436 research outputs found

    Structural modelling of medieval walls

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    International Seminar on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (3º 2001 Guimaraens)Sistemas constructivos medievales a menudo involucrados la construcción de múltiples capas paredes formadas por dos caras de sillería o mampostería con un relleno central que consiste en escombros ligada con mortero, generalmente cal-basado. Se trata de una construcción simple y eficiente sistema que se siguió utilizando en los siglos posteriores. Sin embargo, el modelado estructural de este tipo de pared no es fácil de lograr. Los dos pared caras no están vinculados rígidamente y, por otro lado, las bóvedas son normalmente compatibles sólo en el la cara interna, lo que resulta en la eficiencia reducida de la unidad de pared. Modelos comunes de elementos finitos no son capaces de resolver muchos de los problemas que surgen cuando se aplican a una monumental construcción. En este trabajo se aborda el problema y propone varias posibilidades de solución con diferentes tipos de elementos .. También proporciona dos ejemplos de monumentos góticos en Galicia (España) en el que comportamiento estructural se ha estudiado el uso de algunos de estos modelos de cálculo: las iglesias de Guimaraens y Cambados.[Abstract]Medieval construction systems usually involved the construction of multi-layer walls formed by two faces of ashlar work or masonry with a central infilling consisting of rubble bound with mortar, generally lime-based. It is a simple and efficient construction system which continued to be used in subsequent centuries. Nevertheless, structural modelling of this type of wall is not easy to achieve. The two wall faces are not rigidly bound and on the other hand, vaults are normally supported only on the intemal face, resulting in reduced efficiency of the wall unit. Common models of finite elements are unable to solve many of the problems that arise when they are applied to a monumental construction. This paper tackles the problem and puts forward various possibilities of solution with different element types.. It also provides two examples of Gothic monuments in Galicia (Spain) in which structural behaviour was studied using some of these calculation models: the churches of Guimarei and Cambados

    Methods to Monitor and Quantify Autophagy in the Social Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Autophagy is a eukaryotic catabolic pathway that degrades and recycles cellular components to maintain homeostasis. It can target protein aggregates, superfluous biomolecular complexes, dysfunctional and damaged organelles, as well as pathogenic intracellular microbes. Autophagy is a dynamic process in which the different stages from initiation to final degradation of cargo are finely regulated. Therefore, the study of this process requires the use of a palette of techniques, which are continuously evolving and whose interpretation is not trivial. Here, we present the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum as a relevant model to study autophagy. Several methods have been developed based on the tracking and observation of autophagosomes by microscopy, analysis of changes in expression of autophagy genes and proteins, and examination of the autophagic flux with various techniques. In this review, we discuss the pros and cons of the currently available techniques to assess autophagy in this organism

    Sufficiency ranges (sr) and deviation from optimum percentage (dop) references for leaf blade and petiole analysis in ‘Red Grenache’ grapevines

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    [EN] [Aim] To obtain specific references for the nutritional diagnosis of ten essential nutrients for leaf blade and petiole of ‘red Grenache’ (Vitis vinifera L.).[Methods and results] Leaf blades and petioles from 36 vineyards of ‘red Grenache’ (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted on Richter 110 were collected and analyzed at flowering and veraison between 1992 and 2008. Using the compiled data bank, nutritional references for ten elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B were calculated. Optimal values were those around the central data (μ ± 0.25σ), while excessive and deficient values were those beyond the tails of the distribution (μ ± 0.84σ). Percentile calculation was performed when transformations to normal distributions became unlikely.[Conclusion] References for Sufficiency Ranges (SR) and Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) methods were obtained for those ten nutrients studied.[Significance and impact of the study] The proposed ‘red Grenache’ references for leaf blade and petiole contribute to the improvement of the accuracy of ‘red Grenache’ grapevine nutrient diagnosis based on tissue analysis. These references are a guide to assess the nutritional status of ‘red Grenache’ grapevine around the world in general and, with higher accuracy, for the Rioja region and areas with similar vineyard conditions.[FR] [Objectif] Obtenir des références spécifiques pour le diagnostic nutritionnel de dix éléments nutritifs essentiels au limbe et pétiole de ‘Grenache noir’ (Vitis vinifera L.).[Méthodes et résultats] Les limbes et pétioles des feuilles provenant de 36 vignobles de ‘Grenache noir’ (Vitis vinifera L.) greffés sur Richter 110 ont été recueillis et analysés à la floraison et à la véraison entre 1992 et 2008. À partir de la banque de données, des références nutritionnelles pour dix éléments (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu et B) ont été calculées. Les valeurs optimales étaient celles autour de la valeur centrale de données (μ ± 0.25σ), tandis que les valeurs excessives et déficientes étaient celles au-delà des extrémités de la distribution (μ ± 0.84σ). Lorsque les valeurs n’étaient pas conformes à une distribution normale et que la transformation logarithmique n’était pas efficace, les percentiles correspondants ont été calculés.[Conclusion] Les références pour les méthodes Gammes de Suffisance et Déviation du Pourcentage Optimal ont été obtenues pour les dix nutriments étudiés.[Signification et impact de l’étude] Les références pour le limbe et le pétiole de ‘Grenache noir’ contribuent à l’amélioration du diagnostic de nutriments. Ces références sont un guide pour évaluer l’état nutritionnel des vignes de ‘Grenache noir’ dans le monde et, avec une plus grande précision, dans la région de Rioja et dans d’autres régions similaires.This study was supported by the National Institute of Agricultural Research (Spain) and the Regional Government of La Rioja (Spain) with Projects INIA-SC00-016, PR-01-03, PR-01-04 and PR-03-05, among others. We also thank Mrs. M. Carmen Arroyo, the staff at the Regional Laboratory of La Grajera (La Rioja), the staff at the Viticulture and Oenology Section (SIDTA-ICVV), and the vine growers who helped develop the database.Peer Reviewe

    Leaf blade and petiole nutritional diagnosis for Vitis vinifera L. cv. 'Tempranillo' by deviation from optimum percentage method

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    Deviation from optimum percentage (DOP) is a diagnosis methodology for leaf analyses which expresses the deviation for each element with respect to its optimal concentration. This deviation is an individual index for each nutrient and allows the sorting of all the analyzed nutrients according to their limitations. A nutritional survey was undertaken over eleven years in La Rioja (Spain), to establish reference concentrations for the nutritional diagnosis of Vitis vinifera L., cv. 'Tempranillo' grafted on Richter-110. Reference concentrations for DOP methodology are proposed, and sensibility for the nutritional diagnosis was evaluated for blade and petiole analysis of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and B at flowering and veraison phenological stages by comparison between DOP and sufficiency ranges (SR) methods. Results suggest that petiole has lower sensibility than blade to detect deficiencies or excesses of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, and Mn at veraison. In addition, petiole is a better tissue than blade to detect Fe and B deficiencies or excesses. Therefore, our results make possible the right choice between tissues, leaf blade or petiole, for a general nutritional diagnosis of 'Tempranillo' grapevines. On the other hand, it is possible to evaluate the status of each nutrient in each phonological stage analyzing both tissues and comparing the nutrient status to its references, DOP or SR, in the most adequate tissue.This study was supported by the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA, Spain), the European Social Fund and the Regional Government of La Rioja (Spain): Projects INIA-SC00-016, PR-01-03, PR-01-04, and PR-03-05, among others.Peer Reviewe

    Leaf blade and petiole nutritional evolution and variability throughout the crop season for Vitis Vinifera L. cv. graciano

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    © 2015 INIA. An adequate nutritional state of a crop can be kept by means of a well-designed fertilization plan based on the assessment of the nutrient availability throughout the growing season. The objective of this study was to determine the reliability of leaf blade and petiole diagnosis and the period of validity of their references at both flowering and veraison by means of systematic monitoring throughout the complete growing season. The study was carried out in two plots planted with Vitis vinifera L. cv. Graciano within the AOC Rioja (Spain). Blades and petioles were collected throughout a growing season (2006) and total N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B concentrations were analyzed in both tissues. Results suggest, in general, that petioles have higher variability and lower analysis reproducibility than blades. Therefore, blade could be a more appropriate tissue to evaluate N, P, K, Ca, and Mg at both flowering and veraison in this variety. Micronutrients in blade and petiole showed different variability behaviour in each of the vineyards studied, therefore, based on our results, it was difficult to determine which one could be the best tissue for the nutritional diagnosis of the ‘Graciano’ variety. Seasonal changes of nutrient concentration in both tissues also confirmed the need for reference values for each tissue and each phenological stage.Peer Reviewe

    Desarrollo de un algoritmo de solución directa para el cálculo de distribuciones óptimas de cultivos bajo riego deficitario controlado

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    La adecuada gestión de un recurso natural cada vez más escaso, como es el agua, implica maximizar la eficiencia en su uso. Desde el punto de vista de una explotación agraria, es de la máxima importancia encontrar la distribución óptima de cultivos que maximice el margen bruto obtenido con el agua de riego disponible. Actualmente, los métodos de optimización disponibles para resolver este problema no lineal, recurren a métodos de optimización heurísticos de propósito general mucho más lentos y menos eficientes de lo que sería un algoritmo de optimización de solución directa, donde se conocen los mecanismos involucrados y las sinergias existentes entre los cultivos para la obtención de la solución óptima del problema. El objetivo del presente trabajo es desarrollar un algoritmo de solución directa capaz de determinar la distribución óptima de cultivos que sea compatible con el modelo MOPECO (Modelo de Optimización Económica del agua de riego). La solución óptima se consigue con sólo uno o dos cultivos, pero esta solución no es la más adecuada desde el punto de vista agronómico (p.e. rotación de cultivos, PAC, etc.), por lo que ha sido necesario adaptar el algoritmo desarrollado para manejar este tipo de situaciones. Para una hipotética explotación de 100 ha, considerando 10 cultivos diferentes y 11 escenarios de volumen de agua total disponible, se han comparado los resultados del algoritmo desarrollado con las soluciones ofrecidas por el software de optimización LINGO y los algoritmos genéticos. El algoritmo desarrollado consigue márgenes brutos un 0,5% inferiores a los de LINGO, y un 1,1% mayores que los algoritmos genéticos, reduciendo el tiempo de cálculo entre 50-100 y 2000 veces, respectivamente

    Krein’s Theorem in the Context of Topological Abelian Groups

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    A topological abelian group G is said to have the quasi-convex compactness property (briefly, qcp) if the quasi-convex hull of every compact subset of G is again compact. In this paper we prove that there exist locally quasi-convex metrizable complete groups G which endowed with the weak topology associated to their character groups G∧, do not have the qcp. Thus, Krein’s Theorem, a well known result in the framework of locally convex spaces, cannot be fully extended to locally quasi-convex groups. Some features of the qcp are also studied

    Multidisciplinary consensus statement on the clinical management of patients with pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) remains one of the most aggressive tumors with an increasing incidence rate and reduced survival. Although surgical resection is the only potentially curative treatment for PC, only 15-20% of patients are resectable at diagnosis. To select the most appropriate treatment and thus improve outcomes, the diagnostic and therapeutic strategy for each patient with PC should be discussed within a multidisciplinary expert team. Clinical decision-making should be evidence-based, considering the staging of the tumor, the performance status and preferences of the patient. The aim of this guideline is to provide practical and evidence-based recommendations for the management of PC
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