40 research outputs found

    Notícies inèdites de l'arxiu familiar de Ramon Martí Alsina (1826-1894)

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    Sempre és molt d'agrair que, durant una investigació, surtin a la llum arxius familiars relatius al personatge o al tema en qüestió que s'està treballant. És per això que el cas de Ramon Martí Alsina és tan extraordinari en el món científic. Són pràcticament tres mil papers amb informació manuscrita pel pintor i per persones de la seva família, que ens donen informació de tipus personal, íntim, professional, social i polític, artístic, administratiu, etc, per poder veure amb els propis ulls, i sentir, fins i tot, com era aquest pintor de vida agitada i ànima apassionada. Aquest article vol ser un petit tast de les novetats que aporten dos arxius: aquell que encara era inèdit i desconegut (transcrit parcialment a la meva tesi), i l'altre que per fi ha quedat dipositat al Museu Nacional d'Art de CatalunyaIt's always very encouraging in an investigation to find new family archives relating to the person or the subject we study. It's because of this reason that the particular case of Martí Alsina it's been so special for the scientifi c world. They are about three thousand handwritten papers from the painter and its relatives that offer us information either private, personal, professional, social and political, artistic or bureaucratic. That is to say, all kind of information able to let us feel and see with our own eyes how this passionate and unsettled painter was. This article wants to be an example of the news that the two unpublished archives offer us, the one unknown and included in my doctoral thesis; and the other, that fortunately has been deposited in the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

    Las sombras de Lady Macbeth. Análisis tematológico sobre la influencia de Lady Macbeth en la ficción televisiva estadounidense reciente

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    El presente estudio busca exponer, desde una perspectiva tematológica, cómo se da en la ficción televisiva estadounidense de los últimos años la representación de un personaje mítico como es Lady Macbeth. Para ello, estudiaremos en primer lugar el arquetipo al cual Shakespeare se remontó para crear a su personaje, el de la femme fatale. Posteriormente, analizaremos a Lady Macbeth, fijándonos especialmente en sus características psicológicas, al tema inherente a su personaje y a los motivos utilizados por Shakespeare para representarla, y veremos si encaja en el arquetipo de la femme fatale. En tercer lugar, analizaremos cinco personajes femeninos, de series tan importantes como Game of Thrones o The Sopranos, prestando especial detalle a la labor comparativa que nos ocupa. Por último, llegaremos a la conclusión de si la influencia que intuimos pueda existir se da realmente, y cómo se da efectivamente.El present article busca exposar, des d'una perspectiva tematològica, com es dóna a la ficció televisiva nord-americana dels últims anys la representació d'un personatge mític com Lady Macbeth. Per fer-ho, estudiarem primer l'arquetip al qual Shakespeare es va remuntar per crear el seu personatge, el de la femme fatale. Després, analitzarem Lady Macbeth, fixant-nos especialment en les seves característiques psicològiques, el seu tema inherent i els motius emprats per Shakespeare per representar-la, i veurem si encaixa dins de l'arquetip de la femme fatale. En tercer lloc, analitzarem cinc personatges femenins, de sèries tan importants com Game of Thrones o The Sopranos, prestant una especial atenció a la nostra feina comparativa. Finalment, arribarem a la conclusió de si l'influencia que intuïm pot existir es dóna realment, i com esThis study seeks to explain, from a thematological perspective, how a mythical character as Lady Macbeth is reproduced in the American television drama in recent years. In order to do this, we will study firstly the archetype in which Shakespeare soared to create his character, the femme fatale. Then, we will analyze Lady Macbeth, pointing out especially her psychological characteristics, the main theme inherent to herself and the motives that Shakespeare used to represent her. We will see if she fits in femme fatale archetype. After that, we will analyze five female characters, from important awarded TV dramas as Game of Thrones or The Sopranos, paying special attention to our comparative task. Finally, we will conclude if the influence we deduce actually exists, and how is it given

    Impact of FLT3–ITD Mutation Status and Its Ratio in a Cohort of 2901 Patients Undergoing Upfront Intensive Chemotherapy: A PETHEMA Registry Study

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    FLT3–ITD results in a poor prognosis in terms of overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, the prognostic usefulness of the allelic ratio (AR) to select post-remission therapy remains controversial. Our study focuses on the prognostic impact of FLT3–ITD and its ratio in a series of 2901 adult patients treated intensively in the pre-FLT3 inhibitor era and reported in the PETHEMA registry. A total of 579 of these patients (20%) harbored FLT3–ITD mutations. In multivariate analyses, patients with an FLT3–ITD allele ratio (AR) of >0.5 showed a lower complete remission (CR rate) and OS (HR 1.47, p = 0.009), while AR > 0.8 was associated with poorer RFS (HR 2.1; p 0.5). Using the maximally selected log-rank statistics, we established an optimal cutoff of FLT3–ITD AR of 0.44 for OS, and 0.8 for RFS. We analyzed the OS and RFS according to FLT3–ITD status in all patients, and we found that the group of FLT3–ITD-positive patients with AR 0.44, allo-HSCT was superior to auto-HSCT in terms of OS and RFS. This study provides more evidence for a better characterization of patients with AML harboring FLT3–ITD mutations.Depto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUEInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIFundación CRIS Contra el CáncerInstituto de Investigación Hospital 12 de OctubreUnión Europeapu

    Impact of FLT3–ITD Mutation Status and Its Ratio in a Cohort of 2901 Patients Undergoing Upfront Intensive Chemotherapy: A PETHEMA Registry Study

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    FLT3–ITD results in a poor prognosis in terms of overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, the prognostic usefulness of the allelic ratio (AR) to select post-remission therapy remains controversial. Our study focuses on the prognostic impact of FLT3–ITD and its ratio in a series of 2901 adult patients treated intensively in the pre-FLT3 inhibitor era and reported in the PETHEMA registry. A total of 579 of these patients (20%) harbored FLT3–ITD mutations. In multivariate analyses, patients with an FLT3–ITD allele ratio (AR) of >0.5 showed a lower complete remission (CR rate) and OS (HR 1.47, p = 0.009), while AR > 0.8 was associated with poorer RFS (HR 2.1; p 0.5). Using the maximally selected log-rank statistics, we established an optimal cutoff of FLT3–ITD AR of 0.44 for OS, and 0.8 for RFS. We analyzed the OS and RFS according to FLT3–ITD status in all patients, and we found that the group of FLT3–ITD-positive patients with AR 0.44, allo-HSCT was superior to auto-HSCT in terms of OS and RFS. This study provides more evidence for a better characterization of patients with AML harboring FLT3–ITD mutations.This study was fundedby Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project PI19/01518 and PI19/00730 and co- funded by the European Union, the CRIS Against Cancer Foundation, grant 2018/001, and by the Instituto de Investigación Hospital 12 de Octubre (IMAS12). APeer reviewe

    Characteristics and outcomes of adult patients in the PETHEMA registry with relapsed or refractory FLT3-ITD mutation-positive acute myeloid leukemia

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    This retrospective study investigated outcomes of 404 patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3)-internal tandem duplication (ITD) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) enrolled in the PETHEMA registry, pre-approval of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Most patients (63%) had received first-line intensive therapy with 3 + 7. Subsequently, patients received salvage with intensive therapy (n = 261), non-intensive therapy (n = 63) or supportive care only (n = 80). Active salvage therapy (i.e., intensive or non-intensive therapy) resulted in a complete remission (CR) or CR without hematological recovery (CRi) rate of 42%. More patients achieved a CR/CRi with intensive (48%) compared with non-intensive (19%) salvage therapy (p < 0.001). In the overall population, median overall survival (OS) was 5.5 months; 1- and 5-year OS rates were 25% and 7%. OS was significantly (p < 0.001) prolonged with intensive or non-intensive salvage therapy compared with supportive therapy, and in those achieving CR/CRi versus no responders. Of 280 evaluable patients, 61 (22%) had an allogeneic stem-cell transplant after they had achieved CR/CRi. In conclusion, in this large cohort study, salvage treatment approaches for patients with FLT3-ITD mutated R/R AML were heterogeneous. Median OS was poor with both non-intensive and intensive salvage therapy, with best long-term outcomes obtained in patients who achieved CR/CRi and subsequently underwent allogeneic stem-cell transplant.This study was supported by Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Cáncer (CIBERONC), Valencia, Spain [CB16/12/00284]

    Proyectos de trabajo : una escuela diferente

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    Selección de experiencias en educación infantil sobre el desarrollo de la autonomía del niño. Se ofrecen las características que definen un proyecto de trabajo y los criterios de selección de los mismos reflexionándose sobre la práctica profesional y la formación permanente del profesorado. Se presentan proyectos educativos reales aplicados en el segundo ciclo de educación infantil, todos ellos ilustrados con un material elaborado por los niños. De cada proyecto de trabajo se desprenden procedimientos similares a los de una investigacion científica. Se insiste en la necesidad de crear una escuela abierta y participativa en la que los niños intervengan activa y críticamente en su propio proceso de aprendizaje.MadridBiblioteca del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional; Calle San Agustín, 5; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]