51 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution and statistical properties of small-scale convective vortex-like motions in a quiet Sun region

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    High-resolution observations of a quiet Sun internetwork region taken with the Solar 1-m Swedish Telescope in La Palma are analyzed. We determine the location of small-scale vortex motions in the solar photospheric region by computing the horizontal proper motions of small-scale structures on time series of images. These plasma convectively-driven swirl motions are associated to: (1) downdrafts (that have been commonly explained as corresponding to sites where the plasma is cooled down and hence returned to the interior below the visible photospheric level), and (2) horizontal velocity vectors converging into a central point. The sink cores are proved to be the final destination of passive floats tracing plasma flows towards the center of each vortex. We establish the occurrence of these events to be 1.4 x 10^(-3) and 1.6 x 10^(-3) vortices Mm^(-2) min^(-1) respectively for two time series analyzed here.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Multiscale magnetic underdense regions on the solar surface: Granular and Mesogranular scales

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    The Sun is a non-equilibrium dissipative system subjected to an energy flow which originates in its core. Convective overshooting motions create temperature and velocity structures which show a temporal and spatial evolution. As a result, photospheric structures are generally considered to be the direct manifestation of convective plasma motions. The plasma flows on the photosphere govern the motion of single magnetic elements. These elements are arranged in typical patterns which are observed as a variety of multiscale magnetic patterns. High resolution magnetograms of quiet solar surface revealed the presence of magnetic underdense regions in the solar photosphere, commonly called voids, which may be considered a signature of the underlying convective structure. The analysis of such patterns paves the way for the investigation of all turbulent convective scales from granular to global. In order to address the question of magnetic structures driven by turbulent convection at granular and mesogranular scales we used a "voids" detection method. The computed voids distribution shows an exponential behavior at scales between 2 and 10 Mm and the absence of features at 5-10 Mm mesogranular scales. The absence of preferred scales of organization in the 2-10 Mm range supports the multiscale nature of flows on the solar surface and the absence of a mesogranular convective scale

    Stokes Diagnostis of 2D MHD-simulated Solar Magnetogranulation

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    We study the properties of solar magnetic fields on scales less than the spatial resolution of solar telescopes. A synthetic infrared spectropolarimetric diagnostics based on a 2D MHD simulation of magnetoconvection is used for this. We analyze two time sequences of snapshots that likely represent two regions of the network fields with their immediate surrounding on the solar surface with the unsigned magnetic flux density of 300 and 140 G. In the first region we find from probability density functions of the magnetic field strength that the most probable field strength at logtau_5=0 is equal to 250 G. Weak fields (B < 500 G) occupy about 70% of the surface, while stronger fields (B 1000 G) occupy only 9.7% of the surface. The magnetic flux is -28 G and its imbalance is -0.04. In the second region, these parameters are correspondingly equal to 150 G, 93.3 %, 0.3 %, -40 G, and -0.10. We estimate the distribution of line-of-sight velocities on the surface of log tau_5=-1. The mean velocity is equal to 0.4 km/s in the first simulated region. The averaged velocity in the granules is -1.2 km/s and in the intergranules is 2.5 km/s. In the second region, the corresponding values of the mean velocities are equal to 0, -1.8, 1.5 km/s. In addition we analyze the asymmetry of synthetic Stokes-V profiles of the Fe I 1564.8 nm line. The mean values of the amplitude and area asymmetry do not exceed 1%. The spatially smoothed amplitude asymmetry is increased to 10% while the area asymmetry is only slightly varied.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Inter-Network magnetic fields observed with sub-arcsec resolution

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    We analyze a time sequence of Inter-Network (IN) magnetograms observed at the solar disk center. Speckle reconstruction techniques provide a good spatial resolution (0.5" cutoff frequency) yet maintaining a fair sensitivity (some 20G). Patches with signal above noise cover 60% of the observed area, most of which corresponds to intergranular lanes. The large surface covered by signal renders a mean unsigned magnetic flux density between 17G and 21G (1G \equiv 1Mx cm2^{-2}). The difference depends on the spectral line used to generate the magnetograms (Fe I 6302 or Fe I 6301). Such systematic difference can be understood if the magnetic structures producing the polarization have intrinsic field strengths exceeding 1 kG, and consequently, occupying only a very small fraction of the surface (some 2%). We observe both, magnetic signals changing in time scales smaller than 1 min, and a persistent pattern lasting longer than the duration of the sequence (17 min). The pattern resembles a network with a spatial scale between 5 and 10 arcsec, which we identify as the mesogranulation. The strong dependence of the polarization signals on spatial resolution and sensitivity suggests that much quiet Sun magnetic flux still remains undetected.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 17 pages with 15 figure

    A Substantial Amount of Hidden Magnetic Energy in the Quiet Sun

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    Deciphering and understanding the small-scale magnetic activity of the quiet solar photosphere should help to solve many of the key problems of solar and stellar physics, such as the magnetic coupling to the outer atmosphere and the coronal heating. At present, we can see only 1{\sim}1% of the complex magnetism of the quiet Sun, which highlights the need to develop a reliable way to investigate the remaining 99%. Here we report three-dimensional radiative tranfer modelling of scattering polarization in atomic and molecular lines that indicates the presence of hidden, mixed-polarity fields on subresolution scales. Combining this modelling with recent observational data we find a ubiquitous tangled magnetic field with an average strength of 130{\sim}130 G, which is much stronger in the intergranular regions of solar surface convection than in the granular regions. So the average magnetic energy density in the quiet solar photosphere is at least two orders of magnitude greater than that derived from simplistic one-dimensional investigations, and sufficient to balance radiative energy losses from the solar chromosphere.Comment: 21 pages and 2 figures (letter published in Nature on July 15, 2004

    Center-to-limb variation of the area covered by magnetic bright points in the quiet Sun

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    CONTEXT: The quiet Sun magnetic fields produce ubiquitous bright points (BPs) that cover a significant fraction of the solar surface. Their contribution to the total solar irradiance (TSI) is so-far unknown. AIMS: To measure the center-to-limb variation (CLV) of the fraction of solar surface covered by quiet Sun magnetic bright points. The fraction is referred to as 'fraction of covered surface', or FCS. METHODS: Counting of the area covered by BPs in G-band images obtained at various heliocentric angles with the 1-m Swedish Solar Telescope on La Palma. Through restoration, the images are close to the diffraction limit of the instrument (~0.1 arcsec). RESULTS: The FCS is largest at disk center (~1 %), and then drops down to become 0.2 % at 'mu'= 0.3 (with 'mu' the cosine of the heliocentric angle. The relationship has large scatter, which we evaluate comparing different subfields within our FOVs. We work out a toy-model to describe the observed CLV, which considers the BPs to be depressions in the mean solar photosphere characterized by a depth, a width, and a spread of inclinations. Although the model is poorly constrained by observations, it shows the BPs to be shallow structures (depth < width) with a large range of inclinations. We also estimate how different parts of the solar disk may contribute to TSI variations, finding that 90 % is contributed by BPs having 'mu' > 0.5, and half of it is due to BPs with 'mu' > 0.8.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 8 pages, 6 Figs., 1 Tabl

    Small-scale solar magnetic fields

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    As we resolve ever smaller structures in the solar atmosphere, it has become clear that magnetism is an important component of those small structures. Small-scale magnetism holds the key to many poorly understood facets of solar magnetism on all scales, such as the existence of a local dynamo, chromospheric heating, and flux emergence, to name a few. Here, we review our knowledge of small-scale photospheric fields, with particular emphasis on quiet-sun field, and discuss the implications of several results obtained recently using new instruments, as well as future prospects in this field of research.Comment: 43 pages, 18 figure

    Magnetic Coupling in the Quiet Solar Atmosphere

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    Three kinds of magnetic couplings in the quiet solar atmosphere are highlighted and discussed, all fundamentally connected to the Lorentz force. First the coupling of the convecting and overshooting fluid in the surface layers of the Sun with the magnetic field. Here, the plasma motion provides the dominant force, which shapes the magnetic field and drives the surface dynamo. Progress in the understanding of the horizontal magnetic field is summarized and discussed. Second, the coupling between acoustic waves and the magnetic field, in particular the phenomenon of wave conversion and wave refraction. It is described how measurements of wave travel times in the atmosphere can provide information about the topography of the wave conversion zone, i.e., the surface of equal Alfv\'en and sound speed. In quiet regions, this surface separates a highly dynamic magnetic field with fast moving magnetosonic waves and shocks around and above it from the more slowly evolving field of high-beta plasma below it. Third, the magnetic field also couples to the radiation field, which leads to radiative flux channeling and increased anisotropy in the radiation field. It is shown how faculae can be understood in terms of this effect. The article starts with an introduction to the magnetic field of the quiet Sun in the light of new results from the Hinode space observatory and with a brief survey of measurements of the turbulent magnetic field with the help of the Hanle effect.Comment: To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200