1,612 research outputs found

    JCPenney Priced for Life Campaign

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    The JCPenney “Priced for Life” campaign was designed as Syracuse University’s entry for the National Student Advertising Competition, an event held by the American Advertising Federation. As a member of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications team for the competition, I helped to make this integrated advertising campaign a reality. The goal of this campaign is to retain women aged 25-34 who currently shop at JCPenney and also capture new customers who fall within that demographic. It is also designed to increase frequency and grow share of wallet among members of this target audience. The proposed campaign runs from February 2012 to February 2013, employing a budget of $100 million. This proposal chronicles all major steps involved in creating an integrated advertising campaign. Beginning with defining the target audience, it presents the results of research we accumulated through surveys, ethnographies, and interviews. Using this information, it provides key insights into the targeted subjects mindsets and proposes strategies to develop advertisements that resonate with them. This proposal also includes the campaign’s media plan, outlining the budget for each communications medium we use and specifying which media vehicles would best reach our target audience. In addition to covering both traditional and non-traditional media, this section of the proposal also proposes a new method of dividing media which is based on how well it engages consumers. These new labels are called “lean back,” “lean forward,” and “stand up.” This proposal also includes creative executions that will be used throughout the course of the campaign. These creative examples are built around our new tagline for JCPenney,“priced for life.” They range from print advertisements to a Facebook application, to a new advertising medium we call “Livespaces.” This proposal also extends beyond pure advertising, introducing new ways for JCPenney to show customers that it is priced for life. These include public relations events and partnerships with non-profits that will encourage other media outlets to pick up on JCPenney’s role in the community. In doing so, this campaign will reach consumers via multiple touchpoints. As these touchpoints help familiarize people with JCPenney and its merchandise, the campaign will achieve its outlined goals

    DNA fluorescent stain accumulates in the Golgi but not in the kinetosomes in amitochondriate protists

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    Hindgut symbiotic trichomonads (uninucleate Caduceia versatilis, and multinucleate Stephanonympha sp. and Snyderella tabogae) from the dry-woodeating termite Cryptotermes cavifrons (Kalotermitidae) accumulate DAPI (4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) in the membranous sacs of the Golgi complex. This form of Golgi complex, typical of protists in the class Parabasalia, is called a parabasal body. Trichomonads contain organellar systems, mastigonts, that consist of four undulipodia (e.g. eukaryotic flagella and cilia), axostylar microtubules, a parabasal body and other structures. These cells bear from one (in the case of Caduceia) to hundreds (in the case of Snyderella) of mastigonts. These features are characteristic of their protist class (Parabasalia). The nuclei of all three species stained with DNAspecific stains: DAPI, SYTOX, acridine orange, propidium iodide, ethidium bromide and Feulgen, at optimal concentrations, but kinetosomes failed to stain at all. The nuclei, parabasal bodies and symbiotic bacteria (but no microtubular structures) fluoresced in glutaraldehyde-fixed cells stained with 1.45 μM DAPI. Parabasal bodies of Snyderella and Caduceia treated to remove lipids with Triton X-100, or treated with 5% trichloroacetic acid, lacked DAPI-fluorescence. I conclude that DNA, present as expected in nuclei and bacterial symbionts, is absent from and not associated with calonymphid kinetosomes. The reason for DNA–RNA stain accumulation in the Golgi cisternae is not clear

    Speciation of termite gut protists: the role of bacterial symbionts

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    At least 12 termite gut protists have been named because of their bacterial symbionts. Dozens more species are diagnosed by epi- and endosymbionts and more still have regular bacterial associations referred to in their species description. Molecular systematic studies have begun to identify these bacteria, but the ecological relationswith their protist bionts are still unknown. Recent findingsof acetogenic spirochetesin termite gutsmay explain the peculiar arrangement of spirochetes on some of these protists. Other bacteria function as motility or chemotactic symbionts of these protists. The size and shape of the parabasal body, a Golgi complex, are morphological characters of the Parabasalia (trichomonads, hypermastigids) that may be influenced by regular, heritable epi- and endosymbiotic bacteria

    A determination by thin-layer chromatography of the chemical nature of the poison produced by the bryozoan lophopodella carteri (Hyatt)

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    A study was undertaken to isolate and characterize by thin-layer chromatography the poisonous principle produced by the freshwater bryozoan, Lophopodella carteri (Hyatt). The bryozoan homogenate was divided into a lipid and non-lipid portion and each was assayed for toxicity. Only the lipid extract was lethal to fishes. The lipid part was divided into six classes by thin-layer chromatography. When tested, four of the six classes were toxic. Thin­ layer chroatography was used to subdivide each class into fractions. Assays showed toxicity in nine of fourteen fractions. Evidence indicates that the poisonous princi ple is a lipid and the large number of toxic lipid fractions suggests that it is a multi-component toxin

    Constitutional Torts and the Federal Torts Claims Act

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    The relatively recent expansion of the liability of federal employees for so-called constitutional torts and the accompanying contraction of the immunity of those employees against suits for such torts have resulted in significant problems for the federal government, its employees, and even for victims of official misconduct. After briefly describing the law of constitutional torts and official immunity, this article will examine a proposal to amend the Federal Tort Claims Act to make the Government the exclusive defendant in constitutional tort suits

    Stroke For Your Arrogance

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Arts of Bard College

    hhjjhhjj production at the LHC

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    The search for di-Higgs production at the LHC in order to set limits on Higgs trilinear coupling and constraints on new physics is one of the main motivations for the LHC high luminosity phase. Recent experimental analyses suggest that such analyses will only be successful if information from a range of channels is included. We therefore investigate di-Higgs production in association with two hadronic jets and give a detailed discussion of both the gluon- and weak boson fusion contributions, with a particular emphasis on the phenomenology with modified Higgs trilinear and quartic gauge couplings. We perform a detailed investigation of the full hadronic final state and find that hhjjhhjj production should add sensitivity to a di-Higgs search combination at the HL-LHC with 3 ab1^{-1}. Since the WBF and GF contributions are sensitive to different sources of physics beyond the Standard Model, we devise search strategies to disentangle and isolate these production modes. While gluon fusion remains non-negligible in WBF-type selections, sizeable new physics contributions to the latter can still be constrained. As an example of the latter point we investigate the sensitivity that can be obtained for a measurement of the quartic Higgs-gauge boson couplings.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Who Prepares the Teachers? The Irish Experience

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    Those who become teacher educators in the Republic of Ireland do so without any requirement to register with a professional body, without any formal period of study of the foundation disciplines of teacher education or the appropriate pedagogical strategies for teaching adults, and with no formally supervised teaching practice. This is not unique to Ireland: In almost all European countries, one becomes a teacher educator without any formal qualification, preparation or induction into the role (Kosnik & Beck, 2008). In 2000, The Green Paper on Teacher Education in Europe (Buchberger et al, 2000) highlighted concern about the lack of training for and induction into the teacher education profession including appropriate methodologies for working with adult learners. This paper adopts a socio-historical perspective on the evolution of the role of teacher educator in Ireland and highlights ways in which teacher educators have managed their own professional development

    Voter Sex, Party, and Gender-Salient Issues: Attitudes about Sexual Harassment and Brett Kavanaugh in the 2018 Elections

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    Since the election of President Trump and the dawning of the #MeToo movement, gender-salient issues have had a primary place in recent American politics. This was particularly evident in 2018 in the wake of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings amid accusations that he has sexually assaulted a classmate. Previous research suggests that women should be more concerned about issues like sexual harassment and mobilized to participate in elections in which these issues are prominent. Yet, American politics has become more polarized in the last 25 years, requiring us to re-examine the impact of gender-salient issues on women’s electoral behavior. Employing data from a 2018 ANES pilot study, we examine the relative impact of gender and party on attitudes toward sexual harassment, Brett Kavanaugh, and participation in the 2018 elections. We find that, while gender plays some role in 2018, partisanship is still the dominant influence in these elections.</p

    Cross-Pressures on Political Attitudes: Gender, Party, and the #MeToo Movement in the United States

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    The #MeToo movement has brought heightened attention to issues of sexual harassment and assault in the United States since it burst onto the scene in 2017. Because sexual harassment is an issue that often affects women differently than men, we find a gender gap in support for the #MeToo movement in the contemporary period. Yet, given the polarized nature of our times, a more complete picture of this issue requires that we consider the impact of political party as well. With this approach, we are able to examine several important aspects of these attitudes—differences between women and men, diversity within gender groups, and gender gaps within each party. In doing so, we are also able to identify whether some individuals experience cross-pressures because of their gender and partisan identities. Using American National Election Studies data from 2018 to 2020, we find that partisanship is a significant influence on opinion on this highly gender-salient issue, identifying partisan differences that are larger than the differences between women and men. At the same time, we find that women are more polarized in their attitudes toward #MeToo than are men and that Republican women and Democratic men can exhibit the impact of cross-pressured identities.</p