1,763 research outputs found

    Nonsingular vacuum cosmologies with a variable cosmological term

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    We present nonsingular cosmological models with a variable cosmological term described by the second-rank symmetric tensor Λmn\Lambda_{mn} evolving from Λgmn\Lambda g_{mn} to λgmn\lambda g_{mn} with λ<Λ\lambda < \Lambda. All Λmn\Lambda_{mn} dominated cosmologies belong to Lemaitre type models for an anisotropic perfect fluid. The expansion starts from a nonsingular nonsimultaneous de Sitter bang, with Λ\Lambda on the scale responsible for the earliest accelerated expansion, which is followed by an anisotropic Kasner type stage. For a certain class of observers these models can be also identified as Kantowski-Sachs models with regular R regions. For Kantowski-Sachs observers the cosmological evolution starts from horizons with a highly anisotropic ``null bang'' where the volume of the spatial section vanishes. We study in detail the spherically symmetric case and consider the general features of cosmologies with planar and pseudospherical symmetries. Nonsingular Λmn\Lambda_{mn} dominated cosmologies are Bianchi type I in the planar case and hyperbolic analogs of the Kantowski-Sachs models in the pseudospherical case. At late times all models approach a de Sitter asymptotic with small λ\lambda.Comment: revtex, 10 pages, 8 eps figure

    Rumeli in the period of dynastic instability : why were the Ottoman Balkans so important for the dynasty in the first half of the 15th century?

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    As Peter Mentzel states, the Balkans (Rumeli) were not only a borderland but also the core province of the early Ottoman state. The Rumelian military aristocracy played one of the most important roles in the internal policy. It constituted an important factor, which was powerful enough to create the Ottoman policy. That is why Murad I forbade the Ottoman princes to lead the akıncı warriors in order to avoid the risk of a dynastic war. He also started devshirme among Christian families in the Balkans so as to build trustworthy groups of servants for the dynasty. Obviously, the province gained importance in the difficult times after the defeat at Ankara (1402). During the civil war (1402-1413, fetret devri) Rumeli was governed by one of the brothers who claimed power over the whole Ottoman territory. The deciding struggles between the sons of Bayezid I took place in the Balkans and their result depended mainly on the attitudes shown by the Rumelian warriors and their frontier lords. The rulers who lost the support of the Rumelian military class quickly lost the throne of Rumeli as well. It happened in the cases of Emir Süleyman, prince Musa, and Düzme Mustafa

    Badanie pilotażowe: częstość występowania przedchorobowego zespołu metabolicznego u osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym z praktyki lekarza ogólnego w przemysłowym mieście za pomocą kryteriów diagnostycznych IDF i ATP III

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    Background: The metabolic syndrome (MS), as a group of interconnected risk factors such as: central obesity, hypertension, elevated triglycerides (TG), low HDL-cholesterol and/or high blood glucose, is one of the most advantageousgrounds for developing diabetes mellitus (DM) and/or cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Objectives: 1. An analysis of the scale of the health problem M S in the patients of com - munity health centers. 2. How often does premorbid vs. morbid metabolic syndrome occur in hypertonic patients according to IDF and ATP III diagnostic criteria in primary care? Material and methods: The present study is based on cross-sectional data from 89 hypertensive people — patients’ sample from medical clinic located in an industrial city area — who in the second half of 2014, underwent medical control and laboratory tests. The premorbid metabolic syndrome (pre-MetS) group was obtained from the participants with MS by excluding those patients with a previous diagnosis of CVD or DM. Results: According to study design, 55.06% were premorbid and 44 .94% were morbid. 76.40% of patients have MS,whereas13.60% do not have, using IDF diagnostic criteria. ATP III diagnostic criteria revealed that 62.92% of people have MS, whereas 37.08% do not have. Conclusions: 1. According to diagnostic criteria IDF 76.40% have metabolic syndrome, whereas using ATP III, 62.92% have MS. 2. Almost 4 out of 9 examined hypertensive patients have premorbid metabolic syndrome (pre-MetS), with the same statistical significance (p &lt; 0.01) according to IDF and ATP III.  Wstęp: Zespół metaboliczny (MS), jako grupa niepowiązanych nieza leżnych czynników ryzyka, takich jak: występowanie otyłości brzusznej, nadciśnienia tętniczego, podniesionego stężenia trójglicerydów (TG) czy glukozy oraz obniżonego stężenia cholesterolu we frakcji HDL jest jednym z najlepszych podłoży do rozwinięcia w przyszłości pełnoobjawowej cukrzycy (DM) czy chorób naczyniowo-sercowych (CVD). Cel badania: 1. Analiza częstości występowania zespołu metabolicznego u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym z poradni ogólnej lekarza rodzinnego. 2. Ocena frekwencji przedchorobowego MS za pomocą kryteriów diagnostycznych IDF i ATP III. Materiał i metody: Badanie zostało oparte na przekrojowej analizie danych 89 pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym — próbie z pacjentów przychodni rodzinnej położonej w mieście przemysłowym — którzy w drugiej połowie 2014 roku stawili się do lekarza ogólnego oraz mieli wykonane oznaczenia laboratoryjne. Tak zwany stan przedchorobowy został określony przez wykluczenie występowania u pacjenta DM i/lub CVD. Wyniki: Zgodnie z przyjętą metodologią 55,06% osób było w stanie przedchorobowym, zaś u 44,94% wystąpiła DM i/lub CVD. W edług IDF MS występował u 76,40%, zaś u 13,60% nie. Według ATP III MS miało 62,92% osób, a 37,08% nie miało. Wnioski: 1. Użycie w badanej populacji kryteriów diagnostycznych IDF powoduje postawienie rozpoznania MS u 74,60% zaś wg ATP III u 62,92% osób. 2. Blisko co 4 z 9 zbadanych {?} osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym miała przedchorobowy zespół metaboliczny (pre-MetS), podobnie statystycznie często (p &lt; 0,01) za pomocą {?} IDF czy też ATP III.

    Mesco dux Polonie baptizatur – the Access of the Piast Power to the Respublica Christiana

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    The article refers to the religious and cultural turning point that took place in the Piast state due to the act of accepting Christianity by the prince Mieszko I (who died in 992) in 966. These issues are presented from the view-point of a controversial interpretation regarding the source foundation and literature, number of which has increased over the decades. The baptism of the historically first Polish ruler was preceded by his marriage with the Czech princess Dobrava (who died in 977), which resulted in the alliance with the Přemyslid monarchy and in the growing connections with Germany along with the conflicts with the Veleti. The consequence of the 966 year’s events was the initiating of the Christianization processes in the whole state of the Piasts and its gradual accessing to the circle of Latin culture. In effect, the grounds for the institutional Church were formed, and the Polish aspirations for being a member of Western culture, which have lasted for all the centuries, were established.The article refers to the religious and cultural turning point that took place in the Piast state due to the act of accepting Christianity by the prince Mieszko I (who died in 992) in 966. These issues are presented from the view-point of a controversial interpretation regarding the source foundation and literature, number of which has increased over the decades. The baptism of the historically first Polish ruler was preceded by his marriage with the Czech princess Dobrava (who died in 977), which resulted in the alliance with the Přemyslid monarchy and in the growing connections with Germany along with the conflicts with the Veleti. The consequence of the 966 year’s events was the initiating of the Christianization processes in the whole state of the Piasts and its gradual accessing to the circle of Latin culture. In effect, the grounds for the institutional Church were formed, and the Polish aspirations for being a member of Western culture, which have lasted for all the centuries, were established

    Aktywne badania przesiewowe w celu wykrycia cukrzycy: dane z 88 OGTT 75 g wykonanych u pacjentów w miejskiej praktyce lekarza rodzinnego na podstawie wcześniejszych 250 oznaczeń poziomu glukozy na czczo

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) and other glucose metabolism abnormalities are one of biggest challenges for the public health in the 21st century. Objectives: In general practice efforts should be made to early detect glucose metabolism abnormalities, which allows for fast diagnosis of medical problem in individual patients and implementation of lifestyle modification and/or pharmacological treatment. Material and methods: The present study is based on cross-sectional data from 250 patients, a sample from the general practice “Ogrody” located in industrial area of Bydgoszcz, where biochemical analyses were conducted in second half of 2014. Each patient with fasting plasma glucose ≥100 mg/dl who hasn’t been previously diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus was referred for “gold standard” 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Results: According to study design, 75 g OGTT was performed in 88 patients with elevated fasting plasma glucose after excluding individuals with previously diagnosed diabetes mellitus. Conclusions: 1) Among 250 primary care patients, 176 (70.40%) had fasting plasma glucose ≥100 mg/dl. 2) On the basis of a gold standard test, 75 g OGTT, following glucose metabolism disturbances were diagnosed (in order of frequency; number and %): IFG 39 (37.50%); IFG+IGT 22 (25.00%); T2DM 16 (18.18%); normal result of OGTT 11 (12.50%) and IGT 6 (6.82%). 3) In general practice, emphasis on detection of glucose metabolism abnormalities allow for early diagnosis of medical problem in individual patients and implementation of lifestyle modification and/or pharmacological treatment.Wstęp: Cukrzyca typu 2 i inne zaburzania gospodarki węglowodanowej są jednym z głównych wyzwań dla zdrowia publicznego na przełomie XX–XXI wieku. Cel badania: W praktyce lekarza ogólnego położenie szczególnego nacisku na szybką diagnostykę nieprawidłowości gospodarki węglowodanowej, która pozwa la na postawienie rozpoznania u pacjenta, modyfikację stylu życia i wdrożenie leczenia farmakologicznego. Materiał i metody: W 2014 roku u 250 osób z praktyki lekarza rodzinnego (NZOZ “Ogrody” w mieście przemysłowym) wykonano przekrojowe oznaczenia laboratoryjne. Każdej osobie z glikemią na czczo ≥ 100 mg/dl i bez wcześniej rozpoznanej cukrzycy wykonano następnie OGTT 75 g jako „złoty standard” w rozpoznawaniu zaburzeń gospodarki węglowodanowej. Wyniki: Łączne wykonano 88 OGTT u osób z nieprawidłową glikemią na czczo w badaniu przesiewowym, które nie miały uprzednio postawionego rozpoznania cukrzycy. Wnioski: 1) W praktyce lekarza rodzinnego176 (70,40%) osób z 250 miało poziom glukozy na czczo ≥ 100 mg/dl. 2) Zgodnie ze „złoty standardem” OGTT postawiono następujące rozpo­znania (w porządku według częstości; liczba i %): IFG 39 (37,50%); IFG+IGT 22 (25,00%); DM t2 16 (18,18%); normoglikemia wg OGTT 11 (12,50%) i IGT 6 (6,82%). 3) W praktyce lekarza ogólnego położenie nacisku na rozpoznawanie zabur zeń gospodarki węglowoda­nowej pozwala na szybkie postawienie rozpoznania medycznego pro blemu u pacjenta, modyfikację jego stylu życia oraz wdrożenie adekwatnego leczenia farmakologicznego

    Family cultural heritage and the subjective right to participate in local government as foundations underlying the position of an individual in contemporary society. Part I

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    The first part of the chapter deals with the systemic characterization of the rank of family cultural heritage in the context of broadly understood cultural heritage

    On-a-chip biosensing based on all-dielectric nanoresonators

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    Nanophotonics has become a key enabling technology in biomedicine with great promises in early diagnosis and less invasive therapies. In this context, the unique capability of plasmonic noble metal nanoparticles to concentrate light on the nanometer scale has widely contributed to biosensing and enhanced spectroscopy. Recently, high-refractive index dielectric nanostructures featuring low loss resonances have been proposed as a promising alternative to nanoplasmonics, potentially offering better sensing performances along with full compatibility with the microelectronics industry. In this letter we report the first demonstration of biosensing with silicon nanoresonators integrated in state-of-the-art microfluidics. Our lab-on-a-chip platform enables detecting Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) cancer marker in human serum with a sensitivity that meets clinical needs. These performances are directly compared with its plasmonic counterpart based on gold nanorods. Our work opens new opportunities in the development of future point-of-care devices towards a more personalized healthcare

    Knowledge transfer across cultural boundaries in the global economy based on the model of travel of ideas exemplified by the quality transfer in car manufacture from West Europe to Poland

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of LutonThe idea of quality has travelled globally for many years as a result of globalisation (Crosby, 1979; Deming, 1989). It has become a key factor of increased competition in the global economy, which led to the attempts of international companies to transfer quality to different locations and cultures in order to achieve high-quality standards globally. Car manufacture became an important field for the international knowledge transfer. A quest to achieve high quality in car manufacturing has travelled along various management tools and production models since 1911 (Tolliday, 1998) and after 1990 it also began to travel to Eastern Europe, including Poland. The concept of quality in car manufacture in Poland is a good example of an idea that was successfully translated. Due to the absence of research on this topic it was chosen as a subject for this study. Henceforth, this thesis investigated the travel of the idea of quality in the car manufacturing industry, from Western Europe to Poland. The research explored the process by which this idea was negotiated within General Motors company, in particular its two plants -Vauxhall Luton in the UK and Opel Polska in Poland. A group of 30 managers involved in the knowledge transfer between these two locations were interviewed by means of ethnographic and the Repertory Grid techniques. A combination of these two methods contributed to our knowledge about the possible methods that can assist the exploration of the organisational cultures and values embedded in them. Additionally, the application of this methodological approach gave us an insight into the Resistance to Change phenomenon and possible factors behind it. The thesis identified reverse translation as an important area for future research. Reverse translation may be equally important as the forward process (Boyer et al, 1998), and in this study we argued that the initial research, prior to reverse translation and the identification of the appropriate type of RD to be implemented, can play a crucial role in the outcome of this process

    Screening methodologies for the determination of water contaminant residues by compact disk technology

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    [EN] The contamination of water resources with many industrial, agricultural and other chemicals is one of the key environmental problems that humanity is facing nowadays. Despite the fact that they are usually present at very low concentration, they possess a significant risk to aquatic and human life. To address this issue many national and international institutions set different regulations to monitor and control the water quality. Currently, the monitoring of compounds included in official watch lists is conducted by chromatographic and mass spectroscopic methods. These techniques are approved as "gold standards" for analytical quantitation of organic residues in water. Although they are sensitive and reproducible, cannot be used on-site. The need of sampling and centralized laboratory measurements makes not only the overall cost high but lowering the efficiency of the analysis. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop suitable field methods to facilitate the in situ measurements at a low cost. Biosensors are therefore an alternative technology that can provide sensitive results in a fast and affordable way. This thesis has focused on the development of a biosensor based on immunoassays and compact disk technology, for the multiplex detection of priority water contaminants. As the methods based on the immunorecognition events are challenging in terms of the selectivity and sensitivity, the major part of the thesis was the selection of the immunoreagents, assay form and procedure. For the detection part, gold nanostructures were selected as sensitive tags for signal enhancement. Therefore, different nanoparticles were studied in order to select the optimal size in terms of the signal enhancement, sensitivity and antibody amount used. Also, the assays performances with signal enhancement and without any amplification were evaluated. The best immunoassay was selected for developing the multiplexed assay. Furthermore, an approach to improve the readout sensitivity of microimmunoassays based on used of gold nanoparticles as both capture and detection species was demonstrated. The method is based on the performance of the immunorecognition event in a homogeneous mode and detection part in the heterogeneous format. Finally, representative water samples were analysed to confirm the applicability of the multi-residue assay. The analytical properties have been established for each methodology and the obtained results have been validated by comparison with reference techniques. The investigations carried out in this work, have resulted in new insights in immunoassay technique that could be useful for screening applications.[ES] La contaminación de aguas superficiales causada por plaguicidas y productos industriales es actualmente, uno de los grandes problemas medioambientales. Aunque estas sustancias están presentes a niveles muy bajos, tienen efectos perjudiciales en el medio en general y especialmente en humanos. Por este motivo, diferentes instituciones han regulado los niveles de contaminantes en áreas de controlar de la calidad de las aguas, creando listas prioritarias de sustancias peligrosas y tóxicas para el medio ambiente. Actualmente, la monitorización de los contaminantes incluidos en las listas oficiales se realiza mediante técnicas cromatográficas y espectrometría. Estos métodos analíticos están aprobados como técnicas de referencia para la determinación de residuos orgánicos presentes en aguas naturales. A pesar de ser técnicas fiables, reproducibles y sensibles, los métodos cromatográficos no están exentos de inconvenientes. Este tipo de metodologías requiere una instrumentación costosa y una laboriosa preparación de muestra, que hacen que el análisis sea en general complejo. Por ello, el desarrollo de métodos analíticos alternativos que faciliten hacer medidas in-situ a bajo coste y con gran capacidad de trabajo es de gran utilidad. En este sentido, las técnicas inmunoquímicas tienen un gran potencial analítico ya que son en general sensibles y selectivas, se pueden utilizar en el lugar de la toma de muestra y tienen capacidad multianalito. Esta tesis se ha centrado en el desarrollo de un sistema biosensor, basado en la tecnología de disco compacto, para la detección multianalito de diversos contaminantes prioritarios en aguas naturales. Las limitaciones más críticas para el desarrollo de un biosensor multianalito mediante métodos inmunoquímicos son los relacionados con su sensibilidad y selectividad. Por lo tanto, una parte importante de la tesis se ha centrado en la selección de inmunoreactivos, formato y optimización de diferentes parámetros claves del ensayo. Una estrategia utilizada para aumentar la sensibilidad de los ensayos ha consistido en marcar la inmunoreacción con nanopartículas de oro. Para ello, se ha estudiado diferentes tipos (esféricas y cilíndricas) de distinto tamaño y se han comparado sus prestaciones analíticas (relación señal ruido, sensibilidad etc.) También, se han desarrollado inmunoensayos cuantitativos sin necesidad de amplificación de la señal. Por otro lado, se ha desarrollado una aproximación que hemos denominado "inmunocaptura" basada en el uso de nanopartículas de oro como especie de captura de analitos en disolución y que actúa como marcador de la inmunointeracción que tiene lugar en la fase sólida. Finalmente, se han analizado muestras de agua naturales dopadas con distintos niveles de los analitos objeto de estudio para evaluar la utilidad de las metodologías desarrolladas como herramienta de screening masivo en el área medioambiental. Los resultados obtenidos han sido comparados con los obtenidos mediante las técnicas de referencia. Las investigaciones realizadas han permitido desarrollar nuevos formatos de ensayo y conocimientos inmunoquímicos aplicados a la tecnología de disco compacto, aportando nuevas herramientas de screening que permiten la determinación simultánea de contaminantes en aguas naturales por debajo de las concentraciones establecidas en la normativa europea de calidad de agua.[CA] La contaminació d'aigües superficials causada principalment per plaguicides i altres productes industrials és un dels grans problemes mediambientals actuals. Malgrat que aquestes substàncies estan presents en nivells molt baixos, tenen efectes perjudicials en humans i animals. Per aquest motiu, diferents institucions estatals han regulat els nivells de contaminants en àrees de control de la qualitat de l'aigua, creant llistes prioritàries de substàncies perilloses i tòxiques per al medi ambient. Actualment, la monitorització dels contaminants inclosos en les llistes oficials es realitza mitjançant tècniques cromatogràfiques i d'espectroscòpia de masses. Aquests mètodes analítics estan aprovats com a tècniques de referència per a la determinació de residus orgànics presents en aigües naturals. Malgrat ser tècniques fiables, reproduïbles i sensibles, els mètodes cromatogràfics no estan exempts d'inconvenients. Aquest tipus de metodologies requereix una instrumentació costosa i una laboriosa preparació de mostres que fan que l'anàlisi sigui, en general, complex. Per això, el desenvolupament de mètodes analítics alternatius que facilitin la possibilitat de fer mesures in-situ a baix cost i amb gran capacitat analítica és de gran utilitat. En aquest sentit, les tècniques inmunoquímiques tenen un gran potencial analític ja que són, en general, sensibles i selectives, es poden utilitzar en el lloc de presa de la mostra i tenen capacitat multianalit. Aquesta tesi s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament d'un sistema biosensor, basat en la tecnologia de disc compacte, per a la detecció multianalit de diversos contaminants prioritaris en aigües naturals. Les limitacions més crítiques per al desenvolupament d'un biosensor multianalit mitjançant mètodes inmunoquímics són sensibilitat i selectivitat. Per tant, una part important de la tesi es va centrar en la selecció de inmunoreactius, format i optimització de diferents paràmetres clau de l'assaig. La detecció es va dur a terme mitjançant l'ús de nanopartícules d'or com a marcadors de la inmunointeracció i amplificació de la senyal analítica. S'han estudiat diferents estructures d'or (esferes i cilindres) de diferents tamanys, i s'han comparat les seves prestacions analítiques (relació senyal-soroll, sensibilitat, etc.). També s'han desenvolupat immunoassaigs quantitatius sense necessitat d'amplificació del senyal. Per altra banda, s'ha desenvolupat una aproximació que hem denominat "inmunocaptura", basada en l'ús de nanopartícules d'or com a espècie de captura d'analits en dissolució i que actua com a marcador de la inmunointeracció que té lloc en la fase sòlida. Finalment, s'han analitzat mostres d'aigües naturals dopades amb diferents nivells dels analits objecte d'estudi per avaluar la utilitat de les metodologies desenvolupades com a eina de "screening" massiu en l'àrea mediambiental. Els resultats obtinguts han sigut avaluats per comparació amb els obtinguts mitjançant tècniques de referència. Les investigacions realitzades han permès desenvolupar nous formats d'assaig i coneixements inmunoquímics aplicats a la tecnologia de disc compacte, aportant noves eines de "screening" que permetin la determinació de contaminants en aigües naturals per sota dels límits de concentració establerts per les normes internacionals de la qualitat de l'aigua.Dobosz, PD. (2017). Screening methodologies for the determination of water contaminant residues by compact disk technology [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79548TESI

    Optimisation of an environmentally friendly foundry inorganic binder core making process for the replacement of an organic binder

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    Abstract: The Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is the South African blueprint for national infrastructure development. The plan promotes labour-intensive industralisation that broadens participation and raises competitiveness .This policy is aligned with the National Development plan launched in 2012 with the ultimate goal to eliminate poverty and reduce employment by 2030 [1]. According to these plans, efforts are to be deployed to support small and medium enterprises that have the potential to create jobs while supplying goods for the much needed infrastructure development of the country in terms of road, energy, water and telecommunications. One of these small and medium enterprises sector is the foundry industry responsible for producing castings with engineering, mining and automotive applications..