56 research outputs found

    Incendis forestals a les Illes Balears: 25 anys de dades estadístiques per a la defensa integrada i la conservació del patrimoni natural

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    Les estadístiques sobre els incendis forestals a les Illes Balears, recopilades durant els darrers 25 anys, generen una important font d'informació, cabdal per definir aspectes estratègics tant importants com la prevenció i extinció d'incendis i per extensió, fonamentals per garantir la conservació del patrimoni forestal insular. En aquest sentit, resulta vital, de cara a definir estratègies de defensa de les nostres masses forestals, conèixer i processar constantment i amb rigor la informació recollida respecte a la freqüència, extensió, distribució, etc. dels incendis forestals

    Novedades en el tratamiento del conducto arterioso persistente

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    El conducto arterioso persistente (CAP)es una patología cardíaca congénita frecuentemente, cuyo tratamiento requiere el cierre, bien de forma quirúrgica o de forma percutánea. En este artículo se describe una novedosa técnica de cierre, mediante cardiología intervencionista, que permite el cierre del ductus de tamaño pequeño, mediano y grande, así como de diversas mofologías

    Stop burning garbage!exploring an anti-waste-to-energy social movement and its effects on local politics in Spain

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    Altres ajuts: acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICIn 2019, news of the opening of a waste incinerator sparked a socio-environmental controversy in a village in the Pyrenees in Catalonia (Spain). With the aim of influencing local public policies and taking part in the decision making around the project, a group of neighbors formed a citizen platform called the Cercs Anti-incineration Platform (PAIC). In this case study, we present the strategies that the activists followed to become an influential actor in local and regional politics. We describe how a group of citizens became a translocal assemblage and what obstacles were encountered with interaction and administrations. Finally, we highlight the need to broaden the concept of public participation within administrations

    Robots in healthcare? What patients say

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    Ajuts: This research was funded by "la Caixa" Foundation under agreement LCF/PR/RC17/10110004.In this paper, we analyse patients' perspectives on the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic systems in healthcare. Based on citizens' experiences when hospitalised for COVID- 19, we explore how the opinions and concerns regarding healthcare automation could not be disas-sociated from a context of high pressure on the health system and lack of resources, and a political discourse on AI and robotics; a situation intensified by the pandemic. Thus, through the analysis of a set of interviews, a series of issues are identified that revolve around the following: the empirical effects of imagined robots, the vivid experience of citizens with the care crisis, the discomfort of the ineffective, the virtualised care assemblages, the human-based face-to-face relationships, and the automatisation of healthcare tasks. In light of these results, we show the variability in patients' perspectives on AI and robotic systems and explain it by distinguishing two interpretive repertoires that account for different views and opinions: a well-being repertoire and a responsibility repertoire. Both interpretative repertoires are relevant in order to grasp the complexity of citizens' approaches to automatisation of healthcare. Attending to both allows us to move beyond the dominant (politi-cal) discourse of technology markets as the only way to respond to healthcare challenges. Thus, we can analyse and integrate patients' perspectives to develop AI and robotic systems in healthcare to serve citizens' needs and collective well-being

    Shock : Parte I. Generalidades

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    En este artículo se lleva a cabo una revisión general del shock abarcando desde su definición y clasificación, pasando por la fisiopatología y los signos clínicos hasta el tratamiento. En ella se pretende que el lector obtenga una visión global y general de los procesos mas comunes en medicina de urgencias.

    Estudio comparativo de la radiología y ecocardiografía en la detección de incrementos de atrio izquierdo en perros con insuficiencia mitral

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    Este estudio retrospectivo se basa en la comparación de la radiología y la ecocardiografía en la detección de incrementos de tamaño del atrio izquierdo en el perro. Para valorar la cardiomegalia, se han propuesto diversos criterios radiográficos y ecocardiográficos. Actualmente, los parámetros más objetivos de una y otra técnica son, respectivamente, el índice cardiaco vertebral (ICV) y la ratio entre las dimensiones del atrio izquierdo y la arteria Aorta (ratio LA/Ao). En este estudio aplicamos una nueva medida radiográfica, denominada bisectriz del atrio izquierdo (BAE), con el propósito de detectar incrementos del atrio izquierdo. Se constituyeron dos grupos: grupo A (14 perros con sintomatología de patología mitral espontánea) y grupo B (16 perros sin sintomatología cardiaca). La BAE la obtenemos realizando la bisectriz del ángulo de 90º que se forma entre los ejes cardiacos mayor y menor utilizados para calcular el ICV. La ratio LA/Ao se obtiene mediante el modo ecográfico bidimensional (Modo B). Se obtuvo un punto de corte (valor óptimo) de la BAE de 1.8 cuerpos vertebrales. Existió correlación positiva entre los tres parámetros, y en referencia a la BAE, se obtuvo una sensibilidad del 78.6% y una especificidad del 100%

    Right heart echocardiographic variables and prediction of clinical severity in dogs with pulmonary stenosis

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    Background: Pulmonary stenosis (PS) usually is evaluated using echocardiography. A multiparametric approach, in addition to the maximum pressure gradient (PG), might be indicated to better characterize PS severity and address its management. Hypothesis/objectives: Our hypothesis was that right heart size and function are associated with echocardiographic and clinical severity of pulmonary stenosis in dogs. Animals: Client-owned dogs with PS. Methods: Prospective, multicenter, observational study. Enrolled dogs underwent complete echocardiographic examination. Associations among right heart echocardiographic variables, PS transvalvular PG >80 mm Hg and presence of clinical signs (exercise intolerance, syncope, right-sided congestive failure, or some combination of these) were assessed using logistic regression analysis. Results: Eighty-eight dogs with PS. Twenty-eight dogs were symptomatic. Increased right ventricular end-diastolic free wall thickness (odds ratio [OR] > 100; 95% confidence interval [95%CI], 50- > 100; P = .01) and decreased aorta-to-pulmonary artery velocity time integral ratio (OR, 80 mm Hg. Decreased tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (OR, 0.35; 95%CI, 0.15-0.77; P = .01) and increased right ventricular end-diastolic area (OR, 1.4; 95%CI, 1.08-2.02; P = .01) were independently associated with clinical severity. Conclusion and clinical importance: Structural and functional right heart echocardiographic variables are associated with echocardiographic and clinical severity in dogs with PS. A multiparametric approach is advised to better assess PS severity

    The Role of Feral Goats in Maintaining Firebreaks by Using Attractants

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    Altres ajuts: FONDECYT/236-2015The threat of large forest fires is increasing, and the main causes are the depopulation of rural areas, along with the effects of climate change. To counter this threat in recent decades, there have been numerous proposals and actions aimed at promoting grazing in the forest as a tool for controlling biomass fuel. However, the continued disappearance of traditional herds makes this activity difficult. Rural depopulation has also meant that domestic species become feral, being habitual in the case of goats. Currently, little is known about the role that feral goats can play in the fight against forest fires. In this work, an analysis is made on the effect of feral goats on the control of the vegetation in firebreak areas. Furthermore, the effect of attractants, such as water, salt, or food, on goat behavior is also studied. The study was carried out on the island of Mallorca, where a population of feral goats occupies the mountain areas, and where it is common for them to graze on the network of firebreaks. The results showed that these areas in themselves exert an attractive effect with respect to the neighboring forest, and that the herbaceous biomass is reduced. This effect was enhanced with the implementation of water and salt points, although only in certain periods of the year. In general, it was possible to reduce the phytovolume of many species without affecting biodiversity in the short or medium term. Therefore, strategic management of feral animals, aimed at firebreak areas, could contribute not only to reducing the risk of fires and, consequently, to the mitigation of climate change, but also to attracting these animals to the forests, thus avoiding their dispersion to conflictive places such as roads,residences, agricultural fields, and gardens

    The use of tailings to make glass as an alternative for sustainable environmental remediation: the case of Osor, Catalonia, Spain

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    Tailings from the Osor fluorite mines release large amounts of potentially toxic elements into the environment. This work is a proposal to remove these waste materials and use them as a raw material in the manufacture of glass. The chemical composition of the tailings was determined by X-ray fluorescence and the mineralogy by X-ray diffraction. Waste materials have SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO contents suitable for a glass production, but Na as NaCO3 has to be added. Two glass formulations, with 80-90% of the residue and 10-20% Na2CO3, have been produced. The crystallization temperatures, obtained by differential thermal analysis, were 875 and 901 C, and the melting temperatures were 1220 and 1215 C for the G80-20 and G90-10 glasses, respectively. The transition temperatures of glass were 637 and 628 C. The crystalline phases formed in the thermal treatment to produce devitrification were nepheline, plagioclase and diopside in the G80-20 glass, and plagioclase and akermanite-gehlenite in the G90-10 glass. The temperatures for the fixed viscosity points, the working temperatures and the coeffcient of expansion were obtained. The chemical stability of the glass was tested and results indicate that the potentially toxic elements of the tailings were incorporated into the glass structure