63 research outputs found

    La "no-wash protest" i les vagues de fam de les presoneres republicanes d'Armagh (nord d'Irlanda) : una qüestió de gènere

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    El present article analitza el paper de les dones del moviment republicà irlandès encarcerades a l'única presó femenina del nord d'Irlanda -Her Majesty's Armagh Prison- entre 1971 i 1982. S'hi fa un repàs en clau de gènere de les diferents campanyes dutes a terme per les persones empresonades. Així, analitza el paper del moviment republicà irlandès respecte del rol actiu de les dones en la lluita armada i el comportament que aquestes hauran de tenir com a presoneres de l'IRA. De la mateixa manera, s'hi examina com elles subvertiran aquest rol per donar poder al seu activisme, al seu cos i, en definitiva, a la seva lluita per la consecució d'una Irlanda unificada i socialista de trenta-dos comtats.El presente artículo analiza el papel de las mujeres del movimiento republicano irlandés encarceladas en la única prisión femenina del norte de Irlanda -Her Majesty's Armagh Prison- entre 1971 y 1982. Se hace un repaso en clave de género de las distintas campañas llevadas a cabo por las personas encarceladas. Así, se analiza el papel del movimiento republicano irlandés respecto al rol activo de las mujeres en la lucha armada y el comportamiento que estas deberán tener como prisioneras del IRA. Del mismo modo, se examina cómo ellas subvertirán este rol para dar poder a su activismo, a su cuerpo y, en definitiva, a su lucha por la consecución de una Irlanda unificada y socialista de treinta y dos condados.This article analyzes the role of women in the Irish republican movement, imprisoned in the only prison for women in the north of Ireland: Her Majesty's Armagh prison between 1971 and 1982. An overview in terms of gender is made of the different campaigns developed by both male and female prisoners. Thus, analyzes the role of the republican Irish movement regarding the active role of women in the armed struggle and the behaviour that these women should have as IRA prisoners. Similarly, it examines how women subvert this role in order to empower their activism, their body and, definitively, their fight for achieving a unified and socialist 32 countries of Ireland

    L’empresonament de les dones del moviment republicà irlandès, 1971-1982

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    Elaboració d'un sistema universal de priorització de pacients en llista d'espera

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    Priorització de pacients; Llistes d'esperaPriorización de pacientes; Listas de esperaPrioritization of patients; Waiting listsLa Gerència de Compra i Avaluació de Serveis Assistencials del CatSalut planteja continuar el treball iniciat sobre l'abordatge de la llista d'espera de cirurgia electiva per canviar el seu model de gestió: es vol passar d'un sistema de priorització de procediments (es prioritza aquells procediments que tenen temps de garantia per davant dels que no en tenen) a un sistema de priorització de pacients de caràcter universal on la necessitat i el benefici esperat de la intervenció determinin l'ordre de la provisió del servei mitjançant criteris i pesos comuns.La Gerència de Compra i Avaluació de Serveis Assistencials del CatSalut plantea continuar el trabajo iniciado sobre el abordaje de la lista de espera de cirugía efectiva para cambiar su modelo de gestión: se quiere pasar de un sistema de priorización de procedimientos ( se priorizan aquellos procedimientos que tienen tiempo de garantizar por delante de los que no tienen) a un sistema de priorización de pacientes de carácter universal donde la necesidad y el beneficio esperado de la intervención determine el orden de la provisión del servicio mediante criterios y pesos comunes

    Presoneres del moviment republicà irlandès. Her Majesty's Armagh Prison 1971-1982

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    La present investigació analitza la invisibilitat del paper de les dones del moviment republicà irlandès encarcerades a la única presó per a dones del Nord d'Irlanda: Her Majesty's Armagh Prison entre 1971 i 1982, moment en que al centre de la lluita republicana es trobaven la resistència, la lluita, les reivindicacions, les campanyes i les protestes que duien a terme els presoners i les presoneres primer en protesta per la introducció de l'internament sense judici previ i després per a la recuperació de l'estatus polític. L'anàlisi del període es complementa amb una lectura en clau de gènere de la història del nacionalisme irlandès del segle XX i amb l'evolució del feminisme al Nord d'Irlanda.La presente investigación analiza la invisibilidad del papel de las mujeres del movimiento republicano irlandés presas en la única prisión para mujeres del Norte de Irlanda: Her Majesty's Armagh Prison entre 1971 i 1982, momento en que en el centro de la lucha republicana se encontraban la resistencia, la lucha, las reivindicaciones, las campañas i las protestas que llevaban a cabo los prisioneros i las prisioneras, primero en protesta por la introducción de el internamiento sin juicio previo y después por la recuperación del estatus político. El análisis del periodo se complementa con una lectura en clave de género de la historia del nacionalismo irlandés del siglo XX i con la evolución del feminismo en el Norte de Irlanda.This study examines how the role of Irish Republican women imprisoned in the north of Ireland was overshadowed. These women were confined at the only female prison of the area, Her Majesty's Armagh Prison, between 1971 and 1982. During this period the Republican struggle focused on the resistance, struggle, campaigns and protested against interment without trial and secondly, they campaigned to recover the status of political prisoners. The analysis is supplemented both by a gender perspective reading of the history of Irish nationalism during the twentieth -century, and by an analysis of the evolution of feminist struggle in the North of Ireland

    Magnitude of rift-related burial and orogenic contraction in the Marrakech High Atlas revealed by zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology and thermal modelling

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    The Atlas of Morocco is a continental rift developed during the Triassic-Jurassic and moderately inverted during the Cenozoic. The High Atlas south of Marrakech, with exposures of basement and Triassic early synrift deposits, has been viewed as a high during the Mesozoic rifting. First zircon (U-Th)/He ages and thermal models obtained from 42 samples in the Marrakech High Atlas following two NNW-SSE transects across the mountain belt reveal that in contrast to previous models, the Triassic-Jurassic rift was well developed in the Marrakech High Atlas (with more than 4.5-6 km of rift-related deposits). Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous zHe cooling ages obtained indicate that rift-related subsidence in the Marrakech High Atlas finished in the Middle Jurassic and was followed by a period of exhumation where 2-3 km of rock were eroded. Thermal models from zHe data provide the first thermochronologic clue for a Late Cretaceous initiation of the Atlas compression-driven exhumation in the inner parts of the Marrakech High Atlas. The Triassic-Jurassic basin reconstruction assisted by thermochronology highlights a key role of inherited basement anisotropy in rift orientation and evolution, and on its subsequent inversion. Comparison of present-day and restored sections to the rifting stage aided by thermochronology suggests minimum values of total orogenic shortening in the Marrakech High Atlas of 13 to 14 km (21 to 17%), with exhumation of 1 to more than 5 km of rocks. Similar zHe ages on both sides of the Tizi n'Test fault evince minor vertical movements along the fault during the Atlas orogeny

    The inverted Triassic rift of the Marrakech High Atlas : a reappraisal of basin geometries and faulting histories

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    The High Atlas of Morocco is an aborted rift developed during the Triassic-Jurassic and moderately inverted during the Cenozoic. The Marrakech High Atlas, with large exposures of basement and Triassic early syn-rift deposits, is ideal to investigate the geometries of the deepest parts of a rift, constituting a good analogue for pre-salt domains. It allows unraveling geometries and kinematics of the extensional and compressional structures and the influence that they exert over one another. A detailed structural study of the main Triassic basins and basin-margin faults of the Marrakech High Atlas shows that only a few rift faults were reactivated during the Cenozoic compressional stage in contrast to previous interpretations, and emphasizes that fault reactivation cannot be taken for granted in inverted rift systems. Preserved extensional features demonstrate a dominant dip-slip opening kinematics with strike-slip playing a minor role, at variance to models proposing a major strike-slip component along the main basin-bounding faults, including faults belonging to the Tizi n'Test fault zone. A new Middle Triassic paleogeographic reconstruction shows that the Marrakech High Atlas was a narrow and segmented orthogonal rift (sub-perpendicular to the main regional extension direction which was ~ NW-SE), in contrast to the central and eastern segments of the Atlas rift which developed obliquely. This difference in orientation is attributed to the indented Ouzellarh Precambrian salient, part of the West African Craton, which deflected the general rift trend in the area evidencing the major role of inherited lithospheric anisotropies in rift direction and evolution. As for the Cenozoic inversion, total orogenic shortening is moderate (~ 16%) and appears accommodated by basement-involved large-scale folding, and by newly formed shortcut and by-pass thrusting, with rare left-lateral strike-slip indicators. Triassic faults commonly acted as buttresses

    The sea urchin metallothionein system: Comparative evaluation of the SpMTA and SpMTB metal-binding preferences.

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    Metallothioneins (MTs) constitute a superfamily of ubiquitous metal-binding proteins of low molecular weight and high Cys content. They are involved in metal homeostasis and detoxification, amongst other proposed biological functions. Two MT isoforms (SpMTA and SpMTB) have been reported in the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (sea urchin), both containing 20 Cys residues and presenting extremely similar sequences, although showing distinct tissular and ontogenic expression patterns. Although exhaustive information is available for the Cd(II)-SpMTA complex, this including the full resolution of its 3D structure, no data has been reported concerning either SpMTA Zn(II) and Cu(I) binding properties, or the characterization of SpMTB at protein level. In this work, both the SpMTA and SpMTB isoforms, as well as their separate α and β domains, have been recombinantly synthesized in the presence of Zn(II), Cd(II) or Cu(II), and the corresponding metal complexes have been analyzed using electrospray mass spectrometry, and CD, ICP-AES and UV-vis spectroscopies. The results clearly show a better performance of isoform A when binding Zn(II) and Cd(II), and of isoform B when coordinating Cu(I). Thus, our results confirm the differential metal binding preference of SpMTA and SpMTB, which, together with the reported induction pattern of the respective genes, highlights how also in Echinodermata the MT polymorphism may be linked to the evolution of different physiological roles

    Eficiencia en la utilización de bloques quirúrgicos: definición de indicadores

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    Quiròfans; Anàlisi cost-benefici; Indicadors; Operating rooms; Cost-benefit analysis; Indicators; Quirófanos; Análisis coste-beneficio; IndicadoresEn Cataluña, a pesar de las iniciativas existentes en algunos centros y grupos profesionales, no se ha identificado ninguna experiencia publicada que defina indicadores y describa el rendimiento de los quirófanos en los hospitales de la red hospitalaria de utilización pública (XHUP). El desarrollo y consenso con distintos expertos implicados en este proceso ayudará a evaluar centros para la mejora de la gestión clínica y calidad asistencial. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido definir un marco teórico para medir la eficiencia en la utilización de quirófanos, así como un grupo de indicadores de rendimiento y variables para facilitar su interpretación en el análisis comparativo de bloques quirúrgicos

    Baricitinib Liposomes as a New Approach for the Treatment of Sjögren's Syndrome

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    Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease affecting from 0.2 to 3% of the general population. The current treatment for Sjögren's syndrome is aimed at controlling symptoms such as dry eyes and xerostomia. Systemic therapy with glucocorticoids or immunosuppressants is also used. Baricitinib is an immunosuppressant drug, specifically a Janus kinases 1 and 2 selective inhibitor. We propose ocular liposomal formulations loaded with baricitinib for the management of Sjögren's syndrome. The novelty of the work relies on the fact that, for the first time, baricitinib is intended to be used for topical delivery. Two liposomal formulations were prepared with different lipids: (i) L-α-phosphatidylcholine (Lα-PC) and (ii) a combination of lipids 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine: s1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphoglycerol (3:1, mol/mol) (POPE:POPG), and they were physicochemically characterized. The in vitro drug release and the ex vivo permeation through corneal and scleral tissues were also assessed. Finally, the tolerance of the formulations on the ocular tissues was evaluated by the HET-CAM technique, as well as through the histological analysis of the cornea and sclera and the cornea transparency. Both liposomes resulted in small, spherical shapes, with suitable physicochemical properties for the ocular administration. Lα-PC led to higher flux, permeation, and retention in the sclera, whereas POPE:POPG led to higher flux and permeation in the cornea. The formulations showed no irritant effects on the chorioallantoic membrane. Additionally, the liposomes did not affect the cornea transparency when they were applied, and the histological analysis did not reveal any structural alteratio

    Baricitinib Lipid-Based Nanosystems as a Topical Alternative for Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory skin disorder which causes a significant clinical problem due to its prevalence. The ongoing treatment for AD is aimed at improving the patient's quality of life. Additionally, glucocorticoids or immunosuppressants are being used in systemic therapy. Baricitinib (BNB) is a reversible Janus-associated kinase (JAK)-inhibitor; JAK is an important kinase involved in different immune responses. We aimed at developing and evaluating new topical liposomal formulations loaded with BNB for the treatment of flare ups. Three liposomal formulations were elaborated using POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine), CHOL (Cholesterol) and CER (Ceramide) in different proportions: (i) POPC, (ii) POPC:CHOL (8:2, mol/mol) and (iii) POPC:CHOL:CER (3.6:2.4:4.0 mol/mol/mol). They were physiochemically characterized over time. In addition, an in vitro release study, ex vivo permeation and retention studies in altered human skin (AHS) were also performed. Histological analysis was used to study the tolerance of the formulations on the skin. Lastly, the HET-CAM test was also performed to evaluate the irritancy capacity of the formulations, and the modified Draize test was performed to evaluate the erythema and edema capacity of the formulations on the altered skin. All liposomes showed good physicochemical properties and were stable for at least one month. POPC:CHOL:CER had the highest flux and permeation, and the retention in the skin was equal to that of POPC:CHOL. The formulations exhibited no harmful or irritating effects, and the histological examination revealed no changes in structure. The three liposomes have shown promising results for the aim of the study
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