8,811 research outputs found

    Disentanglement and Decoherence by Open System Dynamics

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    The destruction of quantum interference, decoherence, and the destruction of entanglement both appear to occur under the same circumstances. To address the connection between these two phenomena, we consider the evolution of arbitrary initial states of a two-particle system under open system dynamics described by a class of master equations which produce decoherence of each particle. We show that all initial states become separable after a finite time, and we produce the explicit form of the separated state. The result extends and amplifies an earlier result of Di\'osi. We illustrate the general result by considering the case in which the initial state is an EPR state (in which both the positions and momenta of a particle pair are perfectly correlated). This example clearly illustrates how the spreading out in phase space produced by the environment leads to certain disentanglement conditions becoming satisfied.Comment: 15 Page

    Disentanglement by Dissipative Open System Dynamics

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    This paper investigates disentanglement as a result of evolution according to a class of master equations which include dissipation and interparticle interactions. Generalizing an earlier result of Di\'{o}si, the time taken for complete disentanglement is calculated (i.e. for disentanglement from any other system). The dynamics of two harmonically coupled oscillators is solved in order to study the competing effects of environmental noise and interparticle coupling on disentanglement. An argument based on separability conditions for gaussian states is used to arrive at a set of conditions on the couplings sufficient for all initial states to disentangle for good after a finite time.Comment: Paper in conjunction with and following on from P.J. Dodd and J.J. Halliwell: quant-ph/031206

    Collective excitations of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We apply linear-response analysis of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to obtain the excitation frequencies of a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a time-averaged orbiting potential trap. Our calculated values are in excellent agreement with those observed in a recent experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 2 Postscript figures, uses psbox.tex for automatic figure inclusion. More info at http://amo.phy.gasou.edu/bec.htm

    Two point correlations of a trapped interacting Bose gas at finite temperature

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    We develop a computationally tractable method for calculating correlation functions of the finite temperature trapped Bose gas that includes the effects of s-wave interactions. Our approach uses a classical field method to model the low energy modes and treats the high energy modes using a Hartree-Fock description. We present results of first and second order correlation functions, in position and momentum space, for an experimentally realistic system in the temperature range of 0.6Tc0.6T_c to 1.0Tc1.0T_c. We also characterize the spatial coherence length of the system. Our theory should be applicable in the critical region where experiments are now able to measure first and second order correlations.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Long-range sound-mediated dark soliton interactions in trapped atomic condensates

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    A long-range soliton interaction is discussed whereby two or more dark solitons interact in an inhomogeneous atomic condensate, modifying their respective dynamics via the exchange of sound waves without ever coming into direct contact. An idealized double well geometry is shown to yield perfect energy transfer and complete periodic identity reversal of the two solitons. Two experimentally relevant geometries are analyzed which should enable the observation of this long-range interaction

    Vortices in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in two dimensions

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    The form and stability of quantum vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive atomic interactions is elucidated. They appear as ring bright solitons, and are a generalization of the Townes soliton to nonzero winding number mm. An infinite sequence of radially excited stationary states appear for each value of mm, which are characterized by concentric matter-wave rings separated by nodes, in contrast to repulsive condensates, where no such set of states exists. It is shown that robustly stable as well as unstable regimes may be achieved in confined geometries, thereby suggesting that vortices and their radial excited states can be observed in experiments on attractive condensates in two dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Formal Verification of a Gain Scheduling Control Scheme

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    Gain scheduling is a commonly used closed-loop control approach for safety critical non-linear systems, such as commercial gas turbine engines. It is preferred over more advanced control strategies due to a known route to certification. Nonetheless, the stability of the system is hard to prove analytically, and consequently, safety and airworthiness is achieved by burdensome extensive testing. Model checking can aid in bringing down development costs of such a control system and simultaneously improve safety by providing guarantees on properties of embedded control systems. Due to model-checking exhaustive verification capabilities, it has long been recognised that coverage and error-detection rate can be increased compared to traditional testing methods. However, the statespace explosion is still a major computational limitation when applying model-checking to verify dynamic system behaviour. A practical methodology to incrementally design and formally verify control system requirements for a gain scheduling scheme is demonstrated in this paper, overcoming the computational constraints traditionally imposed by model checking. In this manner, the gain-scheduled controller can be efficiently and safely generated with the aid of the model checker

    Gas Purity effect on GEM Performance in He and Ne at Low Temperatures

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    The performance of Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) in gaseous He, Ne, He+H2 and Ne+H2 was studied at temperatures in the range of 3-293 K. This paper reports on previously published measurements and additional studies on the effects of the purity of the gases in which the GEM performance is evaluated. In He, at temperatures between 77 and 293 K, triple-GEM structures operate at rather high gains, exceeding 1000. There is an indication that this high gain is achieved through the Penning effect as a result of impurities in the gas. At lower temperatures the gain-voltage characteristics are significantly modified probably due to the freeze-out of these impurities. Double-GEM and single-GEM structures can operate down to 3 K at gains reaching only several tens at a gas density of about 0.5 g/l; at higher densities the maximum gain drops further. In Ne, the maximum gain also drops at cryogenic temperatures. The gain drop in Ne at low temperatures can be re-established in Penning mixtures of Ne+H2: very high gains, exceeding 104, have been obtained in these mixtures at 30-77 K, at a density of 9.2 g/l which corresponds to saturated Ne vapor density at 27 K. The addition of small amounts of H2 in He also re-establishes large GEM gains above 30 K but no gain was observed in He+H2 at 4 K and a density of 1.7 g/l (corresponding to roughly one-tenth of the saturated vapor density). These studies are, in part, being pursued in the development of two-phase He and Ne detectors for solar neutrino detection.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure