2,101 research outputs found

    Variación anual de la concentración de aeropolen de Compositae en la atmósfera de Córdoba

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    La familia Composirae corwi tU)'C un grupo CU)'OS representantes son cntomófilas, por ello las concentraciones deted adas en la atmósfera han sido bajas. El muestreo se llevó a cabo en Córdoba durante los años 1982. 1983 y 1984 mediante un mucstrcador BURKARD sporc-trap colccado a unos 15m de altura. Se han reconocido un total de 7 tí pos morfológico!> de granos de polen pertenecientes a esta ramilia: tipo Aruflemis,Artemisia, Clutaurea, tipo fleliam! tuJ, Iipo Taraxawm, Srneáo yXa11lhium. Las mayorcscantidadm. tic granos de polen de· teClados pertenecen al tipo l!t !illntlzus, considerados como alergcnos por algunos autores. Sus altas conccnt.radoncs en el aire, en la época de. rccolc.cción del girasol, hace que posiblemente tenga alguna importanci<~ e~~ las polinosis cslivalu. Se han detectado granos de polen. de procedencia lejana, deArtemi.fia, planta con polen ahamenlc alcrgógcno, por tanto pueda ser causa de polioosis de verano en aquellas zonils de !a pro\'incia donde es abundanlcThc Composírae bclong 10 a broad systcmatic group allhough, duc to rhe cntomophylous charactcr of thc spccics, the pollcn conccnltations of lhc samplcs in thc atmosphcrc in thc city of Córdob3 were not beco vcry high. Sampling of poli en grains was e<1rricd out for thrcc ycars (1982, 1983 and 1984) by n1eans ola Burkard sporc- trap samplcr locatcd about t5 m abovc ground leve!. Scvcn morphologica1 typcs of rollen grain~ wcrc recognizcd: AnOzemir, Artemisia, Ccntaurcu typc, Helianrhus typ::, Toraxocum, Su:r:cio and Xanrhium rypc~. Thc largeSI annual amounts of poUeo glilins U::tcclcd wcrc of Hefiamlms typ:, considcrcd allcrgcnic by many authors. Thc higl1er lc-.·els in thc a.ir (ounU duriog tbc. harvcsling scason of sunflowcrs may be rc.spansible for summcr pollinoscs. Arlt misia pollcn g.rains dcvcloping far from thc sampling point wcrc dctcctc:d. Thcsc !.pccics are probably responsible for parl of summcr polli noses duc lo their higb aJlergenic polcntial, at lcast in thc arcas whcrc this plant is abundan!

    A SpiNNaker Application: Design, Implementation and Validation of SCPGs

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    In this paper, we present the numerical results of the implementation of a Spiking Central Pattern Generator (SCPG) on a SpiNNaker board. The SCPG is a network of current-based leaky integrateand- fire (LIF) neurons, which generates periodic spike trains that correspond to different locomotion gaits (i.e. walk, trot, run). To generate such patterns, the SCPG has been configured with different topologies, and its parameters have been experimentally estimated. To validate our designs, we have implemented them on the SpiNNaker board using PyNN and we have embedded it on a hexapod robot. The system includes a Dynamic Vision Sensor system able to command a pattern to the robot depending on the frequency of the events fired. The more activity the DVS produces, the faster that the pattern that is commanded will be.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-


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    La orientación: análisis de variables y aplicación en un contexto escolar

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    A continuación, se expondrá el análisis de variables en los aprendizajes de orientación en una clase de 5o de primaria donde se medirá la eficacia y los resultados conseguidos por los alumnos. El trabajo se realizará en tres clases diferentes. El estudio se verá influenciado por los conocimientos previos del alumnado, la interpretación del plano y el itinerario a seguir.<br /

    Super-Planckian far-field radiative heat transfer

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    We present here a theoretical analysis that demonstrates that the far-field radiative heat transfer between objects with dimensions smaller than the thermal wavelength can overcome the Planckian limit by orders of magnitude. To guide the search for super-Planckian far-field radiative heat transfer, we make use of the theory of fluctuational electrodynamics and derive a relation between the far-field radiative heat transfer and the directional absorption efficiency of the objects involved. Guided by this relation, and making use of state-of-the-art numerical simulations, we show that the far-field radiative heat transfer between highly anisotropic objects can largely overcome the black-body limit when some of their dimensions are smaller than the thermal wavelength. In particular, we illustrate this phenomenon in the case of suspended pads made of polar dielectrics like SiN or SiO2. These structures are widely used to measure the thermal transport through nanowires and low-dimensional systems and can be employed to test our predictions. Our work illustrates the dramatic failure of the classical theory to predict the far-field radiative heat transfer between micro- and nanodevicesWe acknowledge funding from the Spanish MINECO (FIS2015-64951-R, MAT2014-53432- C5-5-R, FIS2014-53488-P, FIS2017-84057-P), the Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MIT-2740), the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG- 630996, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG-618229), and the European Research Council (ERC-2011-AdG-290981 and ERC-2016- STG-714870). V.F.-H. acknowledges support from “la Caixa” Foundation and J.C.C. thanks the DFG and SFB767 for sponsoring his stay at the University of Konstanz as Mercator Fello

    Optical characterization of ALD-coated nanoporous alumina structures: effect of sample geometry or coated layer material

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    Optical characterization of nanoporous alumina-based structures (NPA-bSs), obtained by ALD deposition of a thin conformal SiO2 layer on two alumina nanosupports with different geometrical parameters (pore size and interpore distance), was performed by two noninvasive and nondestructive techniques such as spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and photoluminescence (Ph) spectra. SE measurements allow us to estimate the refraction index and extinction coefficient for the studied samples and their dependence with wavelength for the 250–1700 nm interval, showing the effect of sample geometry and cover-layer material (SiO2, TiO2, or Fe2O3), which significantly affect the oscillatory character of both parameters, as well as changes associated with the light incidence angle, which are attributed to surface impurities and inhomogeneity. Photoluminescence curves exhibit a similar shape independently of sample pore-size/porosity, but they seem to affect intensity values. This analysis shows the potential application of these NPA-bSs platforms to nanophotonics, optical sensing, or biosensing.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Theory of Electron Spin Resonance in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

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    Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has enabled probing the electronic structure of single magnetic atoms and molecules on surfaces with unprecedented energy resolution, as well as demonstrating coherent manipulation of single spins. Despite this remarkable success, the field could still be greatly advanced by a more quantitative understanding of the ESR-STM physical mechanisms. Here, we present a theory of ESR-STM which quantitatively models not only the ESR signal itself, but also the full background tunneling current, from which the ESR signal is derived. Our theory is based on a combination of Green's function techniques to describe the electron tunneling and a quantum master equation for the dynamics of the spin system along with microwave radiation interacting with both the tunneling current and the spin system. We show that this theory is able to quantitatively reproduce the experimental results for a spin-1/2 system (TiH molecules on MgO) across many orders of magnitude in tunneling current, providing access to the relaxation and decoherence rates that govern the spin dynamics due to intrinsic mechanisms and to the applied bias voltage. More importantly, our work establishes that: (i) sizable ESR signals, which are a measure of microwave-induced changes in the junction magnetoresistance, require surprisingly high tip spin polarizations, (ii) the coupling of the magnetization dynamics to the microwave field gives rise to the asymmetric ESR spectra often observed in this spectroscopy. Additionally, our theory provides very specific predictions for the dependence of the relaxation and decoherence times on the bias voltage and the tip-sample distance. Finally, with the help of electromagnetic simulations, we find that the transitions in our ESR-STM experiments can be driven by the ac magnetic field at the junction.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Socioeconomic and competitive positioning of livestock chains in Zacatecas, Mexico

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    Objective: To determine the positioning of the most important livestock chains of the State of Zacatecas, within a matrix of socio-economic importance and market competitiveness and identify needs for research and technology transfer. Design/methodology/approach: The hierarchy of livestock chains in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico was carried out based on the methodology proposed by the International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), taking as dimensions of analysis the dimensions of socioeconomic importance and competitiveness. The six most outstanding livestock chains in the State were selected. Results: The results placed the beef cattle chains as sustainable, the goats and sheep chains were vulnerable chains, pigs and honey were positioned in the retraction quadrant due to their low socioeconomic importance and competitiveness, and milk cattle were located in the forced quadrant. Limitations on study/implications: It is important to take into account other links. Findings/conclusions: The strategies for livestock production chains are efficient production through sustainable practices, provide technical assistance to producers, conduct research to generate technology, invest in infrastructure and generate value-added products that meet the needs of consumers.Objective: To determine the positioning of the most important livestock productionchains in Zacatecas, Mexico, within a matrix of socioeconomic importance andmarket competitiveness, and to identify research and technology transfer needs.Design/Methodology/Approach: Arranging livestock production chains into ahierarchy was carried out based on the methodology proposed by the InternationalService for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), taking as analysis axis thedimensions of socioeconomic importance and competitiveness. The six mostoutstanding livestock production chains in the state were selected.Results: The results placed the beef cattle chains as sustainable, the goat andsheep chains were placed as vulnerable, pork and honey were located in theretraction quadrant due to their low socioeconomic importance and competitiveness,and dairy cattle was placed in the strained quadrant.Study Limitations/Implications: It is important to take into account other links.Findings/Conclusions: Strategies for livestock production chains involve makingthe production more efficient through sustainable practices, providing technical assistance to producers, conducting research to generate technology, investing ininfrastructure, and generating products with added value that meet the needs ofconsumers