52 research outputs found

    Exposure to a Human Relevant Mixture of Persistent Organic Pollutants or to Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid Alone Dysregulates the Developing Cerebellum of Chicken Embryo

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    Acknowledgements This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 722634 (http://protected.eu.com/). The authors gratefully acknowledge the Proteomics Core Facility of the University of Aberdeen for their support & assistance in this work. The sequencing service was provided by the Norwegian Sequencing Centre (www.sequencing.uio.no), a national technology platform hosted by the University of Oslo and supported by the "Functional Genomics" and "Infrastructure" programs of the Research Council of Norway and the South-eastern Regional Health Authorities.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A comprehensive framework for analysis of microRNA sequencing data in metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Although microRNAs (miRNAs) contribute to all hallmarks of cancer, miRNA dysregulation in metastasis remains poorly understood. The aim of this work was to reliably identify miRNAs associated with metastatic progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) using novel and previously published nextgeneration sequencing (NGS) datasets generated from 268 samples of primary (pCRC) and metastatic CRC (mCRC; liver, lung and peritoneal metastases) and tumor adjacent tissues. Differential expression analysis was performed using a meticulous bioinformatics pipeline, including only bona fide miRNAs, and utilizing miRNA-tailored quality control and processing. Five miRNAs were identified as upregulated at multiple metastatic sites Mir-210 3p, Mir191 5p, Mir-8-P1b 3p [mir-141–3p], Mir-1307 5p and Mir-155 5p. Several have previously been implicated in metastasis through involvement in epithelial-tomesenchymal transition and hypoxia, while other identified miRNAs represent novel findings. The use of a publicly available pipeline facilitates reproducibility and allows new datasets to be added as they become available. The set of miRNAs identified here provides a reliable starting-point for further research into the role of miRNAs in metastatic progression

    GSuite HyperBrowser: integrative analysis of dataset collections across the genome and epigenome

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    Background: Recent large-scale undertakings such as ENCODE and Roadmap Epigenomics have generated experimental data mapped to the human reference genome (as genomic tracks) representing a variety of functional elements across a large number of cell types. Despite the high potential value of these publicly available data for a broad variety of investigations, little attention has been given to the analytical methodology necessary for their widespread utilisation. Findings: We here present a first principled treatment of the analysis of collections of genomic tracks. We have developed novel computational and statistical methodology to permit comparative and confirmatory analyses across multiple and disparate data sources. We delineate a set of generic questions that are useful across a broad range of investigations and discuss the implications of choosing different statistical measures and null models. Examples include contrasting analyses across different tissues or diseases. The methodology has been implemented in a comprehensive open-source software system, the GSuite HyperBrowser. To make the functionality accessible to biologists, and to facilitate reproducible analysis, we have also developed a web-based interface providing an expertly guided and customizable way of utilizing the methodology. With this system, many novel biological questions can flexibly be posed and rapidly answered. Conclusions: Through a combination of streamlined data acquisition, interoperable representation of dataset collections, and customizable statistical analysis with guided setup and interpretation, the GSuite HyperBrowser represents a first comprehensive solution for integrative analysis of track collections across the genome and epigenome. The software is available at: https://hyperbrowser.uio.no.This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway (under grant agreements 221580, 218241, and 231217/F20), by the Norwegian Cancer Society (under grant agreements 71220’PR-2006-0433 and 3485238-2013), and by the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (under grant agreement 2014041).Peer Reviewe

    Mind the gaps: overlooking inaccessible regions confounds statistical testing in genome analysis

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    Background The current versions of reference genome assemblies still contain gaps represented by stretches of Ns. Since high throughput sequencing reads cannot be mapped to those gap regions, the regions are depleted of experimental data. Moreover, several technology platforms assay a targeted portion of the genomic sequence, meaning that regions from the unassayed portion of the genomic sequence cannot be detected in those experiments. We here refer to all such regions as inaccessible regions, and hypothesize that ignoring these regions in the null model may increase false findings in statistical testing of colocalization of genomic features. Results Our explorative analyses confirm that the genomic regions in public genomic tracks intersect very little with assembly gaps of human reference genomes (hg19 and hg38). The little intersection was observed only at the beginning and end portions of the gap regions. Further, we simulated a set of synthetic tracks by matching the properties of real genomic tracks in a way that nullified any true association between them. This allowed us to test our hypothesis that not avoiding inaccessible regions (as represented by assembly gaps) in the null model would result in spurious inflation of statistical significance. We contrasted the distributions of test statistics and p-values of Monte Carlo-based permutation tests that either avoided or did not avoid assembly gaps in the null model when testing colocalization between a pair of tracks. We observed that the statistical tests that did not account for assembly gaps in the null model resulted in a distribution of the test statistic that is shifted to the right and a distribution of p-values that is shifted to the left (indicating inflated significance). We observed a similar level of inflated significance in hg19 and hg38, despite assembly gaps covering a smaller proportion of the latter reference genome. Conclusion We provide empirical evidence demonstrating that inaccessible regions, even when covering only a few percentages of the genome, can lead to a substantial amount of false findings if not accounted for in statistical colocalization analysis

    Genome build information is an essential part of genomic track files

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    Abstract Genomic locations are represented as coordinates on a specific genome build version, but the build information is frequently missing when coordinates are provided. We show that this information is essential to correctly interpret and analyse the genomic intervals contained in genomic track files. Although not a substitute for best practices, we also provide a tool to predict the genome build version of genomic track files

    The rainfall plot: its motivation, characteristics and pitfalls

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    Background A visualization referred to as rainfall plot has recently gained popularity in genome data analysis. The plot is mostly used for illustrating the distribution of somatic cancer mutations along a reference genome, typically aiming to identify mutation hotspots. In general terms, the rainfall plot can be seen as a scatter plot showing the location of events on the x-axis versus the distance between consecutive events on the y-axis. Despite its frequent use, the motivation for applying this particular visualization and the appropriateness of its usage have never been critically addressed in detail. Results We show that the rainfall plot allows visual detection even for events occurring at high frequency over very short distances. In addition, event clustering at multiple scales may be detected as distinct horizontal bands in rainfall plots. At the same time, due to the limited size of standard figures, rainfall plots might suffer from inability to distinguish overlapping events, especially when multiple datasets are plotted in the same figure. We demonstrate the consequences of plot congestion, which results in obscured visual data interpretations. Conclusions This work provides the first comprehensive survey of the characteristics and proper usage of rainfall plots. We find that the rainfall plot is able to convey a large amount of information without any need for parameterization or tuning. However, we also demonstrate how plot congestion and the use of a logarithmic y-axis may result in obscured visual data interpretations. To aid the productive utilization of rainfall plots, we demonstrate their characteristics and potential pitfalls using both simulated and real data, and provide a set of practical guidelines for their proper interpretation and usage

    Scripts and URLs used in database queries and web-crawling for article "Genome build information is an essential part of genomic track files"

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    <p>All the scripts used for web crawling, querying the databases, retrieving the files and all URLs of the files retrieved for the article "Genome build information is an essential part of genomic track files".</p

    Complex patterns of concomitant medication use: A study among Norwegian women using paracetamol during pregnancy

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Studies on medication safety in pregnancy often rely on an oversimplification of medication use into exposed or non-exposed, without considering intensity and timing of use in pregnancy, or concomitant medication use. This study uses paracetamol in pregnancy as the motivating example to introduce a method of clustering medication exposures longitudinally throughout pregnancy. The aim of this study was to use hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) to better identify clusters of medication exposure throughout pregnancy.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study was used to identify subclasses of women using paracetamol during pregnancy. HCA with customized distance measure was used to identify clusters of medication exposures in pregnancy among children at 18 months.</p><p>Results</p><p>The pregnancies in the study (N = 9 778) were grouped in 5 different clusters depending on their medication exposure profile throughout pregnancy.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Using HCA, we identified and described profiles of women exposed to different medications in combination with paracetamol during pregnancy. Identifying these clusters allows researchers to define exposure in ways that better reflects real-world medication usage patterns. This method could be extended to other medications and used as pre-analysis for identifying risks associated with different profiles of exposure.</p></div

    Maternal and child characteristics of exposure to different medication groups by clusters.

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    <p>Maternal and child characteristics of exposure to different medication groups by clusters.</p