300 research outputs found
Regional Innovation Systems: Current Discourse and Challenges for Future Research
In recent years, the concept of Regional Innovation Systems has evolved into a widely used analytical framework generating the empirical foundation for innovation policy making. Yet, the approaches utilizing this framework remain ambiguous on such key issues as the territorial dimension of innovation, e.g., the region, and the apparently important role played by âinstitutionsâ or the institutional context in the emergence and sustenance of regional innovation systems. This paper reviews and summarizes the most important ideas and arguments of the recent theorizing on regional innovation systems to provide the basis for a critical examination of such issues as (1) definition confusion and empirical validation; (2) the territorial dimension of regional innovation systems; and (3) the role of institutions. Key-words: Regional innovation systems, institutions, regions, research, policy JEL CODES: O31, R58
Technopoles et trajectoires stratégiques : le cas de la ville de Laval (Québec)
Le phénomÚne technopolitain a pris une dimension importante dans les stratégies de développement local depuis les années 1980. Toutefois, dÚs lors qu'on tente d'observer les différentes formes de la technopole, on se rend compte qu'elles présentent des réalités diverses. Cet article est consacré à l'évaluation de la trajectoire stratégique de la technopole, en questionnant plus particuliÚrement les formes de développement rassemblées sous l'appellation technopole. Tout d'abord, il apporte quelques éléments de compréhension sur les aspects importants du développement technopolitain et sur les types de technopoles recensés dans la littérature. Ensuite, l'analyse s'attarde sur le cas de la ville de Laval (Québec, Canada), devenue technopole en 1995, et cherche à identifier la trajectoire technopolitaine qu'elle adopte. Enfin, la derniÚre partie propose une nouvelle typologie des technopoles à la lumiÚre des conclusions et des leçons tirées de notre étude empirique.Since the 1980's, the technopolitan phenomenon has become an important dimension in local economic development strategies. Nevertheless, when we observe the different technopoles that exist, we notice that several different forms are present. This paper provides an assessment of the technopolitan strategic trajectory by analysing these different forms of technopolitan development. First, it gives some comprehensive elements about the principal aspects of the technopolitan development and on the type of technopoles that are enumerated in the literature. Second, the analysis examines a case-study, the city of Laval (Québec, Canada). In 1995, this city became a technopole. We will identify the strategic trajectory that was adopted. Finally, we will present a new technopole typology drawn from the conclusions and lessons obtained from our empirical study
Le rĂŽle des politiques et des actions publiques dans lâĂ©mergence et lâĂ©volution du projet de cluster maritime du QuĂ©bec
Cet article est consacrĂ© Ă lâĂ©tude du Projet de cluster maritime du QuĂ©bec. Ce projet, qui trouve ses origines dans des politiques publiques formulĂ©es Ă partir de 1998, reprĂ©sente une tentative dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©e de faire Ă©merger au sein de lâindustrie maritime des rĂ©gions du QuĂ©bec maritime un cluster dynamique. Cet article a un double objectif. Tout dâabord, il vise Ă dĂ©crire et Ă analyser les politiques et les actions publiques au coeur de ce projet de cluster, ensuite il discute des retombĂ©es Ă©conomiques liĂ©es Ă ce projet au niveau rĂ©gional. Ă partir de cette Ă©tude de cas, nous cherchons Ă mieux comprendre les piĂšges qui doivent ĂȘtre Ă©vitĂ©s dans la formulation de politiques de cluster ainsi que la pertinence de lâapproche des clusters pour favoriser le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique des rĂ©gions pĂ©riphĂ©riques.This paper is on the Quebecâs Maritime Cluster Initiative. This initiative has its origin in a set of public policies launched in 1998, aimed at creating a dynamic cluster in the Quebecâs coastal maritime industry. The objectives of this paper are twofold : first, we describe and analyze the public policies and programs behind the Quebecâs Maritime Cluster Initiative ; secondly, we discuss the impact of these policies on the regional economy. Based on this case, we discuss mistakes to be avoided in designing cluster policies as well the relevance of a cluster strategy to foster and support the economy of peripheral regions
Le systÚme régional d'innovation : outil de développement pour les territoires
Les systĂšmes rĂ©gionaux d'innovation suscitent, depuis plusieurs derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, un intĂ©rĂȘt partagĂ© aussi bien par les chercheurs que par les dĂ©cideurs politiques. Progressivement se sont Ă©laborĂ©s des modĂšles conceptuels visant Ă saisir les relations entre le dĂ©veloppement d'une Ă©conomie du savoir dont le fondement repose sur la production et la diffusion de processus innovants. A la diffĂ©rence de la pĂ©riode fordiste, l'innovation y est analysĂ©e comme le rĂ©sultat d'un produit social et territorialisĂ©, stimulĂ© non seulement par des ressources localement ancrĂ©es mais Ă©galement par un contexte social et culturel propre Ă chaque rĂ©gion. La communication proposĂ©e rappelle les principales inflexions des approches conceptuelles avant de proposer Ă la discussion quatre thĂšmes qui nous paraissent susceptibles de nourrir une nouvelle approche d'intervention en matiĂšre de dĂ©veloppement territorial
Structure et fonctionnement du cluster maritime du Québec
Cette Ă©tude de cas du cluster maritime du QuĂ©bec cherche Ă analyser les principaux mĂ©canismes qui expliquent le fonctionnement et le dĂ©veloppement du cluster et, parallĂšlement, Ă analyser les barriĂšres qui freinent ou limitent sa croissance. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude portent sur une enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs des entreprises maritimes et des organisations de soutien Ă lâindustrie maritime. Les analyses dĂ©montrent, dans le cas du cluster maritime du QuĂ©bec, que les principaux Ă©lĂ©ments et fonctions caractĂ©risant les clusters dynamiques sont absents. Nous constatons que le cluster maritime est constituĂ© de petites entreprises qui ne sont pas interreliĂ©es et dont lâactivitĂ© globale dâinnovation est faible. De plus, nous observons que le systĂšme de soutien Ă lâindustrie maritime tĂ©moigne dâune grande variĂ©tĂ© organisationnelle et opĂ©rationnelle. Lâabsence dâune masse critique dâentreprises et dâune infrastructure de soutien et dâaccueil est le principal obstacle limitant la croissance du cluster maritime.This case study is on the Quebec maritime cluster. The article seeks to study the mechanisms underlying the functioning and development of the cluster, and to the barriers that limits its growth. The results of this study are based on a survey which was addressed to both the maritime firms and the support organisations in maritime industry. The analysis suggests, in the case of the Quebec's maritime cluster, that the key elements and functions characterising dynamic clusters are missing. We observed that the maritime cluster encompasses an array of small firms which are not linked to each others and that are not intensively engaged in innovation activities. Moreover, we observed that support organisations cover a large variety with respect to organisational and operational activities. Finally, the absence of critical mass of enterprises and support organisations are the main barriers limiting the growth of the cluster
The key dimensions of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) analysis: a decade of evolution
The importance of knowledge and innovation in modern economies justifies the in-creasing interest that scholars are taking in studying knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The objective of this paper is to track the evolution of the key dimen-sions on which scholars have based their analyses through a literature review. More specifically, three main issues are addressed: (1) how KIBS are defined in the litera-ture; (2) how KIBS have been investigated empirically by researchers; and (3) how the analysis of KIBS has evolved over time. As a major assumption, the analysis catego-rises the research topic into three key conceptual dimensions: (i) knowledge; (ii) inno-vation and (iii) spatial proximity. The major hypothesis is that the way KIBS are seen, studied and perceived by the research community resolutely changed over time and that this evolution can be tracked by observing modifications in the key dimensions associated with the analysis of KIBS
Public Policy and Sustainable Development: Agenda (21) for Change?
Agenda 21-inspired local visions and goals have not translated into actual local change. Increased interdependencies and interconnectedness at the global and other scales, inherent to varying degrees in all definitions of sustainable development, necessitate adopting a multi-level, multi-scale, multi-system, and integrated approach for analyzing the development and implementation of Agenda 21-based policies. Adopting such an approach this paper examines the causes for the failure by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo to meet its objectives on sustainability. The picture that emerges from this study is one of dissatisfaction with bureaucratic rhetoric, concerns about increased polarization, disagreement with the focus on economic growth at all costs, weak or inadequate regulatory tools to curb unsustainable activity, the size and complexity of problems to be addressed, unwillingness by politicians to take charge, inadequate discourse mechanisms, and there not having been a serious, acute local problem to rally everyone around a common goal and into action. This paper identifies âSystems-related Factorsâ and âInter-relational Factorsâ as constituting barriers to sustainability at a regional scale. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of its findings for policy.regional and urban economics ;
Services à forte intensité de connaissances, contexte régional et comportements d'innovation: une comparaison internationale
L'enjeu de cet article est de montrer dans quelle mesure des contextes régionaux différents impliquent des comportements d'innovation différents de la part des services à forte intensité de connaissances SFIC. L'analyse s'appuie sur une comparaison des régions suivantes: le Bas-Saint-Laurent et la Beauce (toutes deux au Canada), l'Alsace (en France) et le Pays de Bade (en Allemagne). Tout en étant conscient de la diversité des terrains empiriques et de la variété des configurations régionales l'analyse s'interroge quant à l'existence d'un rapport spécifique entre comportement d'innovation des SFIC et environnement régional. --Entreprises de service à forte intensité de connaissances (SFIC),comportements d'innovation,perceptions,systÚmes régionaux d'innovation,Alsace,Bas-Saint-Laurent,Beauce,Pays de Bade
University-industry links and the determinants of their spatial scope : a study of the knowledge intensive business services sector
This paper examines the determinants of the spatial scope of collaborative linkages between Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) firms and universities in the UK. Drawing on data on Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), it is found that the geographic scope of these linkages is determined by a complex mix of the particular characteristics of firms and universities, as the well the location of the firms. In particular, proximity increases with the participation of smaller firms, and firms located within areas with higher densities of KIBS employment. In contrast, the participation of larger firms or a university with greater levels of research activity increases the geographic scope of a linkage
Variations in SME Characteristics and the Use of Service Intermediaries for R&D
[EN] Large companies increasingly look externally for opportunities to enhance innovation, which has resulted in closer study of innovation systems. We examined the role of service intermediaries (universities, technology centers, and consultants) within these systems using a sample of predominately small- and medium-sized enterprises located in Valencia, Spain. As with studies of large companies, absorptive capacity (e.g., research and development expenditures) was positively related to the likelihood that a firm would engage in service collaborations. However, the rate of collaboration was higher relative to studies dominated by larger companies. Also, there were differences in the pattern of firm characteristics associated with the use of specific services. For example, the level of SME export activity related positively to the use of technology centers, but negatively to university collaborationsThe authors thank the Alto Consejo Consultivo en I + D of the Generalitat Valenciana and IMPIVA for facilitating the access to the survey on which this paper is based and, especially, Manuel LĂłpez Estornell and Emilio Cubel for preparing the questionnaire and the sample. This work has been partially supported by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under grants
PAID-06-10/2424 and PAID 06-10/2392, and Generalitat Valenciana under grants GV/2011/002 and GV/2011/049Castrogiovanni, GJ.; DomĂ©nech I De Soria, J.; Mas VerdĂș, F. (2012). Variations in SME Characteristics and the Use of Service Intermediaries for R&D. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration. 1-11. doi:10.1002/CJAS.231S11
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