815 research outputs found

    Arquitectura i arqueologia: cara a cara

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    Els espais ocults de Reus

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    Els nostres primers cinquanta anys

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    Cohabitatge: noves oportunitats a espais adormits pel temps

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    Alfredo Sanz Corma · Presidente del Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de España

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    De les revistes als recursos continus

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    La Canonja, epicentre de la història que no perd la memòria

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    Valls referma la seva capitalitat castellera amb el futur Museu Casteller de Catalunya

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    Entre Händel, Gluck i els Bach: Domènec Terradellas a Londres (1746-1748)

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    De la trajectòria inquieta i la vida moguda gairebé novel·lesca del compositor Domènec Terradellas (1713-1751), en destaca l'etapa londinenca (1746-1748), una de les que presentava més llacunes i mancança de dades concretes. Aquest article n'aporta noves dades humanes i professionals, i fa, alhora, una síntesi general d'aquest episodi crucial de la biografia del compositor, en un moment clau en la història de l'òpera.Standing out in the adventurously active and restless life of the composer Domènec Terradellas (1713-1751) is his London period (1746-1748), which is one of the times in his life that shows the most blanks and the greatest lack of specific data. This paper reveals some new personal and professional facts and makes a general synthesis of this crucial epoch in the composers life, set within a key moment in the history of opera

    Unsupervised machine learning techniques for chemical analysis in spectroscopic stellar surveys

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2021, Tutor: Friedrich AndersIn this work, we use the dimensionality reduction technique UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) and a clustering algorithm (HDSCAN) on a large sample of stellar abundance ratios from a high-quality sample of the APOGEE DR16 survey (16000 red clump stars). We are able to reliably differentiate groups of stars corresponding with the chemical thick disk and thin disc, as well as a group corresponding to high α metal rich stars, and groups with anomalous abundances of certain elements, some of which are due to low precision on the abundances of P, Co, and Na determined by the pipelin
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