1,989 research outputs found

    Constraining RRc candidates using SDSS colours

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    The light variations of first-overtone RR Lyrae stars and contact eclipsing binaries can be difficult to distinguish. The Catalina Periodic Variable Star catalog contains several misclassified objects, despite the classification efforts by Drake et al. (2014). They used metallicity and surface gravity derived from spectroscopic data (from the SDSS database) to rule out binaries. Our aim is to further constrain the catalog using SDSS colours to estimate physical parameters for stars that did not have spectroscopic data.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the RRL2015 - High-Precision Studies of RR Lyrae Stars conference, to appear in the Communications from the Konkoly Observator

    Characteristics of randomized controlled trials of yoga: A bibliometric analysis

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    © 2014 Cramer et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Background: A growing number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have investigated the therapeutic value of yoga interventions. This bibliometric analysis aimed to provide a comprehensive review of the characteristics of the totality of available randomized yoga trials. Methods: All RCTs of yoga were eligible. Medline/PubMed, Scopus, the Cochrane Library, IndMED, and the tables of content of yoga specialty journals not listed in medical databases were screened through February 2014. Bibliometric data, data on participants, and intervention were extracted and analyzed descriptively. Results: Published between 1975 and 2014, a total of 366 papers were included, reporting 312 RCTs from 23 different countries with 22,548 participants. The median study sample size was 59 (range 8-410, interquartile range = 31, 93). Two hundred sixty-four RCTs (84.6%) were conducted with adults, 105 (33.7%) with older adults and 31 (9.9%) with children. Eighty-four RCTs (26.9%) were conducted with healthy participants. Other trials enrolled patients with one of 63 varied medical conditions; the most common being breast cancer (17 RCTs, 5.4%), depression (14 RCTs, 4.5%), asthma (14 RCTs, 4.5%) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (13 RCTs, 4.2%). Whilst 119 RCTs (38.1%) did not define the style of yoga used, 35 RCTs (11.2%) used Hatha yoga and 30 RCTs (9.6%) yoga breathing. The remaining 128 RCTs (41.0%) used 46 varied yoga styles, with a median intervention length of 9 weeks (range 1 day to 1 year; interquartile range = 5, 12). Two hundred and forty-four RCTs (78.2%) used yoga postures, 232 RCTs (74.4%) used breath control, 153 RCTs (49.0%) used meditation and 32 RCTs (10.3%) used philosophy lectures. One hundred and seventy-four RCTs (55.6%) compared yoga with no specific treatment; 21 varied control interventions were used in the remaining RCTs. Conclusions: This bibliometric analysis presents the most complete up-to-date overview on published randomized yoga trials. While the available research evidence is sparse for most conditions, there was a marked increase in published RCTs in recent years

    GLADE: A galaxy catalogue for multimessenger searches in the advanced gravitational-wave detector era

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    We introduce a value-added full-sky catalogue of galaxies, named as Galaxy List for the Advanced Detector Era, or GLADE. The purpose of this catalogue is to (i) help identifications of host candidates for gravitational-wave events, (ii) support target selections for electromagnetic follow-up observations of gravitational-wave candidates, (iii) provide input data on the matter distribution of the local Universe for astrophysical or cosmological simulations, and (iv) help identifications of host candidates for poorly localized electromagnetic transients, such as gamma-ray bursts observed with the InterPlanetary Network. Both being potential hosts of astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, GLADE includes inactive and active galaxies as well. GLADE was constructed by cross-matching and combining data from five separate (but not independent) astronomical catalogues: GWGC, 2MPZ, 2MASS XSC, HyperLEDA, and SDSS-DR12Q. GLADE is complete up to dL=37+3−4Mpc in terms of the cumulative B-band luminosity of galaxies within luminosity distance dL, and contains all of the brightest galaxies giving half of the total B-band luminosity up to dL=91Mpc. As B-band luminosity is expected to be a tracer of binary neutron star mergers (currently the prime targets of joint GW+EM detections), our completeness measures can be used as estimations of completeness for containing all binary neutron star merger hosts in the local Universe

    The tidal parameters of TRAPPIST-1b and c

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    The TRAPPIST-1 planetary system consists of seven planets within 0.05 au of each other, five of which are in a multiresonant chain. These resonances suggest the system formed via planet migration; subsequent tidal evolution has damped away most of the initial eccentricities. We used dynamical N-body simulations to estimate how long it takes for the multiresonant configuration that arises during planet formation to break. From there we use secular theory to pose limits on the tidal parameters of planets b and c. We calibrate our results against multilayered interior models constructed to fit the masses and radii of the planets, from which the tidal parameters are computed independently. The dynamical simulations show that the planets typically go unstable 30 Myr after their formation. Assuming synchronous rotation throughout, we compute k_2/Q ≳ 2× 10^{-4} for planet b and k_2/Q ≳ 10^{-3} for planet c. Interior models yield (0.075-0.37) × 10-4 for TRAPPIST-1b and (0.4-2) × 10-4 for TRAPPIST-1c. The agreement between the dynamical and interior models is not too strong, but is still useful to constrain the dynamical history of the system. We suggest that this two-pronged approach could be of further use in other multiresonant systems if the planet's orbital and interior parameters are sufficiently well known

    Associated factors and consequences of risk of bias in randomized controlled trials of yoga: A systematic review

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    © 2015 Cramer et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Background: Bias in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of complementary therapy interventions seems to be associated with specific factors and to potentially distort the studies' conclusions. This systematic review assessed associated factors of risk of bias and consequences for the studies' conclusions in RCTs of yoga as one of the most commonly used complementary therapies. Methods: Medline/PubMed, Scopus, IndMED and the Cochrane Library were searched through February 2014 for yoga RCTs. Risk of selection bias was assessed using the Cochrane tool and regressed to a) publication year; b) country of origin; c) journal type; and d) impact factor using multiple logistic regression analysis. Likewise, the authors' conclusions were regressed to risk of bias. Results: A total of 312 RCTs were included. Impact factor ranged from 0.0 to 39.2 (median = 1.3); 60 RCT (19.2%) had a low risk of selection bias, and 252 (80.8%) had a high or unclear risk of selection bias. Only publication year and impact factor significantly predicted low risk of bias; RCTs published after 2001 (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 12.6; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.7, 94.0; p<0.001) and those published in journals with impact factor (adjusted OR = 2.6; 95%CI = 1.4, 4.9; p = 0.004) were more likely to have low risk of bias. The authors' conclusions were not associated with risk of bias. Conclusions: Risk of selection bias was generally high in RCTs of yoga; although the situation has improved since the publication of the revised CONSORT statement 2001. Pre-CONSORT RCTs and those published in journals without impact factor should be handled with increased care; although risk of bias is unlikely to distort the RCTs' conclusions

    Mindfulness-based stress reduction for breast cancer- A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in patients with breast cancer. Methods The medline, Cochrane Library, embase, cambase, and PsycInfo databases were screened through November 2011. The search strategy combined keywords for MBSR and MBCT with keywords for breast cancer. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing MBSR or MBCT with control conditions in patients with breast cancer were included. Two authors independently used the Cochrane risk of bias tool to assess risk of bias in the selected studies. Study characteristics and outcomes were extracted by two authors independently. Primary outcome measures were health-related quality of life and psychological health. If at least two studies assessing an outcome were available, standardized mean differences (SMDS) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for that outcome. As a measure of heterogeneity, I 2 was calculated. Results Three RCTs with a total of 327 subjects were included. One RCT compared MBSR with usual care, one RCT compared MBSR with free-choice stress management, and a three-arm RCT compared MBSR with usual care and with nutrition education. Compared with usual care, MBSR was superior in decreasing depression (SMD: -0.37; 95% CI: -0.65 to -0.08; p = 0.01; I 2 = 0%) and anxiety (SMD: -0.51; 95% CI: -0.80 to -0.21; p = 0.0009; I 2 = 0%), but not in increasing spirituality (SMD: 0.27; 95% CI: -0.37 to 0.91; p = 0.41; I 2 = 79%). Conclusions There is some evidence for the effectiveness of MBSR in improving psychological health in breast cancer patients, but more RCTs are needed to underpin those results. © 2012 Multimed Inc

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Estimating the Expected Dropout Rates in Randomized Controlled Trials on Yoga Interventions

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    © 2016 Holger Cramer et al. A reasonable estimation of expected dropout rates is vital for adequate sample size calculations in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Underestimating expected dropouts rates increases the risk of false negative results while overestimating rates results in overly large sample sizes, raising both ethical and economic issues. To estimate expected dropout rates in RCTs on yoga interventions, MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, IndMED, and the Cochrane Library were searched through February 2014; a total of 168 RCTs were meta-analyzed. Overall dropout rate was 11.42% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 10.11%, 12.73%) in the yoga groups; rates were comparable in usual care and psychological control groups and were slightly higher in exercise control groups (rate = 14.53%; 95% CI = 11.56%, 17.50%; odds ratio = 0.82; 95% CI = 0.68, 0.98; p = 0.03). For RCTs with durations above 12 weeks, dropout rates in yoga groups increased to 15.23% (95% CI = 11.79%, 18.68%). The upper border of 95% CIs for dropout rates commonly was below 20% regardless of study origin, health condition, gender, age groups, and intervention characteristics; however, it exceeded 40% for studies on HIV patients or heterogeneous age groups. In conclusion, dropout rates can be expected to be less than 15 to 20% for most RCTs on yoga interventions. Yet dropout rates beyond 40% are possible depending on the participants' sociodemographic and health condition

    Long-term tidal evolution of the TRAPPIST-1 system

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    The ultracool M-dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 is surrounded by seven planets configured in a resonant chain. Transit-timing variations have shown that the planets are caught in multiple three-body resonances and that their orbits are slightly eccentric, probably caused by resonant forcing. The current values of the eccentricities could be a remnant from their formation. Here we run numerical simulations using fictitious forces of trapping the fully-grown planets in resonances as they migrated in the gas disc, followed by numerical simulations detailing their tidal evolution. For a reduced disc scale height h∼0.03h\sim 0.03--0.05, the eccentricities of the planets upon capture in resonance are higher than their current values by factors of a few. We show that the current eccentricities and spacing of planets d to h are natural outcomes of coupled tidal evolution wherein the planets simultaneously damp their eccentricities and separate due to their resonant interaction. We further show that the planets evolve along a set of equilibrium curves in semimajor axis--eccentricity phase space that are defined by the resonances, and that conserve angular momentum. As such, the current 8:5--5:3--(3:2)2^2--4:3--3:2 resonant configuration cannot be reproduced from a primordial (3:2)4^4--4:3--3:2 resonant configuration from tidal dissipation in the planets alone. We use our simulations to constrain the long-term tidal parameters k2/Qk_2/Q for planets b to e, which are in the range 10−310^{-3} to 10−210^{-2}, and show that these are mostly consistent with those obtained from interior modelling following reasonable assumptions.Comment: Accepted in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ
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