658 research outputs found

    Un modelo simplificado de la influencia de sedimentos porosos saturados en la respuesta sísmica de presas

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    XIV Congreso nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, celebrado en Leganés en 2000La influencia de los sedimentos de fondo en la respuesta sísmica de presas es bien conocida a pa11ir de los modelos numéricos desarrollados en los últimos años. Esta influencia depende fundamentalmente de las propiedades del sedimento y de la flexibilidad ele la base del embalse, y se traduce principalmente en la absorción de parte ele la energía de las ondas que se producen en el embalse durante un terremoto. En dichos modelos se considera el sedimento como un material poroelástico saturado o cuasi-saturado. obtenirndo una representación rigurosa de su comportamiento. aunque con importantes limitaciones desde el punto de vista numérico: complicada implementación. alto número de variables por nodo. así como la necesidad de una discretización con un elevado número de elementos. con el consiguiente coste de modelización y tiempo de cálculo. Para reducir estos inconvenientes. se propone un modelo simplificado para el sedimenro. consistente en un medio monofásico. con unas propiedades tales que represente adecuadamente el compo11amiento del medio poroelástico. Se describen diferentes modelos, en los que la principal variable es la velocidad de propagación de las ondas en el medio monofásico. obteniéndose para ellos un grado diferente de aproximación al modelo riguroso. lo que permite proponer la adopción del más adecuado. Se calculan n:sultados para una geometría simple de presa, con diferentes espesores de sedimentos de fondo y diferentes hipótesis de flexibilidad del fondo del embalse, teniendo en cuenta tanto el caso de sedimento saturado como el cuasi-saturado

    Small and large intestine (I): malabsorption of nutrients

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    Numerous disorders can alter the physiological mechanisms that guarantee proper digestion and absorption of nutrients (macro-and micronutrients), leading to a wide variety of symptoms and nutritional consequences. Malabsorption can be caused by many diseases of the small intestine, as well as by diseases of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract, and stomach. This article provides an overview of pathophysiologic mechanisms that lead to symptoms or complications of maldigestion (de-fined as the defective intraluminal hydrolysis of nutrients) or malabsorption (defined as defective mucosal absorption), as well as its clinical consequences, including both gastrointestinal symptoms and extraintestinal manifestations and/or laboratory abnormalities. The normal uptake of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals by the gastrointestinal tract (GI) requires several steps, each of which can be compromised in disease. This article will first describe the mechanisms that lead to poor assimila-tion of nutrients, and secondly discuss the symptoms and nutritional consequences of each specific disorder. The clinician must be aware that many malabsorptive disorders are manifested by subtle disorders, even without gastrointestinal symptoms (for example, anemia, osteoporosis, or infertility in celiac disease), so the index of suspicion must be high to recognize the underlying diseases in time. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    A taxonomy for key performance indicators management

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    In recent years, research on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) management has grown exponentially, giving rise to a multitude of heterogeneous approaches addressing any aspect concerning it. In this paper, we plot the landscape of published works related with KPIs management, organizing and synthesizing them by means of a unified taxonomy that encompasses the aspects considered by other proposals, and it captures the overall characteristics of KPIs. Since most of the literature centers on the definition of KPIs, we mainly focus on such an aspect of KPIs management. Our work is intended to provide remarkable benefits such as enhancing the understanding of KPIs management, or helping users decide about the most suitable solution for their requirements

    Comparative Analysis of Extrusion Processes by Finite Element Analysis

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    AbstractExtrusion processes are quite extended in the manufacturing of long products for a wide range of industrial applications. There are different approaches of extrusion processes, depending on either the final shape of the product to obtain or the maximum loading capacity of the equipment to be used. This work presents a comparative study of extrusion processes (solid and cup extrusion), considering both direct and indirect forming conditions and showing the most interesting differences between them. The comparison is realized by Finite Element simulation of the processes, using the code DEFORM F2. The material is a low carbon steel (AISI-1010) and the same extrusion ratio and ram displacement are considered in all cases. By comparing the required forces it can be concluded that required loads are higher in cup extrusion processes than in solid extrusion ones. Regarding the friction load, the maximum contribution due to the die-billet contact in cup extrusion is much higher than in the case of solid extrusion. On the contrary, the maximum friction load contribution due to the container wall is much higher in the case of solid extrusion than in cup extrusion

    Applications of CVD to Produce Thin Films for Solid‐State Devices

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    Thin films of Pt‐YSZ and Pd‐ZrO2 cermets by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) from metallorganic precursors (MOCVD) were evaluated as electrode in solid‐state devices. Morphology and structural characteristics were studied by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electronic microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). Electrochemical performance was determined using Tafel and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods. Metallorganic precursors were used (metal‐acetylacetonates), and argon and oxygen were used as the carrier and reactive gases, respectively. The particle average size was less than 20 nm, with high and uniform particle dispersion according to TEM measurements

    Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis used for the phylogeny of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex based on a pyrosequencing assay

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    Background Different polymorphisms have been described as markers to classify the lineages of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. The analysis of nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used to describe seven SNPs cluster groups (SCGs). We attempted to classify those strains that could not been categorized into lineages by the genotyping methods used in the routine testing. Results The M. tuberculosis complex isolates collected in 2010 in our region were analysed. A new method based on multiplex-PCRs and pyrosequencing to analyse these SNPs was designed. For the pyrosequencing assay nine SNPs that defined the seven SCGs were selected from the literature: 1977, 74092, 105139, 232574, 311613, 913274, 2460626, 3352929 and gyrA95. In addition, SNPs in katG463, mgtC182, Ag85C103 and RDRio deletion were detected

    Future journalists’ fight against disinformation: analysis of university training offers and challenges in the Spanish context

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    Disinformation has become a global problem affecting mass media, governments and citizens globally. Besides the loss of trust in the media and its weakening influence, exposure to all manner of messages on social media in recent years has paved the way for disinformation, which has become a considerable challenge for journalism. According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, Spain is one of the countries most concerned about this phenomenon (Edelman, 2022). However, is this concern shared by Spanish journalist associations? What training initiatives are being carried out for future journalists to counter the spread of disinformation? How should fact-checking be taught in university? This study aims to answer these questions by using a dual methodology. First, a review and analysis were undertaken on the different training initiatives for bachelor’s and university-specific master’s degree students. Then, 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with experts, including fact-checkers, experienced journalists and representatives of sectoral associations, to ascertain their views on fact-checking and disinformation. The main results show that Spanish universities offer few training fact-checking-related initiatives, particularly at bachelor’s degree level, although more and more university-specific degrees and master’s degrees on this topic are becoming available. Furthermore, most interviewees view specialised training for the next generation of journalists as a key factor for fighting disinformation, and they provide guidelines to achieve this

    Cation-driven electrical conductivity in Ta-doped orthorhombic zirconia ceramics

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    This paper is devoted to the study of the electrical conductivity of tantalum-doped zirconia ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering. In this study, the temperature dependence of conductivity in as-prepared specimens and in those previously annealed in air is determined and compared. A semi-empirical model, which is based on the oxidation states of the cations, has been developed and successfully assessed. According to this, the conductivity is basically controlled by the diffusion of tetravalent zirconium cations in both cases, although the concentration of these species varies drastically with the amount of induced oxygen vacancies. This is a quite unexpected fact, since conductivity is normally controlled by anionic diffusion in zirconia ceramics. This option is forbidden here due to the presence of substitutional pentavalent cations. Therefore, conductivity values are much lower than those reported in trivalent or divalent substitutional cation doped zirconia ceramics

    Dynamic Response of Wind Turbines to Theoretical 3D Seismic Motions Taking into Account the Rotational Component

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    We study the dynamic response of a wind turbine structure subjected to theoretical seismic motions, taking into account the rotational component of ground shaking. Models are generated for a shallow moderate crustal earthquake in the Madrid Region (Spain). Synthetic translational and rotational time histories are computed using the Discrete Wavenumber Method, assuming a point source and a horizontal layered earth structure. These are used to analyze the dynamic response of a wind turbine, represented by a simple finite element model. Von Mises stress values at different heights of the tower are used to study the dynamical structural response to a set of synthetic ground motion time historie