157 research outputs found


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    The aim of the research is to determine the possibility of using bioplateau with higher aquatic vegetation in order to reduce the concentrations of iron in mine waters before releasing to the surface water body.Methods. The use of the results of theoretical and empirical studies determined during the analysis of literature data made it possible to evaluate the feasibility of using higher aquatic vegetation to accumulate iron ions depending on the water temperature, as well as the ability to form iron compounds in the aqueous system as well as their further precipitation.Results. The materials obtained during the research made it possible to determine the size and design of bioplate in order to purify the water from iron ions taking into account the use of higher aquatic vegetation and minimizing the area of land resources used for the device.Conclusions. A technological scheme for cleaning mine water from iron has been developed, including filters loaded with crushed stone for immobilization of iron bacteria and bioplateau. The bottom of the bioplateau is made of waterproof clay. At the bottom, hydrophytes are planted in the ground. According to the foregoing, it is advisable to plant narrowleaved cattail or reed. The facilities, on the basis of phytotechnology, work as a self-regulating system

    2-(4-Chloro­benzo­yl)-1-(diamino­methyl­ene)hydrazinium chloride monohydrate

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    In the cation of the title compound, C8H10ClN4O+·Cl−·H2O, the guanidinium group is planar (maximum deviation = 0.0001 Å) and nearly perpendicular to carboxamide group, making a dihedral angle of 87.0 (3)°. The N atoms of the guanidine fragment have a planar trigonal configuration and the N atom of the carboxamide group adopts a pyramidal configuration. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular N—H⋯O, N—H⋯Cl and O—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds link the cations, anions and water mol­ecules into layers parallel to the bc plane

    Paragraph: A graph-based structural variant genotyper for short-read sequence data

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    Accurate detection and genotyping of structural variations (SVs) from short-read data is a long-standing area of development in genomics research and clinical sequencing pipelines. We introduce Paragraph, an accurate genotyper that models SVs using sequence graphs and SV annotations. We demonstrate the accuracy of Paragraph on whole-genome sequence data from three samples using long-read SV calls as the truth set, and then apply Paragraph at scale to a cohort of 100 short-read sequenced samples of diverse ancestry. Our analysis shows that Paragraph has better accuracy than other existing genotypers and can be applied to population-scale studies. © 2019 The Author(s)

    Effect of multiple forging and annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of a high-manganese steel

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    The effect of multiple forging and annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a high-manganese steel is considered. An austenitic high-manganese steel, Fe-0.03C-28Mn-1.5Al (all in wt.%), with an average grain size of about 37 qm was used as th initial material in this study. Multiple forging at room temperature was carried out up to a total true strain of 2. Multiple forging was accompanied by deformation twinning and resulted in significant strengthening. The steel samples subjected to multiple forging demonstrate an increase in the strength properties with an increase in the total strain, while elongation decrease

    The Microstructure and Strength of UFG 6060 alloy after superplastic deformation at a lower homologous temperature

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    The paper reports on the features of low-temperature superplasticity of the heat-treatable aluminum Al-Mg-Si alloy in the ultrafine-grained state at temperatures below 0.5 times the melting point as well as on its post-deformation microstructure and tensile strengt

    lncRNA requirements for mouse acute myeloid leukemia and normal differentiation

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    A substantial fraction of the genome is transcribed in a cell type-specific manner, producing long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), rather than protein-coding transcripts. Here we systematically characterize transcriptional dynamics during hematopoiesis and in hematological malignancies. Our analysis of annotated and de novo assembled lncRNAs showed many are regulated during differentiation and mis-regulated in disease. We assessed lncRNA function via an in vivo RNAi screen in a model of acute myeloid leukemia. This identified several lncRNAs essential for leukemia maintenance, and found that a number act by promoting leukemia stem cell signatures. Leukemia blasts show a myeloid differentiation phenotype when these lncRNAs were depleted, and our data indicates that this effect is mediated via effects on the c-MYC oncogene. Bone marrow reconstitutions showed that a lncRNA expressed across all progenitors was required for the myeloid lineage, whereas the other leukemia-induced lncRNAs were dispensable in the normal setting

    Alcohol consumption patterns across Europe and adherence to the European guidelines in coronary patients : findings from the ESC-EORP EUROASPIRE V survey

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    Background and aims: Alcohol consumption is an important risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide. The highest levels of alcohol consumption are observed in Europe, where alcohol as contributing cause of coronary heart disease (CHD) is also most significant. We aimed to describe alcohol consumption patterns across European regions and adherence to the current guidelines in patients with a recent CHD event. Methods: The ESC-EORP survey (EUROASPIRE V) has been conducted in 2016-2017 at 131 centers in 27 Eu-ropean countries in 7350 patients with a recent CHD. Median alcohol consumption, as well as the proportion of abstainers and excessive drinkers (i.e. >70 g/week for women and >140 for men, as recommended by the European guidelines on cardiovascular prevention), was calculated for each region. To assess adherence to guidelines, proportions of participants who were advised to reduce excessive alcohol consumption and participants who were incorrectly not advised were calculated per region. Results: Mean age was 64 years (SD: 9.5), 75% were male. Abstention rates were 53% in males and 77% in females, whereas excessive drinking was reported by 9% and 5% of them, respectively. Overall, 57% of the participants were advised to reduce alcohol consumption. In the total population, 3% were incorrectly not advised, however, this percentage differed per region (range: 1%-9%). In regions where alcohol consumption was highest, participants were less often advised to reduce their consumption. Conclusion: In this EUROASPIRE V survey, the majority of CHD patients adhere to the current drinking guidelines, but substantial heterogeneity exists between European regions

    Transprofessional Competences of a Teacher Under the New Conditions of Continuous Professional Education System Development

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    В статье раскрывается понятие транспрофессиональных компетенций педагога, барьеры в овладении ими и возможности формирования транспрофессиональных компетенций в новых условиях непрерывного профессионального образования.The article looks into the concept of transprofessional competencies of a teacher, considers the barriers to their development and how they can be improved under the new conditions of continuous professional education.Публикуется при финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ № 20-413-720002 «Теоретико-методологические основы формирования транспрофессиональных компетенций учителей иностранного языка средствами предметно-языковой интеграции в системе непрерывного профессионально-педагогического образования»Published with financial support from the RFFR grant No. 20-413-720002 «Theory and methods of foreign language teachers’ transprofessional competences development within the framework of continuing professional and pedagogical education

    Developing foreign language professional-communicative competence of pedagogical university students by means of CLIL

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    Introduction. The article describes a study of an original CLILbased teaching model at a teacher-training university, designed specifically to develop students’ foreign language professional-communicative competence (FLPCC). Its relevance is due to a lack of research into applying CLIL theory and methodology in teacher-training institutions of higher education, as well as to a practical need to improve the quality of pedagogy undergraduates’ foreign language instruction.The aim of the present study is to substantiate the effectiveness of implementing the proposed CLIL-based FLPCC development model at a pedagogical university.Methodology and research methods. The proposed model integrates the communicative and competence-based approaches, as well as the method of conceptual modelling. To assess and confirm the results of the experiment, the authors created a diagnostic complex test in accordance with the Professional Teacher Standard. A feedback survey among students and teachers was conducted, and a SWOT analysis was carried out. The applied methods of mathematical-statistical analysis: Mann – Whitney U-test, Student’s t-test.Results and scientific novelty. Experimentally and statistically, the study proved the effectiveness of the proposed CLIL-based FLPCC development model. A new model-based CLIL-course was introduced, uniting the content, communicational, cognitive and cultural components of CLIL framework. The conducted experiment contributed to an increase in professional and subjectlanguage knowledge, development of the FLPCC skills and professional and communicative strategies, aimed at solving professional and pedagogical problems. The study presents a new perspective on tandem teaching by integrating the efforts of teachers from various scientific fields. A diagnostic complex test was developed in accordance with the Professional Teacher Standard. SWOT analysis of experimental results revealed the effectiveness and viability of the proposed model.Practical significance. The study will be useful to teachers practicing CLIL, and for those looking for ways to develop FLPCC in a teacher training institution. Although the experimental work carried out in one university, does not claim to be comprehensive, the authors believe that the model implementation may improve the quality of teacher education.Введение. В статье представлены результаты внедрения авторской модели формирования иноязычной профессионально-коммуникативной компетенции (ИПКК) у студентов педвуза посредством предметноязыкового интегрированного обучения (CLIL). Актуальность исследования обусловлена отсутствием теоретических и методических разработок CLIL-курсов для педагогического вуза, практической потребностью в улучшении качества подготовки бакалавров педагогики, изучающих иностранный язык. Цель статьи – обосновать эффективность разработанной модели формирования ИПКК у студентов педагогического вуза посредством CLIL.Методология и методики. В основе создания предлагаемой модели лежит методологический принцип интеграции коммуникативного и компетентностного подходов, а также метод концептуального моделирования. Для определения эффективности результатов эксперимента был создан комплексный тест, составленный в соответствии с Профессиональным стандартом педагога1. По результатам исследования проведены анкетный опрос его участников и SWOT-анализ. Для обработки и обобщения полученных данных использовались методы математической статистики: U-критерий Манна – Уитни, t-критерий Стьюдента.Результаты и научная новизна. В статье дано экспериментальное и статистическое обоснование эффективности авторской модели формирования ИПКК у студентов педагогического вуза посредством реализации CLILкурса, который основан на интеграции предметного, социально-языкового, познавательно-обучающего и культурного компонентов содержания обучения. Проведение эксперимента способствовало повышению уровня как профессиональных, так и предметно-языковых знаний, совершенствованию умений и навыков ИППК, а также успешному овладению профессиональнокоммуникативными стратегиями, направленными на решение профессионально-педагогических задач. Представлен опыт организации тандемного обучения студентов преподавателями из разных научных сфер. Разработан и апробирован диагностический комплексный тест на основе Профессионального стандарта педагога. SWOT-анализ результатов эксперимента позволил сделать вывод об эффективности и перспективности предложенной модели. Практическая значимость. Исследование будет полезно преподавателям высшей школы, практикующим CLIL, а также педагогам, занимающимся проблемой формирования ИПКК студентов. Экспериментальная работа, проведенная в рамках одного вуза, не претендует на всеохватывающий и универсальный характер, но подтверждает, что внедрение предложенной модели способствует повышению качества подготовки будущих педагогов

    Использование рифапентина для превентивной химиотерапии детей из групп риска развития туберкулеза

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    The objective: to compare efficacy of preventive treatment of children with latent tuberculosis infection using various regimens of anti-tuberculosis drugs and assess the risk of adverse events to these drugs.Subjects and Methods. 117 children of 2-17 years old with latent tuberculosis infection [a positive result of the test with tuberculous recombinant allergen (TRA)] were enrolled in the prospective study. They received preventive treatment with the regimen containing isoniazid and rifapentine. The comparison group included 84 children who received isoniazid and rifampicin.Results. In terms of safety and efficacy of chemotherapy regimens in the study, the best results were obtained when using the regimen containing isoniazid and rifapentine: the therapy was well tolerated, hepatotoxic reactions were registered in 1.7% of children. After a full course of preventive treatment in 24 months of follow-up, there was a statistically significant decrease in the proportion of hyperergic results of the skit test with TRA from 44 (41.9%) to 0 (0%) χ2 McNemar 43.00; p < 0.01; and conversion of the TRA test result from positive to negative was observed in 18.1% of children.Цель исследования: сравнить эффективность превентивного лечения детей с латентной туберкулезной инфекцией при использовании различных схем противотуберкулезных препаратов и оценить риск развития нежелательных явлений при них.Материалы и методы. В проспективное исследование взято 117 детей 2-17 лет с латентной туберкулезной инфекцией [положительная проба с аллергеном туберкулезным рекомбинантным (АТР)], которым проведено превентивное лечение схемой, включающей изониазид и рифапентин. В группу сравнения включено 84 ребенка, получавших схему изониазид и рифампицин.Результаты. По безопасности и эффективности схем химиотерапии в проведенном исследовании наилучшие результаты получены при использовании схемы изониазид и рифапентин: переносимость терапии была удовлетворительная, гепатотоксические реакции зарегистрированы у 1,7% детей.При проведении полного курса превентивного лечения через 24 мес. наблюдения зарегистрировано статистически значимое снижение доли гиперергических тестов при кожной пробе с АТР с 44 (41,9%) до 0 (0%) χ2 МакНемар 43,00; p < 0,01, конверсия положительной пробы с АТР в отрицательную у 18,1% детей