256 research outputs found

    Circuit Complexity Meets Ontology-Based Data Access

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    Ontology-based data access is an approach to organizing access to a database augmented with a logical theory. In this approach query answering proceeds through a reformulation of a given query into a new one which can be answered without any use of theory. Thus the problem reduces to the standard database setting. However, the size of the query may increase substantially during the reformulation. In this survey we review a recently developed framework on proving lower and upper bounds on the size of this reformulation by employing methods and results from Boolean circuit complexity.Comment: To appear in proceedings of CSR 2015, LNCS 9139, Springe

    Ontology-based data access with databases: a short course

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    Ontology-based data access (OBDA) is regarded as a key ingredient of the new generation of information systems. In the OBDA paradigm, an ontology defines a high-level global schema of (already existing) data sources and provides a vocabulary for user queries. An OBDA system rewrites such queries and ontologies into the vocabulary of the data sources and then delegates the actual query evaluation to a suitable query answering system such as a relational database management system or a datalog engine. In this chapter, we mainly focus on OBDA with the ontology language OWL 2QL, one of the three profiles of the W3C standard Web Ontology Language OWL 2, and relational databases, although other possible languages will also be discussed. We consider different types of conjunctive query rewriting and their succinctness, different architectures of OBDA systems, and give an overview of the OBDA system Ontop

    Sex and the Cinema: What American Pie Teaches the Young

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    This paper focuses upon the wildly successful blockbuster American Pie teenpics, especially American Pie 3 – the Wedding. I argue that these films, which are sited so securely within the visual and pedagogical machinery of Hollywood culture, are specifically designed to appeal to teenage male audiences, and to provide lessons in sex and romance. Movies like this are especially important as they are experienced by far more teenagers than, for example, instructional films or other classroom materials; indeed, as Henry Giroux has observed, "teens and youth learn how to define themselves outside of the traditional sites of instruction, such as the home and the school… Learning in the postmodern age is located elsewhere – in popular spheres that shape their identities, through forms of knowledge and desires that appear absent from what is taught in schools" (Giroux, 1997, p.49). In this paper I discuss whether the American Pie series is actually a "new age" effort which, via insubordinate performances of gender, contests the hegemonic field of signification which regulates the production of sex, gender and desire, or whether it is more accurately described as a retrogressive hetero-conservative opus with a veneer of sexual radicalism. In short, I intend to probe whether this filmic vector for sex education is all about the shaping of responsible, caring, vulnerable men, or is it guiding them to become just like their heterosexual, middle-class fathers? And whether, despite its riotous and raunchy advertising, American Pie really dishes up something spicy or something terribly wholesome instead

    Microscopic self-consistent theory of Josephson junctions including dynamical electron correlations

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    We formulate a fully self-consistent, microscopic model to study the retardation and correlation effects of the barrier within a Josephson junction. The junction is described by a series of planes, with electronic correlation included through a local self energy for each plane. We calculate current-phase relationships for various junctions, which include non-magnetic impurities in the barrier region, or an interfacial scattering potential. Our results indicate that the linear response of the supercurrent to phase across the barrier region is a good, but not exact indicator of the critical current. Our calculations of the local density of states show the current-carrying Andreev bound states and their energy evolution with the phase difference across the junction. We calculate the figure of merit for a Josephson junction, which is the product of the critical current, Ic, and the normal state resistance, R(N), for junctions with different barrier materials. The normal state resistance is calculated using the Kubo formula, for a system with zero current flow and no superconducting order. Semiclassical calculations would predict that these two quantities are determined by the transmission probabilities of electrons in such a way that the product is constant for a given superconductor at fixed temperature. Our self-consistent solutions for different types of barrier indicate that this is not the case. We suggest some forms of barrier which could increase the Ic.R(N) product, and hence improve the frequency response of a Josephson device.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figure

    Compiling SHIM

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    Embedded systems demand concurrency for supporting simultaneous actions in their environment and parallel hardware. Although most concurrent programming formalisms are prone to races and non-determinism, some, such as our SHIM (software/hardware integration medium) language, avoid them by design. In particular, the behavior of SHIM programs is scheduling-independent, meaning the I/O behavior of a program is independent of scheduling policies, including the relative execution rates of concurrent processes. The SHIM project demonstrates how a scheduling-independent language simplifies the design, optimization, and verification of concurrent systems. Through examples and discussion, we describe the SHIM language and code generation techniques for both shared-memory and message-passing architectures, along with some verification algorithms

    The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique

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    Encouraged by transnational organisations, curriculum policy-makers in the UK have called for curricula in schools and higher education to include a global dimension and education for global citizenship that will prepare students for life in a global society and work in a global economy. We argue that this call is rhetorically operating as a ‘nodal point’ in policy discourse a floating signifier that different discourses attempt to cover with meaning. This rhetoric attempts to bring three educational traditions together: environmental education, development education and citizenship education. We explore this new point of arrival and departure and some of the consequences and critiques

    Variants in the fetal genome near FLT1 are associated with risk of preeclampsia.

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    : Preeclampsia, which affects approximately 5% of pregnancies, is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal death. The causes of preeclampsia remain unclear, but there is evidence for inherited susceptibility. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have not identified maternal sequence variants of genome-wide significance that replicate in independent data sets. We report the first GWAS of offspring from preeclamptic pregnancies and discovery of the first genome-wide significant susceptibility locus (rs4769613; P = 5.4 × 10(-11)) in 4,380 cases and 310,238 controls. This locus is near the FLT1 gene encoding Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1, providing biological support, as a placental isoform of this protein (sFlt-1) is implicated in the pathology of preeclampsia. The association was strongest in offspring from pregnancies in which preeclampsia developed during late gestation and offspring birth weights exceeded the tenth centile. An additional nearby variant, rs12050029, associated with preeclampsia independently of rs4769613. The newly discovered locus may enhance understanding of the pathophysiology of preeclampsia and its subtypes.<br/

    Modeling Statistical Properties of Written Text

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    Written text is one of the fundamental manifestations of human language, and the study of its universal regularities can give clues about how our brains process information and how we, as a society, organize and share it. Among these regularities, only Zipf's law has been explored in depth. Other basic properties, such as the existence of bursts of rare words in specific documents, have only been studied independently of each other and mainly by descriptive models. As a consequence, there is a lack of understanding of linguistic processes as complex emergent phenomena. Beyond Zipf's law for word frequencies, here we focus on burstiness, Heaps' law describing the sublinear growth of vocabulary size with the length of a document, and the topicality of document collections, which encode correlations within and across documents absent in random null models. We introduce and validate a generative model that explains the simultaneous emergence of all these patterns from simple rules. As a result, we find a connection between the bursty nature of rare words and the topical organization of texts and identify dynamic word ranking and memory across documents as key mechanisms explaining the non trivial organization of written text. Our research can have broad implications and practical applications in computer science, cognitive science and linguistics

    The transnational lives and third space subjectivities of British Nigerian girls

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    Drawing on ethnographic research conducted in 2012 on British Nigerian young women who have gone to boarding school in Nigeria and returned to attend university in the UK, I use the concept of third space as a heuristic device for understanding their transnational subjectivities and practices. I argue that, for some, this third space is a transgressive one in which they can craft alternative subjectivities and narratives about African culture and political economy. Applying insights from decolonial theory, I seek to build on the transgressive nature of this third space. In positioning themselves variously as Londoners, Nigerians, dual and post‐nationals, they express key features of contemporary transnational European subjectivities. Yet, parental expectations that they marry Nigerians and members of the Nigerian diaspora serve to reproduce the racial distinctions and nationalist rhetoric of colonial modernity that their third space subjectivities contest