98 research outputs found

    Validating a Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) framework for health care decision making: poster

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    OBJECTIVES: When evaluating healthcare interventions, decision-makers are increasingly asked to consider multiple criteria to support their decision. The MCDA-based EVIDEM framework was developed to support this process. It includes a simple weight elicitation technique, designed to be easily applicable by a broad range of users. The objective of this study was to compare the EVIDEM technique with more traditional techniques. METHODS: An online questionnaire was developed comparing the EVIDEM technique with four alternative techniques including AHP, best/worst scaling, ranking and point-allocation. A convenience sample of 60 Dutch and Canadian students were asked to fill out the questionnaires as if they were sitting in an advisory committee for reimbursement/prioritization of healthcare interventions. They were asked to provide weights for 14 criteria using two techniques, and to provide feedback on ease of use and clarity of concepts of the different techniques. RESULTS: Results based on the first 30 responses show that EVIDEM is easy to understand and takes little time to complete, three minutes on average. Criteria weights derived using the EVIDEM technique and best/worst scaling are divergent. Comparing the rank order of criteria respondents gave using these two techniques; there is more resemblance in rank order of criteria weighted with the EVIDEM technique. Compared to AHP/ranking/point-allocation, EVIDEM takes less time to complete but is only preferred by 33% of decision-makers. AHP/ranking and point allocation were often described as clearer and more reflective of the respondents’ opinion. CONCLUSIONS: The simple technique is proposed as a starting point for users wishing to adapt the EVIDEM framework to their own context. Other techniques may be preferred and their impact on the MCDA value estimate generated by applying the framework is being explored. This project is part of a large collaborative work that includes developing and validating this framework to facilitate sound and efficient MCDA-applications

    Mobile Activism, Material Imaginings, and the Ethics of the Edible: Framing Political Engagement through the Buycott App

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    In this article, we explore the discursive constructions of Buycott, a free mobile app that provides a platform for user-generated ethical consumption campaigns. Unlike other ethical consumption apps, Buycott’s mode of knowledge production positions the app itself as neutral, with app users generating activist campaigns and providing both data and judgment. Although Buycott is not a dedicated food activism app, food features centrally in its campaigns, and the app seems to provide a mobile means of extending, and perhaps expanding, alternative food network (AFN) action across geographies and constituencies. Thus, as a case study, Buycott unveils contemporary possibilities for citizen participation and the formation of activist consumer communities, both local and trans-national, through mobile technologies. Our analysis shows, however, that despite the app’s user-generated format, the forms of activism it enables are constrained by the app’s binary construction of action as non/consumption and its guiding ‘mission’ of ‘voting with your wallet’. Grounded in texts concerning Buycott’s two largest campaigns (Demand GMO Labeling and Long live Palestine boycott Israel), our analysis delineates how Buycott, its campaigns, and its modes of action take shape in user, media, and app developer discourses. We find that, as discursively framed, Buycott campaigns are commodity-centric, invoking an ‘ethics of care’ to be enacted by atomized consumers, in corporate spaces and through mainstream, barcode-bearing, retail products. In user discourses, this corporate spatiality translates into the imagined materializing of issues in products, investing commodities with the substance of an otherwise ethereal cause. This individualized, commodity-centric activism reinforces tenets of the neoliberal market, ultimately turning individual users into consumers not only of products, but also of the app itself. Thus, we suggest, the activist habitus constructed through Buycott is a neoliberal, consumer habitus

    Automated Annotation-Based Bio-Ontology Alignment with Structural Validation

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    We outline the structure of an automated process to both align multiple bio-ontologies in terms of their genomic co-annotations, and then to measure the structural quality of that alignment. We illustrate the method with a genomic analysis of 70 genes implicated in lung disease against the Gene Ontology

    Ethical trade in African horticulture : gender, rights and participation

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    Codes of conduct covering employment conditions of southern producers have gained popularity over the past decade. In African horticulture employers now face a plethora of codes coming from supermarkets, importers, exporters and trade associations. Women constitute the majority of workers in African export horticulture. However, men are often in permanent employment, whereas women tend to work in temporary and insecure jobs. This report provides an in-depth assessment of gender and ethical trade in South African fruit, Kenyan flowers and Zambian flowers and vegetables. It examines the gendered needs and rights of workers, as articulated by workers themselves, and how these could best be addressed by codes of conduct. The research paid particular attention to vulnerable groups such as women and seasonal, casual and migrant workers, who typically face a different set of constraints and opportunities in employment. This paper discusses the nature of employment and working conditions found in the subsectors, and the varying perspectives of workers and employers toward these conditions. It summarises key gender issues in employment and outlines how they relate to codes. It explores the benefits of “participatory social auditing” for assessing workplace issues, especially gender issues. It describes the value of a local multi-stakeholder approach to code implementation and the extent to which stakeholders in South Africa, Kenya and Zambia have embraced the process thus far. Finally it identifies policy recommendations for best practice in code implementation

    Estimating group size from acoustic footprint to improve Blainville’s beaked whale abundance estimation

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    The numbers of animals in groups and the density of Blainville’s beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris (Md) were estimated using passive acoustic data collected on the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). Md typically associate in groups, producing ultrasonic echolocation signals when foraging, and are routinely detected year-round on the AUTEC range. AUTEC includes a large network of hydrophones cabled to shore that can be used to detect Md echolocation signals. Using a first data set, with known group sizes, we used generalized linear models (GLMs) to model group size as a function of the acoustic footprint of a detected deep dive as perceived on the AUTEC hydrophones. The most important variable to explain group size was the detected click rate (total number of clicks detected divided by total length of vocal period duration). Using a second data set, covering 3 separate time periods in 2011 with automated group dive detections, we estimated beaked whale density using a dive counting approach. False positives were removed through manual inspection, removing dives with biologically infeasible characteristics. This led to a total of 8271 detections of beaked whale deep dives, with the average number per day in the three time periods considered being 75, 80 and 76 respectively. Using selected GLM, the mean estimated group size was 2.36 (95% CI 2.15-2.60), 2.30 (95% CI 2.08-2.56), and 2.33 (95% CI 2.19-2.58) whales/group for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time period. Md density was estimated at 15.8 (95% CI 13.6-21.9), 16.5 (95% CI 13.8-22.4), and 15.8 (95% CI 13.2-21.2) whales/1000km2, respectively. These results support findings from previous studies, and will allow a more precise estimation of group sizes and densities for Md in future research.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Using Spatial Validity and Uncertainty Metrics to Determine the Relative Suitability of Alternative Suites of Oceanographic Data for Seabed Biotope Prediction. A Case Study from the Barents Sea, Norway

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    The use of habitat distribution models (HDMs) has become common in benthic habitat mapping for combining limited seabed observations with full-coverage environmental data to produce classified maps showing predicted habitat distribution for an entire study area. However, relatively few HDMs include oceanographic predictors, or present spatial validity or uncertainty analyses to support the classified predictions. Without reference studies it can be challenging to assess which type of oceanographic model data should be used, or developed, for this purpose. In this study, we compare biotope maps built using predictor variable suites from three different oceanographic models with differing levels of detail on near-bottom conditions. These results are compared with a baseline model without oceanographic predictors. We use associated spatial validity and uncertainty analyses to assess which oceanographic data may be best suited to biotope mapping. Our results show how spatial validity and uncertainty metrics capture differences between HDM outputs which are otherwise not apparent from standard non-spatial accuracy assessments or the classified maps themselves. We conclude that biotope HDMs incorporating high-resolution, preferably bottom-optimised, oceanography data can best minimise spatial uncertainty and maximise spatial validity. Furthermore, our results suggest that incorporating coarser oceanographic data may lead to more uncertainty than omitting such data.publishedVersio

    Behavioral responses of satellite tracked Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) to mid-frequency active sonar

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    Funding support for tagging was provided by the US Navy's Office of Naval Research and Living Marine Resources program, the Chief of Naval Operations' Energy and Environmental Readiness Division and the NOAA Fisheries Ocean Acoustics Program. Trevor Joyce was supported by a National Research Council postdoctoral research associateship, hosted by NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center.The vulnerability of beaked whales (Family: Ziphiidae) to intense sound exposure has led to interest in their behavioral responses to mid‐frequency active sonar (MFAS, 3–8 kHz). Here we present satellite‐transmitting tag movement and dive behavior records from Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) tagged in advance of naval sonar exercises at the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) in the Bahamas. This represents one of the largest samples of beaked whales individually tracked during sonar operations (n = 7). The majority of individuals (five of seven) were displaced 28–68 km after the onset of sonar exposure and returned to the AUTEC range 2–4 days after exercises ended. Modeled sound pressure received levels were available during the tracking of four individuals and three of those individuals showed declines from initial maxima of 145–172 dB re 1 ÎŒPa to maxima of 70–150 dB re 1 ÎŒPa following displacements. Dive behavior data from tags showed a continuation of deep diving activity consistent with foraging during MFAS exposure periods, but also suggested reductions in time spent on deep dives during initial exposure periods. These data provide new insights into behavioral responses to MFAS and have important implications for modeling the population consequences of disturbance.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
