79 research outputs found

    Education in the Context of Internationalization, Immigration, and Forced Migration: Introduction to the Special Issue

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    We introduce this special issue of Antistasis on internationalization, immigration and forced migration. The 21st century has witnessed an increase in the movement of individuals and families across national boundaries for a multitude of reasons, including voluntary immigration, forced migration, and temporary relocation for education or employment. These trends require the education system in Canada and internationally to adapt to the changing nature of students (and teachers and support staff) from early childhood to post-secondary, which in turn requires thoughtful reflection and discussion by education researchers and scholar-practitioners working within the education system

    Accompanying Partners of International Students: Reflections on Three Issues

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    This paper reviews and critiques the existing literature on accompanying partners of international students (APIS), who are often an ignored population in programs and services for the internationalization of Canadian higher education. Particularly, we identify three issues. First, we argue that current research on this group overwhelmingly focuses on their social and cultural adaptation difficulties while ignoring their agency in dealing with life challenges in the host society. Second, we note that research on this population should go beyond an overemphasis on gender, to include a comprehensive analysis of how gender intersects with other unequal social relations, such as race and class, in contributing to the complexity and multiplicity of their lived experiences. Finally, we suggest that rather than conflating APIS with trailing partners of expatriates or immigrants and treating them as a homogenous group, researchers should do more to address their heterogeneity from an anti-essentialist approach.  Cet article examine la littérature existante sur les partenaires accompagnateurs d’étudiants internationaux (PAEI), une population souvent ignorée dans les programmes et services pour l’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur canadien, et formule quelques critiques sur le sujet. On y relève trois points en particulier. Dans un premier temps, nous postulons que les recherches actuelles sur les PAEI se concentrent exclusivement sur leurs difficultés d’adaptation sociales et culturelles, et ignorent leur entremise dans la gestion des défis de la société d’accueil. Deuxièmement, nous remarquons que les recherches sur les PAEI doivent se poursuivre au-delà de la trop grande importance accordée au genre, et proposer une analyse complète sur la façon dont le genre s’entrecroise avec d’autres facteurs d’inégalités sociales, tels l’ethnie et la classe sociale, qui contribuent à la complexité et à la multiplicité de leurs expériences de vie. En dernier ressort, nous suggérons qu’au lieu d’amalgamer les PAEI avec le flux de partenaires d’expatriés ou d’immigrants et de les traiter comme un groupe homogène, plus de recherches doit mettre en exergue leur hétérogénéité dans une approche anti-essentialiste

    Academic motivation in post-secondary students: Effects of career outcome expectations and type of aspiration

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    Using a social cognitive theory framework, we examined the effects of career outcome expectations (COE) and aspiration to enter a science, technology or math (STM) career on post-secondary academic motivation.  Data were collected online from a sample of 380 post-secondary students in Canada and the United States. Analysis of covariance revealed high COE and STM students to be more intrinsically and extrinsically motivated in terms of their academics. Overall, the results suggested that expanding students' expectations of a successful career outcome and promoting interest in STM occupations may benefit their academic motivation. Limitations and implications are discussed.Keywords: Post-secondary education; academic motivation; career development; occupational aspirationsÀ partir d'une théorie sociocognitive, nous avons étudié les effets de l'espérance de résultats de carrière (ERC) et de l'aspiration à une carrière en science, technologie ou mathématique (STM) sur la motivation scolaire postsecondaire. Les données ont été collectées en ligne à partir d'un échantillon de 380 étudiants de niveau postsecondaire au Canada et aux États-Unis. Des analyses de covariance ont révélé que, comparativement aux autres étudiants de niveau postsecondaire, ceux qui avaient un niveau élevé d'ERC et de STM étaient plus motivés intrinsèquement et extrinsèquement par leur cheminement académique. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats suggèrent qu'une augmentation des attentes au regard d'une carrière satisfaisante et qu'une promotion des STM pourraient être bénéfiques à la motivation scolaire. Des limites et implications sont présentées

    Trajectories of educational aspirations through high school and beyond: A gendered phenomenon?

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    Growth curve modeling was utilized to examine change in the educational aspirations of adolescents from early high school through to three years beyond high school, as a function of gender and other adolescent characteristics. Significant gender effects were found for level of education aspired to, rate of growth, and degree of acceleration: boys’ aspirations were lower in early high school, accelerated at a faster pace to peak above girls’ aspirations by the end of high school, and dropped more steeply so that, by the post-high school period, educational aspirations were equivalent across genders. Gender also interacted with Grade 9 achievement in determining educational trajectories. Finally, the perception that one faces barriers in educational attainment was found to significantly influence rate of growth and acceleration, indicating that change in aspirations over time differs between people who see barriers to their education and people who do not, independently of gender. Implications of these results for promoting students’ educational aspirations are discussed.Keywords: Gender, high school, educational aspirationsLa modélisation des courbes de croissance a été utilisée pour examiner les changements dans les ambitions scolaires des adolescents à l'école secondaire et jusqu'à trois ans au-delà de l'école secondaire, en fonction du sexe et d'autres caractéristiques des adolescents. D'importantes différences selon le sexe ont été observées concernant le niveau d'éducation auquel les adolescents aspiraient, le taux de croissance, et le degré d'accélération: la courbe représentant les ambitions des garçons était plus basse au début de l'école secondaire, augmentait ensuite à un rythme plus rapide jusqu'à atteindre un pic au-dessus de la courbe des filles pour la période de la fin de l'école secondaire, et chutait enfin plus fortement de telle sorte que les deux courbes se retrouvaient au même niveau dans la période post-secondaire. Le genre a également interagi avec la réussite en neuvième année en déterminant des trajectoires éducatives. Enfin, la perception d'être confronté à des barrières entravant la réussite scolaire s'est révélée être un facteur qui influence de manière significative le taux de croissance et d'accélération, ce qui indique que le changement dans les ambitions scolaires au fil du temps diffère entre ceux qui perçoivent des obstacles au cours de leur scolarité et ceux qui n'en perçoivent pas, indépendamment de leur sexe. Les implications de ces résultats pour promouvoir les ambitions scolaires des élèves sont discutées.Mots-clés: Genre, école secondaire, aspirations scolaire

    Corrosion Behaviour of a Highly Alloyed Austenitic Alloy UB6 in Contaminated Phosphoric Acid

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    The influence of temperature (20-80°C) on the electrochemical behaviour of passive films anodically formed on UB6 stainless steel in phosphoric acid solution (5.5 M H3PO4) has been examined by using potentiodynamic curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and Mott-Schottky analysis. UB6 stainless steel in contaminated phosphoric acid is characterised by high interfacial impedance, thereby, illustrating its high corrosion resistance. The obtained results show that the films behave as n-type and p-type semiconductors in the potential range above and below the flat band potential, respectively. This behaviour is assumed to be the consequence of the semiconducting properties of the iron oxide and chromium oxide regions which compose the passive film

    Influence of the Heating Rate on the Annealing Treatment of Iron Oxide Nanostructures Obtained by Electrochemical Anodization under Hydrodynamic Conditions

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    Iron oxide nanostructures are promising materials for photoelectrochemical applications such as water splitting. In this work, electrochemical anodization of iron is used to form different iron oxide nanostructures, and the influence of different anodization parameters was studied in order to find the most suitable nanostructure for photocatalysis applications. On the one hand, hydrodynamic conditions were evaluated by stirring the electrode at different rotation speeds during the electrochemical anodization to check their influence on the formation of the nanostructures. On the other hand, different heating rates during the annealing treatment were studied for obtaining efficient iron oxide nanostructures. The synthesized nanostructures were characterized by different techniques such as photocurrent density vs. potential measurements, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Incident Photon-toelectron Conversion Efficiency (IPCE). The results revealed that the best heating rate during the annealing treatment is 15 ºC·min-1 and that the hydrodynamic conditions allow the formation of nanotubular iron oxide structures achieving ~0.1 mA·cm-2 at 0.5 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in the water splitting measurements. Moreover, all the nanostructures are mainly composed by hematite (α-Fe2O3) with some amount of magnetite (Fe3O4) in their structure. Finally, the IPCE measurements showed that the best rotation speed during the electrochemical anodization for the formation of an efficient iron oxide nanostructure for photocatalysis applications is 1,000 rpm

    Iron oxide nanostructures for photoelectrochemical applications: Effect of applied potential during Fe anodization

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    In photoelectrochemistry, a suitable photoanode leading to high efficiencies in photocatalytic processes is a research challenge. Iron oxide nanostructures are promising materials to be used as photoanodes. In this work, different potentials during iron anodization were applied to study the properties of the synthesized nanostructures. Results revealed that nanostructures anodized at 50 V presented well-defined nanotubular structures with open-tube tops, and they achieved values of photocurrent density of 0.11 mA cm−2 at 0 rpm and 0.14 mA cm−2 at 1000 rpm (measured at 0.50 VAg/AgCl), corresponding to the oxygen evolution reaction from water, i.e. 2H2O + 4 h+ → 4H+ + O2, demonstrating their good photoelectrochemical behavior

    Effect of Temperature on Thermogalvanic Coupling of Alloy 31 in Libr Solutions Studied by Means of Imposed Potential Measurements

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    Corrosion resistance of Alloy 31, a highly alloyed stainless steel (UNS N08031) were studied in heavy brine LiBr solutions (400, 700 and 992 g/l) at different temperatures using electrochemical techniques. The mixed potential theory was used to evaluate thermogalvanic corrosion of Alloy 31 in the studied LiBr solutions. Potentiodynamic curves indicate that high temperatures favoured both cathodic and anodic processes, increasing passive current densities and decreasing the pitting potential. Generally, the cold electrode of the pair was the anode of the thermogalvanic cell

    Formation of ZnO nanowires by anodization under hydrodynamic conditions for photoelectrochemical water splitting

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    The present work studies the influence of hydrodynamic conditions (from 0 to 5000 rpm) during Zn anodization process on the morphology, structure and photoelectrocatalytic behavior of ZnO nanostructures. For this purpose, analysis with Confocal Laser-Raman Spectroscopy, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) and photoelectrochemical water splitting tests were performed. This investigation reveals that hydrodynamic conditions during anodization promoted the formation of ordered ZnO nanowires along the surface that greatly enhance its stability and increases the photocurrent density response for water splitting in a 159% at the 5000 rpm electrode rotation speed
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