252 research outputs found

    Magnitude of rift-related burial and orogenic contraction in the Marrakech High Atlas revealed by zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology and thermal modelling

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    The Atlas of Morocco is a continental rift developed during the Triassic-Jurassic and moderately inverted during the Cenozoic. The High Atlas south of Marrakech, with exposures of basement and Triassic early synrift deposits, has been viewed as a high during the Mesozoic rifting. First zircon (U-Th)/He ages and thermal models obtained from 42 samples in the Marrakech High Atlas following two NNW-SSE transects across the mountain belt reveal that in contrast to previous models, the Triassic-Jurassic rift was well developed in the Marrakech High Atlas (with more than 4.5-6 km of rift-related deposits). Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous zHe cooling ages obtained indicate that rift-related subsidence in the Marrakech High Atlas finished in the Middle Jurassic and was followed by a period of exhumation where 2-3 km of rock were eroded. Thermal models from zHe data provide the first thermochronologic clue for a Late Cretaceous initiation of the Atlas compression-driven exhumation in the inner parts of the Marrakech High Atlas. The Triassic-Jurassic basin reconstruction assisted by thermochronology highlights a key role of inherited basement anisotropy in rift orientation and evolution, and on its subsequent inversion. Comparison of present-day and restored sections to the rifting stage aided by thermochronology suggests minimum values of total orogenic shortening in the Marrakech High Atlas of 13 to 14 km (21 to 17%), with exhumation of 1 to more than 5 km of rocks. Similar zHe ages on both sides of the Tizi n'Test fault evince minor vertical movements along the fault during the Atlas orogeny

    Cultivo experimental de Jatropha curcas L. en condiciones áridas de la República Dominicana

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    El cultivo de Jatropha curcas L. constituye una alternativa como fuente energética renovable. Limitado a zonas cálidas, las investigaciones ya realizadas sobre su aprovechamiento no aportan suficiente información para el conocimiento completo de su explotación agrícola, llegando a ser una especie no domesticada en la actualidad. La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal estudiar la influencia de determinados factores agroecológicos en climas subtropicales secos que afectan al rendimiento en peso de semilla de J. curcas. Se estableció un diseño experimental multifactorial bajo condiciones de aridez en la zona suroeste de la República Dominicana, considerando la respuesta de 2 variedades frente a 2 niveles de abonado, altura de surco, escarda y marco de plantación, cuya combinación definió cada uno de los tratamientos ensayados. Para atender el diseño, se acondicionaron 96 cuadros experimentales, de 400 m2 cada uno. La variabilidad observada para los rendimientos obtenidos indica que la productividad respondió a los factores adoptados. Los mayores valores (760 Kg/Ha) se registraron para la variedad Cabo Verde, bajo una elevada frecuencia de escarda, menor marco de plantación (2,5x3 m), aporcado de surcos (de 30 cm de altura) y mayor dosis de abonado (150 Kg/Ha). El desarrollo vegetativo y fenológico del cultivo estuvo fuertemente condicionado por los aportes hídricos propios del periodo húmedo. Los datos microclimáticos registrados de la parcela experimental se mostraron similares a los históricos recopilados del municipio más cercano. Se verifica la elevada capacidad de propagación de J. curcas, obteniendo altos porcentajes de supervivencia tanto en la reproducción por semilla (90%) como por estaca (100%). Para este último caso, la aplicación de auxinas (IBA) propició un mayor desarrollo radicular, hecho más evidente a dosis más elevadas (5 mg/L). La eliminación de los componentes de la vegetación arvense en las parcelas de cultivo representa partidas costosas en los programas de explotación. Por ello se dedica un apartado a este subecosistema, realizando un estudio fitosociológico a partir del muestreo de inventarios y cálculo de los índices sintéticos. Se definieron 4 asociaciones distintas según las clasificaciones dicotómicas obtenidas, que reflejan las afinidades ecológicas Cultivo experimental de Jatropha curcas L. en condiciones áridas de la República Dominicana (Antonio Cerveró Domènech) entre las especies contempladas, de las que se elabora un catálogo florístico. Al final del documento se anexan otras especies determinadas taxonómicamente y que forman parte de la flora natural. Las plagas y enfermedades como subecosistema agrícola no tuvieron una incidencia significativa sobre el rendimiento del cultivo. Para el primer caso, aunque el control de ácaros resultó el de mayor dificultad, destacan los géneros Pachycoris sp. y Naupactus sp. por su distribución generalizada a lo largo del ciclo. Los daños causados por hongos se reducen al periodo de mayor humedad. Otro de los objetivos estudiados ha sido la fijación de CO2 del cultivo. Se determinó la capacidad sumidero de J.curcas al año y medio de edad para dicho gas, de aproximadamente 4 Tm CO2/Ha. En comparación con la especie más representativa de la vegetación natural P. juliflora, los resultados indican que para la zona elegida, ambas podrían fijar por superficie cantidades similares. La investigación finaliza con un apartado dedicado a la caracterización del aceite de la semilla. Tanto el contenido del mismo como los parámetros físico-químicos determinados (composición química, contenido en volátiles, carbono fijo y cenizas, y poder calorífico) mostraron valores similares para las muestras procedentes de distintas variedades, rendimientos en campo y edad de la plantación. El cultivo resultó viable. Sin embargo, es improbable que sin riego puedan alcanzarse resultados similares a los obtenidos en zonas con climas de mayor humedad, aspecto que contribuye a destacar la importancia de considerar el medio agroecológico. Para una óptima y rentable explotación, debe tenerse en cuenta la calidad del material vegetal y las labores agrícolas, como ha reflejado el efecto de los factores estudiados sobre el rendimiento. Los resultados obtenidos abren las puertas a continuar con la investigación y realizar más estudios acerca de la incidencia de los factores adoptados, evolución de la flora arvense como respuesta a la actividad antrópica, o el incremento de la productividad primaria de la planta, entre otros.Cerveró Domènech, A. (2014). Cultivo experimental de Jatropha curcas L. en condiciones áridas de la República Dominicana [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48487TESI

    Topological structures of complex belief systems

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    The concepts of substantive beliefs and derived beliefs are defined, a set of substantive beliefs S like open set and the neighborhood of an element substantive belief. A semantic operation of conjunction is defined with a structure of an Abelian group. Mathematical structures exist such as poset beliefs and join-semilattttice beliefs. A metric space of beliefs and the distance of belief depending on the believer are defined. The concepts of closed and opened ball are defined. S′ is defined as subgroup of the metric space of beliefs Σ and S′ is a totally limited set. The term s is defined (substantive belief) in terms of closing of S′. It is deduced that Σ is paracompact due to Stone's Theorem. The pseudometric space of beliefs is defined to show how the metric of the nonbelieving subject has a topological space like a nonmaterial abstract ideal space formed in the mind of the believing subject, fulfilling the conditions of Kuratowski axioms of closure. To establish patterns of materialization of beliefs we are going to consider that these have defined mathematical structures. This will allow us to understand better cultural processes of text, architecture, norms, and education that are forms or the materialization of an ideology. This materialization is the conversion by means of certain mathematical correspondences, of an abstract set whose elements are beliefs or ideas, in an impure set whose elements are material or energetic. Text is a materialization of ideology

    Reality, Systems and Impure Systems

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    Impure systems contain Objects and Subjects: Subjects are human beings. We can distinguish a person as an observer (subjectively outside the system) and that by definition is the Subject himself, and part of the system. In this case he acquires the category of object. Objects (relative beings) are significances, which are the consequence of perceptual beliefs on the part of the Subject about material or energetic objects (absolute beings) with certain characteristics.The IS (Impure System) approach is as follows: Objects are perceptual significances (relative beings) of material or energetic objects (absolute beings). The set of these objects will form an impure set of the first order. The existing relations between these relative objects will be of two classes: transactions of matter and/or energy and inferential relations. Transactions can have alethic modality: necessity, possibility, impossibility and contingency. Ontic existence of possibility entails that inferential relations have Deontic modality: obligation, permission, prohibition, faculty and analogy. We distinguished between theorems (natural laws) and norms (ethical, legislative and customary rules of conduct)

    Revealing the Face of Isis

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    This reply to Gash’s (Found Sci 2014) commentary on Nescolarde-Selva and Usó-Doménech (Found Sci 2014b) answers the questions raised and at the same time opens up new questions

    Disipation Functions of Flow Equations in Models of Complex Systems

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    In an open system, each disequilibrium causes a force. Each force causes a flow process, these being represented by a flow variable formally written as an equation called flow equation, and if each flow tends to equilibrate the system, these equations mathematically represent the tendency to that equilibrium. In this paper, the authors, based on the concepts of forces and conjugated fluxes and dissipation function developed by Onsager and Prigogine, they expose the following hypothesis: Is replaced in Prigogine’s Theorem the flow by its equation or by a flow orbital considering conjugate force as a gradient. This allows to obtain a dissipation function for each flow equation and a function of orbital dissipation

    Model, Metamodel and Topology

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    This reply to Gash’s (Found Sci 2013) commentary on Nescolarde-Selva and Usó-Doménech (Found Sci 2013) answers the three questions raised and at the same time opens up new questions

    Culture and World Vision: The Cognitive Mythical Mode

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    Culture is the system of knowledge, from whose meanings the human being screened and selected their understanding of Reality in the broad sense, and interprets and regulates the facts and data of social behavior. In this sense, culture is a program for social action and acting in humans during the process of socialization and social interaction. The meanings of each culture are the cumulative product of collective and individual thinking, in ecological economic, social and political specific situations, so are the expression of each particular cultural historical conjuncture. Moreover, the universal cognitive structure for the apprehension of cultural reality is the World Vision (WV). Due to its importance and significance as substratum of religious and political belief systems, we will gird our study to mythical cognitive mode or mythical WV

    Semiotic Vision of Ideologies

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    A semiotic theory of systems derived from language would have the purpose of classifying all the systems of linguistic expression: philosophy, ideology, myth, poetry, art, as much as the dream, lapsus, and free association in a pluridimensional matrix that will interact with many diversified fields. In each one of these discourses it is necessary to consider a plurality of questions, the essence of which will only be comprehensible by the totality; it will be necessary to ask, in the first place, what will be the purpose of this language, what function does it fulfill and for which reason has it been constructed. The concept of World vision (WV) is introduced and its relation with Generalized Collective Conscience (GCC) and Particularized Collective Conscience. Culture implies a particular WV. Culture creates GCC. The semantic field is a structure that formalizes the units of a certain culture constituting a portion of the vision of the Reality that owns this culture. An ecological case is explained