética debe superar el paradigma neuropositivista dominante que solo le conduce a la disolución del ámbito moral y, en el terreno práctico, al silencio cómplice ante los problemas surgidos en la aplicación de las neurociencias. Para este fin daremos los siguientes pasos. En primer lugar, analizaremos los rasgos básicos de toda ética aplicada y desde ellos el origen y los objetivos de la neuroética aplicada. En segundo lugar, veremos cómo las investigaciones neuroéticas confunden el ámbito social con el ámbito moral, eliminando así de entrada toda perspectiva ética. Por último, ejemplificaremos las consecuencias prácticas de esta disolución en el caso de las políticas públicas, analizando el papel que puede cumplir y no cumple la neuroética aplicada frente al neuropoder generado por las neurotecnologías.The objective of this work is to show the practical consequences of the positivist selfcomprehension of applied neuroethics. This ethics deals with the ethical and social impacts that derive from applying neuroscientific findings, especially from neurotechnologies. The intention is to show that in order to perform this task, neuroethics must exceed the dominant neuropositivist paradigm that only leads it to dissolve the moral domain and, in the practical domain, an accomplice-type silence when faced with problems that arise upon applying neurosciences. To this end, we take the following steps: we firstly analyse the basic features of the whole applied ethics and with them, the origin and objectives of applied neuroethics. We will then see how neuroethical research confuses the social domain with the moral domain, and how it thus eliminates access to any ethical perspective. Finally, we will exemplify the practical consequences of this dissolution in public politics by analysing the role that may comply, but does not comply, with applied neuroethics as opposed to the neuropower created by neurotechnologies.Este estudio se inserta en el Proyecto de Investigación de I+D+I «Política, Empresa y Educación desde la Neuroética Aplicada» FI2013-47136-C2-2-P, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Sociología del turismo

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    Neuropolitics and Democracy: a necessary dialogue

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    El artículo se centra en la relación entre los avances de la neuropolítica y una teoría de la democracia que tiene en la deliberación racional y en la búsqueda de acuerdos su eje central. El punto de partida para este diálogo interdisciplinar es la actual desafección que padecen nuestros sistemas democráticos. A partir de ahí se destacan tanto los peligros de una neuropolítica que comprende los procesos políticos como procesos mentales, como la necesidad de introducir la dimensión afectiva en la política deliberativa. La cuestión que se plantea es si la neuropolítica constituye un buen antídoto contra el excesivo racionalismo de las concepciones deliberativas y participativas de la democracia o más bien representa el último revés para nuestra forma de entender y desarrollar la democracia. La respuesta vendrá desde un concepto de democracia que tiene en la sociedad civil su principal potencial de cambio y transformación social**.The article focuses on the relationship between advances in neuropolitics and a theory of democracy grounded on rational deliberation and the search for agreement. This interdisciplinary dialogue starts from the current disaffection with our democratic systems, and goes on to highlight both the dangers of a neuropolitics that understands political processes as mental processes, and the need to introduce the affective dimension in deliberative politics. The paper poses the question of whether neuropolitics is a good antidote to the excessive rationalism of the deliberative and participative conceptions of democracy, or whether it represents the latest setback to our way of understanding and developing democracy. The response derives from a concept of democracy in which civil society is the main potential for change and social transformation