2,081 research outputs found

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    Reseña del libroHuerta, R. (2015). La ciudad y sus docentes. Miradas desde el arte y la educación. Barcelona: Editorial UO

    TripletGAN: model for image generation

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2019, Director: Santi Seguí Mesquida[en] Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been widely used for image generation. From the conception of this model in 2014 until now, there has been a increasingly interest in this model, which have lead it to be one of the most popular Deep Learning models nowadays. The popularity of this model has entailed a significant list of variations of it. This work aims are to study the GAN model, and specifically, one of its variations: TripletGAN

    Positron Lifetime Spectroscopy Applied to Pure Tellurium

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    High-purity crystalline Tellurium has been investigated using positron lifetime spectroscopy technique in order to determine basic information missing in the current experimental knowledge of the positron annihilation spectroscopy field. Three different pairs of samples have been studied in the as-received state and, in order to eliminate the vacancy-type defects, after consecutive isothermal treatments at 300 C. Lifetime corresponding to the annihilation in the Tellurium bulk has been determined as 282(1) ps. Previous theoretical calculations present in the bibliography that used different methods and parameterization provided a wide range of values for the annihilation lifetime of the positron in the bulk of Tellurium. The obtained result has been used to identify the most accurate results among them.This research was supported by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and by the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain)—multiannual agreement with UC3M (“Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario”—EPUC3M14)—Fifth regional research plan 2016–2020

    Techno-Economic Analysis of Rural 4th Generation Biomass District Heating

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    Biomass heating networks provide renewable heat using low carbon energy sources. They can be powerful tools for economy decarbonization. Heating networks can increase heating efficiency in districts and small size municipalities, using more efficient thermal generation technologies, with higher efficiencies and with more efficient emissions abatement technologies. This paper analyzes the application of a biomass fourth generation district heating, 4GDH (4th Generation Biomass District Heating), in a rural municipality. The heating network is designed to supply 77 residential buildings and eight public buildings, to replace the current individual diesel boilers and electrical heating systems. The development of the new fourth district heating generation implies the challenge of combining using low or very low temperatures in the distribution network pipes and delivery temperatures in existing facilities buildings. In this work biomass district heating designs based on third and fourth generation district heating network criteria are evaluated in terms of design conditions, operating ranges, effect of variable temperature operation, energy efficiency and investment and operating costs. The Internal Rate of Return of the different options ranges from 6.55% for a design based on the third generation network to 7.46% for a design based on the fourth generation network, with a 25 years investment horizon. The results and analyses of this work show the interest and challenges for the next low temperature DH generation for the rural area under analysis

    Patrimonios migrantes y educación artística. Los nuevos retos de la educación en patrimonio

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    Aportamos un nuevo concepto a la investigación en educación artística: el de patrimonios migrantes. El presente número de nuestra revista ofrece una serie de reflexiones en torno a esta novedosa idea que plantean retos de futuro vinculando la educación artística y los conceptos de identidad, patrimonio, educación, migraciones o desubicación geográfica. Este foro de ideas pretende convertirse en plataforma de proyectos muy relacionados con las posibilidades que en los próximos años pueda ofrecernos la investigación de los diferentes grupos que han participado en el actual volumen. Desde posicionamientos vinculantes tan variados como los patrimonios virtuales, los entornos digitales y los usos de las TIC en artes y educación artística, pasando por la formación de profesionales en educación y patrimonio, sin perder de vista lo que ocurre en los museos o las geografías patrimoniales, recogemos diferentes impresiones que se complementan y confluyen. Hemos procurado atender también a los vínculos que existen entre la creación artística y la generación de ideas en el escenario educativo. Con todas estas aportaciones, ofrecemos un volumen repleto de ideas de futuro, animando a los grupos de investigación a seguir construyendo estos atractivos patrimonios migrantes. Palabras clave: patrimonios migrantes, educación artística, investigación universitaria, arte, formación de docentes. Abstract: We present a new concept for research in art education: the migrant heritages. This issue of our journal offers a series of reflections on this new idea, introducing future challenges for arts education and the concepts of identity, heritage, education, migration and geographical dislocation.        This forum of ideas aims to become a platform for projects and opportunities, offering different perspectives from the research groups that participated in the current volume. From positions as varied as the virtual heritages, digital environments and the uses of ICT in art and art education through professional training in education and equity, including what happens in museums or heritage geographies, we collect different impressions that complement each other. We also followed the links between artistic creation and the generation of ideas in the world of education. With all these contributions, we offer a volume full of ideas for a future, encouraging research groups to continue building these attractive migrant heritages. Keywords: migrant heritages, art education, university research, art, training teachers

    Las TIC en la formación de docentes de la especialidad de dibujo. La propuesta Aula Infinita para el nuevo Master Universitario de Profesorado en Educación Secundaria

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    El presente artículo analiza la influencia que tienen las TIC entre los estudiantes del nuevo Master Universitario en Profesor/a de Educación Secundaria. Hemos indagado en la imagen que los estudiantes generan sobre ellos y sobre su papel como educadores. Utilizamos la fotografía y del blog como instrumentos para publicar y comentar las imágenes realizadas por el alumnado en un ambiente de aprendizaje colaborativo que propicia el uso educativo del web.2.0. Aplicamos la metodología cualitativa de los estudios de caso, útiles en el campo de la cultura visual y las pedagogías culturales. This article introduces certain identity aspects of the students in the Training Teacher Master for Secondary School. We have centred the work on the groups of Visual Arts speciality, searching the image that the future teachers generate on them and on his paper as educators. We focuses in the influence from the ICT in this sector. Students use the photography and the blog as instruments for the publication and comment their images and works. This practice introduces the new environments of collaborative learning that propitiates the educational use of web.2. We have used a qualitative methodology from the case studies, the recent researches on studies in cultural pedagogies

    Plug-in. Educación artística y nuevos contextos tecnológicos

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    Resumen: La tecnología es una extensión de las potencialidades humanas. Para que el desarrollo tecnológico vaya acompañado de una transformación social que posibilite un acceso democrático a la cultura es necesario modificar los propios modelos formativos. En este artículo realizamos una breve descripción de la génesis de la Web hasta la actualidad. Reivindicamos también el papel que puede desempeñar la educación artística en el desarrollo de las nuevas alfabetizaciones que nos permitan pasar de la sociedad de la información a la sociedad del conocimiento. La conformación de comunidades de docentes y artistas a través de redes constituye un elemento clave como dinamizador de nuevos modelos y prácticas educativas. Palabras clave: educación artística, arte, formación de docentes, internet, web 2.0 Abstract: Technology is an extension of human potentialities. It is necessary to modify our own training models to convert technological development into a tool for a social transformation that will enable a democratic access to culture. In this paper we present a brief description of the genesis of the Web to date. We claim the role that arts education can play in the development of new literacies that allow us to move from an information society to a knowledge society. The creation of communities of teachers and artists through networking is a key element as a catalyst for new models and practices Key words: art education, art, training teachers, internet, web 2.

    The Ammonia Looping System for Mid-Temperature Thermochemical Energy Storage

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    Thermochemical reactions have a great potential for energy storage and transport. Their application to solar energy is of utmost interest because the possibility of reaching high energy densities and seasonal storage capacity. In this work, thermochemical energy storage of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) based on an ammonia looping (AL) system is analysed. The AL process for energy storage is based on the reversible reaction of ammonia to produce hydrogen and nitrogen. Concentrating solar energy is used to carry out the decomposition endothermic reaction at temperatures around 650 ºC, which fits in the range of currently commercial CSP plants with tower technology. The stored energy is released through the reverse exothermic reaction. Our work is focused on energy integration in the system modelled by pinch analysis to optimize the process performance and competitiveness. As result a novel configuration is derived which is able to recover high-temperature heat for electricity production with a thermal-to-electric efficiency up to 27 %. The current study shows a clear interest of the system from an energy integration perspective. Further research should be conducted to access the potential for commercial applications

    A Sensor Fusion Horse Gait Classification by a Spiking Neural Network on SpiNNaker

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    The study and monitoring of the behavior of wildlife has always been a subject of great interest. Although many systems can track animal positions using GPS systems, the behavior classification is not a common task. For this work, a multi-sensory wearable device has been designed and implemented to be used in the Doñana National Park in order to control and monitor wild and semiwild life animals. The data obtained with these sensors is processed using a Spiking Neural Network (SNN), with Address-Event-Representation (AER) coding, and it is classified between some fixed activity behaviors. This works presents the full infrastructure deployed in Doñana to collect the data, the wearable device, the SNN implementation in SpiNNaker and the classification results.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-02Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-130

    A one-transistor-synapse strategy for electrically-programmable massively-parallel analog array processors

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    This paper presents a linear, four-quadrants, electrically-programmable, one-transistor synapse strategy applicable to the implementation of general massively-parallel analog processors in CMOS technology. It is specially suited for translationally-invariant processing arrays with local connectivity, and results in a significant reduction in area occupation and power dissipation of the basic processing units. This allows higher integration densities and therefore, permits the integration of larger arrays on a single chip.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC96- 1392-C02-0