11 research outputs found

    Novel ball head screw and screwdriver design for implant-supported prostheses with angled channels: A finite element analysis

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    The primary objective of this study was to design the optimal geometry of a novel screwdriver, create the grooves on a ball head screw, and demonstrate its resistance to a torque of up to 40 Ncm at angulations of 0°, 15°, and 30° by using nonlinear finite element analysis. A secondary objective was to create a foolproof, easily recognizable system. The grooved ball head screw and geometry of the screwdriver, functioning from an angulation of 0° to 30°, was generated using Pro-ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 software. Static structural analyses among bodies in contact were performed at different angles of 0°, 15°, and 30° at a torque of 20 Ncm and 40 Ncm using nonlinear finite element simulation by means of ANSYS 12.0. The maximum stress supported by the ball head screw and screwdriver was similar at 20 Ncm and 40 Ncm. Although greater deformations were found at 40 Ncm, these were small and might not affect the performance of the system. Further, the rupture torque value for the M2 connection was 55 Ncm for 0° and 30°, and 47.5 Ncm for 15°. Numerical simulation showed that the ball head system design can achieve the mechanical strength requirements expected for screws used in implant-supported restorations at an angulation of up to 30°. Finite element analysis showed this novel ball head screw and screwdriver system to be a good solution for angled screw channels in implant-supported prostheses.Postprint (published version

    Design for the Automation of an AMBU Spur II Manual Respirator

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    This article shows the design of a device to automatize an Ambu Spur II manual respirator. The aim of this compassionate medicine device is to provide an emergency alternative to conventional electric respirators—which are in much shortage—during the present COVID-19 pandemic. To develop the device, the classical method of product design based on concurrent engineering has been employed. First, the specifications of the machine have been determined, including the function determining the air volume provided at every moment of the breathing cycle; second, an adequate compression mechanism has been designed; third, the control circuit of the motor has been determined, which can be operated via a touchscreen and which includes sensor feedback; fourth, the device has been materialized with readily available materials and market components, mostly of low cost; and fifth, the machine has been successfully tested, complying with sanitary regulations and operating within desirable ranges. The device has been already manufactured to supply respirators to several hospitals around the Catalan Autonomous Community in Spain, but can also be replicated in developing countries such as Ecuador.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarPostprint (author's final draft

    Novel ball head screw and screwdriver design for implant-supported prostheses with angled channels: a finite element analysis

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    The primary objective of this study was to design the optimal geometry of a novel screwdriver, create the grooves on a ball head screw, and demonstrate its resistance to a torque of up to 40 Ncm at angulations of 0°, 15°, and 30° by using nonlinear finite element analysis. A secondary objective was to create a foolproof, easily recognizable system. The grooved ball head screw and geometry of the screwdriver, functioning from an angulation of 0° to 30°, was generated using Pro-ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 software. Static structural analyses among bodies in contact were performed at different angles of 0°, 15°, and 30° at a torque of 20 Ncm and 40 Ncm using nonlinear finite element simulation by means of ANSYS 12.0. The maximum stress supported by the ball head screw and screwdriver was similar at 20 Ncm and 40 Ncm. Although greater deformations were found at 40 Ncm, these were small and might not affect the performance of the system. Further, the rupture torque value for the M2 connection was 55 Ncm for 0° and 30°, and 47.5 Ncm for 15°. Numerical simulation showed that the ball head system design can achieve the mechanical strength requirements expected for screws used in implant-supported restorations at an angulation of up to 30°. Finite element analysis showed this novel ball head screw and screwdriver system to be a good solution for angled screw channels in implant-supported prostheses

    Contribució a les bases metodològiques per a la selecció i dimensionament de l'accionament i la transmissió per a moviments ràpids, en base al mètode Ṗ-K

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    The dynamic behaviour of rapid movement systems is often counterintuitive, and the major decisions regarding the drive chain (motor, transmission and auxiliary components) are adjusted by means of alterations in the control strategy. This thesis presents a methodology for selecting motors and transmissions for rapid movements based on the power rate vs. kinetic energy method, representing the characteristics and solicitations of the motor in the P ¿-K diagram. The methodology developed in this thesis is based on two important aspects of the rapid movement drive selection. The first aspect refers to the shape of the movement diagram and its implications on strategies for different displacement movements, as well as their relationship to the specifications of the motor and transmission. The second aspect is the definition of a model that represents the system behaviour with sufficient accuracy. The shape of the movement diagram is analysed in two stages. The first stage refers to the optimal movement strategy for a given load, being either triangular or trapezoidal. The result of this stage is a methodology to select a transmission for a load (or a set of loads) given an adequate motor for all cases. After selecting the transmission, this methodology can determine the error for each loading case relative to the optimal solution (triangular or trapezoidal movement strategy). The resulting parameter of the first analysis, the load acceleration, is employed in the dimensioning of the motor and transmission. In the second stage of the movement diagram analysis, the effects of the acceleration variation are studied if the case of smooth speed transitions. The result of this stage is an acceleration value of the load as a function of acceleration variation ratio. In previous research, the definition as proposed in this thesis takes into consideration the global efficiency, while ignoring the torque associated with the motor as negligible. In this thesis, those parameters are taken into consideration in the equations, thus increasing the range of validity of the P ¿-K method. The resulting magnitudes will be the specifications of a valid motor drive, as well as an appropriate speed ratio between the motor and the load in order to select an adequate transmission. This method facilitates the comparison of different systems, either a single load, a set of motors, or a set of loads with an adequate motor for all of them. This thesis addresses the theoretical foundations of this method and develops an optimization method for the system, which is subsequently illustrated through numerical examples.El comportament dinàmic de sistemes amb moviments ràpids és sovint contrari a la intuïció i la major part de les decisions de la cadena de transmissió (motor, transmissió i components auxiliars) s'obtenen en base a l’ajust de l'estratègia de control. Aquest treball presenta una metodologia de selecció de motors i transmissions per a moviments ràpids basada en el mètode de la potència transitòria i l'energia cinètica, representant les característiques del receptor i del motor en el diagrama P ̇-K. La metodologia desenvolupada en aquesta tesi doctoral es basa en dos aspectes importants de la selecció d’accionaments per a moviments ràpids. El primer fa referencia a la forma del diagrama de moviment i les seves implicacions en estratègies per a moviments de recorreguts diversos i la seva relació amb el dimensionat de l’accionament. El segon aspecte és la definició del model que representa de forma ajustada el comportament del sistema. La forma del diagrama de moviment s’aborda en dues parts. La primera fa referència a l’estratègia de moviment òptima per un determinat receptor, ja sigui triangular o trapezial. El resultat d’aquesta part és una metodologia que permet relacionar el receptor o conjunt de receptors amb l’accionament i determinar quin és l’error respecte la disposició òptima per una estratègia triangular o trapezial. Un cop determinada l’estratègia més adequada el paràmetre que s’utilitza per al dimensionat de l’accionament és l’acceleració del receptor. La segona part de l’anàlisi del diagrama de moviment estudia l’efecte de la variació de l’acceleració si les transicions de la velocitat és suavitzen. S’obté d’aquesta part un valor de l’acceleració del receptor en funció de la variació de l’acceleració en el temps. La definició del model proposada en treballs anteriors a aquest treball considera el rendiment unitari i es negligeix el parell associat al receptor. En aquesta tesi doctoral es consideren aquests paràmetres el les equacions ampliant, així, el camp de validesa del mètode P ̇-K a sistemes amb rendiments diferents a la unitat i amb valors de parell associat al receptor representatius. El resultat de l’aplicació del mètode és un motor vàlid per accionar el receptor i una relació de velocitats entre el motor i el receptor que permet seleccionar la transmissió adequada. El mètode facilita la comparació entre diferents sistemes, ja sigui un sol receptor i un conjunt de motors, o bé, un conjunt de receptors i un motor vàlid per tots ells. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'aborden els fonaments teòrics del mètode i el desenvolupa una metodologia d’optimització del sistema. Aquesta metodologia s’il·lustra amb uns exemples numèricsPostprint (published version

    Control System Test Platform for a DC Motor

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    Currently, control systems are used to improve the behavior of actuators that are part of an equipment or process. However, to enhance their performance, it is necessary to perform tests to evaluate the responses of its operation depending on the type of controller. In this sense, a test platform was developed to compare and optimize the speed control of a DC motor with three types of controllers: Predictive Model Control (MPC), Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) and Fuzzy Logic. Data acquisition was performed using the Arduino MEGA board and LabVIEW software. The mathematical model of the three controllers was developed, taking into account the electrical and physical properties of the DC motor. Through MATLAB IDENT, the state space (SS) and transfer function F(S) equations were generated for the MPC and PID controller, respectively; on the other hand, input/output ranges for the Fuzzy Logic controller were input/output ranges defined by assigning belonging functions and linguistic variables. Experimental tests were carried out with these models under no-load and load. Tests performed in vacuum show that performance index with the motor at 100 rpm results in a PID of 0.2245, a Fuzzy Logic of 0.3212 and an MPC of 0.3576. On the other hand, with load at 100 rpm, a PID of 0.2343, a Fuzzy Logic of 0.3871 and an MPC of 0.3104 were obtained. It was determined that the Fuzzy Logic controller presents a higher over impulse; the PID and MPC have a faster stabilization time and with negligible over impulses. Finally, the MPC controller presents a better performance index analysis according to the Integral Square Error criterion (ISE)

    Utilització de concursos de robòtica d’àmbit internacional per a l’assignatura Projecte integrat II del Grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica a la UVic

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    Aquesta comunicació posa en comú la metodologia de treball de l’assignatura Projecte Integrat II del Grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica de la UVIC, assignatura del segon semestre del 3r. curs que integra les diferents disciplines del grau: el disseny mecànic, el disseny electrònic, la programació de dispositius, la planificació i execució de projectes mecatrònics i el contacte amb la realitat empresarial. S’ha realitzat una combinació equilibrada de l’esperit i les formes dels concursos de robòtica Internacionals amb el fons i l’estructura dels projectes empresarials. Les conclusions preliminars són esperançadores, i l’amenaça per a poder-la generalitzar amb un nombre d’estudiants elevat són les restriccions econòmique

    Design and Construction of a Low Cost CNC Milling Machine for Woodworking

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    Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machinery were created to reduce manufacturing times for industry, but this type of machinery is costly and therefore only a few uses can recover the investment. However, the progress of electronics in the last decades has allowed to develop affordable CNC machines. This article explains the design and manufacturing process of a low budget CNC milling machine for woodworking. All the structural elements were designed and simulated using PTC CREO, as well as the manufacturing sequence. The control hardware uses commercially available electronics such as Arduino ONE, and stepper motors to move the machine, while the software uses the free open source codes Vetrica Aspire and Universal G Code. The machine was tested on different materials, obtaining good results. The result is a CNC milling machine for woodworking that costs about 50% the price of an equivalent commercial machine, an can therefore be a suitable solution for craft industrie

    Design for the automation of an Ambu Spur II manual respirator

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    This article shows the design of a device to automatize an Ambu Spur II manual respirator. The aim of this compassionate medicine device is to provide an emergency alternative to conventional electric respirators—which are in much shortage—during the present COVID-19 pandemic. To develop the device, the classical method of product design based on concurrent engineering has been employed. First, the specifications of the machine have been determined, including the func-tion determining the air volume provided at every moment of the breathing cycle; second, an ade-quate compression mechanism has been designed; third, the control circuit of the motor has been determined, which can be operated via a touchscreen and which includes sensor feedback; fourth, the device has been materialized with readily available materials and market components, mostly of low cost; and fifth, the machine has been successfully tested, complying with sanitary regulations and operating within desirable ranges. The device has been already manufactured to supply respirators to several hospitals around the Catalan Autonomous Community in Spain, but can also be replicated in developing countries such as Ecuador

    Design for the Automation of an AMBU Spur II Manual Respirator

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    This article shows the design of a device to automatize an Ambu Spur II manual respirator. The aim of this compassionate medicine device is to provide an emergency alternative to conventional electric respirators—which are in much shortage—during the present COVID-19 pandemic. To develop the device, the classical method of product design based on concurrent engineering has been employed. First, the specifications of the machine have been determined, including the function determining the air volume provided at every moment of the breathing cycle; second, an adequate compression mechanism has been designed; third, the control circuit of the motor has been determined, which can be operated via a touchscreen and which includes sensor feedback; fourth, the device has been materialized with readily available materials and market components, mostly of low cost; and fifth, the machine has been successfully tested, complying with sanitary regulations and operating within desirable ranges. The device has been already manufactured to supply respirators to several hospitals around the Catalan Autonomous Community in Spain, but can also be replicated in developing countries such as Ecuador

    Novel ball head screw and screwdriver design for implant-supported prostheses with angled channels: a finite element analysis

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    The primary objective of this study was to design the optimal geometry of a novel screwdriver, create the grooves on a ball head screw, and demonstrate its resistance to a torque of up to 40 Ncm at angulations of 0°, 15°, and 30° by using nonlinear finite element analysis. A secondary objective was to create a foolproof, easily recognizable system. The grooved ball head screw and geometry of the screwdriver, functioning from an angulation of 0° to 30°, was generated using Pro-ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 software. Static structural analyses among bodies in contact were performed at different angles of 0°, 15°, and 30° at a torque of 20 Ncm and 40 Ncm using nonlinear finite element simulation by means of ANSYS 12.0. The maximum stress supported by the ball head screw and screwdriver was similar at 20 Ncm and 40 Ncm. Although greater deformations were found at 40 Ncm, these were small and might not affect the performance of the system. Further, the rupture torque value for the M2 connection was 55 Ncm for 0° and 30°, and 47.5 Ncm for 15°. Numerical simulation showed that the ball head system design can achieve the mechanical strength requirements expected for screws used in implant-supported restorations at an angulation of up to 30°. Finite element analysis showed this novel ball head screw and screwdriver system to be a good solution for angled screw channels in implant-supported prostheses