57 research outputs found

    Sex-biased parental care and sexual size dimorphism in a provisioning arthropod

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    The diverse selection pressures driving the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) have long been debated. While the balance between fecundity selection and sexual selection has received much attention, explanations based on sex-specific ecology have proven harder to test. In ectotherms, females are typically larger than males, and this is frequently thought to be because size constrains female fecundity more than it constrains male mating success. However, SSD could additionally reflect maternal care strategies. Under this hypothesis, females are relatively larger where reproduction requires greater maximum maternal effort – for example where mothers transport heavy provisions to nests. To test this hypothesis we focussed on digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Ammophilini), a relatively homogeneous group in which only females provision offspring. In some species, a single large prey item, up to 10 times the mother’s weight, must be carried to each burrow on foot; other species provide many small prey, each flown individually to the nest. We found more pronounced female-biased SSD in species where females carry single, heavy prey. More generally, SSD was negatively correlated with numbers of prey provided per offspring. Females provisioning multiple small items had longer wings and thoraxes, probably because smaller prey are carried in flight. Despite much theorising, few empirical studies have tested how sex-biased parental care can affect SSD. Our study reveals that such costs can be associated with the evolution of dimorphism, and this should be investigated in other clades where parental care costs differ between sexes and species

    Ammophila ganquana YANG & LI 1989

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    Ammophila ganquana YANG & LI (Figs 658-672) Ammophila ganquana YANG & LI 1989: 105, ♀, 3. Holotype: ♀, China: Shaanxi Province: Ganquan County: Quingquan (Beijing Agricultural University), not examined. M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:None. D e s c r i p t i o n: (YANG & LI 1989: 105, translated from Chinese by Yan Chengjin): " ♀: Body length 12.5mm. Black; petiole apex ventrally, tergum I largely, tergum II, sternum II, and base of tergum III yellowish red; gastral apex without metallic blue luster; posterior part of tegula and wings pale yellowish brown, veins pale brown. Clypeus, gena and prosternum with sparse long white setae, other areas without long setae. Mesopleuron posteriorly and propodeum posterolaterally covered with dense appressed setae. Gastral petiole basoventrally with sparse pubescence. Vertex, frons and clypeus sparsely punctate, with supra-antennal projection. Clypeus medially with roughly spherical protuberance, free margin of clypeus emarginate medially. Postocellar diameter (ODD): postocellar distance (POD): oculocellar distance (OOD): interocular distance at anterior ocellus (IODP): interocular distance at clypeus (IODC) = 1: 2: 4: 11.1: 9.1. Relative length of antennal pedicel: flagellomeres I: II: III: VIII = 1.7: 5.6: 3.4: 3.3: 2.4. Pronotal collar: length: width = 4.5: 9.5, sparsely punctate, with deep median furrow; transversely, densely finely striate on anterior slope; scutum transversely, densely finely striate and punctate, with admedian line; scutellum coarsely, longitudinally striate; metanotum without distinct striae; propodeal enclosure with inconspicuous median carina, surface obliquely striate laterally; mesopleuron and mesosternal coarsely, transversely rugose-striate and punctate, with episternal sulcus; metapleuron and lateral side of propodeum coarsely rugose-striate. Submarginal cell III of forewing petiolate. Foretarsus asymmetrical; hindleg, relative length of tibia: tarsomeres I: II: III = 22.3: 12.9: 7.5: 5.8, claws simple, with arolia. Length of gastral petiole: tergite I: II = 16: 14.9: 10.9. 3: Body length 12.0mm. Similar to female. The yellowish red area of tergum III and sternum III less than in female; wings deeply infumate, veins dark brown. Head and thorax with long, white setae. Clypeus and lower frons covered with dense, appressed setae. Pronotal lobe with pubescence; free margin of clypeus emarginate medially; ODD: POD: OOD: IODP: IODC = 1: 1.9: 3.2: 9.1: 4.7. Relative length of antennal pedicel: flagellomeres I: II: IX = 1.4: 4: 2.8: 3: 1.7. Pronotal collar: length: width = 3.6: 8.1. Scutum without distinct admedian line. Propodeal enclosure without median carina. Hindleg: relative length of tibia: tarsomeres I: II: III = 19.8: 10.5: 5.8: 4.1. Length of gastral petiole: tergite I = 16.1: 14.4. Genitalia with penis valves (as in Figs 670, 671), volsella (as Fig. 672) and gonostyle (as Fig. 669). R e l a t i o n s h i p s: This new species with supra-antennal projection and submarginal cell III petiolate is related to A. deserticola TSUNEKI 1971, but the female differs in having white setae on head, shape of clypeus and sculpture of scutum, and the male in the sculpture of the propodeal enclosure and the genitalia. " G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: China:ShanxiProvince.Published as part of Dollfuss, H., 2013, Revision of the Wasps Genus Ammophila KIRBY 1798 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Sphecidae) of the Palearctic Region and India, pp. 383-564 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (1) on pages 431-432, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.534113

    The Crabronid Wasps of the Genera Oxybelus LATREILLE 1796 and Brimocelus ARNOLD 1927 of "Biologiezentrum Linz" Collection in Linz, Austria (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae)

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    Dollfuss, H. (2008): The Crabronid Wasps of the Genera Oxybelus LATREILLE 1796 and Brimocelus ARNOLD 1927 of "Biologiezentrum Linz" Collection in Linz, Austria (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae). Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1): 463-505, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.542801

    The Ammophilini Wasps of the Genera Eremnophila MENKE, Eremochares GRIBODO, Hoplammophila de BEAUMONT, Parapsammophila TASCHENBERG and Podalonia FERNALD of the "Biologiezentrum Linz"-Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae)

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    Dollfuss, H. (2010): The Ammophilini Wasps of the Genera Eremnophila MENKE, Eremochares GRIBODO, Hoplammophila de BEAUMONT, Parapsammophila TASCHENBERG and Podalonia FERNALD of the "Biologiezentrum Linz"-Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae). Linzer biologische Beiträge 42 (1): 535-560, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.533255

    Ammophila untumoris YANG & LI 1989

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    Ammophila untumoris YANG & LI (Figs 747-752) Ammophila untumoris YANG & LI 1989: 108, ♀. Holotype: ♀, China: Shaanxi Province: Ganquan County: Quingquan (Beijing Agricultural University), not examined. M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:None. D e s c r i p t i o n: (YANG & LI 1989: 108, translated from Chinese by Yan Chengjin): ♀: "Body length 19.0 mm. Black, tergum I largely, terga II-III and sterna II-III yellowish red; gastral apex black without metallic blue luster; head and thorax with long, white, erect setae; pronotal lobe, mesopleuron, metapleuron posteriorly and propodeum posterolaterally with dense appressed setae; clypeus, and lower frons with sparsely, appressed setae; lateral and ventral sides of thorax and coxae covered with dense pubescence. Vertex, frons and clypeus sparsely punctate, without supra-antennal projection. Free margin of clypeus with two lateral teeth. Postocellar diameter (ODD): postocellar distance (POD): oculocellar distance (OOD): interocular distance at anterior ocellus (IODP): interocular distance at clypeus (IODC) = 1: 26: 3.7: 11: 10.4. Relative length of pedicel: flagellomeres I: II: III. VIII = 1.8: 5.8: 3: 3: 3.2. Pronotal collar: length: width = 5: 9.5, coarsely, transversely striate, with insignificant median furrow. Scutum coarsely, transversely rugose-striate and punctate, without admedian line; scutellum coarsely, longitudinally striate; metanotum without distinct striae; propodeal enclosure with inconspicuous median carina, surface coarsely, obliquely striate laterally. Mesopleuron and mesosternum sparsely punctate, with episternal sulcus, front part of mesosternum with a large, deep semicircular concavity; metapleuron slightly rugosestriate; lateral side of propodeum coarsely rugose-striate. Submarginal cell III not petiolate. Foretarsus asymmetrical; hindleg relative length of tibia: tarsi I: II = 25: 13: 7.5, claws simple, arolia present. Length of gastral petiole: tergum I = 19: 19. 3 unknown. R e l a t i o n s h i p s: This new species is related to A. occipitalis MORAWITZ (1890), but differs in legs and clypeus, absence of tumor behind hindocellus and a shorter pronotum and petiole." G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: China (ShaanxiProvince).Published as part of Dollfuss, H., 2013, Revision of the Wasps Genus Ammophila KIRBY 1798 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Sphecidae) of the Palearctic Region and India, pp. 383-564 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (1) on page 499, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.534113

    Prionyx songaricus

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    Prionyx songaricus (EVERSMANN 1849) 15, 43 (compared with det. Kohl, NHMW) K a z a k h s t a n:1, sand desert, 4 km N Bekanas, 12.VI.2000, leg. Makogonova. S y r i a:1, dist. Damascus, Kansdar env. 15 km (40 km SW Damascus), 8.V.2000, leg. Keutner; 1, 5, NW Aleppo Afrin, 23.VI.2000, leg. M. Halada; 1, 30 km S Suwayda Dibbin, 15.- 17.V.1996, leg. Ma. Halada. T u r k m e n i s t a n: 3, 16, Sandikatzi env., 3.-13. V 1993, leg. M. Halada; 2, 4, Aschabat 15 km N, 25.-31. V.1993, leg. M. Halada; 3, 5, 40 km W Firyuza, 6. VI.1993, leg. M. Halada; 1, Tzemerwbit, 12. V.1993, leg. M. Halada; 1, Aschabat env., 26. VI.1993, leg. J. Halada. T u r k e y: 1, Kozluk (Baykan), 3. VI.1998, leg. Ma. Halada; 1, Manisia, 35 km SEE Salihli, 38°20’N 28°24’E, 900m, 30. VI.2006, leg. J. Halada; 1, 20 km N Mardin, 21. VI.1997, leg. Ma. Halada; 1, Nemrut Dagi Karacut, 2. VII.1993, leg. Mi. Halada; 2, Manisia, 15 km SEE Salihli, 170m, 38°26’N 28°19’E, 2. VII.2006, leh. J. & M. Halada; 1, Denizli, 10 km NE Denizli, 37°56’N 29°07’E, 290m, 4. VII.2006, leg. J. Halada; 1, 15 km E Malatya, 27. VI.2000, leg. M. Halada; 1, 15 km S Slirt, 500m, leg. Halada. U z b e k i s t a n 2, 50 km W Pahtakor, 40.3°N 67.4°E, 24.V.1994, leg. J. & Ma. Halada; 1, Samarkand env., 19-21.V.1994, leg. Ma. Halada; 1, 5 km W Ddjizak, 39.9°N 67.5°E, 23.V.1994, leg. J. Halada.Published as part of Dollfuss, H., 2008, The Sphecini Wasps of the Genera Chilosphex BOHART & MENKE, Isodontia PATTON, Palmodes KOHL, Prionyx VANDER LINDEN and Sphex LINNAEUS of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae), pp. 1399-1434 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2) on page 1415, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.543113

    Isodontia simoni

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    Isodontia simoni (DU BUYSSON 1898) 6, 5 (compared with det. Kohl, NHMW) M a l a w i: 2, 80 km E Liongwe Selima env., 3.-4.I.2002, leg. J. Halada; 1, 100 km S Kasungu, 29.XII.2001, leg. J. Halada; 1, Viphya Forest Res. Luwawa Dam, 30.XII.2001, leg. J. Halada. R e p u b l i c S o u t h A f r i c a 1, Transvaal Louis Trichardt Ihgwe, 8.II.1988, leg. Malicky. Z a m b i a: 1, 60 km W Solwezi, 4.-8.I.2003, leg. J. Halada; 1, 140 km NE Kapiri Moshi, 1500m, 13°31’S 29°48’E, 23.XI.2006, leg. M. Halada; 1, 120 km S Lusaka, 30.XI.2002, leg. J. Halada. Z i m b a b w e 1, 1, 30 km W Harare, 22.XII.1998, leg. J. Halada; 1, 25 km NE Samva Nyagui r. (Bindura), 15.XII.1998, leg. J. Halada.Published as part of Dollfuss, H., 2008, The Sphecini Wasps of the Genera Chilosphex BOHART & MENKE, Isodontia PATTON, Palmodes KOHL, Prionyx VANDER LINDEN and Sphex LINNAEUS of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae), pp. 1399-1434 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2) on page 1403, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.543113

    The Sphecini Wasps of the Genera Chilosphex BOHART & MENKE, Isodontia PATTON, Palmodes KOHL, Prionyx VANDER LINDEN and Sphex LINNAEUS of the "Biologiezentrum Linz"-Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae)

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    Dollfuss, H. (2008): The Sphecini Wasps of the Genera Chilosphex BOHART & MENKE, Isodontia PATTON, Palmodes KOHL, Prionyx VANDER LINDEN and Sphex LINNAEUS of the "Biologiezentrum Linz"-Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae). Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2): 1399-1434, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.543113

    Ammophila striata subsp. nadigi ROTH

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    Ammophila striata nadigiROTH Ammophila nadigi ROTH 1932: 82, ♀. Holotype: ♀, Morocco: Ifran (A. Nadig coll.), not examined. M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:None. R e c o g n i t i o n DE BEAUMONT 1960: 5: "Ces individus de la MĂ©diterranĂ©eoccidentale se distinguent de ceux de la race typique par leur taille plus grande (27-30 mm) et par la partie antĂ©rieure du clypĂ©us de la ♀ plus nettement concave."Further research should be conducted. G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: Morocco, Spain.Published as part of Dollfuss, H., 2013, Revision of the Wasps Genus Ammophila KIRBY 1798 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Sphecidae) of the Palearctic Region and India, pp. 383-564 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (1) on page 491, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.534113
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