240 research outputs found
Status and conservation of the reef gastropod Trochus niloticus in the Philippines
The most commercially important reef gastropod Trochus niloticus mainly harvested for the production of mother-of-pearl buttons, is highly susceptible to over- exploitation. Although conservation measures began shortly after the start of its commercial harvest in the early 1900s, their populations have been severely depleted prompting some countries like the Philippines to declare it as a threatened species. With the country's limited success in conserving trochus, this thesis explores the status of trochus in the wild, on-going conservation measures and some aspects of its biology in Palawan, Philippines. Field surveys show that abundance was very low in marine protected sites (MPAs) in mainland Palawan in spite of their proximity to law enforcing bodies. Natural recruits occurred in heavily exploited MP As, but the fates of released juveniles produced from a decade of artificial propagation are unknown. The breeders have high survival rates in intertidal tanks and were successfully induced to spawn after nearly a year of rearing. The growth rates of hatchery produced juveniles in cages on the reef were as fast as in the wild. Translocated wild trochus had high survival rates but growth rates varied among sites. Elasticity analyses of age-based matrix models revealed that survival of sub- and young adults has the greatest contribution to intrinsic population growth rate, so enhancing the survival of these age groups should be preferred over "head starting" when conserving trochus. Efforts to revive the trochus populations should focus on effective long term management/protection of MPAs. Captive rearing of broodstock in subtidal tanks could be a much cheaper alternative to hatchery propagation. Acclimation to predators of hatchery- produced trochus prior to release is hoped to increase their chances of survival. The translocations of wild trochus could be a more effective means of reviving a depleted population in areas having no sign of recruitment.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
Distinguishing Maternity Shoots on Instagram: Capital, Class, Field
This study is aimed at analyzing maternity shoots as a lifestyle habit and its relation with social class. Lifestyle is manifested in tastes, philosophical and morality beliefs, aesthetic tastes, clothes and cultures which become characteristics of a class. Meanwhile, cultural consumption expenditure signifies social classes. This study found that there are efforts to distinguish one’s status from other classes through maternity shoot practice, as part of power strategy. There are two classes studied in this research, namely petite-bourgeoisie and popular class, both of which seek to embrace the dominant class’ culture. By dispensing economic and cultural capital in Instagram as its field, the petite-bourgeoisie show how they are able to reap profits in form of positive appreciation and symbolic capital. Meanwhile, the popular class fails to achieve the same success in the Instagram field, marked by minimum appreciation toward their pictures. Nevertheless, bodies of pregnant women within the two classes have been subdued by Instagram convention as a game arena. The study also tested specific practices of pregnant women to represent their self-identity. Using consumer culture theory, it can be seen how pregnant women spend capital to establish their self-identity as a perfect woman, perfected by their pregnancy.
Keywords: pregnant, Instagram, capital, social classes, Bourdieu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dan membantu siswa kelas III SDK LEI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode bercerita. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, yang terdiri atas Kegiatan Awal, Kegiatan Inti dan kegiatan akhir. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini meliputi hasil belajar siswa yang diambil dari pemberian tes bercerita di depan kelas, kemampuan guru dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran yang diambil dari lembar observasi kegiatan guru, aktivitas siswa yang diambil dari lembar observasi kegiatan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tindakan siklus I terdapat presentase ketuntasan klasikal 60% dan daya serap individu sebesar 64,28% sedangkan hasil observasi aktivitas siswa 62,5% dan observasi aktivitas guru 87,5% dengan kategori cukup. Pada tindakan siklus II terdapat 22 siswa yang tuntas secara invidu sehingga presentase ketuntasan klasikal 88% dan daya serap individu 79,94% sedangkan hasil observasi aktivitas siswa 87,5% dan hasil observasi guru 85,7% dengan kategori sangat baik. Hal ini berarti pembelajaran pada siklus II telah memenuhi indikator keberhasilan sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbaikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode Bercerita dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas III SDK LEI
Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Profesional Guru-Guru di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri Satu Atap 2 Jerebuu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan supervisi ademik kepala sekolah kepada guru-guru di SMPN Satu Atap 2 Jerebuu. Melalui kegiatan supervisi kepala sekolah dapat memberikan bimbingan, motivasi dan bantuan teknis kepada guru yang mengalami kesulitan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan profesional guru. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang meliputi program, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, faktor pendukung dan penghambat yang dihadapi kepala SMPN Satu Atap 2 Jerebuu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, subjek penelitian ini adalah guru-guru di SMPN SATAP 2 Jerebuu. Data dianalisis dengan cara mereduksi, display, mengambil kesimpulan dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Penyusunan program supervisi dilakukan pada setiap awal tahun ajaran melalui kegiatan rapat dengan melibatkan seluruh personel sekolah. Program yang disusun adalah membentuk struktur organisasi supervisi akademik, membentuk tim dan meng SK tugaskan supervisor, supervisi administratsi pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, bimbingan konseling, evaluasi pelaksanaan supervisi dan melakukan tindak lanjut hasil supervisi. 2) Supervisi dilaksanakan berdasarkan jadwal yang telah ditentukan oleh tim pelaksana supervisi. Teknik supervisi yang digunakan adalah teknik individual dan kelompok meliputi kunjungan kelas, percakapan pribadi, rapat guru, diskusi sebagai proses kelompok, tukar menukar pengalaman, diskusi dan seminar. 3) Evaluasi supervisi dilaksanakan pada setiap akhir semester. Hasil evaluasi akan dipertahankan serta ditingkatkan apabila sudah mencapai tujuan, sedangkan kekurangan akan dianalisis dan mengadakan perbaikan-perbaikan dalam penyusunan program pada tahun berikutnya. 4) Faktor pendukung pelaksanaan supervisi adalah guru menanggapi secara positif tentang pelaksanaan supervisi, terjalinnya hubungan yang baik antara guru dengan guru dan kepala sekolah dengan guru dan timbulnya kesadaran guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya. Sedangkan hambatan-hambatannya adalah adanya guru yang tidak hadir waktu pelaksanaan supervisi yang disebabkan karena sakit, izin dan mengikuti pelatihan, adanya guru yang gugup ketika dilakukan supervisi dan kesibukan kepala sekolah dan guru
E-accessibilit\ue0 e traduzione
The starting point of this study is the Convention of the United Nations on the rights of persons with disabilities, which states that participation to social life is a fundamental human right and places great emphasis on the principle of accessibility as a key factor for its achievement. Given that in today\u2019s society information \u2013 especially on the web \u2013 plays a crucial role in facilitating access to many aspects of daily life, the aim of the study is to assess whether the websites of a number of public facilities take into account e-accessibility, i.e. the particular needs of people with disabilities. A comparison was carried out among 27 websites in three different languages (German, Dutch and Italian) in order to evaluate their accessibility and communicative adequacy, also with regard to the use of non-discriminatory language. The main hypothesis of the study is that different cultures show different awareness and sensitivity levels towards these issues, with such differences being reflected in the language and design of the websites. If this assumption of cultural differences is true, then translators can play an important social role by importing and disseminating the \u201cbest communicative practices\u201d, and contrastive analyses of this kind can provide them with the necessary detailed knowledge
Efisiensi Saluran Pemasaran Jagung Manis di Desa Rasau Jaya I Kecamatan Rasau Jaya Kabupaten Kubu Raya
This study aims to : 1) Determine the functions of marketing channels. 2) Determine the value of the cost advantage is issued by each each of maize marketing channels that exist in the study area. 3 ) Know efficiency of the marketing channels of corn. This study used a survey method that is done by taking a sample of the population and the questionnaire as a data collection tool that subject , and immediately went to study sites to obtain information necessary research. The most efficient channel is the channel the consumer to the produce
Analysis of Object and Attractiveness of Community-Based Ecotourism in Coastal Area of Mempawah Regency
Mangrove ecotourism in the Mempawah coastal area began to be developed and initiated by local communities who are concerned in the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem. This is also supported by the increasing number of tourists to visit ecotourism, so that the development of ecotourism needs to be supported by tourist attractiveness as well as learning to tourists to care about their environment in accordance with the principles of ecotourism namely responsible travel to natural areas, conserving the environment and improving the well-being of local people. This paper focuses on analyzing the potential value of community-based ecotourism objects and its attractiveness. The assessment indicator based on the guidelines for assessment of natural tourism attractiveness was used to assess the objects and attractiveness in three specific ecotourism locations which are managed by local communities in Mempawah, namely Pasir, Bakau, and Mendalok Village. This study involves the participation of tourists who have visited the  ecotourism site. The study found that the potential value of the object and attractiveness mangrove ecotourism in Mempawah Area was 3,105 with an average score of 388 meaning that it ispotentially developed, and also increasing recommendations related to community-based ecotourism development
The European Arrest Warrant: some pragmatic and translation aspects
The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is an important legal instrument of judicial cooperation and mutual assistance in criminal matters within the European Union. Translation quality and functionality is therefore a fundamental issue in this field, as we will argue in the present article.
After a brief introduction to the EAW, we will perform a genre-based analysis of Belgian Dutch and Italian EAWs, addressing terminological issues, morphosyntactic questions and discursive strategies.
Subsequently we will take into consideration the pragmatic dimension, focusing especially on the participants in the very particular discourse situation presented by EAWs. Finally we will discuss the translator\u2019s role and competence. The EAW is a normative text issued by a EU Member State with a view to arrest and surrender a requested person by another Member State. The translation of an EAW is considered a parallel legal text, because in the target judicial system it performs the function of the judicial decision in the source system. Against this background the quality of translation services, the translator\u2019s tasks and the issue of national registers for translators are essential elements, also in the light of increasingly important considerations such as the commitment to fundamental rights
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